3 thoughts on “Mark Zuckerberg: The Biden Regime made me do it!”

  1. If there is an overused word that the year 2024 propagated it was ” like”….unless it was “so”….. . Maybe it will eventually dissolve in the “word graveyard”…along with the old word”aint”……… Somehow, I am not impressed with the commentators who can’t use three words without adding ” like ” and “so” to their narrative.

  2. Words like that provide a pause long enough for liars to organize their thoughts. Observe the face, the eyes of this man while he tries to do a 180 degree turn and become Elon Musk 2.0.

    Methodic lies and deception.

    Those two words are fossilized remnants of the 1970’s valley talk. Eventually they will become even more ridiculous and “like disappear so” good riddance! 😄

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