Who is Andrea Cionci? And what about his new theory on the Renunciation?

Editor’s Note: Later this week, there will be published in Italy, an entire interview with myself on this new theory of Cionci. — But as a preface for the English speaking world, who may not know the entire history of the Controversy about Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaration and how it fits in the matrix of Masonic infiltration in the Church and the U.S. Government’s Ideological Warfare program against the Catholic Faith, A. J. over at OMC Radio TV interviewed me today in this two part 1 1/2 hour interview, where we basically depth-charge the entire Globalist agenda since World War II and during the rest of the Trump administration, while showing how the Sutri Initiative is the Key to the Catholic Restoration.

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

5 thoughts on “Who is Andrea Cionci? And what about his new theory on the Renunciation?”

  1. Huge thanks for this most interesting & enlightening programme which “joins up many dots” as to how the rival masonic lodges have infiltrated almost every aspect of public life over the last century……

    For me as a lifelong UK resident one of the most eye-opening facts you revealed was that World War II was “pure theatre”……

    The numerous interruptions to your broadcast proved, for sure, that the masons/globalists were monitoring your dscussions closely!

    As regards the manifest problems in the Church and, especially, all the “complain-and-discuss-but-do-nothing” strategy of the numerous ‘grifters’, St James solemnly declares “So faith also, if it have not works, is dead in itself” [Ch. 2 v. 17].

    Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

    1. Signora avocatessa, FromRome.Info, con i suoi canali su YouTube, e’ domiciliato negli Stati Uniti e le leggi d’Italia non applicano a qualsiasi pubblicazione di questo giornale. Infatti, in diritto americano, esiste liberta’ di espressione in riguardo ad ogni persona pubblica, e secondo questo diritto un errore fatto in buon fede che e’ smentito nella stessa pagine non cade proprio in reato.

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