Editor’s Note: Since all the Popes from about 300 A. D. to 1965 dressed in elegant sacred paramenta and prayed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin, it’s not hard to imagine whom Pope Francis is attacking in his umpteenth recent ad hominem against Catholics who receive humbly the ecclesiastical traditions of the Roman Church. While FromRome.info generally avoids reports of Pope Francis’ insults, we publish this video for the record, since his recent comments are so egregiously uncharitable and false.
Forgive the Freudian parlance but the man is projecting his own insecurities. What kind of ‘pastor’ is he?
Well, may be this is the last I comment about all the nonsense.
For the time being I am staying at home reading holy books, praying and fasting. One has to mind the company one keeps.
Start your own …TLM. . Five women bought a house they turned into a CCHURCH . They also bought a rectory for the priest. In Chicago suburbs a TLM was started by 5 women in the 1970s whenV2 first took away the TLM. Or, move to Portugal