USA: A short history of the Nasty Aggiornamento vs. Humble, Persistent Devotion

Editor’s Note: While the above article is certainly in favor of the gross abuse of receiving communion standing in the Roman Rite, if you read between the lines you can see at war two diametrically opposite spirits, one which was nasty, pragmatic and without any reference to faith in the Real Presence, and another which was persistent, devout, humble and full of reverence for Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who humbles Himself infinitely when He comes to us in the Sacrament. — In the Byzantine Rites of the Church, where communion is given in the form of the Body and Blood, from one Chalice, it makes sense to receive standing, since there would be too much risk of spilling the Chalice if the priest had to bend over. But in the Roman Rite, communion on the tongue attains the perfection to which Christ exorted us, when He said, “Unless you become like little children”, and again, “Open your mouth, and I shall fill it!”. While avoiding every sacrilege possible on account of the tiny fragments which are common with unleavened hosts

Roman Catholics, keep using your right to receive kneeling and on the tongue! And we shall have the victory yet! Indeed, if you want to be an apostle of devotion, kneeling and receiving on the tongue always, in the Roman Rite, is a way to remind everyone of the Most Sacred Reality of the Eucharist. I have done this daily for nearly 35 years, and have been greatly blessed.

UPDATE: If you want to know if this Nasty Aggiornamento Spirit is still alive and kicking, read this article below:

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