Editor’s Note: This recent discovery not only could be used for tremendous good, but also for horrible evil. So it is important that we hear this news. — But the comments of the video producer about being part of a larger intelligence, is simply absurd. — The basic concept of bio-electricity is that the growth of cells into complex organs is coordinated by electro-magnetic signals between cells which are in physical contact, and not only among neurons. — Finally, I urge you all to be very cautious about claims to “cure cancer”, since this claim is often rolled out to push new research of all kinds.
If you can find it. Please read “A Planet Named Shayol” , a science fiction story by American writer Cordwainer Smith (the pen name of Paul Linebarger) where the author presents this as a nightmare. Prisoners are sent to Sheyol where they are used to grow extra organ for those in need of transplants.
Paul Linebarger was a CIA officer/linguist and a very interesting character who is likely to have converted to Catholicism during a visit to Mexico in the late 1950’s or 60’s.
Here is a link to a free copy of “A Planet Named Shayol”