How YouTube is attempting to manipulate the Videos Produced by YTers

News by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I was shocked today to learn that YouTube’s efforts to control the narrative and form your mind to think the way they want has gone to a new level. They are suggesting now to YouTube content creators the subject and title of Videos to be produced.

I discovered this by chance, when I logged into the YouTube Studio for the Italian channel of FromRome.Info. There I found, under the section content, a tab called, “Inspiration”. This tab has an interface where it suggests videos and will even take queries on topis to suggest videos to be made.

Obviously, if this was merely a tool for creators and not a tool to control creators it would work for any word or phrase. But, alas, who would expect that from YT now that their censorship has gone to extreme levels of intellectual property destruction, racketeering against content producers and even hiding search results, while taking revenue from some content creators, whom they have a special contract with, without making this known to the public?

Here are the results, via screen shot of some topics about which YouTube wants me to make videos and those it does not want me to make videos about:.






And finally,

With Globalist Censorship growing daily, No one will ever know about the above article, if you do not share it.

One thought on “How YouTube is attempting to manipulate the Videos Produced by YTers”

  1. May I point at something in my own experience. I do not appreciate interruptions so I have installed a very effective ad blocker. YT does not like that. So, apparently they detect the ad blocker users and deploy bots that will interrupt Internet service and make it nearly impossible to use one’s browser.

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