Editor’s Note: There is a consistent inaccuracy in reports about Pope Francis’ health. We are constantly told both that he is in good health, and that he has had only minor problems. But even a cursory search of the internet finds things not found in the above report, such as:
March 2023, when Pope Francis nearly died and was rushed to hospital, unconscious:
And again, when in the summer of 2021, he would have died, if his personal nurse had not discovered blood in his stool and recognized it as a sign of grave issues:
And again, recently Pope Francis fell down for the second time in two months:
And according to at least one study, those who fall down twice in a short period have a 60% higher chance of death:
Editor’s Note Continues: I am no expert in medicine, but I can relate that in the year before my own father passed away, he fell 2 times. And in the 18 months before my mother passed, she fell a number of times. Neither ever fell before or had the habit of falling.