Editor’s Note: This article by Eric Sammons, who once worked for the U. S. Government in data collection, is 100% cringe worthy for his audacious presumption to tell Catholics — even though he is a convert — what the Deposit of our Holy Faith contains and does not contain. Here he pontificates and insists that the Hexameron’s teaching that the world was created in 6 days is NOT part of the Deposit of the Faith, and that therefore Catholics cannot claim that belief in alien intelligent corporeal life is contrary to scripture.
For Catholics who know their faith, they will recognize immediately Eric Sammons fallacy, when he insists, that since the Magisterium has not defined either beliefs, they are not part of the Deposit of the Faith. He is quite wrong.
The Deposit of the Faith contains the whole of Sacred Scripture and the whole of Divine and Apostolic Tradition. Sacred Scripture includes all the books of the Bible accepted in the canon at the Council of Trent. The narrative of the creation of the world, in the Book of Genesis, is part of that canon. As Saint Thomas says, to deny that any verse of scripture is true is heresy by definition. To cut out an entire book or part thereof is obviously way worse, being an act of apostasy, because if you change the foundation upon which you build, it’s obvious you are not building the same house.
Also, I seem to remember that the infallible, inerrant prophet Isaiah said in chapter 45:18, that “God made the world … to be lived in.”. A verse which clearly means that a place for life requires the Divine Intervention.
It may not be obvious to Eric Sammons, but the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, has to be at work for life to exist. And if Scripture does not say He was at work, then the Deposit of Faith does not say there is life there.
Eric Sammons has shown himself to be a classical modernist and a deceptive publisher, who like many laymen throughout the ages has gone off the cliff of presumption and begun to be his own pope. Like nearly all Catholic social media personalities, who are converts, you waste your time listening to these persons, who are often if not nearly always wrong in something, even when they have academic degrees from Catholic institutions.
Eric Sammons also seems to be utterly uninformed about the recent discoveries in cosmology and biology, both of which by an ever growing consensus of empirical scientists require such a precise and mathematically impossible arrangement of things and causes, that God is the only rational explanation for the existence of the planet Earth and of the abundant life on it. So the truth is, that Sammons by denying parts of the Deposit of the Faith to make room for science, is really making room for scientism and disbelief.
I heard him once. That was enough. But then … this is Crisis Magazine. I wasted my money subscribing long ago. I am surprised it still survives.
Dr. Robert Sungenis writes about all this in his masterful work, “Galileo Was Wrong The Church Was Right”. Cosmology has given evidence that the earth is at the centre of the universe from three probes sent up to measure cosmic radiation, it’s just the high priests of scientism cannot bring themselves to admit it.
It is sadly ironic that Crisis magazine’s original intention of addressing most or all of the Church’s postconciliar deceptions & distractions has, in recent times, been creating an additional crisis by departing from the Church’s Magisterium/Deposit of Faith…..!!
“For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned into fables.” [2 Timothy 4: 3-4]
Since the Pachamama Mass was mostly ignored by the Catholic intelligentsia — when it should have been a call to arms against an apostate idolatrous ‘pope’ — I simply stopped reading or listening to the usual suspects. I read the Fathers instead. I can’t waste my time sorting the various degrees of aficionados. Fra Bugnolo’s website offers much more than any of those Protestants-turned-Catholic-commentariat. FromRome is Catholic as far as I can see. The others I do not know. I hope for their own good they are.