Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis acts like a servant of Satan’s servants

Editor’s Note: It is a principle of the natural law that if you know of a crime, you denounce the guilty party to the proper authorities so that they can take action and arrest and punish him and restore the order of justice. In U. S. Civil Law the failure to report a serious crime is called “misprison of felony”. Even in the new penal code published by Pope Francis during his antipapacy (and therefore having no legal value) reads in canon 1371:

§ 6. A person who neglects to report an offence, when required to do so by a canonical law, is to be punished according to the provision of can. 1336 §§ 2-4, with the addition of other penalties according to the gravity of the offence. (Vatican Official English translation)

So what I do not understand at all about Archbishop Viganò is why he is constantly publishing declamations of the crimes of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, while at the same time never bringing a case against him in any tribunal of the Church.

What does this achieve?

And why does he not instruct the faithful what they can actually do to see Bergoglio brought to trial?

I leave these questions to my readers, to ponder, so as to shed better light on the real crisis in the Church: which is the moral failure and inaction of so many Catholics to do their duty in the Lord.

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4 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis acts like a servant of Satan’s servants”

  1. It may be that the outspoken episcopal opposition to Pope Francis who have tainted episcopal lineages (Zen, Strickland, Vigano, Lenga, Burke, Brandmuller, Muller, Cafarra, Meisner etc) is to complain about Pope Francis without actually advancing the cannonical solutions to his papacy and so lead Catholics into schism.

    Bishop Vigano and Cardinal Burke were consecrated by JPII who was ordained a deacon and priest by Cardinal Sapieha, whose both co-consecrators have Rampolla lineage.

    Cardinal Zen is a direct episcopal discendent of Rampolla.

    Bishop Strickland is an episcopal descendent of Cardinal De Lai, whose both co-consecrators where Rampolla men.

    Bishop Lenga and Cardinal Cafarra are of the episcopal lineage of De La Chiesa who was Cardinal Rampolla’s personal secretary when he was nuncio to Spain. When De La Chiesa was elected Pope in 1914 (Benedict XV) he publically promoted the independence of Poland from the Austro Hungarian empire, thus helping the freemasons end the Catholic monarchy there.

    Cardinal Brandmuller is of the episcopal lineage if Cardinal Doria Pamphilj whom you have said was a famous episcopal freemason from the 18th century.

    Cardinal Muller’s co consecrator was Cardinal Lehman, a member of the St Gallen mafia, and whose episcopal lineage goes back to Cardinal Richard de la Verge, who collaborated with Cardinal Rampolla on the Ralliément policy.

    Cardinal Meisner’s episcopal lineage goes back to Cardinal Cunha de Ataide through Cardinal Mattei’s co consecrator Archbishop Conti.

    Maybe we should be looking for Bishops and Cardinals who do not have these affiliations, such as Cardinal Pell.

    1. Rampolla had extensive influence and thus has left a massive episcopal lineage. However, just because a man has no ties to him, according to his apostolic succession is no guarantee. Just look up the episcopal lineage of Cardinal McCarrick!

      Yes, it is true, that McCarrick who slept with all the men who he was about to ordain was made a Cardinal by John Paul II, who elevated most of the key members of the St. Gallen Mafia.

      Now that John Paul II has been accused of being intimately involved in the disappearance of Emmanuela Orlandi, a closer look needs to be taken into his personal life. OMC Radio TV will publish the explosive revelations in a few weeks.

      1. Indeed, there are never any guarantees that a man without any masonic episcopal lineage acts as a Catholic, but it probably improves the odds. Cardinal Pell didn’t have any direct masonic episcopal ancestors and he was hated by them in life and after his death. Maybe there are others out there. It will be helpful to know of them especially with the potential chaos that may ensue in the church after the death of Pope Francis.

        It seems to me that all Popes since Benedict XV (and with the exception of Pope Benedict XVI and JPI) collaborated with freemasonry. In fact one could argue that it goes back to Leo XIII who was convinced by Rampolla into accepting the new Ralliément policy whereby the Church lifted its opposition to Catholics cooperating with the French masonic government. There is a two part video on Vendee Radio about this.

        As for McCarrick, his lineage runs back through Cardinal Spellman to de la Chiesa who was Rampolla’s secretary.

        I am very much looking forward to the JPII video!

      2. Let us not forget all the faithful that were harmed and persecuted by McCarrick. His criminal activities were not limited to those publicly known these days.

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