VATICAN: Ruthless Capitalistic Tactics used to shut down Vatican Supermarket

Editor’s Note: While it is often said that Pope Francis is a communist or Marxist, this news shows that he is neither, at least in principle and execution, or when push comes to shoving, as we say in the U.S.A..

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4 thoughts on “VATICAN: Ruthless Capitalistic Tactics used to shut down Vatican Supermarket”

  1. I wait for the day when industry returns to focusing on providing full employment as the primary means of providing wealth for workers rather than focusing on reducing the price to consumer at the expense of employment. This focus on full employment was the policy in Spain during Franco’s era.

    1. John, if you think that through, you would end up with a society where everyone is employed but no one has a salary sufficient to live.

      1. I agree. And that by default is a type of slavery. Even slaves had some “ room and board” provided so they could still serve their masters.

    2. When human beings agree to serve God through serving neighbor and the whole of society concentrates in giving glory to God with productive and charitable lives … then we will have full employment and a decent society.

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