VATICAN CITY: Sr. Raffaella Petrini to be next Governor of City State

Editor’s Note: When the Popes ruled territory in central Italy “Rome” meant the Papal Court, and decisions emanating from the Apostolic See were said to be “from Rome”. Now a days, the correct practice is to say, “the Vatican”. But what many Catholics often forget is that “the Vatican”, the papal court, is located in the Vatican City State, which is a state with a civil-legal existence like any other independent city state. Yes, it is owned, or more properly said, “to be ruled” by the Pope, as a supreme monarch, but even Monarchs appoint governors of territories. Pope Francis recently announced, that the next governor of the Vatican City State will be a religious sister, a complete novelty in the history of civil states belonging to the Patrimony of Saint Peter. The Vatican City State is about 500 acres in size and has about 5000 employees and residents. It’s much smaller than most towns in developed countries. It has its own stores and police, printeries, offices, museums, archives, financial institutions, and hosts, of course, a large part of the Roman Curia and papal administrative organs, though a good part is also found in buildings outside of Vatican territory, along the Via della Conciliazione and throughout Rome in numerous extra-territorial possessions of the Apostolic See. — However, as someone who has seen how Catholic parishes are organized and run in different parts of the world, I cannot help notice that the clergy who are most “pro-sodomy” or who are the most effeminate, nearly always appoint a woman to run the parish. That model seems now to have arrived at the Vatican.

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