NICARAGUA: Marxist Dictatorship confiscates Catholic Diocesan Seminary

Editor’s Note: The persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua has strangely had silent collaboration from many “conservatives” and “traditionalists” in the West, who see the Church in Nicaragua as heavily infiltrated by socialists and marxists itself. However, this narrative of tacit consent has blown up with the recent news that the Nicaraguan regime has confiscated a Catholic Seminary to prevent the formation of Catholic priests. It did not make much sense, as has been claimed, that the government was persecuting the “left-wingers” in the Church in Nicaragua, since the government itself is Marxist. — Let us pray for all the clergy and faithful and religious in that country, that they keep the faith and give good testimony to it in these evil times. — And for those in the United States, please make known to your representatives, that such actions against Catholic liberty, in the back yard of the United States, should not be tolerated, if the USA is going to have any credibility on protecting Christians world-wide. Mr. Cruz, the new U. S. Secretary of State, and a Catholic himself, should hear Catholics out on this and take swift action with the Nicaraguan regime.

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