USA Border Czar to Pope Francis: “Fix the Church. It’s a mess!”

Editor’s Note: After Pope Francis savaged the deportation-of-illegal-immigrants policy of President Donald Trump, the latter’s “Border Czar”, who oversees all deportation affairs of the administration, replied with a stinging remark. — Recently nearly the entire U. S. Episcopate has begun a very hot criticism and opposition to the deportation-of-illegal immigrants, even going to far as to challenge the new administration of Donald Trump in court. — This united action of the Catholic Bishops in the U. S. A. seems to be orchestrated from the Vatican. If this should turn out true, Pope Francis may soon find a head of state of one of the most powerful countries in the world looking into what can be done to remove Pope  Francis. The Sutri Initiative is the way to do it. — Unfortunately for those in Pope Francis’ court, they are so drunk on their own self-promoting propaganda, that they do not realize how juridically-able-to-be-challenged is his claim to the papacy. Nor do they seem to understand how much of a militant opponent they have engaged in battle as Donald Trump.

However, I do not know which is more ironic or laughable, for Pope Francis in his walled city to fault Trump for expelling illegal aliens, or for Trump’s Border Czar to tell Pope Francis, of all men, to fix the Church.

That Pope  Francis is organizing resistance to Trump’s immigration policies, however, is not my personal opinion, but that held by notable Catholic clergy in the U.S.A., as can be seen from this report:

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3 thoughts on “USA Border Czar to Pope Francis: “Fix the Church. It’s a mess!””

  1. By the end of the year when Lenin and Mao are elevated to the altars, Pope Francis will be done fixing the Catholic Church.

  2. If any one can find a copy of Fulton Sheens 1st book entitled Communism and the Conscience of the West, it is a read worth examining….One must wonder why this book never recieved much publicity and never had a paperback printed !!!??. It should be in the public domain now as it came out in the 1940s. If anyone knows where it can be bought please let us know…

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