Editor’s Note: The above document contains a number of accusations against Pope Francis. It is written by Father JesusMary Misighebo, an Opus Dei priest from West Africa. — The unfortunate problems with this letter are multiple, but chiefly, first, because it is not written in proper canonical form as a legal complaint for the violation of rights against the accused. For even if the Apostolic Signatura could put a Pope on trial — something that in Canon Law it has no authority to do — the Signatura is not a prosecutorial or inquisitorial agency to hear complaints and investigate them. Second, the petition is made by priest who is already ostensibly — I say ostensibly meaning “in appearance” — excommunicated. Third, the petition is not made by all the persons whom it alleges have had their rights violated. Fourth, the petition is made under the nom du plum of the author, not under his baptismal or civil name. And finally, the crimes alleged are not all prosecutable in the same tribunal, because some regard personal offenses, when Bergoglio was in Argentina, others do not regard him at all, but ask to know if the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI was “valid” or not — a thing only a provincial council at Rome could judge.
However, if you want click bait, favs, and likes on a FaceBook post, rather than actually to solve the problem, this would be a great document to share. Unfortunately, for these people, Christ Jesus, the Eternal Truth will be their judge, and He does not take kindly to such hypocrisy of claiming that crimes should be investigated, while bringing them to the public knowledge of everyone except the tribunal capable of hearing the case.
The correct forum for such a complaint is a Provincial Council in the ecclesiastical province of Rome. This has been explained many times since 2018. But after Pope Francis signed ‘Fiducia supplicans’ it seems that “Catholic opposition” social media all agree to do everything but. That is why I have for two years called them “Pope Francis’ gay opposition”.
Watch now which sites publish news about this petition, without mentioning any of its flaws.
This petition was published on January 22, 2025.
Traduction française :
Vatican – À propos de la lettre officielle au Cardinal Dominique Mamberti demandant l’ouverture de six enquêtes sur Jorge Mario Bergoglio