Br. Bugnolo’s very Urgent Appeal: February, 2025

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

This month I have some big news to announce.

I have welcomed to the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, Father Walter Covens, who since January 22, 2025, has taken up residence here. You may know Father already through his French language translations of so, so many of the articles of FromRome.Info.

Father Walter (see photo above) was born at Antwerp in Belgium. He became a Catholic priest in Switzerland, in the Diocese of Sion, where he served for 7 years. Then, inspired to help in the missions, he joined the Fidei Donum program, established by Pope John Paul II and went to help the Diocese of Fort de France, Martinique, where he has served nearly 30 years. This year, with the permission of his Bishop, he joins me in the work of The Scholasticum, a telematic institute focusing on Saint Thomas Aquinas and Saint Bonaventure. He holds a Licentiate in Ecclesiastical History from the Dominican Faculty at Fribourg, Switzerland, and will serve as President of the nascent institute.

Father Covens is 73, or rather, will be on Monday, January 27, which is his birthday! You can wish him a happy birthday in the comments below.

Father, however, shows no sign of an aged spirit, as he has volunteered to help me in this apostolate; and I in turn have promised him free room and board, trusting in the providence of God. And I for my part, see to his needs, cooking his meals and chauffeuring him around.

For this reason, I ask that you continue to support my work at Rome in February, 2025. And I will need your generous help because of the added expenses I must confront.

BUT FIRST, I wish to thank each of you who have supported me and my apostolates in the past, either by prayers or your charitable donations. I understand that with the economic problems world-wide, not as many of you can help as in the past. Pray for me, if you cannot, that the Lord will send new benefactors.

Here is list of Expenses Brother will have in February, 2025 ( a means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):

$ 1000 for groceries and gas
– $ 600 for shortfall in January, getting hermitage ready for Father Covens
√ $ 1560 Rent due on Feb. 15, 2025 (for the period February to May, 2025)

TOTAL: $3110

Total raised so far (from January 26 to today): $ 1649 US Dollars.

(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in January/February as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)

Previous Post for the January 2025 Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during January!


You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …

Help Br. Bugnolo:

Help FromRome.Info:’s Bi-Annual Server Costs  of $3485 USD come due in June of 2025:  So far $600 USD has been donated to this cause.

Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:

Help  The Scholasticum:

For the expenses to get this Institute up and running for the Fall of 2025. So far $2850 has been raised.

For more information on the Scholasticum, see here:

If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here. It’s now on sale for $40 USD a copy (shipping not included).

Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire

Add the note: ROME to your transfer.

For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:

Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium

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7 thoughts on “Br. Bugnolo’s very Urgent Appeal: February, 2025”

  1. Happy Birthday Fr Covens!! May God bless and keep you and bless the work of your hands for the kingdom of God. Enjoy the day. Praying for you and brother in your ministry 🙏

  2. Dear Br.Bugnolo
    is there an address and phone nr., i am not sure what is necessary but only way i could send you some help in cash through Moneygram. Please use my email for reply.

    1. Jana, thanks for your offer. But because I am a Franciscan, I cannot have a personal monegram account or receive a check. But pray for me instead, and that will be already something great!

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