3 thoughts on “France & Germany to oppose US Annexation of Greenland”

  1. France has several possessions in the Americas, one of them is the Island of Guadeloupe discovered by Christopher Columbus.
    Germany did not ask the US when they decided to occupy the Sudetenland.
    Both countries are virtually occupied by North African Muslims.

    If the inhabitants of Greenland want to be part of the American Union, why should France and Germany shriek their opinion. Don’t they have problems to solve at home?

    1. For the same reason that the US schrieks its opinion: geopolitics, i.e. minerals, shipping routes & who nukes the other first. Greenland shall remain european, for the safety of the european nations.

    2. I doubt the the inhabitants of Greenland want to be part of the US. And certainly a roomful of MAGA hat wearing Greenlanders with Donald Trump Jr is just propaganda.

      This is Trump giving democrats the opportunity to see the parallels with Hitler before he builds the biggest AI infrastructure to control all humanity and then discredits conservativism for good.


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