Trump thinks he has jurisdiction over Geography

Historical Note by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

A Catholic, if he be true to who he be, has a long memory and while not a traditionalist, in the sense condemned by the First Vatican Council — namely, who holds that all truth comes from the past through human tradition — nevertheless remembers history. And so, this week we Catholics the world over get the last laugh. Because Donald Trump, a protestant at best, if he be a christian — I say this not out of disrespect, but because the “church” he has gone to for decades, “of positive thinking” is not a Christian church — is attempting to assert the political influence of the United States by “renaming” the Gulf of Mexico the “Gulf of America”. But Catholics remember who discovered the New World, and he was a Roman Catholic. And Catholics remember after whom the New World was named, and he was also a Roman Catholic. And, thus what Donald Trump is attempting to do in renaming the Gulf to the south of the shores of the continental United States, to assert the dominance of that nation over its borders, is really just adding another Catholic name to the map, just as the United States by its very name cannot extricate itself from the name of a Catholic explorer and the historical fact that Catholics discovered the New World, bringing the light of Christ’s Salvation to a people who had lived in darkness for eons and a bounty of opportunity to the Christian peoples and their civilization to an entire hemisphere of the Earth.

As far as the  name “Gulf of Mexico” goes, it appears to have been used by non-Catholics instead of the names which Catholic explorers gave to the Gulf as, “Gulf of Saint Mary” and “Gulf of the Holy Spirit”, with “Mexico” being preferred to “New Spain”, even though “Mexico” comes from the Spanish name for Mexico City, which little-by-little was used for the entire Vice Royalty of New Spain. (See a map of 1708, with this name on it, here)

What Trump seems to misunderstand, is that “America” is not the name of his country, and “Gulf of America” is thus confusing, since there are many gulfs all along the shores of North and South America. He seems he should call it the “Gulf of the United States”, and maybe that will dawn on him after he hears a host of complaints from Geographical Associations and Institutions as well as publishers of Maps and Atlases.

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One thought on “Trump thinks he has jurisdiction over Geography”

  1. Choosing form over substance is never a good choice in politics.
    Juan Peron had a province of Argentina (El Chaco) named after him and another province named after his wife (La Pampa). Obama changed the name of Mount McKinley to stick it to a good, patriotic president. The French Revolution went renaming everything under the sun. All renaming efforts mentioned above ended up being dust in the wind.

    The gulf of Mexico will always be the Gulf of Mexico. Cheap chauvinism is below the classic American sentiment. One day we will have to apologize for that useless act of arrogance.

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