U.K.: Bishop Richard Williamson dies

Editor’s Note: Reconciled to the Apostolic See on January 24, 2009, under Pope Benedict XVI, who lifted the surreptitious excommunication levied by his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson died in the embrace of the Church. He was a reader of FromRome.Info during the pandemic, since he cited its reports about the danger of the DeathVaxxes. Though he went on to consecrate several bishops, Pope Benedict XVI never penalized him for it, before his own death on Dec. 31, 2022. May he rest in peace.

Born into a wealthy family in the United Kingdom, but of an American mother, during the Battle of Britain, on March 8, 1940, A. D., he eventually attended Clare College, Cambridge, where he earned a degree in English Literature. He converted to the Catholic Faith in 1971 and within a few months joined the  Society of Saint Pius X. He was illicitly ordained a priest, at Econe, Switzerland, in 1976.

In 1988, on June 30, Msgr. Williamson was one of the four men illicitly consecrated a Bishop by the late Archbishop Marcel LeFebvre, the founder of the Society of Saint Pius X, whereupon Pope John Paul II excommunicated him.

After Pope Benedict XVI lifted the excommunication, he was hounded by Vatican officials and civil officials in Argentina and Germany for his statements controverting the well-accepted historical propaganda that 6 million Jews were put to death in concentration camps by the Nazi Regime, an assertion which is now widely accepted as false in countries where it is not a political crime to deny it. He was subsequently expelled from the Society of Saint Pius X in 2012, for not accepting their disciplinary measures against him for his statements.

Msgr. Williamson died of a cerebral stroke, on January 29th. He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage on the 16th anniversary of his reconciliation to the Church and was taken immediately to hospital where he passed quietly.

Williamson was a man who spent his life swimming in the direction of the truth against the currents of his age. He was not a man to keep from speaking it, out of human respect or fear of the press. He had, thus, an ocean of virtue beyond most of his contemporaries.

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10 thoughts on “U.K.: Bishop Richard Williamson dies”

  1. A lion of England has passed away. I always read his online letters. Who is like unto him in the anglo speaking Church?
    Sad news

  2. Several times I passed on links to fromrome, in particular re the faux renunciation of Benedict XVI, which he replied, ‘interesting’.

  3. Lacrimosa dies illa,
    Qua resurget ex favilla,
    Judicandus homo reus:
    huic ergo parce Deus.

    Bp Williamson’s Sunday homilies were frequently shared online in recent years; these I always found to be uplifting and reassuring; he was oftentimes rightly critical of the current hierarchy from Bergoglio downwards, together with the many deceptions & distractions of the post-Vatican II years.

    Your last paragraph reminds me of the expression: “A dead fish goes with the flow but a strong live fish swims against the current!” Let us all pray earnestly for many more ‘strong fish’ within our hierarchy & priesthood.

    Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem.

  4. Fr Nix a.k.a “Padre Peregrino” has published on his web-log a most interesting chart drawn by Bp Williamson some years ago which links Protestantism to Vatican II via Ecumenism, Modernism, and Communism and its stated conclusion is “The Catholic Church needs a REVOLUTION to give glory to modern man – ‘Gaudium et Spes’. ”

    This chart “joins up many dots” indeed for me as a 2012 convert from the C of E but, maybe, Br Alexis, you may like to comment upon it?

    St John Bosco, pray for us.

    1. I think the chart is a very superficial dumbed down version of history which omits the most important part, the role of the Masonic Lodges and institutions they have weaponized for their project. To hold that ideas lead to bad ideas of their own, is a Cartesian / Kantian error which is simply not true. Vatican II would never have happened if High Clerics did not consent to betray Jesus Christ and the clergy in general decided to not resist. Yes, exaggerated obedience to the Pope was the weak spot in the Catholic Religion and our enemies exploited it and are exploiting it to the max.

      1. Thanks for that critique – yes indeed, the Masonic Lodges are conspicuous by their absence from the chart!

        Christus vincit; Christus regnat; Christus imperat.

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