Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Here a writer at “The Pillar” confuses the word “dismissed” with “refuted”. “To dismiss” something, is to reject it with or without consideration. But “to refute” something is to show by reasons that the argument it presents is fallacious in some manner sufficient enough to show that its principal conclusions are false.
“The Pillar” has a long history, as documented here at FromRome.Info, of publishing false, misleading, or inaccurate statements.
They were even sued for one of them.
But to tell your readers that the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI is an abdication by such round about propagandistic statements, and no reasons, is the duty of a “Ministry of Truth” ala 1984, and not a Pillar of anything in the Church.
In my experience, however, only those who are intellectual cowards dismiss arguments they do not agree with. Men of truth, rather, study the sources of truth and compare them with the reasons of the arguments they oppose, to find flaws, if any; and if they do, the refute them, and if they do not they recognize that it was they who were wrong and not their opponents. — Alas this attitude is very rare among online publishers and Social Media personalities.
Ironically, “The Pillar” is so amazed at Edgar’s type of journalism that they did a fundraiser last year to pay his way to live in Rome and report for them; their fundraising letter claimed Edgar is the kind of journalist Catholics need to have at Rome. Gasp!
I do not know why, because, propaganda can be written from any location.
The truth is that no one with a degree in Canon Law has EVER refuted the claim that Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio is not an abdication, because it is so patent that the claim is true, you would have to jettison all reason and your entire reputation, not to mention twist the meaning of every Canon in the Code of Canon Law. Indeed, the very fact that every priest who states the claim in public is being excommunicated on the spot without even being given due process or brought before a tribunal of experts in the law, shows that the claim can only be dismissed by those with malice of aforethought: it cannot be refuted by right reason.
Traduction française
Edgar Beltrán: Les canonistes ont rejeté la théorie du bénévacantisme