Italian Government proposes Bill to leave W.H.O.

Editor’s Note: Here at FromRome.Info we have long memories and do not forget, that Matteo Salvini, during the Scamdemic was not only NOT opposed to the lock-down measures, but was MORE extreme than even many of the Left wing party members then in the government. So I think we can ask, whether leaving the W. H. O. is actually going to have any effect that will save lives, since someone, who wanted to maximize deaths and the terror campaign, is in favor of leaving it.

Trump’s own move to leave the W. H. O. is wildly popular in the U. S. A., but then again, he is the one who pushed the development and distribution of the DeathVaxx.

What seems to really be going on, is the Globalists are at play to regain control after having exposed themselves and lost some of that control during the last attempt at mass murder. So they are giving each nation a leader whom the people trust, but always someone compromised, to get them to consent to being led into another “catch and kill” pen.

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One thought on “Italian Government proposes Bill to leave W.H.O.”

  1. Nobody believes Salvini or any politician in Italy anymore. He just acts out of fear, in the vain attempt to recover credibility, or more probably out of fear because his dossier is now in Trump’s hands (whatever camp orange batman may belong to).

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