by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
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Nearly 12 years ago, Pope Benedict XVI read aloud in the Clementine Hall, before the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, assembled for the approbation of 3 groups of Saints, his now famous “Declaratio”, an administrative act which announced that he was to renounce the “ministry … which he received through the hands of the Cardinals …” as of Feb. 28, of that year. The document, rife with errors in Latin and juridical concepts, was immediately recognized by even the most main stream publications as the BBC (see Feb. 28, 2013 report here) to risk splitting the Church in two and making the man to be elected in the upcoming Conclave an anti-pope.
His conscious, free decision to renounce the ministerium rather than the munus of the Roman Pontiff was the cause and origin of the controversy, which is mocked by those-still-in-denial after 12 years, as “Benevacantism”, a term coined by Steve Skojec, founder of 1 Peter 5.
But ironically, Pope Benedict XVI’s Great Error — unlike Pope Celestine V’s “Great Refusal” — is a gift, that is, a munus, which keeps on giving, because whatsoever was his intention, and whatsoever is the opinion of any observer, Pope Benedict XVI’s action began a great divorce in the Church, between the juridical order and the church of appearances.
For from the moment that he neglected or failed to actually renounce the Petrine Munus (as he had apparently announced he would do) on Feb. 28, 2013, the Apostolic See has been in a state equivalent to an impeded see, with the entire Roman Curia and Courts deprived of all legal right to act and issue any decisions or judgements, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who came out of the illegal and uncanonical Conclave of 2013, as Pope Francis, of all right to govern the Church. This is because, the entire Roman Curia operates licitly and validly only inasmuch as they assist the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his Petrine Ministry. When he refuses to do this, they cease to have any legitimacy.
This has made all of Pope Francis’ acts, statements, documents, letters etc. and treaties since March 13, 2013, until the death of Pope Benedict XVI on Dec. 31, 2022, null and void, without effect.
But that is not only their only effect.
For because so many unfaithful and cowardly men, followed by so many uninformed and lazy Catholics, have recognized Pope Francis as a legitimate pope throughout this time, they have accepted his illicit alterations of the Code of Canon Law and reorganization of the Roman Curia, such that, now, even after the death of Pope Benedict XVI, every act of the Roman Curia and every judgement of the Apostolic Signatura and Roman Rota, as well as every penal process, in tribunal or by administrative decree, throughout the whole Church, which is based on those changes, is legally null in void, that is irritus, because it has not cited the correct and authentic canons of the Church, or has emanated from justices which hold no canonical mandate issued by a Roman Pontiff holding the Petrine Munus, or is issued by an office of the Roman Curia which has never legally existed, being created by Pope Francis during his antipapacy.
This gift of Pope Benedict XVI keeps on giving, also, because of the faithful and courageous action of the Roman Catholics at Rome, who resorting to their Apostolic Right to elect the Roman Pontiff, granted them by Saint Peter the Apostle themselves, elected Pope Francis the Roman Pontiff to satisfy canon 331 and to reestablish the basics of juridical order in the Church, while yet omitting to inform him of his election,* so that he would not reissue by valid decree those documents which he issued invalidly without legal right as antipope.
Now, the next Conclave can give the Church a valid Successor of Saint Peter, who can begin the Great Catholic Reset. The Great Reset which Pope Benedict XVI, unwittingly or consciously, prepared with his Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen once remarked, that the day would come when the laity would save the Church, and that day came two years ago, on January 30, 2023, at the Assembly held to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor, just as Pope Benedict XVI — may he rest in peace — indicated in his Declaratio, an election “by those who were competent” to act.
** An election by Apostolic Right, since the Apostle laid down no written law concerning it, operates under the terms of Natural Law, where if one already claims to hold an office, his acceptance of any election to it is tacitly assumed de facto and de jure. So there is no need that the one elected explicitly and verbally indicate his acceptance of that election, his acceptance is automatic by reason of his habitual prior claim to the office.
Traduction française :
Should Bergoglio die, arent we in the hands of his marxist homo-globo fellow travelers, and arent we likely to get a Bergoglio mk2? I know that with God nothing is impossible, but there arent enough good cardinals to change direction. Not wishing to be despondent. Now should he renounce\resign then all bets are off as you previously posted.
I firmly believe, that the next pope will be either the Pope restorer, that we have awaited, or the pope who prepares his way. The unraveling of the Globalist Narrative is growing daily, and clearly the Holy Spirit is on the war path. So I expect great things and to see great things.