Editor’s Note: This Iraqi Christian was hunted by Muslims and persecuted by the Swedish government, both left and right ones. That he could be murdered in his own apartment by 5 gunmen in a country where privacy rights are expansive and gun rights very restricted, shows that he was correct in everything he said. It also shows that as much as governments of the right may fake being such, they are still in favor of Islam’s conquest of Europe. — His name was Salwan Momika, and he deserves to be remembered for exposing Islam for what it is. — There is no death penalty in Sweden, which means, basically, that Muslims can murder Christians there with total impunity, except for the fact that they might get a 5 star hotel room for free for life (prison cell) or deported back to their Islamic countries (where they will be hailed as heroes).
Your comments to the article are unfortunately correct.
Also; What is not mentioned in the article is that Momika used to have protection from the swedish police, because of the death threats.
For some reason, that is yet to be explained, the police had decided to cut off the personal protection before the murder.
(The title in the article says ”body armor” but it is rather police protection. Just bad translation.)
The five men who initially were caught by the police for the murder have already been released.
How is it that a “right wing” government basically assassinated this man?
Yes, it is strange.
One reason could be the gangwars we have here these days, also thanks to immigration; We had more than one bomb explosion per day in the country in just January, combined with a shortage of police officers. Perhaps they decided to use more police to combat that issue. Just speculating.
Or where they asked by some Islamic state to silence this dissident and chose a way in which they could wash their hands of all responsibility? — I will bet that within a year or so, it is reported that someone in the current government took money from an Islamic politician in the mideast, who was upset at the criticism of Islam in Sweden. And then the dots will begin to be connected.
That thought had crossed my mind aswell. The burnings were probably also embarassing for some people in goverment who wants to be political correct.
The bounty on his head was quite big. It was reported that the Iraqi city of al-Kufa offered a bounty of 2 mil dollars and a quran made of 2 kg gold to whoever killed him.
I think you are right that more info will emerge later on.
This youtube video says that Sweden’s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that the shooting of Salwan Momika, could be linked to a “foreign power.”
Has anyone been able to find his video channel?
I don’t know of Momikas channel but his friend Salwan Najem channel is here. He used to film several of the burnings. Just scroll down the page;
If it is a foreign power that was behind it, I doubt it will ever be solved. Our prime minister was shot dead in 1986. It is still unsolved, linked to a foreign power and that’s the official end of the story.
Thanks Joel👍
I just learned that Momikas own channel, where he livestreamed during the murder, is apperantely on Tiktok.