While Mel Gibson says Pope Francis is an apostate, house burns down

The Interview:


28:00  — Resistance to The Passion of the Christ
30:00 — Cardinal McCarrick
30:33 — On the Change in the Catholic Church
31:00 — Comments by Vigano
31:20 — Why Mel Gibson does not adhere to the “Post-Conciliar” Church

35:00 — Mel speaks on Vatican II, Pachamama, Pope Francis
36:10 — Joe Rogan says Pope Francis should not be the Pope
37:00 — Mel Gibson basically says Pope Francis is doing the work of Satan.

Meanwhile …. a wild fire caught up his neighborhood in California

Editor’s Note: Mel Gibson is a convinced Sedevacantist, because his father was and raised him that way. But what he says about the concerted effort to change the Catholic religion since Vatican II is true.

ITALY: Israeli-Vatican Spy hacker investigated for stealing sensitive information

Editor’s Note: In a report that the controlled “Catholic” media will never cover, there emerges that Mossad Agents are working inside or with the Vatican to spy on political leaders of Europe. — If you do not think that Pope Francis’ administration is totally corrupt and evil, here is just one more story to add to the pile of reports that most Catholics will sweep under the rug to ignore the Sutri Initiative.

HUNGARY: Pope Francis began shady real estate deal back in 2013

Editor’s Note: If you read the details of this shady property deal in Budapest, you can find reference to the fact that from the get-go, Jorge Mario Bergoglio began looting the Vatican Bank for shady investment schemes. And don’t be surprised that a relative of Orban was involved, since he is a protege of George Soros. — This article raises serious questions about how money is moved from the donations of the Faithful to the pockets of globalists.

VATICAN wants treaty with Czech republic to protect Pedophile Priests

Editor’s Note: The interview here raises very important and disturbing issues in the Catholic Church: specifically, how treaties with national governments are and have been used to protect Pedophile priests and religious and enable sex trafficking. Some of the claims regarding confession, being made by the Vatican, and as described in this article, are contrary to Catholic Teaching, since a confessor is gravely obliged to urge a potential sinner not to sin and a past sinner to make amends for his sins. So it is gravely immoral for a confessor to allow a confessed pedophile to omit turning himself into the authorities, as part of the penance, just as it is gravely wrong for a priest to grant absolution of the crime of theft without first requiring that the penitent make restitution, especially by documented proof in the case of major larceny.

Murr: What the Church needs after Pope Francis is Cardinal Sarah

Editor’s Note: The “main stream” Catholic Commentators continue to go totally moon-batty. And the latest example is that of Father Charles Murr, who after saying we do not need another pope who will simply go forward “baptizing” all the horrible things Pope Francis has done: what we need is someone like Cardinal Sarah! — But Cardinal Sarah willingly participated in the Pachamama enthronement in the Basilica of Saint Peter, on the day after the Feast of Saint Francis, that is, on October 5, 2019, and since then has never, never apologized for his act of idolatry.

Again, the West is in a deep identity crisis, because the elites which viciously lord it over the West are seeking to destroy its tradition of Christian Faith and Culture, as well as demographically genocide the native populations. The last thing the Church needs is to send the wrong signal, then, and have a Pope from Africa at Rome.

Father Murr’s lunacy follows that of Robert Morrison’s, earlier this week about despairing; Catholic World’s Report, which was completely out of touch with the situation in the Church and in the Vatican; and Don Pietro Leone’s Litany of Lies, back in early December.

I do not know about you, but I have begun to notice a sustained final push to keep Francis’ heretical and perverted agenda going forward.

I wonder if these Catholic Commentators are even Catholic, for they seem rather to be Freemasons trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the faithful.

Rome: Clergy of Rome boycott Pope Francis’ ordination of new Vice-Regent

Editor’s Note: The original story is here in Spanish from Info Vaticana’s anonymous blogger, Specola. But the important parts have been summarized in English at Gloria.TV. Evidently Specola attended the ceremony. — FromRome.Info noticed that when Pope Francis went to the traditional commemoration of the Immaculate Conception, in Piazza Spagna, in December, he was suffering tremendous breathing problems, and no one from his entourage bothered to help him. — The present report by Specola confirms the inference, then, that Pope Francis is as much detested at Rome and in the Vatican as he is in the entire Catholic World. And this is the best news of the New Year for the Church.

750 Anniversary: Why Saint Raymond of Penafort would say Pope Francis is a heretic

Editor’s Note: At the end of this article, I get the impression that its author misunderstands what the Latin verb, incurro, means, in the phrase, “Whoever is a heretic, public or private …. incurrs excommunication”. It does not mean, “is excommunicated”, as unlettered readers might think. It means, “runs into or against” the penalty, that is, becomes subject to being punished with such a penalty. As in the phrase, “Every thief incurrs arrest and incarceration”, does not mean that every thief is arrested or imprisoned, but that every thief risks this punishment, if there is an effective law-enforcement regime. So it is turns out to be very ironic, that Dr. Mazza would quote Saint Raymond of Penafort on this point, since though Dr. Mazza knows of the Sutri initiative, he refuses to even speak about it! His silence speaks volumes about how he does NOT want Bergoglio arrested or imprisoned. And thus the article is properly entitled, “Not everyone loves Raymond”, since neither Pope Francis nor Dr. Mazza love the Saint in truth.

Lead Pollution from Gasoline likely cause of massive IQ collapse in West 1950-1985

Editor’s Note: Often one reads of articles which speculate about the Fall of the Roman Empire due to the excessive use and exposure to Lead in the classical world. But this is the first article which verifies that hypothesis through the study of lead concentrations in the atmosphere during the Roman Imperial period. The study found that there was a drop of 1-3 IQ points due to the emissions of 500,000 tons of lead into the atmosphere from the Roman industries of Silver mining.

But the real shocker is that in recent decades the amount of lead pollution in the atmosphere in the West reached 40 times as much as during the Roman Empire. While the inference is only a guess, that means that since 1950 IQs in the West may have fallen as much as 40 points! And if that is true, that would explain a lot about what is going on in the Church and in the State.

USA: Washington gets as Archbishop a man who covers up Satanic Ritual Abuse of Women

Background in this story:

Editor’s Note: What Pope Francis does not realize is that this appointment is going to influence the votes in the next Conclave in the most decisive manner, for anyone who is seen as a supporter of Pope Francis’ agenda of apostasy and corruption, has just been struck off the list of potential candidates by all the other Cardinals.

However, if the “conservatives” wanted truly to conserve and the “traditionalists” truly be traditional, they would stage a sit-in at the Cathedral of Washington and pelt the new nominated with rotten eggs and tomatoes, chasing his car out of the city and making it impossible for him to govern. These are things Catholics actually did in the Middle Ages, when the world was sane. Nay, there are cases where they hung or burnt such men at the stake.

But even if they eschewed such violence, they could support the Sutri Initiative and get the same results. If they won’t it must be because they are not what they claim to be or are simply virtue signalling cowards.

So wherever you see them lamenting this “appointment” remind them how to be a Catholic and a true man of virtue. It may be, just may be, the hour when grace will touch their souls.