USAID may cut off as much as $750 Million USD to Catholic Charities

Editor’s Note: This sum is 10 times the annual Vatican City State Budget. And thus, even if no USAID is going to the Vatican balance sheet, the disruption in fund raising in the U.S. by Catholic organizations is very likely to have direct or indirect consequences on Vatican finances, which gets as much as 60% in recent years from U.S. Sources. — Those rumors of Vatican bankruptcy might become real news this year. The Question is whether the Cardinals will urge Pope Francis to resign as a solution?

Pope Francis’ Friend Bishop Zanchetta sentenced for Sexual Abuse of Seminarians

Editor’s Note: Though supposedly under house arrest in Argentina, he was last seen at Rome, allegedly for a visit to the Hospital, though many assumed it was to seek to escape to the Vatican: Bishop Zanchetta has lost his appeal after being sentenced to 4.5 years in prison for sexual abuse of seminarians, an offense similar to that which Jorge Mario Bergoglio is himself accused by his own novices, according to Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò, the Italian Archbishop, and former career diplomat in the Secretary of State at the Vatican, who was excommunicated without due process just a month after repeating the allegation. This is the Elephant in the Room which no one at Rome will talk about: Pope Francis is most likely a sexual predator and all his friends know it. He may escape justice like his good friend the serial sexual groper, Cardinal McCarrick, but the Justice of God is inexorable!

If anyone might think that I am exaggerating the matter, just take a look at how the Don of the self-described Saint Gallen Mafia, dealt with the case of the homosexual abuse of another man in Sicily, when he praised the very Bishop who attempted to use Catholic Charities to pay hush money to the victim:

Pope Francis, ever the consummate hypocrite and cover-up artist, has been allowed by journalists all over the world to get away with covering up the sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Buenas Aires, without any criticism at all: and now they praise him for saying he is going to write a letter on the protection of children! — If you don’t want this man removed from office, you are suffering from a serious moral failure, I’d say.

Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta was one of the first Argentine’s elevated to the Episcopacy after Jorge Mario Bergoglio seized power in the illegal Conclave of 2013. See his bio here at  Unlike Vigano, who raped no one, Bishop Zanchetta was not only not punished, but promoted to a job at the Vatican. He still is a Bishop in good standing with full faculties, though he has resigned from his post at the Vatican.

USAID gave $34 Million to Left-wing, $$ to Reuters, BBC etc.?

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This is a major scandal, as USAID funds should be distributed only outside the U.S.A., as far as the public understands is. To use these funds to encourage U.S. citizens to vote one way rather than another appears to violate numerous Federal laws and funding regulations.

In addition, in the report above, one source cited claims that REUTERS News Agency got MILLIONS from the U.S. Department of Defense to engage in “Large Scale Social Deception” Simulation testing!

Wow! It may turn out that “fake news” and “controlled media” are by no means exaggerations or metaphors!

At last it has been exposed how the CIA influences the News the world over! Even the BBC, below, admits taking millions each year! How much money went to newspapers, TV stations, YouTubers in your country? It’s time to start asking questions!

Faithful readers of FromRome will now understand why our voice has been so unique and so often at odds with all other news outlets. Let’s wait and see how many “Catholic” news sites, journalists and bloggers, who said that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated or who wont mention “The Sutri Initiative” also got monies! How much USAID money went to Vatican News? L’Osservatore Romano? The Libero Newspaper here at Rome? etc..

USAID funding appears to affect all “Subscription” sites: a thing FromRome.Info has never been. And to be funneled in other cases through charities run by MSM sites.

YahooNews, however, is disputing the substance of the above reports:

For those who do not know what USAID is, here is the BBC’s take (where they even admit receiving millions from USAID through their own charity):

For transparency sake, I declare to my readers that neither in my capacity as a Friar, nor as President of Ordo Militaris Inc., nor through the charity I founded in the Ukrarine, CrossAzure, nor through the charity founded by my benefactors in the USA, Save Old St. Mary’s, have any monies from any government whatsoever been ever received.

Trump suggests USA invade, ethnically cleanse Gaza Strip with American Troops

Editor’s Note: All the critics of Trump who claimed he is a Hitlerian unhinged dictator have just scored a victory. To talk this way is totally insane and immoral. It would make the U.S.A. the most hated country in the Mid-East. Why the U.S.A. has no claim in international law nor right to do such a thing. As a U.S. Citizen I find his comments abhorrent, and as a Christian I find them abominable and disgusting in the extreme.

Candace Owens: The Making of Brigitte, Part I

Editor’s Note: FromRome will not feature this entire series, but for the record, it publishes here the first installment of this highly controversial investigation into the true identity of Brigitte Macron. — While I disagree in principle about speculations regarding a woman’s identity, because I was raised to be a gentleman, this investigation is timely for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the importance of understanding how much power the press has to misinform the public. — Another important point in Candace Owens’ presentation is that she points out that the Elephant in the Room, the big lie, is the one thing that the guilty will never allow to be discussed. This is true, so true about Pope Francis too: no journalist of repute will talk about his uncanonical election in 2013, or his prosecutability quo warranto for heresy, schism, apostasy and idolatry. Bishops who speak of this are censored by the “opposition press” (Bishop Gracida), suspended and/or excommunicated (Archbishop Vigano) or put under house arrest (Archbishop Lenga); and priests who dare to do so, all over the world, are immediately excommunicated and expelled from the priesthood.

Moral Responsibility in Ecclesiastical vs. Political Elections: Jan. 30, 2023

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction français

Since the death of Pope Benedict XVI new cults and sects have arisen which focus around novel ideas of juridical and ecclesiastical right. Not all of these are sedevacantist, for an equal number are also globalist and willingly recognize Pope Francis as always having been pope.

But since these errors regard topics which are never quoted by “Traditionalists” or “Conservatives”, though the latter do mention “morality” at election time — their only morals left being the assertion that “it is a mortal sin not to vote for a Masonic politician of the right” — it will be important to review a few basic Catholic truths to distinguish the true Faith from the doctrines of sectarians.

First of all, in ecclesiastical elections, like civil elections, there is a moral responsibility for all who have the right to vote, to make a decision. However, this does not equate to the moral responsibility to vote. Because in a system where there are only a few candidates, whose names are chosen by a Masonic elite, you are never obliged to vote for any of them.

But in an ecclesiastical election, by the norms of Canon Law and ecclesiastical tradition, everyone with a right to vote is free to vote for whomsoever he will, even if, at later stages in the voting the number of possible victorious candidates is reduced to only a few. This freedom shows how the Catholic system is much more sane and liberal than any modern “democracy”, where the masses are never entrusted with such discernment or decisions.

And yes, in an ecclesiastical election just as in a civil election, you are not obliged to even show up for the vote. However, while not exercising your right to vote in a civil election nearly never makes any difference, due to the high numbers of those who have the right to vote, in an ecclesiastical election it always makes a difference, due to the low numbers of electors.

Thus, if you do not come to vote, in an ecclesiastical election, you have the much greater moral responsibility for the outcome than someone who came and voted against the one who ultimately won. Similar situations can also arise in civil elections in parliaments, of course.

Thus, when it comes to voting for a Roman Pontiff, electors have a very grave duty to take their responsibilities seriously. In a Conclave, for example, when the election involves just 120+ electors, not attending the Conclave, by law, means that you cannot vote afterwards: but morally speaking it also means you consent to whatever is the outcome.

Certain immature individuals never accept the outcomes of elections and say things like, “He is not my President”, or “He is not my Pope”. In the former, they never act out on their virtue signalling, though some emigrate for a time from their country. In the Church there have been but rare cases of schisms caused by persons or groups not accepting an uncontested election.

But in the case of an election of the Roman Pontiff by Apostolic Right, the Faithful of the whole Roman Church — the Diocese of Rome and all the suburbican dioceses — are all responsible for the outcome. That is why in ancient times they meet immediately and without delay, if they could, and elected holy men. There are dozens of saints who were popes before 1058, when the College of Cardinals was established. There are but a handful since that time, in the last 1000 years. A fact that should cause all of us to stop and think.

So in the recent and extraordinary juridical case of a pope who appears to renounce but does not, or who is pushed out of power by a College of Cardinals in total rebellion, but who tricks them by an intelligent ruse, after his death the only ones likely to vote for his successor are the Faithful of Rome who paid close attention to his words and did what he himself urged to be done, elect his successor by those who are competent, that is, who have the right to do so, in such extraordinary circumstances, wholly outside the presumed conditions which would exist in the time of a papal election, as are provided for in the current Papal Law, Universi Dominici gregis.

And thus we come to the most sober consideration: that everyone at Rome who refused to attend that Assembly is entirely responsible morally and juridically for the election of the one who was elected there, just as all the clergy and faithful of Rome who held Pope Francis to be the pope from 2013 to this day, and thus who did not attend. Merely claiming that you held Pope Benedict XVI to be the pope until death does not excuse you from responsibility. Nay it magnifies it to an infinite degree.

Even those who had no right to vote, are morally responsible, and gravely so, if they did anything to encourage electors not to attend or took steps not to inform them or encourage them to exercise their right.

If you could have prevented an unworthy candidate from being elected, and did not, then you are gravely responsible, and cannot be saved if you never repent of this.

At the same time, for those who did attend, there’s was a responsibility greater than the cult leaders and grifters who talk about controversies in the Church to gain money or attention. They had to do the utmost to protect the Church, with the men who were willing. They had to balance the salvation of the whole body against the interest of a few. These faithful Catholics, betrayed and abandoned by everyone but the readers of FromRome had also to prevent another Assembly being called by nefarious voices who would elect someone even worse than Bergoglio or someone who had no desire to promote the unity of the Church after his death, putting the Church in a century long internal schism. They had to find a candidate that most Catholics would accept; a candidate whose acceptance would be morally certain, and by whose acceptance the whole body of the Faithful would return again into communion with Christ.

Also, in this matter, it is important to note that the concept of Quorum in elections is also important to consider. The Quorum rule in most modern “democracies” guarantees that no minority will enact a law or decision which binds the majority. In some ecclesiastical elections there are Quorum rules, But in elections of the Roman Pontiff there never has been a Quorum rule, neither in a Conclave, nor in an Assembly of Apostolic Right. Precisely because, in morals, if you do not come you have in fact voted for whoever has won, whether you like the outcome or not. This is why even if all the clergy do not come, they have in fact voted for whoever has won.

That these few electors on January 30, 2023 A. D., are so viscerally hated by all grifters and cult leaders and “Bergoglio is certainly the pope” fake opposition, shows that they did the will of God against all the fanatics of Hell.

While we are not privy to the decisions than many generations of Cardinals had to make in Conclaves, during the last thousand years, to hold the Church together and protect her from persecution, we can be sure that many times many honest and holy men had to make similar decisions. Of them we know nothing on account of the Pontifical Secret to which all Cardinals are bound, in Conclaves, however.

In postcript: a certain uninformed civil attorney in South America, who never studied in an ecclesiastical institution, has been reporting that since a certain Pope denied that the people can elect their own bishops, that therefore the election of a Roman Pontiff by the faithful of Rome is never lawful. Her argument is a sophism of the kind condemned long ago by Aristotle, where you take one statement which denies a thing (by the People) and apply it to a fact which regards another thing (the Faithful) and draws a conclusion of the undistributed middle term, as it is called in logic. It’s the most common way to deceive or lie, and is often used by lawyers. This attorney, if their thesis was correct, would have to become a protestant, since their conclusion leads to the implication that there were no legitimate Popes until 1058 when an illegitimate pope established the College of Cardinals. Idiots might find that line of reasoning sound. But all sane men from every age shall laugh at them on the Day of Judgement!

Bergoglio’s Governance has damaged the Chuch’s role in the Modern World

Editor’s Note: Here at FromRome.Info we have long memories and investigate popular journalists. This article by Edward Pentin, therefore deserves a preface. Edward Pentin is the former secretary of a socialist member of the Parliament in the United Kingdom. As a journalist he embraced wholeheartedly the error that Pope Benedict XVI abdicated and even went to lengths to ridicule and controvert Pope Benedict XVI’s supporters. He has always been a “Bergoglio is certainly the pope” man, like a good Rugby fan, and thus even made FromRome.Info’s list of “Unreliable News Sources” on that controversy. But now he realizes, that with the waning of Pope Francis, things are about change drastically and he needs to distance himself from his past political decisions. He has even created a website which is attempting to influence the next Conclave. And viola’, you have this article, which, all things being equal, is rather on spot in accurately assessing in general political terms the damage the enemies of Pope Benedict XVI have wrought on the Church with the tacit complicity of nearly all of Pope Benedict XVI’s allies. — We will see more rats jump ship, as the Divine Retribution advances closer and closer to the claimant of the Apostolic Throne. — Pentin is the perfect example of polite, managed, and controlled opposition: he would rather become an Orthodox than say, “The Sutri Initiative”.

UK & Spain: Catholic Boy & Catholic Priest murdered

Editor’s Note: Reports about this incident of the Boy, which are flooding British news sites seem to indicate that there has been a massive explosion of knife-violence from some fundamental cultural change in recent years, but that none of the MSM journalists can or are allowed to explain it. Though one oblique reference referred to the attackers as being of a non-white racial heritage. The fact that murders are now taking place in Catholic Schools in the United Kingdom, is however something which is very disturbing to Catholics everywhere.

This same week, saw another brutal violent murder, this time of a Catholic priest in Spain. The perpetrators were identified as African youths:

Pope Francis’ Jaw Problem

An analysis by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
B. A. in Cultural Anthropology

I wish to share some photos of the same person, which I have gathered online:

The child, with the Father and Grandfather. Notice the shape of the progenitors’ jaws.

Source: The New Yorker

But now pay particular attention to the shape of the jaw of the child, now a seminarian:

Source: The New Yorker

Again, take a look at the shape of the jaw of the child, now a priest:

Source: The New Yorker

Again, take a look at the jaw of the child, serving mass:

Source: Reddit Thread

Now take a look at this diagram of what the Human Jaw looks like in a Male and Female:

Again, here:

Observation: There is something objectively wrong with the jaw of this individual. And when I read that his only girlfriend dumped him shortly after getting to know him, and that his mother opposed his ordination to the priesthood all the days he was in seminary, that he was never ordained a Deacon, while studying in Argentina, and that several Bishops hold that he is incapable of having the grace of office, which any male Catholic should easily have, I am led to look more closely at the photos above and ponder what I am looking at.

UPDATE: After reading the entire section on Ordination in the 1917 Code of Canon Law (which was the one in force in the 1960’s when this child was ordained a priest), I found no definition of what it means to be a male, only the requirement, for validity, that one be a male, to be ordained. This ambiguity might give a superior with a Jesuitical mind for interpreting law, the idea that a “male” according to the law, could mean something other than what the Natural Law defines it as such.

The Jews who fought for Adolf Hitler – A video documentary

 Historical Note: Adolf Hitler was of Moroccan Sephardic descent, his 4 grandparents all having Jewish surnames. — This document points out there were only 1/2 million Jews in Germany in 1930’s. This is just one fact which argues against the exaggerated numbers. This video claims that 80% of all Jews in Germany were Christians by religion. And that in addition there were 70,000 “Half-Jews”, and 39,000 “Quarter Jews”. See the video for the definitions. 22 Jewish Generals were declared Germans by Hitler.

Pope Francis’ High School Friend murdered a classmate, suicided

Editor’s Note: In this review of his 3rd biography, we are told that one of Pope Francis’ friends in high-school murdered another schoolmate, and after being released from prison, committed suicide. We are also told that his family was close to another where the son stabbed the mother to death. This sheds a lot of light on the hardness of Jorge Mario Bergoglio to feel true compassion for others, rather than just politically correct compassion in front of cameras. And in classic style, he is caught in this photo, for the article, covering up the Cross, lest anyone pay more attention to Christ Crucified than to himself.

Pope Francis now trolls Archbishop Viganò, by making his Nephew an Archbishop

Editor’s Note: Pope Francis after a week of railing against those who misuse social media by trolling others rather than dialoging has, in classic consistency of his own outlandish and pompous hypocrisy, began a trolling campaign against his most bitter critics. Having made Archbishop Viganò’s own nephew, by the same surname, also an Archbishop, he took him to Cinecitta’ (the HQ of the Italian Film Industry) to give an interview praising Pope Francis for the humanitarian values the same wants everyone to believe he has. It’s the grossest form of self promotion ever for any Roman Pontiff! This Archbishop is Eduardo Dario Viganò, not the Carlo Maria who was excommunicated without cause, reason or right.

Oh, and of course, the new Archbishop tells us that Bergoglio’s favorite films are Italian Neorealist ones, which pushed socialism by exploiting the images of poverty and despair.

From a historical point of view, it is an old tradition among the wealthy Italian families to have one son support one faction and another family member support their rivals, so that whatever the outcome of the conflict the family survives. This strategy was long observed by English writers and is now the basis of one of the fundamental strategies of the Masonic Lodge.

Pope Francis trolls Trump, by sitting Al Gore at his Left at Child Conference

Editor’s Note: The photographer seems to have be asked to take this photo, so that the Papal Tiara would appear on the top of Pope Francis’ head. — But, as all FromRome readers know, this was a fatal mistake, because it is precisely Pope Francis’ claim to the Apostolic Throne which is juridically speaking totally non-existent by reason of his pertinacious, manifest, formal heresy on blessing “couples” involved in public sin. — All Catholics need to do is convince the Bishops of the Roman Province to call him on the carpet, at it were, in a Provincial Council, and demand their right of Quo Warrento to see him attempt to prove his claim to the office, a thing which he could only do by renouncing all his personal heresies, idolatries, blasphemies and his active betrayal of the Catholics of China. That is how pawns take a “king” in the juridical contest of Ecclesiastical right.

Archbishop Viganò, the Mouth of the U.S. Ideological War Against the Church

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In the midst of all the sound criticism of corruption in the Church, we Catholics must not ignore the blatant weaponization going on against the Catholic Faith. The U. S. Ideological Warfare Program against the Catholic Church, declared in 1953, aimed at making Catholics think that the U. S. is the more solid source of their salvation than the Church. This propagandistic goal has been totally embraced by Archbishop Viganò in his latest missive “to the American People”, where he basically says, “Trust Trump to save you, not the Pope”.

This is a very long crafted narrative which required the U. S. government first to install an anti-pope like figure who would be repulsive to the entire Church, and surround him with two groups of bishops: those repulsive like himself, and those who make every excuse or do nothing to remove him, but tweet against him now and then.

It’s an elegant psychological operation. I was always wary of the Archbishop, because he said the problems of such clergy were the responsibility of the Church and not of the men themselves, the individual Judas Iscariots. This is the Masonic Doctrine, not the Catholic Faith.

And so, I am not surprised that the Archbishop has now become the faithful mouthpiece of the U. S. Govt.’s Ideological Warfare program. — I will bet that he is either a Freemason or on the take.

We have begun to see all the “Catholic opposition” sites move to join the same narrative as the Archbishop. Eventhough it is indeed disappointing to see “Complicit Clergy” join that chorus. But FromRome.Info will never follow them, since our loyalty is to Christ Jesus and with Holy Mother the Church. Our sharp sword of criticism will always be raised against their lies.

Trump cannot save the Church, anymore than Pope Francis: they both pushed the DeathVaxxing of the world, and thus have enough blood on their hands to doom them to an eternity of Hell’s deepest pit for mass murder. And for the Archbishop to strive to be the apologist for the one, is as bad as those who strive to do the same for the other.

Catholics especially need to stop acting like the ignorant peasants who only think they can support the playing pieces on the board that are praised by Freemasons. They have to realize that it is precisely that anyone is praised by the Freemasons is the reason NOT to support him or her. They need also to be persons of faith who realize that Christ is King and has already put on the board of history His servants who will save the Church. And it is about time that Catholics start seeking them out and supporting them. But you can be sure, that none of Christ’ servants think that the Freemasons are Christ’s allies.