Candlemass: The Feast that reminds us to walk with the Child Jesus

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

“Behold I send My messenger, and He shall prepare the way before Me. And suddenly there shall come to His temple the Lord, whom you seek, and even the messanger of the testament, whom you desire. Behold he cometh, saith Yahweh Sabaoth.”

Today in all of Christian tradition, we celebrate the presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Temple, when Saint Joseph and Our Lady took him to the Temple in Jerusalem, to offer the expiatory sacrifice for their first born.

This ancient past event in the life of Jesus, Our Savior, seems to be very insignificant, for all the celebration which surrounds it: for today, Christians are wont to bless Candles, in East and West and undertake elaborate processions.

Famous people have fans who commemorate their lives, and so it makes sense that Christians have the right to remember everything that Jesus did, and said, and suffered with some celebration. Why who else has ever loved us so much as to die for us to save us from eternal death?

But this feast day reminds us that we too should walk with the Child Jesus just as Mary and Joseph did.

For them there was no feast day, no procession, no celebration, and they expected that no one would take any care, just as many parents today take their children to some government building to register their documents.

But doing that was their duty to do in such a minor thing was the cause of great graces from that day until the end of time. Because Simeon and Anna had waited their entire lives for this day, not knowing it was this day, to see their Savior and Messiah. And though it was the solemn duty of every believing son and daughter of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, to await Him, these two elderly Hebrews alone received the grace of being promised to see him, and persevering in prayer to obtain that promise.

This reminds us that if we but do the ordinary duties of our life, as ones in love with Jesus Christ, carrying the Child Jesus as it were in the embrace of our hearts and minds, then God will prepare the way of grace ahead of us, even for many others of whom we do not even know the names or existence.

A kind word of faith, a little work of Christian charity, a compassionate gift of consolation: some small thing of which if we have the love of God, is not only easy to do, but spontaneous when we see anyone in any need.

This is who we who believe in Jesus Christ should live. This our is how the candle of our lives is to be lit, so as to bring the Light of Christ to the world.

And this is such a wonderful, simple and ordinary way of walking with the Child Jesus, that it deserves to be celebrated and remembered each year.

May His Light be ever with you, in good times and in ill, in the the darkest moments, so that you may find Him to be your greatest and eternal Joy.

Wishing one and all a blessed Candle Mass!

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