Reaction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
At last what we all expected, is reported as being true: that Pope Francis’ staff approved of the Movie “Conclave” ending with a transgendered being elected as Pope! — This news adds to the responsibility of all who have not yet called for Pope Francis to be summoned to a provincial council to demonstrate the validity of his claim to the papacy. Most “Catholic opposition” sites in the English speaking world, who know of the Sutri Initiative, and do not speak of it, also must confront their growing moral responsibility for censoring any news, or comments in comboxes, of this initiative from their readers. They are the best enablers of the destruction of the Church. They are also complicit in keeping Catholics in the dark as regards their legal rights to join such a petition.
If what is claimed in this report is true, it adds another line of investigation into Pope Francis. For, because many Catholic writers of sound formation recognize that he seems incapable of the grace of office, with Archbishop Vigano even going so far as saying he was incapable of accepting being elected Pope because of a vice of intention, another possibility may be that he was by a monstrosity of nature incapable of holding the office of pope or even of priest or deacon. I won’t speculate on such things explicitly, but leave it to each reader to surmise what I am speaking of on their own. Such a monstrosity is a diriment impediment to ordination, that is, makes it forever impossible for the person to be ordained a priest and would render an ordination or consecration as bishop both invalid and illicit.
Pope Francis, who is notorious for his scowls during visits with important persons, was decidedly happy and calm when visited by group of transgendered individuals asking him to re-evaluate gender affirmation. See report and video here:
I agree with you 100%
I feel so powerless with ALL THIS going on…
I went to Mass today, Sunday in Melbourne, Australia…the priest no longer give the communion… he sits on the chair and let all Kay people distribute communion… I’m saddened….and no longer know what to do…
On top of that usually the priest give parishioners barely 1min to pray after communion before some parishioner gets up to read our the ‘announcements’ eg.. opening of the cafe etc.. or sausage sizzle… sad and disturbed and not sure what to do any more …,,what can I do???
Parishioner Maria
I would suggest traveling to another parish and going there regularly. When I lived in the USA I traveled to 12 different parishes to find the one where the priest did not preach heresy. It was worth it.
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