Editor’s Note: The testimony of Mrs. Bergoglio is the most powerful news story for today, the Feast of the Presentation.
Most moms have a sense to foretell what would go wrong, and this is true even in discernment of vocations. Because many men for the sake of vainglory, desire for power, or love of self become priests and enter seminary. And these spend a life time of destroying souls.
It is obvious to anyone who knows of Jorge Mario Bergoglio that he is addicted to public attention and that his primary vice is seeking attention. Consequently, it is not difficult to agree with his mother’s premonition. Jorge is also totally incapable of seeing himself as he truly is, lacks all capacity for spiritual discernment, and has totally no grasp at all of what the Catholic Religion is on the spiritual level. Everything from human persons to the Divine Majesty itself has to get out of his way so that his whims can be achieved.
May Mrs. Bergoglio rest in peace. She was so unlike her son, since she spoke the truth, and not to please others.
Indeed, women do have a sixth sense that men don’t have. During the last few months before my wife and I got married, my wife had a car and I didn’t. So, when we went out, she would first drop me off and then go home. One evening she was very tired and asked me to drive her home. So after dropping her off I drove home and parked her car in front of my apartment. She called me in the morning saying she had had a dream that the car radio had been stolen. So I went to check….. and found the car door lock broken and the radio gone.
My wife has had many feelings, premonitions and dreams, some stronger than others – not all that came true. But given the high success rate, I have learned to listen, consider them although I don’t always accept them. But I am never dead set against them.
For Mrs Bergoglio to have spent all those years of her sons seminary so against her son becoming a priest means she felt it very very very strongly. Wo to her husband for not listening and supporting his sons decision without listening to his wife.
Traduction française :
Mme Bergoglio, la maman du Pape François, inspirée par Dieu, mais hélas pas écoutée