Archbishop Viganò, the Mouth of the U.S. Ideological War Against the Church

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In the midst of all the sound criticism of corruption in the Church, we Catholics must not ignore the blatant weaponization going on against the Catholic Faith. The U. S. Ideological Warfare Program against the Catholic Church, declared in 1953, aimed at making Catholics think that the U. S. is the more solid source of their salvation than the Church. This propagandistic goal has been totally embraced by Archbishop Viganò in his latest missive “to the American People”, where he basically says, “Trust Trump to save you, not the Pope”.

This is a very long crafted narrative which required the U. S. government first to install an anti-pope like figure who would be repulsive to the entire Church, and surround him with two groups of bishops: those repulsive like himself, and those who make every excuse or do nothing to remove him, but tweet against him now and then.

It’s an elegant psychological operation. I was always wary of the Archbishop, because he said the problems of such clergy were the responsibility of the Church and not of the men themselves, the individual Judas Iscariots. This is the Masonic Doctrine, not the Catholic Faith.

And so, I am not surprised that the Archbishop has now become the faithful mouthpiece of the U. S. Govt.’s Ideological Warfare program. — I will bet that he is either a Freemason or on the take.

We have begun to see all the “Catholic opposition” sites move to join the same narrative as the Archbishop. Eventhough it is indeed disappointing to see “Complicit Clergy” join that chorus. But FromRome.Info will never follow them, since our loyalty is to Christ Jesus and with Holy Mother the Church. Our sharp sword of criticism will always be raised against their lies.

Trump cannot save the Church, anymore than Pope Francis: they both pushed the DeathVaxxing of the world, and thus have enough blood on their hands to doom them to an eternity of Hell’s deepest pit for mass murder. And for the Archbishop to strive to be the apologist for the one, is as bad as those who strive to do the same for the other.

Catholics especially need to stop acting like the ignorant peasants who only think they can support the playing pieces on the board that are praised by Freemasons. They have to realize that it is precisely that anyone is praised by the Freemasons is the reason NOT to support him or her. They need also to be persons of faith who realize that Christ is King and has already put on the board of history His servants who will save the Church. And it is about time that Catholics start seeking them out and supporting them. But you can be sure, that none of Christ’ servants think that the Freemasons are Christ’s allies.

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5 thoughts on “Archbishop Viganò, the Mouth of the U.S. Ideological War Against the Church”

  1. Hi Brother.

    You have given him the benefit of the doubt for sometime now and eventually episcopal freemasons show their true colors. Archbishop Vigano’s episcopal lineage has red flags everywhere. Firstly, he was ordained by Bishop Alorio who is of the lineage of Cardinal-Priest Doria Pamphilj, whom you have mentioned was a famous 19th century episcopal freemason. Secondly, his consecrator was Pope JPII who was ordained a deacon and priest by Cardinal Sapieha, whose two coconsecrators were Rampolla men. And finally one of Archbishop Vigano’s co consecrators was consecrated by JPII, and the other was Cardinal Sodano who is of the lineage of Cardinal Richard de la Vergne, who cooperated with Cardinal Rampolla in the Ralliément policy.

    So if his episcopal lineage is masonic and his actions support masonic policy….. then I smell a rat.

  2. Right. I agree, I gave benefit of the doubt y for a long time, but it’s now just too difficult to continue doing so. And for whatever reason, as I was reading this, I remembered a photo I saw a few years ago which I had forgotten about, but which evidently had stuck with me. It was a photo of him at some event and instead of wearing his cassock, he was wearing some tight somewhat “gay looking” black leather jacket. Or, at least, if not “gay looking”, nevertheless unfitting for cleargy.

    I found it odd at the time and didn’t like it, but let it pass. And of course, wearing a particular jacket is nothing compared to cooperating with evil and assisting to heard us towards an obvious deceiver. But that somehow that tight leather jacket, definitely an odd sight on a bishop, now makes a bit more sense.

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