An analysis by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
B. A. in Cultural Anthropology
I wish to share some photos of the same person, which I have gathered online:
The child, with the Father and Grandfather. Notice the shape of the progenitors’ jaws.
Source: The New Yorker
But now pay particular attention to the shape of the jaw of the child, now a seminarian:
Source: The New Yorker
Again, take a look at the shape of the jaw of the child, now a priest:
Source: The New Yorker
Again, take a look at the jaw of the child, serving mass:
Source: Reddit Thread
Now take a look at this diagram of what the Human Jaw looks like in a Male and Female:
Again, here:
Observation: There is something objectively wrong with the jaw of this individual. And when I read that his only girlfriend dumped him shortly after getting to know him, and that his mother opposed his ordination to the priesthood all the days he was in seminary, that he was never ordained a Deacon, while studying in Argentina, and that several Bishops hold that he is incapable of having the grace of office, which any male Catholic should easily have, I am led to look more closely at the photos above and ponder what I am looking at.
UPDATE: After reading the entire section on Ordination in the 1917 Code of Canon Law (which was the one in force in the 1960’s when this child was ordained a priest), I found no definition of what it means to be a male, only the requirement, for validity, that one be a male, to be ordained. This ambiguity might give a superior with a Jesuitical mind for interpreting law, the idea that a “male” according to the law, could mean something other than what the Natural Law defines it as such.
Wow…… what an extraordinary observation.
This is similar to observations I have seen made of Michelle Obama and Brigitte Macron……surely this is not by chance…..
I never thought to consider this before, but after reading that the scriptwriter for “Conclave” said the Vatican seemed to be OK with the plot, I asked myself, “What do they know that we do not know?”
That gives a whole new meaning to the news: “Pope Francis is abroad.”
[bad joke]
Don Camillo, please ask your contacts in Argentina about this. Is this the Hapsburg Snout? that is a genetic defect common among hispanics (as was his mother), or is it something else?
I don’t recall anyone mentioning this before. I will ask around though!
Br B. I have read for many years abt the European Royals and the genetic passing down thru generations the Hapsburg jaw. .
In today’s surgery expertise it can be operated on easily…so, it no longer can be taken to prove foyal bloodline.
Is the Bloodline of Christ identifiable today ?
Once I read in an 1800s Saints book that King Arthur of Britain was 18th generation from the VirginMary, and a generational blood kin from Joseph of Arimathea who fled the Holy land with his 3 grown children, Lazarus, Martha, and MAGDALENE. Also with the body of St Ann, Jesus grandmother , and others to France. Joseph went to Glastonbury in Eng.
A lot of royalty in ages past claimed famous ancestors. Not all of their claims were true. Christ had no descendants because He was a Virgin. I do not believe any claims of European nobility to be descended from his relatives either.
A few years back I watched a youtube video I can no longer find that compared the proportions between men and women related to the head, shoulders and waste and height and then analysed Michelle Obama’s proportions. It concluded that she has the proportions of a man. It could be interesting to conduct this analysis on Pope Francis.
There is a Telegram Channel which has investigated this case:
Thanks, but I do not allow content with explicit images nor links to it at FromRome. Moreover, “transvestism” is not the only possible explanation, and in such a matter no restriction of explanation should be imposed from the start of the investigation.
Elite gender inversion?
(suggest search using
My mom said she wore something similar but not as fancy, when she was a little kid. So it appears to be a little girl.
Thankyou for this most interesting observation……which may help to explain why Bergoglio is so friendly towards the depraved LGBTQ+ crowd and any other religious sect which is not Roman Catholic, and so hostile to anything connected with the hierarchical male tradition of Holy Mother Church, especially the Traditional Latin Mass!?!
St. Andrew Corsini, pray for us.
I don’t understand the term ‘obtuse triangulation with chin’ or what the first illustration means.
In any case, does not his hairline and voice indicate that he’s a man?