Editor’s Note: The photographer seems to have be asked to take this photo, so that the Papal Tiara would appear on the top of Pope Francis’ head. — But, as all FromRome readers know, this was a fatal mistake, because it is precisely Pope Francis’ claim to the Apostolic Throne which is juridically speaking totally non-existent by reason of his pertinacious, manifest, formal heresy on blessing “couples” involved in public sin. — All Catholics need to do is convince the Bishops of the Roman Province to call him on the carpet, at it were, in a Provincial Council, and demand their right of Quo Warrento to see him attempt to prove his claim to the office, a thing which he could only do by renouncing all his personal heresies, idolatries, blasphemies and his active betrayal of the Catholics of China. That is how pawns take a “king” in the juridical contest of Ecclesiastical right.