It’s a Mortal Sin of Apostasy to reject Apostolic Tradition

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française The last 11 years in the Catholic Church have seen so many scandals emanate from Vatican City and from the Catholic Bishops of the world, that Catholics are, after centuries, once again speaking on a daily basis about the sins and crimes of heresy, schism and apostasy. But one … Continue reading It’s a Mortal Sin of Apostasy to reject Apostolic Tradition

Vatican Document on Apparitions violates Apostolic authority of Local Bishops

Editor’s Note: It is obvious, as I have written six months ago, that a Pope who signs a heretical document has impeded the Apostolic See and therefore loses all moral authority to issue any other documents or make any decisions. Rather, all Catholics are gravely obliged to oppose him and seek his removal form office. … Continue reading Vatican Document on Apparitions violates Apostolic authority of Local Bishops

The Apostolic See is now impeded, by the heresy of Pope Francis — What this means

AND HOW CATHOLICS CAN LAWFULLY NOW BEGIN AN OPEN CIVIL WAR AGAINST HIM by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française The Apostolic See has been impeded by the heretical actions of Pope Francis, specifically his signature on the heretical blasphemous and sacrilegious declaration known as Fiducia supplicans. In Church Law an impeded see results from the … Continue reading The Apostolic See is now impeded, by the heresy of Pope Francis — What this means

Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on the Patrimony of Saint Peter

Summary and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo On Thursday, Pope Francis reaffirmed the ancient tradition of the Apostolic See regarding its property rights. Since ancient times, the Roman Pontiffs have vindicated the rights of the Apostolic See to acquire and manage goods, properties and offerings for the common benefit of the Faithful. But in recent … Continue reading Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter on the Patrimony of Saint Peter

How to distinguish between authentic Traditional Catholicism, and the Fake variety

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo French Translation I have been on the internet since 1991, so I have seen a lot of characters, games, tricks and modus operandi. And since all the fraudsters out there are mostly johnny-come-latelies, they lash out at anyone who recognizes them for that they are. But the longest scam I have … Continue reading How to distinguish between authentic Traditional Catholicism, and the Fake variety

FRANCE: Archbishop of Dijon to conduct apostolic visitation of Fréjus-Toulon

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In a very rare occurrence, Canon 436 §2 has been invoked to authorize the Apostolic Visitation of the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon by Archbishop Antoine Hérouard of Dijon, the local Metropolitan. Visitations of this kind are the highest level of administration intervention that can occur in any Diocese of the Church. They … Continue reading FRANCE: Archbishop of Dijon to conduct apostolic visitation of Fréjus-Toulon

What are the conditions for a valid Papal election by apostolic Right?

And how the Election of Pope Francis on January 30, 2023 met all the conditions by Br. Alexis Bugnolo FRANÇAIS Saint Peter left to the Church of Rome the right to elect his successors in perpetuity, so that the Church founded by Christ might always have a supreme pastor who by the gift of grace … Continue reading What are the conditions for a valid Papal election by apostolic Right?

Yes, Pope Benedict XVI was the greatest Chess Master ever to sit on the Apostolic Throne

Or, how In preparation for 1983 CIC Scholars identified an “Impeded See” as the lack of exercise of the Petrine Munus by Br. Alexis Bugnolo FRANÇAIS In canon 17, it is laid down that if there is any term unclear in any canon that one should take note of what that term means in parallel … Continue reading Yes, Pope Benedict XVI was the greatest Chess Master ever to sit on the Apostolic Throne

The Canonical Tradition requires the renunciation of Munus not Ministerium

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In preparation for the juridically valid election of the Roman Pontiff by apostolic right, I have been reading some scholarly works on the renunciation of offices. And I have found confirmation for everything we Catholics, who recognize that Benedict XVI never abdicated, hold. This is important, because there is advanced by … Continue reading The Canonical Tradition requires the renunciation of Munus not Ministerium

4 Signs of standing with the True Pope: One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Most Catholics have heard of the 4 signs of the true Church: that She is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. One, that is,  united under the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Successor of St. Peter. Holy, that in union with them they remain dedicated to the service and worship of the … Continue reading 4 Signs of standing with the True Pope: One, Holy, Catholic & Apostolic

Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The masonic agenda of Viganò is now confirmed without a doubt, as he launches his call for Catholics to separate from the Catholic Hierarchy and form an underground Church: announcing as he does that the entire hierarchy are in league with Globalism. This promotion of dualism is NOT Catholic. The … Continue reading Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Is the Traditional Catholic Movement Catholic?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Catholic Faith and Religion, indeed, the Holy Catholic Church Herself, has always been traditional. “Tradition” is an English word borrowed from the Latin, traditio, tradere: the handing down of teaching. The use of the term in regard to the Catholic Faith regards the handing down of eternally true teaching: eternally … Continue reading Is the Traditional Catholic Movement Catholic?

Divine and Apostolic Right takes precedence in a State of Emergency

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo REBLOGGED from DEC. 23, 2019 — For Spanish and German translation see below. We live in a very bizarre age, when professional gossipers (aka journalists) are the puppet masters of the masses, because 95% of everyone allows them to dictate the boundaries of reality, history, morality and religion. And until some … Continue reading Divine and Apostolic Right takes precedence in a State of Emergency

Divine and Apostolic Right takes precedence in a State of Emergency

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo We live in a very bizarre age, when professional gossipers (aka journalists) are the puppet masters of the masses, because 95% of everyone allows them to dictate the boundaries of reality, history, morality and religion. And until some noted journalist uses the word, “Heresy”, “Schismatic” or “Apostate” in reference to someone … Continue reading Divine and Apostolic Right takes precedence in a State of Emergency

Archbishop Fisichella, full of hate, attempts a shell game on the word, “tradition”

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo As a member of the Roman Church, I cannot remain silent at the gross and vile attack on the Catholic Faithful, given in such a hateful spirit, by one of the formerly chief members of the Clergy at the Vatican: Archbishop Fisichella.  His talk can be read in part here and … Continue reading Archbishop Fisichella, full of hate, attempts a shell game on the word, “tradition”