The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

Traduzione Italiana in fondo Editor’s Note: Tomorrow I will launch the Sutri Initiative. But as a preparation, here is my first video made at Sutri, Italy, recounting the remarkable and historic events which took place here in 1046, and its importance for resolving the crisis in which the Church of Rome finds Herself now. This … Continue reading The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

Matt Gaspers: Pope Francis must be rebuked and removed from office in a Council

Editor’s Note: It has been 6 years since I wrote about this topic, and 15 months since I published the petition to the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, called The Sutri Initiative; but I am nevertheless glad that at least Matt Gaspers is approaching the full truth regarding the proper and only canonical … Continue reading Matt Gaspers: Pope Francis must be rebuked and removed from office in a Council

Yes; but Anne, the worst sin of Acedia is pretending the Sutri Initiative doesn’t exist

Editor’s Note: As of October 19, it will have been one year that Ann Barnhardt has known about the Sutri Initiative but decided to keep silent lest Catholics rise up and obtain in a provincial council the removal of Pope Francis from office. Being indifferent to his continued claim to be pope is the worst … Continue reading Yes; but Anne, the worst sin of Acedia is pretending the Sutri Initiative doesn’t exist


PUBLICADA EN SUTRI EL VIERNES 20 DE OCTUBRE DEL AÑO 2023 A.D. Por el Hermano Franciscano Alexis Bugnolo ENGLISH — FRENCH — ITALIAN Ayer expliqué desde Sutri, Italia, (Aqui) cómo el Primer Concilio Provincial o Sínodo de Sutri puso fin al horrible caos de la Iglesia Romana en 1046, cuando tres diferentes hombres reclamaron el … Continue reading LA INICIATIVA SUTRI PARA DAR FINAL A LAS HEREJÍAS, BLASFEMIAS Y ESCÁNDALOS PERPETRADOS POR EL PAPA FRANCISCO

Pope Saint Gregory VII and St. Peter Damian accepted the Sutri Initiative in 1046: Why won’t you?

Historical note by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Today is the Feast of Pope Saint Gregory VII, the greatest reforming pope of the Middle Ages, who warred relentlessly against corrupt and heretical rulers of his time. As an acolyte of Pope Gregory VI (Giovanni Graziano) he attended and accepted the decrees of the First Council of Sutri … Continue reading Pope Saint Gregory VII and St. Peter Damian accepted the Sutri Initiative in 1046: Why won’t you?


di Frà Alexis Bugnolo Versioni: Inglese e Francesce Ieri ho spiegato da Sutri, in Italia, come il Primo Concilio Provinciale o Sinodo di Sutri– mise fine all’orribile caos della Chiesa Romana nel 1046, quando tre uomini diversi rivendicarono l’ufficio di Papa: uno un predatore sodomita, un altro un vero e proprio usurpatore, e un altro … Continue reading L’INIZIATIVA SUTRI: PER PORRE FINE ALLE ERESIE, BLASFEMIE, SCANDALI, PERPETRATI DA PAPA FRANCESCO

The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis

PUBLISHED FROM SUTRI ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 A.D. By Br. Alexis Bugnolo TRADUCTION FRANÇAIS — VERSIONE ITALIANA — TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Yesterday, I explained from Sutri, Italy, (here) how the First Provincial Council or Synod of Sutri put an end to the horrible chaos of the Roman Church in 1046, when 3 different men … Continue reading The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis

The Church of Rome must now return to Sutri!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction Française In the days before Christmas in the year of Our Lord One Thousand and Forty-Six, the King of the Germans, Henry III came to Sutri, Italy, in the environs of Viterbo to put in order the Roman Church. As he descended with his armed knights into Italy, he sent … Continue reading The Church of Rome must now return to Sutri!

Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic. In this … Continue reading Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

Archbishop Ganswein’s admissions require Redress before a Provincial Council of Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo I BEG YOU TO SHARE THIS WITH ALL THE BISHOPS NAMED BELOW ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS — PER LA VERSIONE ITALIANA CLICCA QUI Among the stunning statements made by Archbishop Ganswein to the brother of Father Gehard, the other day, during a long polite phone call, which was recorded, is this: that … Continue reading Archbishop Ganswein’s admissions require Redress before a Provincial Council of Rome

A Canonical Justification for the Second Synod of Sutri

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo It has been reported that Cardinal Burke has recently remarked that canonists, seeking a solution to the current problem of a patently heretical pope or a dubious papal resignation, have found no canonical way forward in the present juridical system of the Church. To this alleged assertion, I intend to response … Continue reading A Canonical Justification for the Second Synod of Sutri

Viganò should not ignore the precedent of the Synod of Sutri

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Archbishop Viganò has recently admitted that he recognizes that Beroglio is a heseiarch, that is an arch-heretic. He has also stated that he has suspended judgement about who is and who is not the Pope. For us Catholics such positions are intollerable, not only because a heretic cannot hold an office, … Continue reading Viganò should not ignore the precedent of the Synod of Sutri

The Door to Sutri II is unlocking

In an article entitled, Waiting for Gregorian reforms 2.0, published by Polonia Christiana on Sept. 7, 2018 (and reprinted by, Prof. Grzegorz Kucharczyk lays out the historical and legal context of the current crisis of criminality in the Church which may lead to another Synod of Sutri. The Synod of Sutri in 1046 A. … Continue reading The Door to Sutri II is unlocking

EMMO News: interviews Br. Bugnolo on Cionci’s New Theory vs. the Great Catholic Reset

EMMO NEWS INTERVIEW: * Correction: The introduction says Br. Bugnolo has been living private vows since 1991. In truth he lived public vows from 1993-6, and from 1996-present private vows. FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT FAMILIAR WITH THIS DEBATE, SEE THE INTERVIEW OF BR. BUGNOLO AT OMC RADIO TV, EARLIER THIS WEEK. (Over at Emmo … Continue reading EMMO News: interviews Br. Bugnolo on Cionci’s New Theory vs. the Great Catholic Reset

USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State

News Commentary and Appeal to all Catholics in the USA, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo I realize that the future presidency of Donald Trump is going to give a lot of Catholics false hope, because Trump’s politics is to promise the sky, period. But at least having a nominal Catholic like Marco Rubio as his Secretary … Continue reading USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State

The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046

Editor’s Note: Very little can be found in English about the First Council of Sutri, and perhaps for this reason not a few of unlettered Catholic influencers are reluctant to speak of the Sutri Initiative. — For this reason I publish here this article on the role of money in the sale of the Papacy … Continue reading The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046

Argentina: While the Archbishop, Pope Francis stole the live savings of Monsignor Gonzales

Editor’s Note: Since he signed Fiducia supplicans the tide has turned inexorably against Pope Francis: from the lightning striking the image of Saint Peter divesting it of keys and aureole to the revelations by Archbishop Vigano, that Bergoglio while novice master of the Jesuits, sexually molested some of the novices. Now comes this report, hidden … Continue reading Argentina: While the Archbishop, Pope Francis stole the live savings of Monsignor Gonzales

Eric Sammons says he won’t call for Pope Francis to be deposed until there is a way to do it

Editor’s Note: If you have increasing doubts about the sincerity of Catholic media owners such as Eric Sammons, you might be justified, since in this long article where he explains why he did not sign the recent statement calling for Pope Francis to resign or be deposed, he actually closes by saying, that until a … Continue reading Eric Sammons says he won’t call for Pope Francis to be deposed until there is a way to do it

Scholars call for Pope Francis to resign or be deposed

Editor’s Note: I agree with this statement 100%. It reasons for the deposition of Pope Francis from the point of view of the accusations or theological reasons why he should be removed from power. Unlike the Sutri Initiative, which expressly agrees with the theological reasons but focuses on the practical solution, the canonical means to … Continue reading Scholars call for Pope Francis to resign or be deposed