Search Results for: Provincial Council
The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)
Traduzione Italiana in fondo Editor’s Note: Tomorrow I will launch the Sutri Initiative. But as a preparation, here is my first video made at Sutri, Italy, recounting the remarkable and historic events which took place here in 1046, and its importance for resolving the crisis in which the Church of Rome finds Herself now. This … Continue reading The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)
Archbishop Ganswein’s admissions require Redress before a Provincial Council of Rome
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo I BEG YOU TO SHARE THIS WITH ALL THE BISHOPS NAMED BELOW ENGLISH VERSION FOLLOWS — PER LA VERSIONE ITALIANA CLICCA QUI Among the stunning statements made by Archbishop Ganswein to the brother of Father Gehard, the other day, during a long polite phone call, which was recorded, is this: that … Continue reading Archbishop Ganswein’s admissions require Redress before a Provincial Council of Rome
Pope Francis admits that “Amoris Laetitia” intended to contradict both Gospel and Council of Trent
Editor’s Note: Archbishop Fernandez has done the Church a favor by making it clear how deceptive, dishonest, heretical, erroneous, and malign Jorge Mario Bergoglio was during his anti-papacy. All these admissions will be evidence for his trial at the Provincial Council, which must be called within 60 days!
Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio
Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic. In this … Continue reading Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio
Dopo Ganswein ammette errori nella Declaratio, un Appello per un Concilio Provinciale Romano
di Fra Alexis Bugnolo La prego di condividere ciò con tutti i vescovi sottomenzionati. VERSIONE ITALIANA — ENGLISH VERSION Fra le sorprendenti dichiarazioni fatte dall’Arcivescovo Ganswein al fratello di Padre Gebhard l’altro giorno, durante una lunga, forbita telefonata che è stata registrata, vi è questa: che ci sono ERRORI nel testo latino della Declaratio di … Continue reading Dopo Ganswein ammette errori nella Declaratio, un Appello per un Concilio Provinciale Romano
Russian Orthodox Critic of West retired for involvement in Sodomy
Editor’s Note: Those “conservatives” in the West who repeated Russian Federation propaganda during the last 20 years, might be shocked to discover that one of the frequent mouth-pieces for that propaganda was just “retired” for having another man in a personal relationship which is unnatural, to put it mildly. Bishop Hilarion was for nearly 20 … Continue reading Russian Orthodox Critic of West retired for involvement in Sodomy
Vatican: Jubilee Spokesman says no one will be refused entering Holy Doors
Editor’s Note: The pilgrimage of Sodomites was removed from the official Calendar for the Jubilee, but the spokesman for the Dicastery entrusted with organizing Jubilee events flip flopped. The event was put on the calendar as a courtesy; but the Dicastery does not approve of all pilgrimages, though it will allow all pilgrimages. — The … Continue reading Vatican: Jubilee Spokesman says no one will be refused entering Holy Doors
Dr. Feser, who gaslighted on Benedict XVI’s Renunciation, says “Don’t tolerate being gaslit!”
Editor’s Note: Here Dr. Feser gaslights the faithful once again, by saying, since the Church never taught that a pope is always infallible, he can be a manifest, pertinacious heretic. — This illation (logical argument) is obviously dishonest, since infallibility regards the exercise of the teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, but heresy is always … Continue reading Dr. Feser, who gaslighted on Benedict XVI’s Renunciation, says “Don’t tolerate being gaslit!”
Pope Francis has decreed the Heretical Alteration of the Catholic Church
Translation and Rebuttal by Br. Alexis Bugnolo More than 13 months ago, I warned the Faithful of the entire Catholic Church, that we could not silently sit by an allow the pertinacious, manifest and formal heretic, who is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to continue to be recognized as the Pope by the Catholic Church without destroying … Continue reading Pope Francis has decreed the Heretical Alteration of the Catholic Church
Father Faré’s Straw Man Argument
UPDATED NOV. 25, 2024 A refutation by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction français (of original version) Padre Giorgio Maria Faré, a Carmelite Priest of the province of Italy, well known for his writings on Vatican II, the Mass and the Liturgy, recent garnered international recognition when he pronounced during Mass, at one of the conferences organized … Continue reading Father Faré’s Straw Man Argument
John Henry Westen: “Is Francis the Pope?”, an apology for his position
Editor’s Note: Here is a video which allows comments, and comments are probably what you might want to leave for John, due to the numerous opinions he reports and expresses which are contrary to canon law, fact, and recent history. Personally, I cannot imagine the morality which, while knowing fully of the Sutri Initiative, gives … Continue reading John Henry Westen: “Is Francis the Pope?”, an apology for his position
5 Years Ago: Clamorous errors in the Latin of Benedict’s “Renunciation”
Editor’s Note: 5 Years ago, FromRome.Info published (on Nov. 20, 2019) the definitive critique of the Latin text of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013. Even to this day, no other author in the world has published a similar critique nor one as perspicacious and complete. This article represented one of my unique … Continue reading 5 Years Ago: Clamorous errors in the Latin of Benedict’s “Renunciation”
USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State
News Commentary and Appeal to all Catholics in the USA, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo I realize that the future presidency of Donald Trump is going to give a lot of Catholics false hope, because Trump’s politics is to promise the sky, period. But at least having a nominal Catholic like Marco Rubio as his Secretary … Continue reading USA: The Catholic, Marco Rubio, to be named Secretary of State
The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046
Editor’s Note: Very little can be found in English about the First Council of Sutri, and perhaps for this reason not a few of unlettered Catholic influencers are reluctant to speak of the Sutri Initiative. — For this reason I publish here this article on the role of money in the sale of the Papacy … Continue reading The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046
Dr. Anthony Stine: Pope Francis needs to be tried for heresy
Commentary and a Response by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction Française FromRome.Info is willing to quote anyone when they say something true or worthy of being noted down. Anthony Stine once said of FromRome.Info, that “I try to stay away from that website like the plague”. Seeing that the topic he speaks of in the above … Continue reading Dr. Anthony Stine: Pope Francis needs to be tried for heresy
Yes; but Anne, the worst sin of Acedia is pretending the Sutri Initiative doesn’t exist
Editor’s Note: As of October 19, it will have been one year that Ann Barnhardt has known about the Sutri Initiative but decided to keep silent lest Catholics rise up and obtain in a provincial council the removal of Pope Francis from office. Being indifferent to his continued claim to be pope is the worst … Continue reading Yes; but Anne, the worst sin of Acedia is pretending the Sutri Initiative doesn’t exist
Padre Giorgio M Faré: Pope Benedict XVI was the true pope until his death
Introduction and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Since 2016, Father Faré who had obtained in 2013 a Doctorate in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University at Rome, found himself profoundly shocked by a statement of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and so began years of profound study to understand what was going on in the Church. From … Continue reading Padre Giorgio M Faré: Pope Benedict XVI was the true pope until his death
EMERGENCY: Pope Francis to put into doubt election of his successor
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française As I forewarned last December, a Roman Pontiff who through a public, formal act of adhesion to a heretical profession (Fiducia supplicans) would dare appoint new members to the College of Cardinals, would put into canonical doubt the validity of his successors election (See here), due to the impeded … Continue reading EMERGENCY: Pope Francis to put into doubt election of his successor
Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo First, the critique given by Archbishop Viganò on twitter, against Michael Matt and Bishop Athanasius Schneider: After Michael Matt censored my speech last year, believing that I had crossed the red line he had set, I was not surprised that I was not invited to this year’s Catholic Identity Conference. … Continue reading Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang