A Canonical Justification for the Second Synod of Sutri

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo It has been reported that Cardinal Burke has recently remarked that canonists, seeking a solution to the current problem of a patently heretical pope or a dubious papal resignation, have found no canonical way forward in the present juridical system of the Church. To this alleged assertion, I intend to response … Continue reading A Canonical Justification for the Second Synod of Sutri

Viganò should not ignore the precedent of the Synod of Sutri

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Archbishop Viganò has recently admitted that he recognizes that Beroglio is a heseiarch, that is an arch-heretic. He has also stated that he has suspended judgement about who is and who is not the Pope. For us Catholics such positions are intollerable, not only because a heretic cannot hold an office, … Continue reading Viganò should not ignore the precedent of the Synod of Sutri

Cardinal Zen: Pope Francis has intentionally attacked the Catholic Faith in each of his “Synods”

Editor’s Note: While the Cardinal stops short of a formal canonical accusation of heresy and schism, anyone can write to the Cardinal and request or suggest that he read the Sutri Initiative and file a formal petition to the Bishops of the Roman Province to convene a Provincial Synod to put Bergoglio on trial for … Continue reading Cardinal Zen: Pope Francis has intentionally attacked the Catholic Faith in each of his “Synods”

Cardinal Ambongo: By ‘Fiducia supplicans’ Pope Francis has discredited the Synod on Synodality

Editor’s Note: It has not even been two weeks since Cardinal Ambongo went to Rome and crafted a letter with Cardinal Koch to make it appear that the Bishops of Africa would agree to disagree, while accepting ‘Fiducia supplicans’. Now, surprisingly, he has openly decried Pope Francis without naming him, for perpetrating a dishonest fraud … Continue reading Cardinal Ambongo: By ‘Fiducia supplicans’ Pope Francis has discredited the Synod on Synodality

AUSTRALIA: Archbishop Fischer says “Synod” at odds with Gospel, not from the Holy Spirit

Editor’s Note: Here the Archbishop pulls the rung of lies out from under Pope Francis and his crew’s feet: namely that by claiming they are listening to the Holy Spirit, that everything they do is of God. — Take away: He says that the Church has had “some terrible popes”! — This is a clear … Continue reading AUSTRALIA: Archbishop Fischer says “Synod” at odds with Gospel, not from the Holy Spirit

The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis

PUBLISHED FROM SUTRI ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 A.D. By Br. Alexis Bugnolo TRADUCTION FRANÇAIS — VERSIONE ITALIANA — TRADUCCIÓN AL ESPAÑOL Yesterday, I explained from Sutri, Italy, (here) how the First Provincial Council or Synod of Sutri put an end to the horrible chaos of the Roman Church in 1046, when 3 different men … Continue reading The Sutri Initiative: to put an end to the Heresies, Blasphemies, Scandals perpetrated by Pope Francis

The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

Traduzione Italiana in fondo Editor’s Note: Tomorrow I will launch the Sutri Initiative. But as a preparation, here is my first video made at Sutri, Italy, recounting the remarkable and historic events which took place here in 1046, and its importance for resolving the crisis in which the Church of Rome finds Herself now. This … Continue reading The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

We need some real Catholic Synodality at Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo TRADUCTION FRANÇAISE The Catholic media is filled in these days with reports about the Synod on Synodality, but it ignoring the real Catholic Synodality which is prescribed in Canon Law. The fake kind is organized by a man without the petrine munus, who pretends to be the Holy Father, while the … Continue reading We need some real Catholic Synodality at Rome

The Church of Rome must now return to Sutri!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction Française In the days before Christmas in the year of Our Lord One Thousand and Forty-Six, the King of the Germans, Henry III came to Sutri, Italy, in the environs of Viterbo to put in order the Roman Church. As he descended with his armed knights into Italy, he sent … Continue reading The Church of Rome must now return to Sutri!

The Situation in the Church is intolerable: We must go to Sutri again!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Back in September of 2018, I called for a Second Synod of Sutri. And days later, the international Association, “Veri Catholici” joined the call with a specific and formal list of accusations to be heard. And just last week, I called on Archbishop Viganò not to ignore the precedent set there. — … Continue reading The Situation in the Church is intolerable: We must go to Sutri again!

The Door to Sutri II is unlocking

In an article entitled, Waiting for Gregorian reforms 2.0, published by Polonia Christiana on Sept. 7, 2018 (and reprinted by ChurchMilitant.com, Prof. Grzegorz Kucharczyk lays out the historical and legal context of the current crisis of criminality in the Church which may lead to another Synod of Sutri. The Synod of Sutri in 1046 A. … Continue reading The Door to Sutri II is unlocking

Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

Back in April of 2021, Br. Bugnolo made the above video about “judging the signs of the times”, and the expectations of Our Lord that we Catholics use our intellects. The video included an impassioned demonstration about what constitutes the honest response of Catholics who hold that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a heretic. In this … Continue reading Why true Catholics are gravely obliged to militate for a Council to rebuke Bergoglio

“Bergoglio is definitely Pope” Crowd pushes to depose & elect another Antipope

Editor’s Note: Yes, this is the same Remnant, which is mentioned in yesterday’s program on, Edward P. Lilly, founder of the CIA Doctrinal Warfare Program against the Catholic Church. Thus it an be highly suspected, that it is pushing this new angle to prevent the restoration of Pope Benedict XVI. Significant is how this article … Continue reading “Bergoglio is definitely Pope” Crowd pushes to depose & elect another Antipope

How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

REPRINT OF SEPT. 30, 2021 A. D. by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Catholics have been lulled into accepting the revolution, which drove Benedict XVI from power and installed the globalist pseudo-savant from Argentina in the Vatican, by many specious arguments. Chief of which is that promoted by Cardinal Raymond Burke, that, namely, there is no canonical … Continue reading How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

Archbishop Viganò embraces Br. Bugnolo’s call for a great Catholic Reset

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo This morning, at Rome, Aldo Maria Valli published his interview with Archbishop Viganò covering a wide range of topics regarding the state of the Church in the world, at present. (Full Text in Italian here) And during this interview, the Archbishop has surprised the Catholic World, by finally agreeing that the … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò embraces Br. Bugnolo’s call for a great Catholic Reset

How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Catholics have been lulled into accepting the revolution, which drove Benedict XVI from power and installed the globalist pseudo-savant from Argentina in the Vatican, by many specious arguments. Chief of which is that promoted by Cardinal Raymond Burke, that, namely, there is no canonical procedure to address an invalid or contested … Continue reading How to Canonically solve the problem of 2 Popes

Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The masonic agenda of Viganò is now confirmed without a doubt, as he launches his call for Catholics to separate from the Catholic Hierarchy and form an underground Church: announcing as he does that the entire hierarchy are in league with Globalism. This promotion of dualism is NOT Catholic. The … Continue reading Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Archbishop Viganò: Benedict’s Renunciation might be purposefully invalid

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Good Friday — April, 2, 2021: In a wide ranging interview by Aldo Maria Valli, published yesterday, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has openly conceded that the renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI might be invalid, and intentionally crafted for that purpose. Click HERE above to read the original. The comments of the … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò: Benedict’s Renunciation might be purposefully invalid

Pope Benedict XVI has prepared for the Great Catholic Reset of the world

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Masonic Lodges have prepared for more than a century to enslave and decimate mankind. And we are seeing their plan unfold with the Scamdemic and Great Reset. But Pope Benedict XVI, by Christ’s inspiration in the summer of 2012, has fashioned for the Catholic Church a Restart Button to begin … Continue reading Pope Benedict XVI has prepared for the Great Catholic Reset of the world