‘The Pillar’ endorses Sodomy by its silence on Episcopal Appointments in Poland

A Call to Action by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The History of Pope Francis’ Heretical Profession on ‘Gay Blessings’ Back in October, on the 14th, to be precise, I warned that the silence of Pope Francis in response to reproaches to his position on “gay blessings” could not go on forever without the imputation of the … Continue reading ‘The Pillar’ endorses Sodomy by its silence on Episcopal Appointments in Poland

The Pillar Gaslights the Catholic World about the Desecration of St. Peter’s and St. Bartholomew’s Basilicas at Rome

Editor’s Note: It is morally disgusting and reprehensible to the highest degree, that two crimes which would have led mobs of Catholics in the Middle Ages to string up clerics with rope, are here presented as a vacation tour in the Eternal City, legitimately authorized by the Pope. ‘The Pillar’ reminds me of what one … Continue reading The Pillar Gaslights the Catholic World about the Desecration of St. Peter’s and St. Bartholomew’s Basilicas at Rome

‘The Pillar’ begins rehabilitation of Cardinal Fernandez

Editor’s Note: ‘The Pillar’ which takes its name from Holy Mother Church, which is “the pillar and mainstay of the truth” according to Saint Paul, has now begun the rehabilitation of Cardinal Fernandez, with this trite and outlandish article which tries to make you think that he is the victim of controversy and perfectly faithful … Continue reading ‘The Pillar’ begins rehabilitation of Cardinal Fernandez

The Pillar confesses to aiding & abetting “Synod” secrecy and non-transparency

Editor’s Note: The Pillar has gotten itself into a lot of messy subjects since its foundation, not the least of which was being sued for libel and defamation. Its writers are nearly always wrong on all canonical subjects, though some of them sport Doctorates in Canon Law. But today’s article is the creme de la … Continue reading The Pillar confesses to aiding & abetting “Synod” secrecy and non-transparency

The Pillar gets the Ukrainian-Vatican Bank controversy all messed up

Editor’s Note: A minor official in the Ukrainian government has accused the Vatican Bank of “receiving and investing” monies from Russia.  And the Vatican Bank has denied that. The Vatican Bank did NOT deny, however, of investing its own monies in Russia, nor from receiving financial support or other kinds of benefits or advantages for … Continue reading The Pillar gets the Ukrainian-Vatican Bank controversy all messed up

The Laughable Canonical Opinions of “The Pillar”

Editor’s Note: The Pillar, an ostensible Catholic electronic journal, has published a piece accepting as valid the letter presented by Bishop Olson of Texas, in the dispute he has with the Carmelite Monastery in his Diocese. The letter is signed by the wrong person (Secretary of the Congregation for Religious, not the Prefect, who along … Continue reading The Laughable Canonical Opinions of “The Pillar”

Vatican charges ‘Silere Non Possum’ Editor with defamation, will prosecute

Editor’s Note: The editor of Silere Non Possum, the Italian blog which often publishes the news of scandals at the Vatican, is to be prosecuted for defamation in the Vatican’s Tribunal, according to media reports received by the editor. In the article above he protests, that the Vatican penal code requires that the accused be … Continue reading Vatican charges ‘Silere Non Possum’ Editor with defamation, will prosecute

Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue

REPRINTED FROM JANUARY 5, 2024 A. D.. by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française From our earliest days in Catechism class we learn that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai 10 laws or commandments which obliged every man, woman and child everywhere and for all times. The keeping of the 10 Commandments — also known … Continue reading Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue

VATICAN: Cardinal Fernandez issues Doctrinal Note to justify future alteration of the Sacraments

A Critique and Summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française Beyond the curiosity that the document never cites a footnote from Pope Francis, but only from “Francis”, thus admitting his past statements as Anti pope have no authority, the document is pernicious for its assertion that a “rigid uniformity” of the Sacramental forumlae has never … Continue reading VATICAN: Cardinal Fernandez issues Doctrinal Note to justify future alteration of the Sacraments

Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française From our earliest days in Catechism class we learn that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai 10 laws or commandments which obliged every man, woman and child everywhere and for all times. The keeping of the 10 Commandments — also known as the Decalogue, from the Greek for … Continue reading Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue

A List of Apostate Bishops in the Catholic Church, approving of Fiducia Supplcians

Please List the URLs to official statements of your Bishop if he approves of blessing sodomitic and adulterous unions, in the comments, and they will be added here. And if they do approve of such heresy and blasphemy, don’t forget to give them a call or writing a letter and remind them of the gravity … Continue reading A List of Apostate Bishops in the Catholic Church, approving of Fiducia Supplcians

59% of the Readers of Canon212.com are public heretics

Editor’s Note: Over at Canon212.com where a former saxophone player and stand up comedian, Frank Walker, has continued to publish news of all the scandals in the Church day by day, year by year, the end result was long ago predictable: that he and his followers would become sedevacantists. A sedevacantist is a Catholic who … Continue reading 59% of the Readers of Canon212.com are public heretics

How Bergoglio’s permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

From Rome has been ahead of many issues way before the general public confronted them. One of these regards the problem of having a man whom you think is the Pope be a man whom you know is a heretic. From Rome answered this in an editorial of May 12, 2016, nearly 6 and a … Continue reading How Bergoglio’s permanence means the apostasy of the Flock

Mark Mallet’s Ridiculous escapade into the Controversy over Benedict XVI’s Papacy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Hey, when you see that a blogger, on the header of his blog, has a classy fashion photo shoot of himself next to a rock which strangely bears the symbol of the Masonic Lodge, you gotta take interest why such a person is writing, his motives. In his Sept. 16th post, … Continue reading Mark Mallet’s Ridiculous escapade into the Controversy over Benedict XVI’s Papacy

Cardinal DiNardo excommunicates himself, again!

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo TO READ THE ABOVE ARTICLE, CLICK THE IMAGE Catholics are being attacked on all sides, from both outside and inside the Church, from psychopathic politicians who believe their duty is to represent the Globalists and crush the people, especially Christians, to totally delusional prelates who believe that attacking the flock … Continue reading Cardinal DiNardo excommunicates himself, again!

Every Possible Wrong Answer on the topic of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio

Commentary on the above, by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Once again, the Society of St. Pius X rushes to defend the legitimacy of the claimed pontificate of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and this time it is a epic disaster in the form of a podcast/video interview of Father Tranquillo, SSPX. (It has been confirmed to FromRome.Info, that … Continue reading Every Possible Wrong Answer on the topic of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio

Those 40 errors, which Benedict XVI says are a “decorous” use of Latin

FIRST TODAY’S ARTICLE from Il Libero Quotidiano, by Cionci, then Br. Bugnolo’s Translation & Analsysis of the Original, now missing article by Canfora, which was published on Feb. 12, 2013 by the Corriere della Sera. Those Strange Errors in Benedict’s Latin by Andrea Cionci Authorized English translation by FromRome.Info. THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE APPEARED AT BOTTOM … Continue reading Those 40 errors, which Benedict XVI says are a “decorous” use of Latin