Pope Francis now trolls Archbishop Viganò, by making his Nephew an Archbishop

Editor’s Note: Pope Francis after a week of railing against those who misuse social media by trolling others rather than dialoging has, in classic consistency of his own outlandish and pompous hypocrisy, began a trolling campaign against his most bitter critics. Having made Archbishop Viganò’s own nephew, by the same surname, also an Archbishop, he … Continue reading Pope Francis now trolls Archbishop Viganò, by making his Nephew an Archbishop

Archbishop Viganò, the Mouth of the U.S. Ideological War Against the Church

Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française In the midst of all the sound criticism of corruption in the Church, we Catholics must not ignore the blatant weaponization going on against the Catholic Faith. The U. S. Ideological Warfare Program against the Catholic Church, declared in 1953, aimed at making Catholics think that the U. … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò, the Mouth of the U.S. Ideological War Against the Church

Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis acts like a servant of Satan’s servants

Editor’s Note: It is a principle of the natural law that if you know of a crime, you denounce the guilty party to the proper authorities so that they can take action and arrest and punish him and restore the order of justice. In U. S. Civil Law the failure to report a serious crime … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis acts like a servant of Satan’s servants

Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo First, the critique given by Archbishop Viganò on twitter, against Michael Matt and Bishop Athanasius Schneider: After Michael Matt censored my speech last year, believing that I had crossed the red line he had set, I was not surprised that I was not invited to this year’s Catholic Identity Conference. … Continue reading Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang

Archbishop Viganò rips the mask of Pope Francis’ MonkeyPox Grift

by Archcbishop Viganò @CarloMVigano “I wish to express my solidarity with the thousands of people affected by monkeypox, which now constitutes a global health emergency.” Bergoglio tentatively casts off the role of the expert climatologist in which he has obsessively relaunched the green agenda narrative, to don the virologist’s lab coat and lend his support … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò rips the mask of Pope Francis’ MonkeyPox Grift

Archbishop Viganò says Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo French Translation Finally, the Archbishop did the decent thing and confronted the canonical problems with Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation.* In his judgement, it is “clearly invalid” to effect the loss of the office of Pope. The Archbishop, throughout his interview and the explanation of his viewpoint, still omits the distinction … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò says Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid

Archbishop Viganò issues an Apologia in his defense

Editor’s Note: The Archbishop has written his own apologia pro sua vita, which is now available in English, through the linked image above. What he says therein is more completely an exposition of his doctrinal and juridical position than in other documents. Essentially, however, he has not modified or changed anything of what he has … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò issues an Apologia in his defense

Vatican News quotes Viganò’s Tweet about Schism Trial, Parolin praises him for past work

Editor’s Note: Since the Vatican News Service is under the direction of the Secretary of State, it is indeed notable that Cardinal Parolin should publish this article, so as to get his own comments on record, as one who is trying to be fair to both sides in this dispute, Pope Francis and Archbishop Viganò. … Continue reading Vatican News quotes Viganò’s Tweet about Schism Trial, Parolin praises him for past work

Crux Magazine lauds Berlusconi Conservatives who applaud Viganò trial

Editor’s Note: Does ex priest John Allen, founder of Crux Magazine, really expect us to believe that those whom he calls conservatives in Italy, are conservatives? And that no one in the Church agrees with the Archbishop’s opposition to the Scamdemic? This is the cheekiest propaganda yet. The effort to demonize all the positions held … Continue reading Crux Magazine lauds Berlusconi Conservatives who applaud Viganò trial

Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo On June 11, 2024, the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”, an entity erected by no pope sent a letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò informing him of his pending trial in the “Dicastery” on the charge of schism. In response to reports that he has been so charged … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

VATICAN “Dicastery” charges Archbishop Viganò with Schism

Commentary and Canonical Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française Editor’s Note: You can read the news from the source, at the Archbishop’s Italian Website, which now has an official English translation of the accusation and surrounding circumstances. As I have said before, since this Dicastery was never erected by a man holding the Petrine … Continue reading VATICAN “Dicastery” charges Archbishop Viganò with Schism

OMC Radio TV’s Catholic Talk Show, June 7, 2024:Viganò accuses Pope Francis of being a homosexual groomer

Editor’s Note: This week on OMC Radio TV’s Catholic Talk Show, AJ and Br. Bugnolo discuss Archbishop Viganò’s testimony of how one of Father Bergoglio’s novices, in Argentina, said the latter is a homosexual groomer, along with the reactions to this revelation. Also discussed are the “conversion” of Lord Farmer, and the Bishop of Kentucky’s … Continue reading OMC Radio TV’s Catholic Talk Show, June 7, 2024:Viganò accuses Pope Francis of being a homosexual groomer

Why Sammons is wrong to tell Archbishop Viganò to shut up over Pope Francis’ grooming of Novices in Argentina

Editor’s Note:I highly recommend reading this article by Father Gene Gomulka, lamenting the moral tragedy which ensued when he failed to go beyond just denouncing in private the sexual predation he heard of about a fellow priest in the U. S. Military Archdiocese, years ago. In my judgement, Father Gene ‘s article this week is … Continue reading Why Sammons is wrong to tell Archbishop Viganò to shut up over Pope Francis’ grooming of Novices in Argentina

BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis sexually corrupted vocations while Master of Novices in Buenas Aires

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Everyone deserves the presumption of innocence, until by his habitual public behavior he signals otherwise. This is such a case, and I believe Archbishop Viganò’s accusation in the above tweet (see full text below) that Jorge Mario Bergoglio, while master of novices in the Jesuit Novitiate in Argentina, morally corrupted … Continue reading BREAKING: Archbishop Viganò: Pope Francis sexually corrupted vocations while Master of Novices in Buenas Aires

Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is the system to introduce the Antichrist

Editor’s Note: The Archbishop gave his intervention via video to the National Congress of Sovereign Popular Democracy, an organization which is co-sponsored by Francesco Toscana, a non-Catholic who refused any collaboration with the Catholic Party, “L’Italia per gli Italiani” (Italy for Italians), which is anti-masonic and requires candidates to be married in a Catholic marriage … Continue reading Archbishop Viganò: Globalism is the system to introduce the Antichrist

ITALY: Diocese of Viterbo denounces Viganò’s project to the Vatican

News and Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française The above is the news article by La Repubblica, the leading Marxist newspaper of Rome. It mentions that the property of the Hermitage belonged to the Alfieri noble family. — Former monasteries in Italy are often in private hands, following the universal confiscation of ecclesiastical properties … Continue reading ITALY: Diocese of Viterbo denounces Viganò’s project to the Vatican

Has Archbishop Viganò been excommunicated?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française In this article I will discuss the issues raised by Riccardo Cascioli in his article at the Bussola Quotidiana (Daily Compass), his electronic journal, entitled, “Crisis creates schisms: also Viganò goes his own way”, which appeared on January 11 of this year, here, in English translation. First, I will … Continue reading Has Archbishop Viganò been excommunicated?