All posts by Editor

AUSTRALIA: Bishop Mar Mari stabbed during the Divine Liturgy by Islamic Terrorist

Please note, that as soon as the attacker was identified as a Muslim, Musk began censoring tweets about the event.

Editor’s Note: The Bishop was an outspoken critic of the Scamdemic and DeathVaxx. This attack is just one of many launched against opponents of the Globalist Great Reset. The Bishop is a Bishop of the Assyrian Orthodox Church. For our past coverage of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.

In the Aramean Assyrian Orthodox quarter of Sydney, the Christians are protesting the attack on the Bishop and a number of priests who were serving with him during the Liturgy.

After the congregation captured the assailant, they extracted from his a confession:

UPDATE: The attack has led to Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel having his own Wikipedia Article, here.

VATICAN Tribunal drops Defamation Suit against Silere Non Possum, in 30 minutes

Editor’s Note: The above article ends with some interesting and important questions. The net result is that Perfetti has received the moral equivalent of $10 Million in free advertising for his Journal’s new debut.  — Silere non possum is one of the cornerstones of Trad Inc. in Italy. So I am not surprised one bit, as this certainly looks like payback for protecting the crocodile.

VATICAN to oppose Mosaic-like laws against Sodomy & other sexual perversions

Editor’s Note: Here is a news article which proves that the only Catholics true to the name are those who joined the Sutri Initiative, and that all the others are carrying water for apostasy.

Now, all you Catholics from Africa, who believed that Pope Francis had repented of his evil ways, after the Cardinal from Kenya carved out an agreement of toleration for the African Bishops who by quoting Moses in the Old Testament, sought to justify by Divine Revelation that “gay blessings” were contrary to the Catholic Faith, have to give an answer for your toleration of this man on the Apostolic Throne. For God through Moses condemned sexual perverts to death, but now Pope Francis’ Vatican will oppose any such laws against sexual perversion, on the grounds that punishing sick sexual perverts and rapists is contrary to man’s “infinite” human dignity.

Let the whole Church, join with the readers of FromRome.Info, and shout, “OUT WITH THIS MONSTER! OUT WITH THIS HERETIC! OUT WITH THIS ABOMINATION!”

Vatican charges ‘Silere Non Possum’ Editor with defamation, will prosecute

Editor’s Note: The editor of Silere Non Possum, the Italian blog which often publishes the news of scandals at the Vatican, is to be prosecuted for defamation in the Vatican’s Tribunal, according to media reports received by the editor. In the article above he protests, that the Vatican penal code requires that the accused be notified of the charges before the press receives notice, and that as a resident in the territory of the Republic of Italy, charges be brought, not at the Vatican but in Italian territory.

However, this may be, it is  not clear to me that everyone knew who the editor of Silere Non Possum was.

His name is now known– Marco Felipe Perfetti — and he turns out to be a Lawyer at Rome, who while remarking that the Vatican prosecutor has no academic degree in Law at the Vatican or in Italian territory, often himself comments on Church affairs though he has apparently no academic degree or training in Ecclesiastical Affairs.

Perfetti was notorious in recent years for saying Pope Benedict XVI validly abdicated, and ridiculing those who held a different position, a thing which as a lawyer he should have at least been discrete enough to admit that it might have be outside his competence to discern. Nevertheless, there is no problem, because his new website, which is by no means a blog, has removed all his past articles on the controversy, and begun a new fresh presentation, obviously at some expense. — Legally this is a smart move, since no one can easily sustain a suit against him for past defamation if the articles in which it appeared have disappeared from the web. And this is perhaps because Silere Non Possum is now published by an Association, not by Perfetti personally, for such a move allows the Association to proceed forward without the baggage of past liability issues.

Nevertheless, ironically, he is now being sued for defamation for ostensibly revealing the scandal of the Rupnik affair, step by step, at Rome. This is another case of those, who said the antipope was always the pope, being eaten by the crocodile they protected.


This report by The Pillar, again, like the previous one regarding the Cardinal Vicar of Rome, makes it appear that the Cardinal Vicar sought to defend Rupnik, even though he was strongly in favor of the investigation. Also, The Pillar, I think errs in calling Perfetti a journalist, since in Italy, to be a journalist, one has to be inscribed in the Order of Journalists and get an official license.

However, it is true, that if you publish news daily, you are a journalist by the original meaning of the word. However, if you call your journal, “I cannot be silent”, which in Latin is, Silere non possum, you are inviting your readers to presume that you may be involved in defamation, by definition, since defamation occurs when the facts about a person, which are private, are published, to the detriment of his public reputation.

Christ is our High Priest, even in the darkest moments and in the darkest souls

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Christ Jesus not only redeemed the world on the Cross, on April 3, 33 A. D., He continues that Redemptive Prayer today before the Throne of His Eternal Father in the Empyrean Heaven.

The power of His prayer for us is beyond anything we can imagine. It is the prayer of a Son with infinite dignity by nature, offered through His Sacred Humanity raised to the infinite dignity of nobility by being joined to His Divine Person in the Hypostatic Union.

We, on the other hand, are of a very limited dignity, being not much higher than animals and far far below that of Angels and demons.

Yet, in God’s eternity He chose some of us before the world began to be holy and righteous in His sight, and thus loved many from all eternity, beyond any measure of justice or proportionality, because He loved us because He willed to love us, and not for any forseen merit of our own.

God’s incomprehensible mercy goes even further, in that He has loved some from eternity who He foreknew would always hate him, and yet, to these He willed that they one day come to be, be born, be baptized and even be raised to the highest dignities here on earth in His Church, the Mystical Body of His Son.

For these souls, loved more than billions of others, yet who reject Him day after day, the Eternal Son of God still stands interceding with His Father for them.

And this explains why even in the darkest moments of history and in the darkest and most sin-ridden souls of men, Christ’s High Priestly prayer is at work.

The world was witness to this power on Monday of the present week, when Cardinal Archbishop Fernandez, declared that Pope Francis, “has decided not to teach any new doctrine ex cathedra”.

This was an open admission that he knows he could be wrong and that it would be unjust to  impose his personal views on the Church.

And that is the minimal required to make it clear that, the Gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, and, that the words of Christ, “I have prayed for you Simon that your faith may not fail” are as true today as they ever have been.

And for this epiphany of the Divine Power and Mercy, the whole Church has the duty to thank the Catholics who participated personally or financially or by their prayers, in seeing that Pope Benedict XVI had a juridically valid elected successor, at the Assembly of Apostolic Right on January 30, 2023. For by that election, they trusted in Christ promise to Peter and his Successors in canon Law, “Whatsoever you bind upon earth, shall be bound in Heaven”, and thus made Jorge Mario Bergoglio instantly the object and attention of Christ’s special prayer and promise of grace to Simon, as Peter.*

For there is no other theological or canonical explanation that can explain what we have just seen, on Monday.

Let us praise God! And let us take confidence in the power of our High Priest, who stands before the Father’s Face, always interceding for each one of us, especially when we ask Him to do so!


* “immediately”, because , by his habitual consent to be the Pope he consented tacitly even to this election, whether he knew or knows of it or not.

GERMANY: FOIA released Govt. Documents prove the Pandemic was a total Scam

FromRome.Info has been vindicated 100% again! — It took independent investigators 4 years to obtain the documents to prove what FromRome.Info has reported since March of 2020:

  • 1) There is no pandemic
  • 2) There is a massive conspiracy to lie.
  • 3) There never was a SarsCoV2 virus.
  • 4) Everyone who died, died because of intentionally deadly procedures.

For more information about the above report, see the original source, here.

UPDATE: The DeathVaxxes are causing an enormous rate of increase of the mortality rates for cancer among the elderly: