Br. Bugnolo asks that you continue to support his work at Rome, again, in this new Year of Our Lord, 2025. He thanks all of you for your prayers and support in December, past.
Here is list of Expenses Brother will have in January, 2025 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
– $ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in January
– $1400 Rent due on Feb. 15, 2025 (for the period February to May, 2025)
TOTAL: $2000
Total raised so far (from Jan. 1 to today): $233 US Dollars.’s Bi-Annual Server Costs of $3000 USD come due in June of 2025: $0 USD
Total Raised for the Scholasticum, since Nov. 1, 2024: $2850 USD
(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in January as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)
Previous Post for the December, 2024 Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!
You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …
Help Br. Bugnolo:
Help FromRome.Info:
Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:
Help Br. Bugnolo and Father Covens found The Scholasticum:
If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here. It’s now on sale for $40 USD a copy (shipping not included).
Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire
Add the note: ROME to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank Wires in AUD from banks in Australia:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 205325081
For Bank Wires in Canadian Dollars, from Canadian Banks:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110596835
Transit number: 16001
Bank name and address: Peoples Trust 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada
For Bank Wires in British Pounds Sterling (£), from Banks in the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 40772993
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
For Bank Wires in British Pound Sterling (£) from Banks outside the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
Br. Bugnolo asks that you continue to support his work at Rome, again, in December.
Here is list of Expenses Brother has in December, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
√ $610 Shortfall for Brother’s expenses in November, 2024 √ $ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in December (Food)* √ $ 300 for Brother to ship hermitage supplies (which are still in the USA) from USA to Italy √ $ 300 for Brother’s travel expenses to arrange shipment (a Benefactor already covered his plane ticket) to and from USA/Italy
– $ 60 for kitchen ware
– $1600 Rent due on Feb. 15, 2025 (for the period February to May, 2025)
TOTAL: $3585
Total raised so far (from Dec. 1 to Dec. 23): $2095 US Dollars.
Total Raised for the Scholasticum, since Nov. 1, 2024: $1500 USD
(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in December as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)
See Bottom of this Post for the November Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!
You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …
Help Br. Bugnolo:
Help FromRome.Info:
Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:
Help Br. Bugnolo and Father Covens found The Scholasticum:
If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here. It’s now on sale for $40 USD a copy (shipping not included).
Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire
Add the note: ROME to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank Wires in AUD from banks in Australia:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 205325081
For Bank Wires in Canadian Dollars, from Canadian Banks:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110596835
Transit number: 16001
Bank name and address: Peoples Trust 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada
For Bank Wires in British Pounds Sterling (£), from Banks in the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 40772993
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
For Bank Wires in British Pound Sterling (£) from Banks outside the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
November 2024
Here is list of Expenses Brother had in November, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
√ $500 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in October, 2024 √ $385 To move items from storage to the new location of the “Hermitage” √ $1400 To fly Father Covens to Rome from his Diocese in Martinique (ticket must be bought immediately before prices go up!) √ $440 To outfit apartment with sheets, blankets for 2 beds, missing fixtures, fix plumbing etc.. √ $250 For gasoline in November √ $150 to keep up and running in November – $700 For Brother’s food, heating, electricity, phone expenses from Nov. 10 – Dec. 10 th. TOTAL: $3825
Total raised from Nov. 8 to Nov. 30, 2024: $3218 US Dollars.
Total Donations to the Scholasticum: $1250 USD in November.
* Brother’s health problems requires that he eat a restricted diet and thus even when visiting his relatives he has to purchase extremely low hypoglycemic foods.
Br. Bugnolo find himself in urgent need of your help. He explains why that is, in this 10 minute video. Please be generous in your support.
Here is list of Expenses Brother has in December, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
– $535 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month – $ 600 for Brother’s personal expenses in December (Food)
– $ 300 for Brother to ship hermitage supplies (which are still in the USA) from USA to Italy
– $ 300 for Brother’s travel expenses to arrange shipment (a Benefactor already covered his plane ticket)
TOTAL: $1735
Total raised so far (from Dec. 1): $0 US Dollars.
(Please note, that the above totals are running, so that with each passing day in Nov. as new expenses occur, Brother increases specific expenses)
See Bottom of this Post for the November Report.
Many thanks to the very generous outpouring of support during November!
You can donate in 1 of 4 ways …
Help Br. Bugnolo:
Help FromRome.Info:
Help the Hermitage of the Holy Cross:
Help Br. Bugnolo and Father Covens found The Scholasticum:
If you would like to get a copy of Br. Bugnolo’s translation of St. Bonaventure, click here.
Or to help Br. Alexis via Bankwire
Add the note: ROME to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank Wires in AUD from banks in Australia:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 205325081
For Bank Wires in Canadian Dollars, from Canadian Banks:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110596835
Transit number: 16001
Bank name and address: Peoples Trust 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada
For Bank Wires in British Pounds Sterling (£), from Banks in the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 40772993
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
For Bank Wires in British Pound Sterling (£) from Banks outside the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
November 2024
Here is list of Expenses Brother had in November, 2024 ( a √ means the need has been met, a – the need has not been met):
√ $500 Debt for Brother’s personal expenses in last month √ $385 To move items from storage to the new location of the “Hermitage” √ $1400 To fly Father Covens to Rome from his Diocese in Martinique (ticket must be bought immediately before prices go up!) √ $440 To outfit apartment with sheets, blankets for 2 beds, missing fixtures, fix plumbing etc.. √ $250 For gasoline in November √ $150 to keep up and running in November – $700 For Brother’s food, heating, electricity, phone expenses from Nov. 10 – Dec. 10 th. TOTAL: $3825
Total raised from Nov. 8 to Nov. 30, 2024: $3468 US Dollars.
As you know from the recent news, I have decided to return to Rome to do whatever I can to prevent a the Papacy remaining in the hands of heretics. — I am reposting this final section of this Emergency article, which I published here, so that it is easier to access for all of you …. who want to help me.
I cannot do much, but what I can do, I will do if you help me!
Personally, I had hoped that I would not have to remain nor return to Rome again, to help the Roman Church in such a crisis. I have sacrificed the last 5 years of my life for the Roman Church and have merited only derision, calumny, and libel on all sides. There is scarcely more than a few of my readers who has written an article on any other website, blog, radio or aired any video to defend the work I have done or my person from the tidal waves of attacks. And those who have done nothing or the least, are the most vicious in what they say about me for my service to Holy Mother Church.
But, nevertheless, what I can do, I pledge I will do again, if I but have your help!
As you know, after the death of Pope Benedict XVI I was the sole Catholic at Rome who announced the Sede Vacante before all the others, foretold the election of his successor, warned the College of Cardinals to act, and organized TV advertisements to announce the time and place of the Election of his successor by Apostolic Right. No one is apt to do this again but me, because no one understands the gravity of the situation nor has the spunk to sacrifice the time and effort to get it done. But I do not do this but by the grace of God, Who has assisted me at every turn, especially with the help of so many as yourselves, far far away.
This work required that I establish ecclesiastical residence at Rome. I thing I did by coming to live at Rome in October of 2019. Yet, believing the battle over, I left Rome at the end of October of 2023.
Thus, I can now only maintain my ecclesiastical residence at Rome if I return before October 24, 2024. However, AT PRESENT I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS, since in the last 11 months the total donations I have received from my readers has not exceeded even one months expenses to stay at Rome.
So if you want me to return, so as to be on hand to avert this crisis, then support my appeal to reopen the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, with a sacrificial donation. In fact, inasmuch as averting this crisis is more important for the entire Church and the salvation of the whole world, I ask you to consider supporting the work to avert it with as much dedication as you can possibly muster.
Otherwise, there is nothing for us to do but join the millions of Catholics who are kissing the Catholic Church good-bye and preparing to greet the Church of the Antichrist, with glee or tactful silent acceptance, as the Fake Opposition has begun to do in earnest.
As of October 10th, I want to thank the donors who have given $985 USD (this includes the Hermitage Fund raiser from earlier in September). Thank you one and all!
However, I will need more than $10,000 more to secure a rental and pay the security deposit.
Due to the Media Black Out, will need greater resources too!
For that reason, I would ask you to consider making a generous donation to FromRome.Info, so that it can take whatever steps are necessary to get the message out to the entire Church of Rome and the entire Catholic World of the necessity of calling an Assembly of Apostolic Rite to ensure the juridical valid election of a Catholic Pope to succeed Pope Francis.
As you may know, no other site informed you of the first Assembly or gave you accurate information about it: neither in Europe or elsewhere — excepting the excellent blog of Father Walter Covens. Also, no news outlet in Italy, newspapers, radio or TV reported it, except one channel which charged me thousans of euros for a brief advertisement. This time around, to avoid the catastrophe of having no candidates present themselves, much more preparatory work will be necessary. And that will require greater resources and effort at FromRome.Info.
Finally, if you prefer to send a Bank Wire:
Add the note: Hermitage or FromRome to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank Wires in AUD from banks in Australia:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 205325081
For Bank Wires in Canadian Dollars, from Canadian Banks:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110596835
Transit number: 16001
Bank name and address: Peoples Trust 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada
For Bank Wires in British Pounds Sterling (£), from Banks in the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 40772993
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
For Bank Wires in British Pound Sterling (£) from Banks outside the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
CREDITS: The featured image shows Br. Bugnolo sitting on the doorstep of his ancestral home, in the USA, next to a cement statue of Saint Francis of Assisi, as Brother prepares to return to Rome. All rights reserved.
As I forewarned last December, a Roman Pontiff who through a public, formal act of adhesion to a heretical profession (Fiducia supplicans) would dare appoint new members to the College of Cardinals, would put into canonical doubt the validity of his successors election (See here), due to the impeded state of the Apostolic see. — Now, with this announcement, this canonical doubt will come into force as of December 8, 2024, if Pope Francis goes through with his plan to appoint 21 new Cardinals, a number of whom will be of age capable to elect the next Roman Pontiff.
Just as it cannot be tolerated that a manifest, formal and pertinacious heretic hold claim to the Apostolic See, so it cannot be tolerated that he determine in any way the election of his successor, since by common sense, logic and natural right, it must be presumed that he is an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Church, and that all his acts are deformed by his heretical profession.
Therefore, if he does appoint new Cardinal Electors, the election of his successor by the College of Cardinals will NOT be valid, because it must be presumed to be doubtful, since it must be presumed that he has appointed men who are in agreement with him in his heretical profession.
How the impeded state of the Apostolic See will effect the next papal election
The Church is now in a very precarious juridical state, because if Pope Francis without renouncing his heresy of Fiducia supplicans should alter or publish a new law for papal election, and/or appoint men who favor Fiducia supplicans as Cardinals, then the election of his successor will be juridically doubtful, since the man, who is pope, who has impeded the See, can no longer licltly exercise the authority of the See, if he refuses to repent publicly of his crime against the Catholic Church, Her Faith, and the rights of all the faithful to practice the authentic Catholic Faith. Nay, refusal to repent signifies that all his other acts are tainted with his heresy and schism, and thus can be lawfully and licitly rejected by the Faithful.
Note, that recognizing the Apostolic See is impeded by the manifest heretical profession of a pope certified by his signature on a heretical document — even prior to his condemnation by a Council — is a far cry from the error of the sedevacantist who in the same situation would declare the See vacant and ignore all duty to denounce the criminal to a Council to have him removed. Sedevacantism, rather, is a pharisaical way of ignoring responsibility while virtue signalling. Whereas, recognizing the See is impeded is a Catholic and precise way of exercising personal cognizance and responsibility. Such a recognition affirms one’s moral and juridical right to ignore the acts and commands of the heretical pope, but also imposes the obligation to denounce him, seeking his reprehension or removal from office as well as all actions to obstruct his destruction of the Church or perversion of the election of his successor. As such its perfectly and totally catholic. And anyone who would question or deride it is merely seeking to defend his own cowardice and effeminacy.
The 21 “new” Cardinals are nearly all heretics
If you doubt this, just look at the list of names to be nominated. They include at least one of the worse homo-heretics of modern times, Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (as EWTN reported here) who is a blasphemer and heretic, for asserting that the desire to commit sodomy is from God.
Then there is Archbishop Castillio Mattasoglio, who is a promoter of the heresy of liberation theology; Archbishop Vicente Bokalic Iglic, Bergoglio’s auxiliary from Buenas Aires, of the same Rampolla lineage; Archbishop Tarcisio Isao Kikuchi, who believes sodomy is compatible with Christianity; Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’ and who is a graduate of the heretical Biblical Institute of Jerusalem, which does not believe the Books of the Bible were written by the Prophets or Evangelists or Apostles; Archbishop Jean-Paul Vesco, who approved of ‘Fiducia supplicans’; Archbishop Roberto Repole, who thinks the Church needs to reinvent herself; Archbishop Baldassare Reina, who has no problem with Rupnick art defiling the seminary at Rome; and Father Fabio Baggio, who is pushing the Kalergi Plan for Europe. This list is not exhaustive. Indeed, the Gay Mafia is already singing the praises of the nominated men, here.
How I and all those who participated in the Sutri Initiative had hoped that the Sacred Hierarchy mobilize to remonstrate with Pope Francis in a Provincial Council. How we had hoped that he would show his penitence by removing his signature from the blasphemous document ‘Fiducia supplicans’. But he has not done anything in this regard. And the Sacred Hierarchy has not done anything in public to request him to do this. This confirms his pertinacious heretical mindset.
Thus, not only is the Apostolic See impeded, the ‘nomination’ of these new 21 Cardinals will be doubtfully valid; and thus any election by the College of Cardinals with their participation will produce a doubtful pope, who will be pope of no one, according to the addage, “papa dubius, papa nullius est”.
There seems to be little chance this year to avert the Crisis
This news, therefore, is the worst possible news of the year. The only solution, then, is that after Pope Francis’ death, the Faithful of Rome again convene in an Assembly of Apostolic Right and elect his successor, just as they did on January 30, 2023, when they gathered to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.
At this point there are only 3 ways to avert the necessity of another such Assembly, namely: that God call Pope Francis from this life (and you can pray for that here), that he renounce the papacy (and you can pray for that here), or that he forgo appointing new Cardinals (you can write your favorite Catholic Cardinal and demand this).
As for each and everyone of those who knew of the Sutri Initiative but failed to speak of it, you now have become guilty of dividing the Church again and will share in the damnation merited by Pope Francis for this scandal, as there seems little time left to call a provincial council to avert this juridical catastrophe.
What is at stake here?
What is at stake is the very existence of the Catholic Church. This is because an antipope or a manifest heretic has no right to be the Pope, and the Church of Christ has the solemn duty to lead him to repentance by correcting him or declaring him outside of the Church. The Catholic Church exists only because Christ has founded Her and endowed Her with a principle of unity and fidelity, which is the Office of Peter. But because an antipope cannot hold this office, in the sight of God, an invalid or doubtful pope cannot ever be accepted by God as His Vicar on Earth. Thus, if the faithful follow such a man they will NOT be in communion with Jesus Christ. And thus, if a doubtful pope would become ‘universally accepted’ without a juridical correction, the Church would cease being the Bride of Jesus Christ. If the antipope is moreover a heretic, those faithful would become members of the Church of the AntiChrist.
Now that such dire events might presage the end of the world, we already know is the case since numerous saints have warned us that the Antichrist would set up his throne at Rome and attempt to seize the Papacy.
We need to use the means the Apostle Saint Peter gave us to save the Church!
But the glorious Saint Peter the Apostle gave the Church of Rome the means to avert such a catastrophe by granting the right to elect his successors to the entire Church of Rome (the Diocese of Rome and the 7 Suburbican Dioceses which surround her), so that if any regularized canonical way of electing his successor ever come to be established, recourse to the original method might always be had in the case of near mass apostasy or heresy among the electors. In fact, even in the past, when there was no papal law for elections, and Arian heretics attempted to promote their own to the Apostolic See, the Catholics of Rome acted in a timely manner to see a Catholic be elected Peter’s Successor.
Thus, if Pope Francis the manifest, formal, pertinacious heretic who insists the Name of God be used to bless the worse sexual abominations names new Cardinals, the Church can in no way accept as valid any election performed by the College, since the Papal Law requires that a non-doubtful pope nominate the Electors.
Thus if after naming these 21, Pope Francis renounce or die, the only way to have a non-doubtful juridical election will be to have the Faithful of the Roman Church gather and elect a man eligible to be pope, that is a Catholic.
I cannot do much, but what I can do, I will do if you help me!
Personally, I had hoped that I would not have to remain nor return to Rome again, to help the Roman Church in such a crisis. I have sacrificed the last 5 years of my life for the Roman Church and have merited only derision, calumny, and libel on all sides. There is scarcely more than a few of my readers who has written an article on any other website, blog, radio or aired any video to defend the work I have done or my person from the tidal waves of attacks. And those who have done nothing or the least, are the most vicious in what they say about me for my service to Holy Mother Church.
But, nevertheless, what I can do, I pledge I will do again, if I but have your help!
As you know, after the death of Pope Benedict XVI I was the sole Catholic at Rome who announced the Sede Vacante before all the others, foretold the election of his successor, warned the College of Cardinals to act, and organized TV advertisements to announce the time and place of the Election of his successor by Apostolic Right. No one is apt to do this again but me, because no one understands the gravity of the situation nor has the spunk to sacrifice the time and effort to get it done. But I do not do this but by the grace of God, Who has assisted me at every turn, especially with the help of so many as yourselves, far far away.
This work required that I establish ecclesiastical residence at Rome. I thing I did by coming to live at Rome in October of 2019. Yet, believing the battle over, I left Rome at the end of October of 2023.
Thus, I can now only maintain my ecclesiastical residence at Rome if I return before October 24, 2024. However, AT PRESENT I DO NOT HAVE THE MEANS, since in the last 11 months the total donations I have received from my readers has not exceeded even one months expenses to stay at Rome.
So if you want me to return, so as to be on hand to avert this crisis, then support my appeal to reopen the Hermitage of the Holy Cross, with a sacrificial donation. In fact, inasmuch as averting this crisis is more important for the entire Church and the salvation of the whole world, I ask you to consider supporting the work to avert it with as much dedication as you can possibly muster.
Otherwise, there is nothing for us to do but join the millions of Catholics who are kissing the Catholic Church good-bye and preparing to greet the Church of the Antichrist, with glee or tactful silent acceptance, as the Fake Opposition has begun to do in earnest:
FromRome.Info will also have to expand its services due to the total Media Blackout by Controlled Opposition Sites
For that reason, I would ask you to consider making a generous donation to FromRome.Info, so that it can take whatever steps are necessary to get the message out to the entire Church of Rome and the entire Catholic World of the necessity of calling an Assembly of Apostolic Rite to ensure the juridical valid election of a Catholic Pope to succeed Pope Francis.
As you may know, no other site informed you of the first Assembly or gave you accurate information about it: neither in Europe or elsewhere — excepting the excellent blog of Father Walter Covens. Also, no news outlet in Italy, newspapers, radio or TV reported it, except one channel which charged me thousans of euros for a brief advertisement. This time around, to avoid the catastrophe of having no candidates present themselves, much more preparatory work will be necessary. And that will require greater resources and effort at FromRome.Info.
Finally, if you prefer to send a Bank Wire:
Add the note: Hermitage or FromRome to your transfer.
For Bank Wires in Euros from countries in the EU and SEPA systems:
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc
IBAN: BE77967318468342
Account Number: 3184683
Bank: Wise, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank Wires in AUD from banks in Australia:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
BSB code: 774001
Account number: 205325081
For Bank Wires in Canadian Dollars, from Canadian Banks:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Institution number: 621
Account number: 200110596835
Transit number: 16001
Bank name and address: Peoples Trust 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1L7 Canada
For Bank Wires in British Pounds Sterling (£), from Banks in the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account number: 40772993
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
For Bank Wires in British Pound Sterling (£) from Banks outside the United Kingdom:
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc.
IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
Bank name and address: Wise Payments Limited 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
In every age, no matter how great the difficulties or problems, the true followers and lovers of Jesus Christ prevail by keeping one simple rule of life: continue to love, believe and hope in Jesus Christ, no matter what.
As we Catholics know, now, the Church is in one of her darkest moments in all of Her history, where human respect and globalist ideology is being put before the adoration of the Living God and the salvation of souls. But despite all the reasons fallen human nature may have to despair, we must keep that one simple rule of life still.
As a Franciscan brother, I have devoted my life since 2016 to helping persecuted Christians, defending Pope Benedict XVI and informing the world about the deceits of the Globalists. But as a Franciscan brother, all those works are over and above my duty. My duty is rather to follow Saint Francis and remind the world about the 4 last things.
On this Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, September 14th, 2024 A. D., I want and resolve to return to that duty and simple rule of life again by reopening the Hermitage of the Holy Cross. — Today is also an important day for us Franciscans, since it was on this very morning, 800 years ago that our Seraphic Father Saint Francis of Assisi received the 5 stigmata of our Crucified Lord Jesus during a mystical encounter with the Lord, who appeared in the form of a Seraphim Angel.
The “Hermitage of the Holy Cross” is the name I gave to the place I used as a monastery from the Fall of 2021 to the Fall of 2023, as my faithful readers of FromRome.Info know. I had to close that place last year, because the owner wanted to sell it. A thing he has now done.
And in the last year, not finding a place, I have concentrated instead on promoting the Sutri Initiative and taking care of my physical and spiritual health, which in the course of the recent years of battle against globalism, I had neglected.
But with that done, by the grace of God and the kind intercession of Saint Louis IX, Crusader King, I realize that I am obliged before God not to give up the fight, but strive to reopen that Hermitage again, as a place of prayer and solitude, and the following of Jesus Christ, as Saint Francis did, for all.
To that end, I am appealing again for your generous support. I am undertaking this work, not in the full knowledge of where the Lord wants me to do this, but in the darkness of faith and trust in the Lord Jesus, my King and my God, who promised, “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you”.
And while my readers here at FromRome.Info cannot help me in all things, on account of the many problems in the world at the present, and moreso in the Church, I will not be able to rely on Bishops or other Ecclesiastical institutions as my fellow Franciscans have done in ages past (who begged the free use of places and churches), but will have to find a place solely with the help of honest Catholics and Christians like yourself.
My intention is to rent and or purchase a place in a rural setting. I will leave it to God’s providence to find the place.
For that reason, on this Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, I am putting my trust in the merits of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen, triumphing over death and all opposition, by asking you to consider making a generous donation to my Hermitage Appeal, through one of the following Methods.
I thank you from the bottom of my soul, in advance and assure you each and all of my prayers in this little, holy work.
If you would like to donate by PayPal or Credit Card:
If you would like to donate via Bank wire, I have made it easy for you by providing you a PDF with the information to give your Bank, in a handy PDF with the details:
for transfers in US dollars from US Banks HERE, from outside the USA, HERE.
for transfers in EUROS from countries in the SEPA system HERE
For transfers in British Pounds Sterling, from the UK, HERE, and from outside the UK, HERE.
NOTE WELL: That for bank wires, include the Message “HERMITAGE” as the reason for your wire.
As always, donations via PayPal are received by the US 501c3 Charity, Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., which I founded more than 20 years ago, for apostolic works. And donations via bank wire are received by Ordo Militaris Inc., which I co-founded in 2016 to help persecuted Christians. All donations received for the Hermitage will go to expenses to establish it, such as rental, shipping of furniture, books, chapel materials (that I have in storage), travel, food, utilities etc.; that is, all that is necessary to open and maintain the place.
As soon as I have any news about the progress or success of this project, I will publish it here at If you have questions or comments about this appeal, please comment below.
Thank you! And may JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, THE ONLY SAVIOR bless you and keep you!
As of Sept 15th, 2024, donations to this cause, from 3 donors, amounted to $465 USD.
As you may know, FromRome.Info has been my personal apostolate since January 2020, when I was providentially inspired to transform my old WordPress Blog into a daily news journal: though this website, many hundreds of thousands if not millions came to know something about me and my warnings about the utter fraud of the Pandemic, Covid-19, SarsCov-19 and the mRNA “vaccines”.
During these 4+ years I have warned my readers daily of the lies and dishonesty of media reports from around the world.
But as this fake Crisis has passed, more or less, from being one in which FromRome.Info was one of the few if only Catholic sources opposing it: there are now many voices and initiatives speaking the truth and seeking justice, even though it is only a tiny percentage of what should be done, considering how billions of humans were victimized during it all.
Not being a lawyer or M. D., I see my work done in these areas for the mean time, since there is no expertise I can bring to the progress toward justice further.
So it is my intention to return to my previous apostolic works, if I can.
I say, if I can, because as a Franciscan Brother who owns nothing, and who has exposed the corruption in the Church all too well, the only apostolic works I can engage in are those which do not require the permission of a local Bishop AND which I can find benefactors to help me accomplish.
Since September of last year, as I informed you, I have no longer been living in the Hermitage in Italy, where I resided for the previous two years. This is because the owner decided to terminate the lease and I could not find any place suitable for a religious brother to live. So I have been taking an extended visit with my relatives in the U.S.A., while attending to my spiritual and physical health, after 4 long years of battle with some needed rest and much prayer.
As the summer of 2024 begins, I discern that I have rested enough and that I should get back to the work the Lord has given me in the past. As you know, from posts here at FromRome.Info I have already attempted to raise funds for The Scholasticum and Ordo Militaris Catholicus’ Youth Camp and Formation Center, a Military Monastery.
So you can easily see, from this brief summary, that I am not yet able to undertake any apostolate, for the simple reason that I can not find any support.
Since I have not been asking any of my readers to support me monthly, as I did during the last 4 years when I was in Italy, I write now to ask all those who hold me in good will and who appreciate my service to Christ, to consider helping me in one of these apostolic works, though the donation pages found in one of the four links cited above, since so much good can be done through all of them, or any one of them.
In the meantime, be assured of my prayers for each of you. FromRome.Info will remain in existence as a resource, and from now and then I will post other articles. But as my apostolate is not journalism, but helping others in person, I will be reducing further posts here at FromRome.Info.
If I cannot find any support for these good works, then I will go back to my private life as I have lived before I began FromRome.Info.
I will, however, still appear at OMC Radio TV for some of their programs.
CREDITS: The featured image is of Br. Bugnolo, as he reported from the Vatican on the occasion of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI, in January of 2023 A. D..
Everyone in the Church, who has been attentive to the declines in our Holy Faith and especially in the formation of the clergy and religious of the Church, understands well the need for sound Catholic Education for the clergy and future clergy. This is not only true on account of the disastrous initiatives in our generation to divorce education from truth and virtue, but especially true because of the great number of initiatives which have placed their hope for the formation of minds, not in Christ Jesus, Who is Eternal Truth and Wisdom, but in ideas of cultural Marxism.
Unfortunately, there are few aware enough of the problems, who admire the true fonts of Catholic Education, which lie in Sacred Scripture and the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, most especially in those two great luminaries of minds and men, Saints Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio.
Back in 2016, I launched this dream of true renewal in the form of an institute of Scholastic Theology and Philosophy, a center for Medieval Studies, which would train youth today in the methods which Saints Thomas and Bonaventure preached and promoted.
Today, I can happily announce a new phase in the development of that institute, in the appointment of the Rev. Walter Covens as President, a position he has accepted with the approval of his ordinary in Martinique, Archbishop David Thomas Daniel Macaire, O.P., a Dominican Friar.
But to become a reality for students, this new Institute, The Scholasticum, needs urgently a place to house its activities and faculty and students: where they can study, attend classes, host conferences, sleep and eat, and in a place removed from the hustle and bustle of the city of Rome.
Such a place is currently on the market.
And here are a few photos of the property.
Which has 20 rooms and is about 1250 sq meters of interior space, that is, about 15,000 sq. Feet.
To savor the quality of education to be offered at our Institute, page through our Annuario which describes our Course Offerings.
While I understand that for most of my readers, that price is beyond their personal capacity, I know that some of them could fully afford it. Whether you can offer financial support for such a project, or purchase the property and allow us the charitable use of it for the institute, I am willing to consider all possibilities. I am willing even to consider offering an investment possibility through Ordo Militaris Inc., a Montana Stock Corporation, to those who would prefer co-investing in this property through an stock offering.
To speak with me personally, leave a message at +1 406 299 9260 by voice.
However, If you would like to contribute to a charitable fund dedicated to outfitting or purchasing such a property, please consider a very generous donation below, either via PayPal or Bank Wire.
Properties like this rarely come on the market in Italy, and thus I see this possibility as sign from the Glorious Saint Joseph, whose feast it is today, that I should ask and let that great Saint inspire you all with a good work for Holy Mother Church.
If we cannot acquire the property or use of this place as depicted above, all funds will be used to rent a place or pay for the expenses to begin classes telematically.
These funds are being collected in 501(c)(3) dedicated funds by Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., a MA 501c3 Charity and Ordo Militaris Inc., a Montana Stock Corporation. No part of these funds will be used for any other purpose than for the Scholasticum.
For Banks wires in United States Dollars (USD) from US or foreign Banks, add the Message: SCHOLASTICUM
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc. Routing number: 026073150 Swift/BIC: CMFGUS33 Account number: 822000407002
Banks Address WISE, 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor New York NY 10010 United States
For Bank wires in Euros (EUR), add the Message: SCHOLASTICUM
Account Name: Ordo Militaris Inc IBAN: BE77967318468342 Swift/Bic: TRWIBEB1XXX Bank: WISE, Avenue Louise 54, Room S52, Brussels, 1050, Belgium
For Bank wires in Australian Dollars (AUD) from Australian Banks, add the Message: SCHOLASTICUM
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc. BSB code: 774001 Account number: 205325081 Bank: WISE, Suite 1, Level 11, 66 Goulburn Street Sydney 2000, Australia
For Bank wires in Canadian Dollars (CAD), from Canadian Banks, add the Message: SCHOLASTICUM
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc. Institution number: 621 Account number: 200110596835 Transit number: 16001 Bank’s Address: WISE, 99 Bank Street, Suite 1420 Ottawa ON K1P 1H4 Canada
For Bank wires in British Pounds Sterling (GBP), from UK Banks, add the Message: SCHOLASTICUM
Account holder: Ordo Militaris Inc. Sort code: 23-14-70 Account number: 40772993 IBAN: GB32 TRWI 2314 7040 7729 93
BANK: WISE, 56 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JJ United Kingdom
As you may know, Br. Bugnolo is the co-founder of an international association for the defense of persecuted Christians, known as Ordo Militaris Catholicus. The principal supporters or boosters of which association are the pledged members, who are organized like a Military Order with grades of membership drawn from medieval times, when Christians ruled the world: lay members, heralds, squires, knights etc..
Consider becoming a member today to be a co-worker with Br. Bugnolo in the defense of Christendom. Read more about it here.
CREDITS: The featured image is a facsimile of the Certificate of Knighthood issued to knights in the Order, with a Latin inscription declaring the bearer thereof as a Knight in the Ordo Militaris Catholicus.
Here AJ and Br. Bugnolo discuss what they and their volunteers did for the Christian Ukrainian people in 2022, through the non-profit Br. Bugnolo founded in Ukraine: And learn what YOU can do by supporting or VOLUNTEERING with Cross Azure, this Spring, as Br. Bugnolo aims to return to Ukraine to help the Christians victims of this horrible war. — Click the image above to watch on Bitchute, Odysee, Rumble, or at OMC Radio TV, or watch here the Rumble Version:
Watch the video on either of the above pages, for more information.
As you may know, 7 years ago I co-founded an international association for the defense of persecuted Christians. — As our recruits – vocations need a place to be formed, I have begun a fundraiser to acquire such a property. See either of the images above. — The top image is for those using cellphones who would like to donate via ApplePay, GPay, Stripe or Credit Card. — The lower image is for those who would like to donate via PayPal, ZellPay, or Bank Wire.
As my readers know, I do not live in a monastery, at present. I was living in a Hermitage in Italy, supported by your monthly donations, but the owners decided to sell that place. As I am not as young as I used to be, I see that I will only be able to be useful to the Church if I settle down in one place and do my work from there. I thank all who have already supported the Scholarship Fund for the Youth Camp I hope to run this summer, but as of yet I do not have a place appropriate for that program.
A Military Monastery combines the facilities to train monks, like a Chapel, Refectory, Library, Class Rooms, Garages, Workshops etc., plus the facilities to train men in security work, such as a shooting range, obstacle course, places to practice digging trenches, evading military obstacles, hunting, stabling horses, physical exercise, and basic combat training, such as self-defense, hand-to-hand combat, and small squad training.
This property will be owned by a non-profit for that purpose. The funds raised will be kept in escrow by Ordo Militaris Inc., until the project begins. — I am the president of that corporation.
I thank all the past supporters of Ordo Militaris Catholicus and for their support. In particular, I thank AJ Baalman for all the publicity and volunteer work for the Order; and Father Walter Covens who is offering 3 masses each month for the supporters, members and vocations of Ordo Militaris Catholicus.
As a brother, I can tell you that we brothers are a rare and dying breed. Catholics generously support priests and nuns; but we brothers are forgotten by everyone. On top of that, canceled brothers have no organization to turn to. I have eaked out an existence since 1996, so that I might be faithful to Saint Francis as the pope of ages past exhorted us to be. I have only you my readers for support.
Please be generous to this appeal. — This is my personal appeal.
But here is the official appeal of our Order.
If you do, stop and think for a moment, how merely lamenting about it on social media is TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE. And consider changing tactics.
Our Military Order is an international association for the defense of Christians from persecution, chiefly Islamic Terrorism. We were founded in the days following the martyrdom of Fr. Jacques Hamel on July 2, 2016, who was stabbed to death in his church at France, during services by 2 Algerian Muslim radicals.
We actually propose to train men to defend Christians from terrorism. But we cannot do it without you! because we are not backed in any way by Globalists or governments or churches. We are a totally private initiative, working on the basis of a Membership Organization to crowdfund the defense of Christendom.
Think for a moment whether there is REALLY any other way of solving the problem, than what we propose, and consider to support our Order by becoming a member or purchasing our merchandise, or supporting our Humanitarian or Security projects. For more information see and put into practice real DEUS VULT!
Evaluating the Market
So you can get an idea of the magnitude of the project, or, if you are an investor, so you can get inspired, I will list here possible properties which could serve the purpose of our Order. This list is only illustrative. — The principal purpose of such a place is to train and inspire men to defend Christendom. Places like these would do that.
Dear Friends, Supporters, Benefactors and fellow Catholics, Readers of FromRome.Info:
Soon we will be celebrating the most joyful Solemnity wherein we remember the wonderful Descent of the Eternal Son of God, from His Heavenly Throne beside the Eternal Father.
He came not to glorify Himself, but to glorify His Father by saving the poor souls of Adam’s race, lost after long centuries of error and sin, and mislead by terrible vices and corrupt cultures.
In this Holy and Festive Anticipation, let us not forget that He came to save us, who are unworthy of salvation. He first had mercy upon us. He first chose to sacrifice everything so as to save us.
He came to call us out of the darkness in which we thought all existence is in this world and opened for us an new horizon, where once He had obtained the forgiveness of our sins by His August Sacrifice on Calvary, we might by Faith and Sacrament be reborn to a new life and return to stand with Him at the right Hand of His Father in Heaven, in the Family that God always intended, when from the foundation of the world He foresaw us and loved us.
This spirit of self sacrifice to save the needy is at the heart of our Christian vocation, and it is the spirit of the Association I co founded with Andrew Baalman 7 years ago: Ordo Militaris Catholicus.
For there is no other organization in the Catholic world which is dedicated to defending persecuted Christians and stopping the persecution at the root.
It is in this spirit that I pilgrimaged to Rome 4 years ago to defend the cause of Pope Benedict XVI, and in which I have battled the Scamdemic and DeathVaxx and Agenda 2030 these four years.
For this reason, as I now continue to volunteer in the Ordo Militaris Catholicus, I ask your help for our new projects in 2024, which is starting a youth camp, free of charge, for 20 youth in the USA and 20 youth in Europe.
This camp will launch their career in security and military services and open the opportunity for Catholic men to combine faith and action in the defense of Catholics threatened by illegal immigration and Islamic terrorism.
If you have the means, this Christmas or at the end of this year of Our Lord 2023, I would ask you to take a look at our programs and consider a generous donation.
For more information see our pages for the USA and for Europe.
Wishing you all the blessings and graces of a Holy Christ’s Mass, I pray that the Child of Bethlehem open His arms to you, and draw you by the cords of His love and mercy, this Holy Season,
Sincerely in Saint Francis,
Br. Alexis Bugnolo
+ + +
CREDITS: The pre-Revolutionary Christmas Creche at Acireale, Sicily. Photo by FromRome.Info.
Back in the days following the martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel, who was stabbed to death at the Altar of his parish church, during mass, by 2 Algerian Muslims, my colleague, Andrew J. Baalman and I decided to do something about it, by founding an international association for the defense of persecuted Christians: which we call, Ordo Militaris Catholicus. We subsequently founded a private military corporation in the USA, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., through which we support projects for the defense of Christendom. We are one of the most unique apostolates in the Church. See more info, here. You can real about our spirituality, here. Our Motto is: Greater love no man hath, than to lay down his life for his friends (Gospel of Saint John 15:13)
Those wishing to join us or support our projects to defend Persecuted Christians can support us by
donating to our scholarship funds for our Youth Camps in the USA and in Europe.
Click the linked words for for more information.
Christmas is a time to give gifts to celebrate the Incarnation of the Eternal Son of God, Who descended from Heaven to save us. What could be better than joining or helping save Christians in some small way from persecution? — I invite you to consider doing this through our Order.
Note from Brother Bugnolo: I personally will not be doing any monthly appeals, because I know that so many of my readers appreciate what I have done here at FromRome.Info that they were donating beyond their means. I disdain personality cults so I ask you, if this is the case with yourself, to pray for me, and care for your financial security by NOT donating. But for those who can, I ask that you help me help others, not myself.
I am writing to inform my readers that in the next month or so, I will not be publishing so many articles, here, at FromRome.Info due to the fact that I need to change my residence.
I use the place where I live as a Hermitage, since I am a Franciscan brother who lives like a hermit. But since I only was here because of a rental contract which expires at the end of this month; and since the owner has decided to sell the property, I will have to move.*
The only thing is, I do not have any place to go right now nor do I know of one.
I have already written the principal donors and supporters who have enabled me to pay my daily expenses in the last 3.5 years, and they have responded with enough funds for me to move.
But what I need is a property owner, with a house in the countryside (outside of the 5G coverage) would would be willing to let me use it, for free, or at least very little, since the regular support I get each month is now reduced to about as much as it costs me for everything but rent. — In different times, I would seek the free use of a hermitage from some Catholic Diocese, but because of my international reputation as a critic of clerical corruption, that will never be an option for me.
Also, since I am getting on in age, and since the work here at FromRome.Info is certainly going to become more intense during the next Plandemic, I sense that the time has come for me to offer to transfer all the intellectual property rights of FromRome.Info to the high bidder, so that these funds can go to supporting the hermitage where I will live in years to come. That way I can concentrate more on prayer and my health, which has begun the slow decline of old age. — If I get a healthy offer, I will resign as editor and publisher and let the new staff talk over everything. Contact me for more details (this offer includes server rental thru to June of 2025 A. D., since this is already paid for). — If not, I will plod on, but at a slower pace.
If you can help me find a place or would like to make a tentative bid for FromRome.Info, leave full contact information and your offer below in a comment, which I will not publish. — As a dual citizen of the United States of America and the Italian Republic, where I can go is limited.
Thank you one and all for all your help and support over the years. It was an honor to bring you the truth and do my little part in saving your souls and lives. Thank you most of all, however, for your prayers and kind words and honest criticisms. And a special thanks to all those who endured my typographical errors and brought them to my attention!
Finally, if you would like to help me with my expenses and moving costs, SEE THIS PAGE for ways to donate.
Thank you one and all, in advance.
For all those who are saddened by this announcement: God gave me the grace to raise a great torch of light high into the darkness of our age, for the salvation of His people: now, that you have seen the way forward, it is your duty to do the same. God never intended me to do it all. May you catch light from the torch I have lit, and pass it on to others!
* They offer to sell it to my benefactors for 400 hundred thousand euro, with which taxes would amount to 500 thousand.
If you would like to help me in any way, you can do so either via these PayPal donation buttons, with a debit/credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account. — Or you can use a bankwire, as per below, which is a NEW method available to my readers, who come from all over the world.
As a Franciscan Brother, I live on divine providence, that is, I beg what I have, since I have nothing of my own, as the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi obliges. — This is to follow Jesus, unto the Kingdom of Heaven. But before, God willing, I arrive, I have to pay the bills.
I AM GLAD that most of my readers are preparing to resist the next Plandemic and therefore have gone off-grid or abandoned digital money. But that means those of you who are risking it still, are the only ones left to help me keep going. It is a certain, sort of strange relationship with the reality of our times, that only those who beg, like myself, as a Franciscan Brother, have the freedom to criticise the Globalist Agenda inside and outside the Church. But that means that I still rely on my readers.
There will be a new crowd of awakened readers during the upcoming Plandemic, and FromRome.Info will try as long as possible to inform them, against all the waves of censorship which will take place. So for those of you who want to fight this electronic war for free speech about and opposing the Great Reset, I count on you.
Thus, I understand that most of you cannot be of help. But if it were not for a small number of benefactors last month, I would have been under water, as they say, that is behind about 90%. SO EVERY ONE OF YOU WHO DOES HELP, means all that more to me. Of the 458 subscribers, about 10 pledge $7 to $20 a month, and the rest comes from 3-4 large donors, who are keeping me afloat. — Thus anyway you can help is VERY appreciated.
So that your donation can help me in the way you want to help me (because I know that not all of my readers are Catholics) … here are the different ways to helping …
To Support FromRome.Info
To support the costs of the place where I reside (Hermitage):
Or if you would just like to help me with personal expenses, like for food, utilitis and travel:
Or if you would like to help me in an Apostolate I am organizing here in Europe:
To help me and my works, you can now send a bank wire to any of the below accounts to help me in my efforts.
DISCLOSURE: Unlike PayPal, if you use a BankWire to one of the accounts below, ALL YOUR PERSONAL information is WITHHELD, that is Br. Bugnolo will not receive your address, email, bank account information or phone number. Only the name on the account from which the bank wire emanates will be disclosed.
However, do to this, Br. Bugnolo will not be able to issue a refund if requested, because he will have no way of verifying from which bank account the money came.
For all bank wires, You must indicate one of the REASONs as follows, when you send your bank wire, so that the receiving account, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., can assign the funds to one of the US tax deductible causes:
HERMITAGE — For donations dedicated to supporting the place where Br. Bugnolo resides (Rent, Utilities)
BUGNOLO — For donations to enable Brother Bugnolo pay his personal expenses of food, travel, phone bills etc.
Depending on where you are, you can send a bank wire in different currencies, to Wise Bank, at any one of the following accounts, held by Ordo Militaris Inc., a US corporation for humanitarian assistance. No part of these funds will be used by this corporation, all will be transferred to the purpose you request in the REASON you state as per above.
When sending US Dollars:
From the United Kingdom, in Pounds Sterling:
From Australia, in Australian Dollars:
From CANADA & all other nations, in EUROS:
Please note, that when sending monies within the EU or the SEPA system, use the BIC code shown below. BUT, when sending monies in Euros from CANADA or from outside the EU or SEPA systems, use the same code as the BIC, but enter it as the SWIFT CODE.
In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers to all who read this article, regardless of whether they can or cannot help me this month.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, please do me the favor of praying for me and making FromRome known to your friends and family. That way I can grow my readership. Thank you!
CREDITS: A photo of Br. Bugnolo, standing in front of the poster of St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, which a shopkeeper in that town gave to Br. Bugnolo as a gift on the Saint’s feastday. Please pray for her.
Europe more than any other place has been the cradle of Christian Civilization. And I mean those words with precision.
Because, whereas God the Son descended and became man in Galilee, and the Christian Faith was preached throughout the world, first in the Levant, nevertheless, it remained the dominant cultural force only in Europe for dozens of centuries.
And so, just as a cradle is placed in the safest room of the house, so that the child placed there — though born elsewhere — might begin his life in safety and with everything to nurture him, so Christianity took root in Europe and thrived.
This cradle of civilization is now under an existential threat, brought about by the intentional execution of a plan of demographic replacement, spurred by massive illegal immigration of Muslims of Arabic or African descent.
Many cities and towns are being overrun, and there are still many such who need defense. Many communities of Catholics and Christians need security, and are not finding solution from existing institutions or initiatives.
This is why, when the Lord Jesus Christ inspired me 7 years ago to do something about Islamic terrorism, just days after the martyrdom of Father Jacques, I responded immediately with all the good will I could muster.
In these 7 years, I have learned that good will is not enough, there needs to be a formation program for the future defenders of Europe, because there is no initiative from any side whatsoever to do this.
Ordo Militaris Catholicus, this initiative I began with AJ Baalman 7 years ago, aims to be a promoter of such solutions. And it is in this spirit that we are organizing a training program for men 18-24 years of age, to learn the skills necessary to protect the streets of Europe.
Many of you may know of this program already, but I am making this appeal again, since there are many who receive FromRome.Info’s posts via email, who do not read this website.
This program will cost about 125 thousand euro. So far we have raised 8000+ euro. I want to thank the two men of Spanish descent, who live in Texas, for donating 80% of the funds already collected.
But I write this post, to ask the Europeans who can afford donating, to consider that they too have a role and a duty to participate in this program which will serve to defend their native homelands.
You can read more about the program and see how you can support it by clicking the image above. If you are 18-24 and a resident of the EU, you can also find information about how to sign up for this free program, on the same page.
The defense of Europe is the Deus Vult of our age. And I believe, that we Christians shall be measured in eternity by Christ, by how we responded to this call.
If you would like to help me in any way, you can do so either via these PayPal donation buttons, with a debit/credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account. — Or you can use a bankwire, as per below, which is a NEW method available to my readers, who come from all over the world.
As a Franciscan Brother, I live on divine providence, that is, I beg what I have, since I have nothing of my own, as the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi obliges. — This is to follow Jesus, unto the Kingdom of Heaven. But before, God willing, I arrive, I have to pay the bills.
As the readers of FromRome.Info prepare for the next Plandemic, I understand that most of you cannot be of help. But if it were not for 3 benefactors last month, I would have been under water, as they say, that is behind about 90%.
To support the costs of the place where I reside (Hermitage):
Or if you would just like to help me with personal expenses, like for food and travel:
Or if you would like to help me in an Apostolate I am organizing here in Europe:
To help me and my works, you can now send a bank wire to any of the below accounts to help me in my efforts.
DISCLOSURE: Unlike PayPal, if you use a BankWire to one of the accounts below, ALL YOUR PERSONAL information is WITHHELD, that is Br. Bugnolo will not receive your address, email, bank account information or phone number. Only the name on the account from which the bank wire emanates will be disclosed.
However, do to this, Br. Bugnolo will not be able to issue a refund if requested, because he will have no way of verifying from which bank account the money came.
For all bank wires, You must indicate one of the REASONs as follows, when you send your bank wire, so that the receiving account, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., can assign the funds to one of the US tax deductible causes:
HERMITAGE — For donations dedicated to supporting the place where Br. Bugnolo resides (Rent, Utilities)
BUGNOLO — For donations to enable Brother Bugnolo pay his personal expenses of food, travel, phone bills etc.
Depending on where you are, you can send a bank wire in different currencies, to Wise Bank, at any one of the following accounts, held by Ordo Militaris Inc., a US corporation for humanitarian assistance. No part of these funds will be used by this corporation, all will be transferred to the purpose you request in the REASON you state as per above.
When sending US Dollars:
From the United Kingdom, in Pounds Sterling:
From Australia, in Australian Dollars:
From CANADA & all other nations, in EUROS:
Please note, that when sending monies within the EU or the SEPA system, use the BIC code shown below. BUT, when sending monies in Euros from CANADA or from outside the EU or SEPA systems, use the same code as the BIC, but enter it as the SWIFT CODE.
In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers to all who read this article, regardless of whether they can or cannot help me this month.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, please do me the favor of praying for me and making FromRome known to your friends and family. That way I can grow my readership. Thank you!
If you would like to help me in any way, you can do so either via these PayPal donation buttons, with a debit/credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account. — Or you can use a bankwire, as per below, which is a NEW method available to my readers, who come from all over the world.
As a Franciscan Brother, I live on divine providence, that is, I beg what I have, since I have nothing of my own, as the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi obliges. — This is to follow Jesus, unto the Kingdom of Heaven. But before, God willing, I arrive, I have to pay the bills. Lately, I am falling short, so if you can please help me.
To support the costs of the place where I reside (Hermitage):
Or if you would just like to help me with personal expenses, like for food and travel:
Or if you would like to help me in an Apostolate I am organizing here in Europe:
To help me and my works, you can now send a bank wire to any of the below accounts to help me in my efforts.
DISCLOSURE: Unlike PayPal, if you use a BankWire to one of the accounts below, ALL YOUR PERSONAL information is WITHHELD, that is Br. Bugnolo will not receive your address, email, bank account information or phone number. Only the name on the account from which the bank wire emanates will be disclosed.
However, do to this, Br. Bugnolo will not be able to issue a refund if requested, because he will have no way of verifying from which bank account the money came.
For all bank wires, You must indicate one of the REASONs as follows, when you send your bank wire, so that the receiving account, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., can assign the funds to one of the US tax deductible causes:
HERMITAGE — For donations dedicated to supporting the place where Br. Bugnolo resides (Rent, Utilities)
BUGNOLO — For donations to enable Brother Bugnolo pay his personal expenses of food, travel, phone bills etc.
Depending on where you are, you can send a bank wire in different currencies, to Wise Bank, at any one of the following accounts, held by Ordo Militaris Inc., a US corporation for humanitarian assistance. No part of these funds will be used by this corporation, all will be transferred to the purpose you request in the REASON you state as per above.
When sending US Dollars:
From the United Kingdom, in Pounds Sterling:
From Australia, in Australian Dollars:
From CANADA & all other nations, in EUROS:
Please note, that when sending monies within the EU or the SEPA system, use the BIC code shown below. BUT, when sending monies in Euros from CANADA or from outside the EU or SEPA systems, use the same code as the BIC, but enter it as the SWIFT CODE.
In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers to all who read this article, regardless of whether they can or cannot help me this month.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, please do me the favor of praying for me and making FromRome known to your friends and family. That way I can grow my readership. Thank you!
If you would like to help me in any way, you can do so either via these PayPal donation buttons, with a debit/credit card. You do not have to have a PayPal account. — Or you can use a bankwire, as per below, which is a NEW method available to my readers, who come from all over the world.
As a Franciscan Brother, I live on divine providence, that is, I beg what I have, since I have nothing of my own, as the Rule of St. Francis of Assisi obliges. — This is to follow Jesus, unto the Kingdom of Heaven. But before, God willing, I arrive, I have to pay the bills. Lately, I am falling short, so if you can please help me.
So far this month, as of June 24, 2023, I still need $1200 to cover the rent payment next week.
To support the costs of the place where I reside (Hermitage):
Or if you would just like to help me with personal expenses, like for food and travel:
Bank Wires
To help me and my works, you can now send a bank wire to any of the below accounts to help me in my efforts.
DISCLOSURE: Unlike PayPal, if you use a BankWire to one of the accounts below, ALL YOUR PERSONAL information is WITHHELD, that is Br. Bugnolo will not receive your address, email, bank account information or phone number. Only the name on the account from which the bank wire emanates will be disclosed.
However, do to this, Br. Bugnolo will not be able to issue a refund if requested, because he will have no way of verifying from which bank account the money came.
For all bank wires, You must indicate one of the REASONs as follows, when you send your bank wire, so that the receiving account, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., can assign the funds to one of the US tax deductible causes:
HERMITAGE — For donations dedicated to supporting the place where Br. Bugnolo resides (Rent, Utilities)
BUGNOLO — For donations to enable Brother Bugnolo pay his personal expenses of food, travel, phone bills etc.
Depending on where you are, you can send a bank wire in different currencies, to Wise Bank, at any one of the following accounts, held by Ordo Militaris Inc., a US corporation for humanitarian assistance. No part of these funds will be used by this corporation, all will be transferred to the purpose you request in the REASON you state as per above.
When sending US Dollars:
From the United Kingdom, in Pounds Sterling:
From Australia, in Australian Dollars:
From CANADA & all other nations, in EUROS:
Please note, that when sending monies within the EU or the SEPA system, use the BIC code shown below. BUT, when sending monies in Euros from CANADA or from outside the EU or SEPA systems, use the same code as the BIC, but enter it as the SWIFT CODE.
In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers to all who read this article, regardless of whether they can or cannot help me this month.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, please do me the favor of praying for me and making FromRome known to your friends and family. That way I can grow my readership. Thank you!
Since January of 2020, FromRome.Info has brought you the news and commentary which saved hundreds of thousands of our readers from being mislead into the greatest death-plot of mass murder in human history. At times, FromRome.Info had as many as 70,000 readers in a day, and more than 12 million per year. Being able to sustain the distribution of information to such a large readership costs money, and like every service, our hosting company has informed us that our next renewal payment is scheduled for the end of June.
The cost for renewal is $2879.76 USD. If I can raise the money, FromRome.Info will stay online. This cost only includes the use of server fast enough to let all our viewers read the site from anywhere in the world, and to protect from Denial of Service attacks, which recently have been run by the CCP Military against this site through domains registered in Singapore.
This sum must be paid before June 28th, 2023, or FromRome.Info will become effectively archived and only readable by a few viewers every day, since it will be put on a shared hosting plan, with a much reduced and limited throughput.
A Private Donor pledged to match every donation, up to the first $1000 raised. Thus every $ you donate, he will donate another!
So far, $1500 has been raised, which has triggered the $1000 matching pledge, making a total of $2500 raised. — as of June 11, 2023.
If you would like to see FromRome.Info continue to publish for another 2 years, please help in this fund raiser.
You can help in 3 ways: by Paypal, by a Zelle Payment, or by bank wire.
Either through a donation via PayPal, using a credit or debit card:
Or, by a Zelle Payment
If your Bank in the USA offers this method (click HERE to see if you bank offers Zelle). When using Zelle, indicate the reason for your transfer (FromRome). Zelle is a system whereby one can send funds from your bank to another bank, via an email registered system, so only use an email registered with your bank which is very secure.
Bank Wires
To FROMROME.Info, you can now send a bank wire to any one of the below accounts to help FromRome.Info.
DISCLOSURE: Unlike PayPal, if you use a BankWire to one of the accounts below, ALL YOUR PERSONAL information is WITHHELD, that is Br. Bugnolo will not receive your address, email, bank account information or phone number. Only the name on the account from which the bank wire emanates will be disclosed. — However, do to this, Br. Bugnolo will not be able to issue a refund if requested, because he will have no way of verifying from which bank account the money came.
For bank wires, You must indicate one of the REASON as follows, when you send your bank wire, so that the receiving account, Ordo Miltiaris Inc., can assign the funds to FromRome.Info’s server expenses for the next two years:
FROMROME — For donations to maintain this web information service free of charge to readers.
Depending on where you are, you can send a bank wire in different currencies, to Wise Bank, at any one of the following accounts, held by Ordo Militaris Inc., a US corporation for humanitarian assistance. No part of these funds will be used by this corporation, all will be transferred to the purpose you request in the REASON you state as per above.
From the United States, in US Dollars:
From the United Kingdom, in Pounds Sterling:
From Australia, in Australian Dollars:
From CANADA & all other nations, in EUROS:
Please note, that when sending monies within the EU or the SEPA system, use the BIC code shown below. BUT, when sending monies in Euros from CANADA or from outside the EU or SEPA systems, use the same code as the BIC, but enter it as the SWIFT CODE.
In advance I offer my gratitude and prayers in advance to all my supporters.
If you cannot afford to make a donation, please do me the favor of praying for me and making FromRome known to your friends and family. That way I can grow my readership. Thank you!
News and Commentary on the Catholic Church
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