An appeal by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In every age, no matter how great the difficulties or problems, the true followers and lovers of Jesus Christ prevail by keeping one simple rule of life: continue to love, believe and hope in Jesus Christ, no matter what.
As we Catholics know, now, the Church is in one of her darkest moments in all of Her history, where human respect and globalist ideology is being put before the adoration of the Living God and the salvation of souls. But despite all the reasons fallen human nature may have to despair, we must keep that one simple rule of life still.
As a Franciscan brother, I have devoted my life since 2016 to helping persecuted Christians, defending Pope Benedict XVI and informing the world about the deceits of the Globalists. But as a Franciscan brother, all those works are over and above my duty. My duty is rather to follow Saint Francis and remind the world about the 4 last things.
On this Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, September 14th, 2024 A. D., I want and resolve to return to that duty and simple rule of life again by reopening the Hermitage of the Holy Cross. — Today is also an important day for us Franciscans, since it was on this very morning, 800 years ago that our Seraphic Father Saint Francis of Assisi received the 5 stigmata of our Crucified Lord Jesus during a mystical encounter with the Lord, who appeared in the form of a Seraphim Angel.
The “Hermitage of the Holy Cross” is the name I gave to the place I used as a monastery from the Fall of 2021 to the Fall of 2023, as my faithful readers of FromRome.Info know. I had to close that place last year, because the owner wanted to sell it. A thing he has now done.
And in the last year, not finding a place, I have concentrated instead on promoting the Sutri Initiative and taking care of my physical and spiritual health, which in the course of the recent years of battle against globalism, I had neglected.
But with that done, by the grace of God and the kind intercession of Saint Louis IX, Crusader King, I realize that I am obliged before God not to give up the fight, but strive to reopen that Hermitage again, as a place of prayer and solitude, and the following of Jesus Christ, as Saint Francis did, for all.
To that end, I am appealing again for your generous support. I am undertaking this work, not in the full knowledge of where the Lord wants me to do this, but in the darkness of faith and trust in the Lord Jesus, my King and my God, who promised, “Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you”.
And while my readers here at FromRome.Info cannot help me in all things, on account of the many problems in the world at the present, and moreso in the Church, I will not be able to rely on Bishops or other Ecclesiastical institutions as my fellow Franciscans have done in ages past (who begged the free use of places and churches), but will have to find a place solely with the help of honest Catholics and Christians like yourself.
My intention is to rent and or purchase a place in a rural setting. I will leave it to God’s providence to find the place.
For that reason, on this Feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, I am putting my trust in the merits of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen, triumphing over death and all opposition, by asking you to consider making a generous donation to my Hermitage Appeal, through one of the following Methods.
I thank you from the bottom of my soul, in advance and assure you each and all of my prayers in this little, holy work.
If you would like to donate by PayPal or Credit Card:
If you would like to donate via Bank wire, I have made it easy for you by providing you a PDF with the information to give your Bank, in a handy PDF with the details:
- for transfers in US dollars from US Banks HERE, from outside the USA, HERE.
- for transfers in EUROS from countries in the SEPA system HERE
- For transfers in British Pounds Sterling, from the UK, HERE, and from outside the UK, HERE.
NOTE WELL: That for bank wires, include the Message “HERMITAGE” as the reason for your wire.
As always, donations via PayPal are received by the US 501c3 Charity, Save Old St. Mary’s Inc., which I founded more than 20 years ago, for apostolic works. And donations via bank wire are received by Ordo Militaris Inc., which I co-founded in 2016 to help persecuted Christians. All donations received for the Hermitage will go to expenses to establish it, such as rental, shipping of furniture, books, chapel materials (that I have in storage), travel, food, utilities etc.; that is, all that is necessary to open and maintain the place.
As soon as I have any news about the progress or success of this project, I will publish it here at If you have questions or comments about this appeal, please comment below.
Thank you! And may JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD, THE ONLY SAVIOR bless you and keep you!
As of Sept 15th, 2024, donations to this cause, from 3 donors, amounted to $465 USD.