Category Archives: Canon Law

Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio: A ‘Munus’ which keeps on giving

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française  — Traduzione italiana

Nearly 12 years ago, Pope Benedict XVI read aloud in the Clementine Hall, before the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, assembled for the approbation of 3 groups of Saints, his now famous “Declaratio”, an administrative act which announced that he was to renounce the “ministry … which he received through the hands of the Cardinals …” as of Feb. 28, of that year. The document, rife with errors in Latin and juridical concepts, was immediately recognized by even the most main stream publications as the BBC (see Feb. 28, 2013 report here) to risk splitting the Church in two and making the man to be elected in the upcoming Conclave an anti-pope.

His conscious, free decision to renounce the ministerium rather than the munus of the Roman Pontiff was the cause and origin of the controversy, which is mocked by those-still-in-denial after 12 years, as “Benevacantism”, a term coined by Steve Skojec, founder of 1 Peter 5.

But ironically, Pope Benedict XVI’s Great Error — unlike Pope Celestine V’s “Great Refusal” — is a gift, that is, a munus, which keeps on giving, because whatsoever was his intention, and whatsoever is the opinion of any observer, Pope Benedict XVI’s action began a great divorce in the Church, between the juridical order and the church of appearances.

For from the moment that he neglected or failed to actually renounce the Petrine Munus (as he had apparently announced he would do) on Feb. 28, 2013, the Apostolic See has been in a state equivalent to an impeded see, with the entire Roman Curia and Courts deprived of all legal right to act and issue any decisions or judgements, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who came out of the illegal and uncanonical Conclave of 2013, as Pope Francis, of all right to govern the Church. This is because, the entire Roman Curia operates licitly and validly only inasmuch as they assist the Roman Pontiff in the exercise of his Petrine Ministry. When he refuses to do this, they cease to have any legitimacy.

This has made all of Pope Francis’ acts, statements, documents, letters etc. and treaties since March 13, 2013, until the death of Pope Benedict XVI on Dec. 31, 2022, null and void, without effect.

But that is not only their only effect.

For because so many unfaithful and cowardly men, followed by so many uninformed and lazy Catholics, have recognized Pope Francis as a legitimate pope throughout this time, they have accepted his illicit alterations of the Code of Canon Law and reorganization of the Roman Curia, such that, now, even after the death of Pope Benedict XVI, every act of the Roman Curia and every judgement of the Apostolic Signatura and Roman Rota, as well as every penal process, in tribunal or by administrative decree, throughout the whole Church, which is based on those changes, is legally null in void, that is irritus, because it has not cited the correct and authentic canons of the Church, or has emanated from justices which hold no canonical mandate issued by a Roman Pontiff holding the Petrine Munus, or is issued by an office of the Roman Curia which has never legally existed, being created by Pope Francis during his antipapacy.

This gift of Pope Benedict XVI keeps on giving, also, because of the faithful and courageous action of the Roman Catholics at Rome, who resorting to their Apostolic Right to elect the Roman Pontiff, granted them by Saint Peter the Apostle themselves, elected Pope Francis the Roman Pontiff to satisfy canon 331 and to reestablish the basics of juridical order in the Church, while yet omitting to inform him of his election,* so that he would not reissue by valid decree those documents which he issued invalidly without legal right as antipope.

Now, the next Conclave can give the Church a valid Successor of Saint Peter, who can begin the Great Catholic Reset. The Great Reset which Pope Benedict XVI, unwittingly or consciously, prepared with his Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen once remarked, that the day would come when the laity would save the Church, and that day came two years ago, on January 30, 2023, at the Assembly held to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor, just as Pope Benedict XVI — may he rest in peace — indicated in his Declaratio, an election “by those who were competent” to act.

** An election by Apostolic Right, since the Apostle laid down no written law concerning it, operates under the terms of Natural Law, where if one already claims to hold an office, his acceptance of any election to it is tacitly assumed de facto and de jure. So there is no need that the one elected explicitly and verbally indicate his acceptance of that election, his acceptance is automatic by reason of his habitual prior claim to the office.

ITALY: Bishop of Palestrina “excommunicates” Don Santonocito for saying “Bergoglio is not the Pope”

Canonical commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduzione italiana

Don Natale Santonocito, a priest of the suburbican diocese of Palestrina, was excommunicated yesterday by Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani (yes, the same name as the cheese*), the Bishop of Palestrina-Tivoli, who declared an excommunication in virtue of canon 1364 for “heretical and schismatic” teachings.

The official Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Italy newspaper, L’Avvenire, says in the article above, that the priest was given an opportunity of legal defense with a lawyer assigned to him, ex officio. — In previous public statements, Don Santonocito said he would not oppose the extra-juridical process (a canonical process undertaken by a superior without the presence of a tribunal) because he did not recognize the appointment of Msgr. Parmeggiani as valid, it having been made by Pope Francis and not Pope Benedict XVI.

Father Santonocito holds that the Apostolic See is vacant after the death of Benedict and that Pope Francis by reason of his manifest heresy is ipso facto excommunicated and thus not the pope.

The excommunication was declared not imposed, since the announcement of the Diocesan Chancery cites canon 1364’s provision for latae sententiae excommunication.

This excommunication is null and void, in my opinion, for its error in ascribing Don Santonocito’s views to a crime punishable under canon 1364 for “heresy” or “schism”, since holding that a papal renunciation was invalid, when it was invalid, and hence that a conclave was invalid when it was invalid, are neither heretical nor schismatic acts, punishable by the Code of Canon Law. Don Santonocito has made clear in his many videos that he refuses communion with those he holds to be in manifest heresy (Pope Francis etc.) and thus cannot be held to be either a heretic or schismatic by intention. And without the intention to violate Canon 1364, a person cannot be punished.

The notice in the above news article tries to make it appear that Don Santonocito was sufficiently and duly notified of his errors and given a chance to retract them, but it is clear that Bishop Parmeggiani proceeded with a very shallow and incorrect view of the precise position of Don Santonocito.

Bishop Parmeggiani cannot, in my view, be excused of gravely violating the rights an good name of Don Natale Santonocito, because he has already received dozens if not hundreds of petitions to convoke a Provincial Council to hear the charges that Jorge Mario Bergoglio does not hold a valid claim to the Apostolic Throne. This makes Bishop Parmeggiani legally presumed to be in a state of bad will, precisely because he should have referred the case of Don Natale Santonocito to the Provincial Council, since what Don Natale is saying directly pertains to the charges in the Sutri Initiative. Bad will must also be presumed because the charges of heresy and schism to not apply to Don Natale Santonocito’s publicly affirmed positions.

By proceeding against Don Santonocito himself, and without bringing the matter before his diocesan tribunal, where the judges are supposed to be both learned in ecclesiastical jurisprudence and impartial, the Bishop has furthermore shown prejudice of aforethought against Don Santonocito.

In fact, I do not believe jurists trained in ecclesiastical right would have held Don Natale’s statements configurable under the delicts of heresy or schism, since all the classical sources of ecclesiastical right, expressly say such disagreements of opinion about papal elections and abdications are not such delicts.

Finally, the malice of Msgr. Parmeggiani is made most evident by the terms of his penal decree against Don Natale, which forbids him “to receive the Sacraments”. That blanket statement means that poor Don Natale, even if penitent, cannot go to confession again for the rest of his life. How is this in any way pastoral? Nay, it is clear that his bishop has an ideological-political motivation contrary to the entire Catholic Faith. — Even Heretics and Schismatics are allowed to receive the Sacrament of Penance, as this is the required means for them to be received back into the Church.

In short, Don Natale’s Bishop has shut the door in his face and nailed it shut. And for what?

Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani is the first Bishop in the Roman Province to take public action which shows that he is an adherent to the heresies, blasphemies and apostasies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. There are 14 other such Bishops in the province who have also been petitioned.

Supporters of the Sutri Initiative or of Don Santonocito can now appeal to the other 14 bishops and demand an immediate convocation of the Provincial Council to address the grave crimes committed against Don Santonocito and his serious allegations against Pope Francis. This is the true Catholic and juridical approach, it is also the true Synodal approach the Church has always used in the past in such grave matters pertaining to the Apostolic See, impeded by dubious claims of pretenders to the Throne of Saint Peter.

Don Santonocito’s own errors lie in thinking that just because he can discern manifest heresy in another person or superior, that that person is not a member of the Church nor holds an office. But this contradicts canon 194 §2, which says the loss of office for those who abandon the Catholic Faith does not take effect without the decree of the same competent authority which declared the heretical depravity. And this is precisely the reason for the necessity of the Sutri Initiative.

Needless to say, Catholics everywhere should be disappointed that superiors in the Church are acting in this manner. There seems to be a deep and habitual incapacity of so many of the clergy to confront the reality of their own actions and to follow the rules of their own Church. There also seems to be a total lack of fraternal interventions by fellow Clergy and Bishops to prevent mutual violations of ecclesiastical right. — Let us pray for our Bishops and our Priests, and let us do whatever we can to encourage them to be more respectful of one another for the sake of the weak who will be harmed by the scandals, like this, which erupt weekly.


* The famous Italian cheese from Parma, Parmigiano, is the Italian standard for grating cheese over pasta, or eating cheese with green melons and cantaloupes. It’s name refers to the City from which it comes, that is the cheese of Parma, just as the surname of the Bishop means, those men from Parma. Parma is one of the principle cities of the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna, in Northern Italy. It’s more famous sister city is Bologna: and yes, that is where bologna, the cold-cut, originates.

Vatican Press Office admits Opus Dei Cardinal Sanctioned, without due process

Editor’s Note: The admission is implied in the Vatican News’ own report, which cites the Cardinal as saying he was placed under a penal sentence without ever having any knowledge of being prosecuted. The tacit admission by Vatican News is tantamount to a declaration that the penal sentences are utterly contrary to the Cardinal’s rights in Canon Law and all notions of jurisprudence.

Generally speaking, an appeal to the Roman Rota for lack of due process would result in an immediate suspension of sentence, except that in this case, if the Cardinal’s case was brought to the Apostolic Signatura or Pope Francis himself, there would be no possibility of an appeal to the Roman Rota. Nevertheless, it appears that the Cardinal was sentenced while Pope Benedict XVI was still alive, and hence the penalty is utterly void and without any effect.

If you are a friend of the Cardinal, you should urge him immediately to appeal to the Provincial Council of the Roman Province demanding that the case regarding Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s claim to hold the pontifical authority from March 13, 2013 to January 30, 2023, be heard without further delay.

Siscoe: The Church can depose a heretical pope in Council

Commentary with a History of the Sutri Initiative by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Many Italian Catholics are followers of Andrea Cionci and think that he is outstanding for recommending that they appeal to the Cardinals for a new Conclave to elect a true Pope. As I explained in my critical review of his excellent book, “The Ratzinger Code”, which struck a powerful cord with Italians in Italy, since it was published in Italian, here, to elect another pope is something to be done after removing the heretical pope. Otherwise the Church would schism into two.

So my proposal in October 2023 to remove the heretical pope first, is actually the most Catholic thing to do. But I am not the first to say this. This was said by Robert Siscoe back on September 18, 2014, in the above linked article (Click Image).  Even Rorate Caeli called for a petition in the spring of last year, on May 2, 2024, to remove Pope Francis, though they did not say how this was to be done and even admitted they did not know. Evidently they do not know how to use Google to find the answer.

So Catholics in Italy should not think that the two most famous Italians criticizing Pope Francis, Andrea Cionci and Don Alessandro Minutella, pastor of Saint John Bosco Church, at Palermo, Sicily, are leading lights on this issue: neither chronologically nor canonically. Catholics from the U.S.A. are years a head of them.

Even the idea of petitioning Cardinals, was first launched by myself, using the nom du plum, Gaetano Romano, back in 2016 (see here).  So any idea, that I am opposed to petitions to the Cardinals per se, is simply not true.

The whole dialogue about removing a heretical pope disappeared in 2016, when Ann Barnhardt make her first video about the invalid renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI. My own role in that debate, which I joined in 2018, put that controversy to an end on January 30, 2023, with the juridically valid election of a new pope, according to Apostolic Right, which caused an explosion of hate and the most vile insults, calumnies and declarations from so many who sustained that other investigation, all of which were refuted in Italian here, including the calumnious ones of Andrea Cionci, here.

But, I waited patiently after that and prayed with Jesus Christ for His new Vicar. Only after clear signs of heretical depravity, did I propose the Sutri Initiative again on October 19, 2023.

Nor am I the first to suggest that the imperfect Council which has the authority to remove a heretical pope is the Provincial Council of Bishops in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome.  This was first pointed out by the Ecclesiastical Historian from Poland, whose spoke about the First Council of Sutri, in 1046, back in August of 2018.  And I followed immediately with an article on  September 11, 2018, since I recognized immediately that this was the correct and historically verified way forward on this issue. Within days, the Remnant followed with its own article about the Council of Sutri, here.

I have stuck to the same opinion and proposed this long before Don Minutella could even explain canonically why the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI was invalid, or Cionci had even met me, and thus was spurred to begin his own investigations. I have stuck to the same position even though Robert Siscoe, the author of the top article, turned against those who understood that Pope Benedict XVI remained the true pope until death. I have stuck to the same opinion, even though the Remnant which talked about Sutri in 2018, keeps erasing comments which mention the Sutri Initiative for the last 18 months. I have stuck to the same position, even though Rorate Caeli refuses to say the word, “Sutri”.

Recently many are proposing an “imperfect council” to put Pope Francis on trial. But none speaks of Sutri any more nor speaks of the proper canonical way to do this, explaining the procedure and the canonical justifications for the manner of proceeding without violating the current norms of Canon Law. This is called the Sutri Initiative. — A provincial council at Rome is actually better than an “imperfect council” since it can be convoked in a juridically and canonically valid manner and need not have its acts approved by the Pope, since it is basically a quo warranto action, which is a form of formal communication of facts and testimonies, upon the validity of which alone the Council votes and judges.

And to all those who after 11 years won’t speak of what was spoken about 7 years ago, I can only ask, “Why now, after ‘Fiducia supplicans’ do you ALL insist on getting it wrong? “ Ask yourself whether that makes any other sense or serves any other purpose but keeping the Lavender Mafia in power?

So to all those who think that my apostolate “threatens” or “undermines” the apostolates of other, please be honest with yourselves and take a step back from your idolizing of men and start thinking about how the Church merits your love and your protection. You can go back to your YouTube channels after the problem is solved.

Discussing, in protestant fashion, whether Pope Francis is the Pope…

Editor’s Note: Here Dr. Mazza argues against Father Brian Harrison, on the question of whether a Catholic can personally hold that a heretical pope is no longer the pope, before any judgement of the Church.

This discussion of Dr. Mazza’s I find disingenuous, because I know he knows of the Sutri Initiative, but he prefers to argue against Father Harrison, as a protestant might argue, since he only appeals to private judgement and crafts a rebuttal to Father Harrison, as if the Church did not possess a competent tribunal to judge whether the man who is the pope have a valid claim to be the pope.

Father Harrison, also — though he correctly asserts that Catholics must regard as valid all the canonical but non-heretical acts of a superior, even if he be a heretic, so long as the competent authority has not declared his heresy — neglects any mention of what is the competent authority to make such a declaration.

I scratch my head in seeing two learned men act like protestants argue in such a manner. Protestants could be alleged to not know what is the competent authority to depose a claimant to the Papacy. But I have to publicly rebuke Dr. Mazza and Fr. Harrison for engaging in such a debate while omitting the truth, as they are intentionally manipulating the Faithful who hear them and are intentionally keeping them in the dark about an historically verified truth of the juridic structure of the Church.

To both, I remind them, that to behave in such a manner will merit your eternal damnation, because it is sin to bear false witness against Holy Mother Church and to intentionally deceive your audience by your silence.

Belgium: Andrea Cionci during conference agrees with Br. Bugnolo on 2 points

News with Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
with thanks to Fr. Walter Covens for his summary of the events and his

Traduction française

Here at FromRome.Info, I try to cover all the important news about the Debate over whether Pope Benedict XVI abdicated or not and whether Pope Francis is an anti-pope or not and how he could be removed from office in a canonically valid manner.

I do this for the sake of Christ, my King, to protect His Immaculate Bride from the ravaging hands and tongues of His enemies and of not a few of His friends who say things in ignorance regarding these topics.

Since my interest is in the triumph of truth over error, I am pleased when I see those who have publicly disagreed with me accept the truth, even if it takes them two years and in doing so they do not admit I was right all along. It is not that I have a charism of being right, it is that in humility I try not to ever give my own opinion, but simply repeat what experts, scholars, Doctors of the Church, Saints and Canon Law says.

Andrea Cionci has agreed with Br. Bugnolo on two points

So I am happy to announce that Andrea Cionci has at last accepted that I was right on two important points regarding Papal Elections.

  1.  That the Cardinals must enter into conclave no later than the 20th day after the death of a Roman Pontiff, for their votes to be counted, other wise, if they do not do so, the Cardinals cannot validly elect a Pope.
  2. That it is sufficient that even a small number of electors convene to validly elect a pope.

Andrea Cionci has made these affirmations — my English is not an exact translation — in a conference given at Namur, Belgium to the “Piccolo Resto”, which was held in French, but where he intervened in Italian, with a translator translating live.

The first point is the exact rule from the Papal Law, Universi Domini gregis. The second is derived from the Code of Canon Law, which says that in all ecclesiastical elections, the validity of the election is not destroyed by the paucity of electors who present themselves. So in fact, even 1 Cardinal in a Conclave, or 1 layman in an Assembly of Apostolic Right, could validly elect a pope: presuming there was a proper convocation of the Conclave or Assembly. Cf. the Code of Canon Law for these conditions.

Cionci holds, though, there needs to be at least 3 Cardinals, since he misinterprets the requirement of a majority to validly elect. He evidently does not think a sole vote in a conclave of only 1 cardinal is not a majority. An opinion which shows his entire confusion on how to read the Papal Law!

The Papal Law currently in force, however, does not provide any way for electing a Pope if the Cardinals in charge of convoking a conclave fail to do so, or if none appear before the 21st day. For Cionci, this means there is no other way. But as I have said last week, only someone entirely ignorant in jurisprudence holds that a law remains in force if its fundamental condition is obstructed.

Where Andrea Cionci still is making up things

Andrea Cionci still believes, however, that only Cardinals in a Conclave can elect a pope in a valid manner, because being an opera singer and an instructor in singing, and only a journalist on the side, he has absolutely no training in Canon Law. He cannot even read Latin. I know these things because he told me himself.

He is now, however, claiming that though Pope Francis is an antipope, Cardinals can convene after his death and validly elect a true pope. While it is true that after Pope Francis’ death Cardinals can validly elect his successor, a true pope, certain conditions could invalidate that; however, Cionci is QUITE WRONG in claiming that Cardinals after the death of an ANTI-POPE can enter into conclave, since that is expressly forbidden by the Papal Law, which only allows Conclaves after the death of TRUE POPES. — I use capitals here, to shout, since having said this before, he still seems to be deaf to the truth and refuses to read what is written in the Papal Law, Universi Dominici Gregis.

I will add that during his conference he claimed that Father Ferdinando Cornet agrees with him in his position.

Cionci claims Pope Francis will resign in January of 2025

He is also claiming that “according to his sources”, Pope Francis will resign in January.

Let’s see if Andrea Cionci’s sources are valid or not, by waiting to see what happens.

Cionci wants you to know his position on Conclaves is absurd

I do not think he believes his own reasons are strong enough to convince the Cardinals, though, since he also said, during the response to Questions, that if no valid Cardinal elects a true pope before August 18, 2036, when the third-youngest will become 80 years of age and lose his right to vote, then the Church will never have a pope again. — This expressly contradicts the First Vatican Council which teaches that is the Will of God that Saint Peter have perpetual successors in the See of Rome.

So I am glad he expressed his own opinion ad absurdum, since this will help true Catholics realize that his position on the obligatory nature of always following the Papal Law is not sustainable, reasonable, or a Catholic approach, since it ends in the self-destruction of the Church by the pharasaical observance of a merely positive law.

Evidently Father Cornet also does not believe, however, that he and Cionci have good enough reasons to convince the Cardinals to act, because during the conference he asks the faithful to ask priests to pray for the graces the Cardinals need.

One slight error made by Cionci during his talk is to say that there are 30 Cardinals who can vote in a Conclave who were appointed by Popes John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI and that all of these need to be petitioned. But he fails to realize that at least 11 of them are members of the St. Gallen Mafia. So by petitioning them all, he is giving certain knowledge of his operation to the enemy.

For an throughly Catholic solution to how Pope Benedict XVI could and did have a juridically valid successor see the article, The Triump of the Lamb, here at FromRome.Info.

Videos of the Conference are in Italian and French

The conference was held apparently held on November 23, 2024, at Namur, Belgium, and 110 were expected to attend. About half of those attending came from France, some by car from Languedoc. This was the very day after I had publicly rebuked Cionci in the strongest manner for his previous positions.

The French Translator stated that the French Edition of Andrea Cionci’s Book, The Ratzinger Code, has been read by more than 1 million in the French speaking world. But she fails to mention that Father Walter Covens is its translator. — The translation was done while Pope Benedict XVI was still in life.

The conference was transmitted on the YouTube Channel: Hildegarde de Bingen, 5 days ago. See below. The owner of this channel is the woman doing the translations in the videos. So please let her know that she should mention the name of the translator, since he merits that much.

What Father Cornet said …

Father Cornet, for his part, made a grave error, in restricting the obligation of Catholics to the “laws” of the Church. He evidently has never studied jurisprudence, because the correct maxim, is that Catholics are obliged to do what is right and just, which is expressed in Divine Revelation and Apostolic Tradition, and from time to times is applied in canons and laws for particular circumstances of history. Thus he appears to be saying we should follow Canon Law or Papal Laws even if they went contrary to Apostolic or Divine Law. That would be the very heresy of Pharasaism, which Our Lord condemned in the Gospels many times.

He also said that unless a priest say he does not intent to confect a Sacrament, that the Sacrament is considered valid.  The correct Catholic doctrine in such cases, is that the Sacrament IS valid, not merely considered valid, so long as a validly ordained priest using valid matter and saying the correct words, has not explicated such an intention. This difference seems small, but “to consider a thing valid” and for a thing “to be valid” are two different orders of being, the former is a mental judgement, the latter is a reality existing in this world. To attempt to quell the doubts of souls as regards the validity of a Sacrament, one has to speak of reality, not mental judgements of reality. This is the entire basis for the finding of Benedict XVI’s renunciation as non-existent in reality, even though many in their minds think or consider or judge it happened.

He said many other things, but this one strikes me as most worthy of note: that Cardinal Achille Liénart (who consecrated Archbishop Lefebrve a Bishop) before his own death confessed to being a 33rd Degree Freemason; and that he, Father Cornet, knows this personally, because he knew the Cardinal in life. Since the Cardinal died in 1973, however, I wonder how a Argentine in his sixties, like Father Cornet, barely at the age of maturity, would know personally a Cardinal in France? Perhaps I misunderstand how he phrased this. However, the report that the Cardinal confessed to being a Freemason before death has already been published more than 15 years ago, here.

Vatican issues decree of supression against Texas Carmel

Editor’s Note: This is another sad chapter in a case which has scandalized the Catholic world for the numerous incidents of malfeasance by the local Bishop and Pope Francis’ canonically non-existent “Dicastery for Consecrated Life” erected during his anti-pontificate.

First the mother superior was accused of a grave violation of her vow of chastity for having engaged in  “phone sex” with a priest, a violation of purity which is not included in any traditional book of morals regarding the observance of the vow of chastity or virginity, which requires an external physical act with another person or in their presence.

Second, the nuns were publicly ridiculed as violating their religious vows for their intemperate use of cannabis as a pain killer, a practice which is also not a crime in canon law, though it is an offense against right morals. Monasteries and Convents throughout the world and especially in the Andes have used herbal healing for centuries. In fact, the whole concept of a pharmacy was invented in Monasteries, since these were the only institutions which for centuries had the wherewithal to grow, collect and prepare herbal remedies in a highly ethical and consistent context.

Third, the public defamation they suffered from the local Bishop, which he uses to justify an attempt to take their property and control their internal affairs, even though he seemingly takes quite a light hand with his own priests who are involved in sexual offense.

Finally, the denial of the Sacraments to these religious women, the denial of their right to keep, take and live their vows to Jesus Christ and the irregular intervention of the Vatican declaring them “defected from the Catholic Faith” for having taken on spiritual care from the clergy of the Society of Saint Pious X, an entity which in which membership has never been characterized by any Papal Law or Act as “defecting from the Catholic Faith”.

Moreover, the attempt to suppress their monastery and declare them no longer Catholic is a most grave attack on their persons, since they have by vows to Our Lord Jesus Christ promises perpetual poverty, whereby they can only live by alms. As Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches, to publicly vilify a person who lives by alms is equivalent to murder.

I agree with Attorney Bobo, who is leading their defense, along with the president of Gonzaga University (Jesuit founded school), that these Carmelites have had their canonical and civil rights grossly offended by the local Bishop and Pope  Francis’s “Curial Administration”. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that canonically, all the actions taken against them are invalid in the sight of God, since they transgress numerous canons of the Code of Canon Law regarding proper procedures and rights of religious communities.

The correct pastoral procedure, from day one, would  have been to counsel temperance in the use of herbal remedies and forbid the use of the phone to those sisters who are misusing it, while encouraging them to walk more faithfully in their vocation by a life of solitude and penance, not to mention a more strict observance of cloister.

5 Ways the next Papal Conclave may give us another AntiPope


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

With the news of Pope Francis’ health always declining further (see here, here, here, and here), with no less than the popular ex-FOX News host, Judge Napolitano, saying last spring that Pope Francis was moribund, the speculation and anxiety of Catholics the world-over is at an all time high, regarding the next Papal Conclave and its outcome.

The tradition of the Conclave arose in the 13th century, when Cardinals gathering to vote for the Pope, at Viterbo, refused to come to a mutual agreement and spent months on end in negotiations, to the dismay not only of the Catholic world, but of the Mayor of the City, who locked them up and put them on bread and water rations to hasten the outcome. But the rules limited the vote to Cardinals comes from the Papal Law, In Nomine Domini, of Pope Nicholas III, in 1059, when after generations of conflicts among the prominent noble families of central Italy and Rome, he chose to remove the right of election from the general assembly of all the Faithful of the Roman Church, and restrict it only to hand selected clergymen.

The anxiety of Catholics arises from the fact that of the more than 250 Cardinals, only 30 were nominated by Popes John Paul II or Benedict XVI, and of those 30, there is strong evidence to show that 11 of them voted for Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the faux conclave of 2013, when they proceeded to elect a new pope even though the previous had not renounced the petrine munus. For more about that see, the Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation and the Chronology of Reports on Team Bergoglio, which latter details the published evidence that a group of Cardinals conspired in violation of the papal law to canvass for votes. These two articles represent the most authoritative and complete collection of links and articles regarding the canonical debates on both topics; and they are read by nearly all the journalists writing on the topic, though they refuse to cite them as sources. So its worth your while to read them yourself, for 99% of the real news about the Catholic Church is never publicly reported.

Adding to this anxiety is that Pope Francis, having impeded the Apostolic See by a heretical profession when he signed ‘Fiducia supplicans’ in December of 2023, he has proceeded to name 21 new Cardinals, the majority of which have publicly professed the same heresy. These 21 Cardinals will be installed on December 8, 2024, at the Vatican in an official ceremony.

So there is frequent consternation and lamentation about the outcome of the next conclave, with many catholic writers throwing up their hands in despair, that the next Pope will even be a Catholic. For if he is not, then he cannot be the pope and will be an antipope.

The next Conclave is overshadowed by the gravest of doubts

While it is true that the laws of the Church allow any male celibate over the age of maturity to be elected the Roman Pontiff, it has been long time since a non-Cardinal was elected to the Apostolic Throne. In fact, it was Pope Urban VI in 1378, who was the last non-Cardinal so elected, and his election was shortly thereafter contested by the Frenchmen who were cardinals, who to the horror of the Catholic world proceeded to elect an antipope to rival him, and installed him at Avignon, thus beginning the Great Schism in the West, which would last until 1415 A. D..

So while it is still possible for the College of Cardinals to elect a non-Cardinal, it is scarcely likely.

Which means there is a 90% chance that the next Pope will be a man made a Cardinal by Pope Francis.

And that is the source of the anxiety. Because faithful Catholics who have been paying attention to the utterances of Jorge Mario Bergoglio are already convinced he is not a Catholic, even if they won’t openly call him a heretic.

And the heretical depravity of Pope Francis is so notorious, that clergy who publicly declare it are immediately punished with the most severe canonical procedures such as reduction to the lay-state or excommunication. There is no room for dissent in the heretical coven of Pope Francis.

Add to this the high level of doubt most Catholics have, that Pope Francis was never canonically elected, or even elected in a juridically valid manner — just to speak of those who still walk in opinions and have not examined the evidence and/or do not possess the intellectual formation necessary to discern any clear answer to such questions.

5 Ways the Next Conclave may give us another antipope

And for that reason, I would like to review in this article, the 5 ways the next Conclave may give us, not a successor of Saint Peter, but a destroyer of souls, a False Prophet, the Antichrist or simply an antipope.

1. What if the Conclave professes heresy before the election?

Conclaves never make public announcements before they elect a pope. Or at least that was the longstanding tradition until the faux conclave of 2013, where they interrupted their proceedings to issue a public condolence for the passing of the Marxist Dictator and murderous Tyrant of Venezuela, for no particular reason at all. Catholics upon hearing of this in March of 2013 shuddered, because the knew that it forebode the election of a corrupt marxist. And they were right.

So if the Conclave publicly endorse the acts of Pope Francis during his antipapacy or his heretical statements such as ‘Fiducia supplicans’ or his teaching in ‘Amoris laetitia’ which contradicted Apostolic Tradition, then Catholics will have the most sold canonical evidence that the Conclave has apostatized from the Catholic Faith and that the man they elect is an antipope and heretic himself, to be owned no obedience, submission or respect by the entire Catholic world — unless of course he immediately repudiates their public statement during the Conclave.

In the case of such a heretical profession by the College of Cardinals, Catholics from Rome, will have to again convene in general Assembly according to Apostolic Right and elect a true Successor of Saint Peter. I have explained this at length in numerous articles regarding the election of January 30, 2023. But in this case, they will have the right to do so, immediately with the heretical profession being publicized; that, is even while the Conclave remains in session and has no yet elected a candidate, since the public declaration by the College is sufficient canonical proof of apostasy, just as the one in 2013 was.

2. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave while Pope Francis is terminally incapacitated?

Next, since it is now a popular and current opinion among the supporters of Pope Francis, that a pope is impeded if he falls into a coma — so much so that they held a conference about the matter a few years ago — and that in such circumstances Vatican officials have the juridical capacity to judge that he has lost his office, it is highly likely that Pope Francis might still be alive when the next Conclave is convened.

In such a case, the election will be invalid, and the one elected another antipope. And the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor.

3. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave after Pope Francis invalidly resigns?

Again, since those who support Pope Francis hold the erroneous opinion that a pope can abdicate by resigning the petrine ministerium, only, it could happen that they persuade Pope Francis to renounce like Pope Benedict XVI and thus fail to do so canonically, giving the appearance of a true abdication, but without any canonical validity to the act.

If they proceed into Conclave under such circumstances, the election will be invalid, and the one elected another antipope, just as happened in February-March 2013, with Pope Benedict XVI.

In such a case, again, the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death or valid resignation of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor.

4. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave to revolt against Pope Francis?

Again, since the obnoxiousness of Pope Francis is already at apocalyptic levels, it could happen that some, a majority or even all of the Cardinals eligible to vote, renounce Pope Francis and hold a conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI or to Pope Francis.

In such a case, since Pope Francis was elected in a juridically valid manner by Apostolic Right on January 20, 2023 A. D., such a Conclave will result in another antipope being elected.

In such a case, again, the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor, if no Cardinals convene at that time to elect one.

5. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave and elect someone ineligible to be the Pope?

Finally, to round out the possible nightmarish scenarios, what if the next Conclave, after Pope Francis’ death or valid abdication, would elect an hermaphrodite, or a transgendered or a woman or a trans-human, with AI implants? Or what if they elect an non-Catholic, such as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, or an Evangelical Preacher, or Bill Gates? or someone already canonically excommunicated? Or someone who is married to a woman or a man, civilly or not, or a siamese twin still connected to his twin brother etc..

In such a case the election would be invalid and the one elected another antipope, of the most monstrous kind. And the Catholics of Rome will have to exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor, immediately upon knowing of the invalidity of the person elected.

+ + +

For more information about how the Faithful of Rome (all the baptized regardless of their station in life) have the right to elect a pope, when the College of Cardinals fails to do their duty, see here.

I have not considered the cases of unworthy men who could be elected, like a flagrant sodomite, pedophile, murderer, government agent, or even manifest but not-yet excommunicated Catholics who are manifest heretics etc.., because there is presently no law in the Church to prevent such men from being elected, strange to say and even more sadly to admit.

I have also not included the case, like that in 1378, in which part of the Cardinals after a valid election, enter into a second Conclave because they refuse the first. In addition, I have not included cases where there is such dissension among the Cardinals, that in the first Conclave they split into two groups and rush to announce the election of two popes nearly simultaneously or simultaneously, thus making it impossible to determine who is the valid pope or not.

Finally, I publish this now, so that, God Forbid!, if any one of these outcomes comes to pass, no one will be able to claim that I have invented rules to suit the circumstances; and so that all who side the the next antipope can be seen for what they really are.

Father Faré’s Straw Man Argument

UPDATED NOV. 25, 2024

A refutation by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction français (of original version)

Padre Giorgio Maria Faré, a Carmelite Priest of the province of Italy, well known for his writings on Vatican II, the Mass and the Liturgy, recent garnered international recognition when he pronounced during Mass, at one of the conferences organized by Andrea Cionci, his personal declaration why he holds that Jorge Mario Bergoglio is not and has never been the Pope.

Like many authors on this subject he rehashes, though with a very high academic sense of preparation, the main arguments published by many authors and the news covered by FromRome.Info, though he never cites FromRome.Info.

But his entire argument is a straw man, because it is based on a shell game. In logical form, Father argues thus (though the words of the illation are my own summary of his text):

Minor of the Argument: Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaration was not an abdication
Major of the Argument: There cannot be a valid election of a Roman Pontiff while his predecessor still lives and has not abdicated.
Conclusion: Therefore, Pope Francis has never been the legitimate pope.

Can you see the game he is playing?

Yes, it is the inclusion of “never” in the Conclusion; a term which no where appears in his argument.

The truth is, as has always been sustained here at FromRome.Info, that the Roman Pontiff can be elected in only one way, juridically, and in two ways in practice.

Juridically, no one has the right to elect the Roman Pontiff, except those to whom that right was given by Saint Peter the Apostle. And that is the whole and entire Church of Rome (present today in the Dioceses of Rome and the Suburbican Dioceses around it).

When we say “juridically” we are speaking of the font of right which makes a thing legitimate.

But in practice, there are two way of electing the Pope: legally and by inherent right.

I say legally in reference to an election performed according to the positive Papal Law: Universi Dominic gregis, which establishes the norms for a Conclave of Cardinals to elect the pope and in that conclave restricts voting exclusively to the Cardinals alone who are not excommunicated and are of eligible age.

But by inherent right, to an election undertaken according to the tradition of the Roman Church in the exercise of Her right to elect Her owns Bishop, a right given by Saint Peter, when there was no Conclave or Cardinals.

To understand this one must recall that on April 13, 1059 A. D., Pope Nicholas II created a new modality for the election of the Roman Pontiff, restricting the right to vote from all the Clergy and Laity of the Roman Church to the prerogative only of the Cardinals. He did this in the Bull, “In Nomine Domini“, the English translation of which I published 4 years ago. From that moment until this day, the inherent right and the legal or canonical right have been distinct.

Now for anyone who knows nothing about the jurisprudence, as nearly all who have entered this controversy are, it is not surprising that they are entirely ignorant that in jurisprudence there is universally recognized a hierarchy of right, and — here I summarize and simplify — the lowest of which is the right which arises through customary abuse; the next, by positive law promulgated by legitimate authority; the highest is by some unchanging source of right which is beyond the powers of all who are presently living: such as constitutional, natural or divine right.

In the case of the Church, that highest font of right is Divine Right, and Apostolic Right is intimately associated with that, since Christ commissioned the Apostles personally and Saint Peter immediately.

And thus in the Roman Church, the Apostolic Tradition of the Clergy and Laity together electing their own bishop, is of the highest order of right. No papal law, thus, can ever entrust the vote to anyone outside of this Church, or deny entirely that at least one member of the Roman Church be an elector.

Now in the interpretation of law, every law remains in force until one of three things happens: either it is abolished by a legitimate authority (derogation), or it is replaced wholly by another law promulgated by a legitimate authority (obrogation), or it regards circumstances which no longer can be observed.

In the third case, we have the Papal Law on Papal Elections, Universi Domini Gregis, of Pope John Paul II, because the law clearly presumes that the Cardinals want to and will enter into Conclave to elect a pope within 20 days of the death of the previous pope. And there is no term whatsoever, in that law, which allows them to postpone the election, except in cases of force majeure, that is externally — against their own will — applied pressure (e. g. as during a military occupation of the Vatican, or their imprisonment to the last man by a hostile power).

Thus, when interpreting the scope of that Papal Law it is obvious to anyone who understands the principles of right, that it cannot bind in the case where no Cardinal wants to elect a pope or there are no Cardinals who are of the age capable or there are not Cardinals alive.

For in all such cases, if you were mad enough to insist that the law still was in force, you would arrive at the conclusion that the Apostolic Succession could end in the Roman See with the express consent and intention of Pope John Paul II, the author of that law!!!

And that would not only be absurd but quite dishonest, not to mention calumnious.

Thus, there can be no other reasonable sentence than that in such cases the Papal Law does not bind in such cases. And thus, it is, that in its introduction it says, in paragraph 9, that the Conclave — about which the law regards — is not necessary for a valid election of the Roman Pontiff. A thing which not need to be said IF it was the intention of the lawgiver, Pope John Paul II, that his law be observed in extraordinary circumstances beyond those envisioned by the law itself.

Which means that the lawgiver himself did not intend the prescriptions of his law to then apply (since the condition of Cardinals wanting to elect the pope is essential and substantial presumption of the entire intent of the law, not merely a minor detail); and thus that the law’s right interpretation is, in such circumstances outside of its framer’s intent and presumption, to have recourse to the higher juridical font of right upon which basis John Paul II invoked the law; and that higher juridical font of right is the Apostolic Right of the Roman Church to elect Her own Bishop in general assembly. Moreover since this is part of Apostolic Tradition, not even a pope can be held to presume to have the intention to alienate this right in extraordinary legal circumstances by adherence to a specific law which does not make provision regarding such circumstances!

Now, that Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected pope by Apostolic Right in a public assembly on January 30, 2023, is a thing known to all in this controversy in Italy, since the enemies of Christ have ridiculed the event for neigh 18 months. So certainly Father Faré also knows of it, since he expressly denies recognizing any other means of papal election but that which takes place in a Conclave, a thing he need not say otherwise.

And that Assembly acted in a perfectly legitimate and juridically valid manner as can be discerned from the evidence of its four causes: where it was held, why it was held, who was allowed to vote and the kind of candidate to be elected, as is explained at great length in the article, The Chronology of the Triumph of the Lamb, published on Feb. 11, 2023, which totally refutes the position of Andrea Cionci, Don Minutella, and all others, who hold that Pope Benedict XVI, presently, has no validly elected successor in the Apostolic See. A document which they also dare not to quote, because it has convinced so many of their former admirers that they are wrong in claiming there is no Pope, at present.

Thus, the argument of Father Faré is a straw man, which presumes that “never” precisely because his position on the interpretation of law is based on total ignorance or stubborn madness. He will not accept any other manner of papal election even though he alludes to knowing of it, in his text above. Nor does he accept the historical fact that the Faithful of Rome, on January 30, 2023, did their duty and exercised their God given right to elect Pope Benedict XVI’s successor in the face of the full and entire defection of the College of Cardinals to do their legal gravely binding duty.

And if Father Faré, who is not a member of the Roman Church, and who has no authority to judge the validity of papal elections, has read, which I gather he has, he then knows about the Apostolic Right of the Roman Church, because since 2019 I have reviewed this legal interpretation in several articles (such as here, here here and here), all published before the election of Pope Francis by Apostolic Right on January 30, 2023.

Let us pray for Father Giorgio that he withdraws from his obstinate rejection of Apostolic Right and his sui generis interpretation of law. For his position is that of legal positivism, a thing condemned by Pope Benedict XVI himself here. And his madness leads in fact to the end of the papacy forever. Because the Papal Law gives no right to elect the Pope months or years after the death of a legitimate pope.

He is attempting to reconcile in his own mind the personal heresy of a man with his claim to the pontifical office. He has, too lately, proposed the solution in his own mind, that it is possible that he be a heretic because he was never the Pope: a position held first by Bishop Henry Rene Gracida in 2013 and many others including myself before the death of Pope Benedict XVI. But a position which cannot be sustained anymore. He also falsely assumes that it is the teaching of the Church that the person of the Roman Pontiff cannot be a manifest, formal or pertinacious heretic. Whereas the true doctrine is that he cannot be a public heretic. (He seems not to understand the difference among the 5 species of heresy). But how can this be?

Father is a graduate of the Pontifical Gregorian University, which is notorious for imparting to its students a total lack of knowledge of Latin and Canon Law. Don Minutella is also a graduate of this university. What can I say? but that both of them are victims of Jesuit intellectual formation: for it is now far better and more prudent to simply join in the Sutri Initiative than declare the Pope not a pope or a heretic by your own authority, because in the latter case you end up defrocked and or excommunicated, but in the former case you might just help heal the Church. And should we not prefer healing the Church to committing professional suicide?

It is the Sutri Initiative which is the best medicine for the whole Church, for Pope Francis, for the Bishops, for all priests and laymen and women. If the clergy has not the courage to sit down and frankly ask the real hard questions and demand answers, then they are morally failing their Lord and God in a most fundamental aspect of what it means ‘to be part of the Church’ and ‘to be the Church of the living, incarnate God.’

Indeed, until the Sutri Initiative obtains what it requests (viz. a clarification of the status of the claim of Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be the pope), more and more clergy, religious and laity are likely to fall into the error which has entrapped Father Faré, simply because the invalidity of the renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI is far more obvious and clear and well understood than is the way back to Catholic unity through an election by Apostolic Right. And I say “more … understood” in regard to the number of expositors only, since of all the conversationalists in this debate, I alone have spoken of the latter and been one of the antagonists in its execution; and not in regard to the juridical principles which any legal expert (who is not a juridical positivist) can confirm, if you just ask.

I encourage everyone to share this article with Father Faré so that he can study the matter with the same academic precision he employed to arrive at the confession that the Declaration did not suffice for an abdication.

I also ask you to join me in prayer that the madness of both sides — those who say Pope Benedict XVI never abdicated but refuse the election by Apostolic Right of Bergoglio, and those who say Benedict XVI did validly abdicate — comes to an end through the grace of the Holy Ghost, Who is the Source of true Unity and Reconciliation, and that they accept this grace for the honor and glory of God, the love of Jesus Christ and the salvation of souls: to meet in a Provincial Council at Rome and in the mutual acceptance of the whole truth, reprehend Pope Francis for his errors, declare his antipapacy invalid and all it contains, and put the Church back on the right track, which is canonical regularity and doctrinal fidelity to Jesus Christ. And if they refuse this grace, let us pray, that at least the next true Pope commands them to do this!

The Simonical Election of Pope Gregory VI in 1046

Editor’s Note: Very little can be found in English about the First Council of Sutri, and perhaps for this reason not a few of unlettered Catholic influencers are reluctant to speak of the Sutri Initiative. — For this reason I publish here this article on the role of money in the sale of the Papacy by the legitimate pope Benedict IX to John Gratian, who took the name of Pope Gregory VI, and whose acolyte was the famous St. Hildebrand, who would later be raised to the Apostolic Dignity as Pope Gregory VII and begin in earnest the medieval renewal of the Papacy known as the Gregorian Reform.

This scholarly article is in English, by the Brazilian academic, Dr. Leonardo Rust, professor of Medieval History, at the University of Brazil. It was published in 2023.

As this paper shows, the deposition of 3 claimants to the Papacy at Sutri in 1046, during a Provincial Council was an event accepted by the entire Church. It is still accepted. And those who hold to “universal acceptance” should take note, because they are the ones who, if they refuse the Sutri Initiative, are in fact holding against universal acceptance.

Archbishop Viganò digs his own grave, by extravagant statements

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

On June 11, 2024, the “Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith”, an entity erected by no pope sent a letter to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò informing him of his pending trial in the “Dicastery” on the charge of schism. In response to reports that he has been so charged and would attend he has issued a public statement denying that he will attend or attempt to defend himself.

Though he has been repeatedly informed by private correspondence that he must take his appeal to a provincial council in the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, just as the Sutri Initiative suggests and urges, Archbishop Viganò has, instead, chosen to issue a public response full of expressions which will only lead to his condemnation.

The core of the Archbishop’s error lies in attributing to the Church the errors, crimes and immorality of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his crew. On this basis, he denies the authority of the Dicastery, of Pope Francis, and of the Church in communion with him, to put him on trial.

Such statements will be viewed by all as schismatic, since semantically they express the very essence of the notion of schism.

The proper Catholic response, on the other hand, would be to accuse these persons before the proper tribunal (Provincial Council in the Roman Province). While the Sutri Initiative suggests such a recourse to challenge the validity of Pope Francis’ election in March of 2013, or the validity of his claim to be pope, on account of his patent heresies, such a recourse can also be made by an Archbishop who is incardinated at the Vatican when charged by agents of a Roman Pontiff who has any questionable hold on the Petrine Office, even one vitiated by heretical intentions.

I believe that once again, we are seeing play out in real time the destruction of the person and reputation of another outstanding cleric of the Roman Church, since, because he lacks the courage to bring a canonical complaint to the competent tribunal, he is attempting to win his case by public debate and diatribes: a thing which can never succeed, since the Church of Jesus Christ is a juridical entity with proper laws and procedures, and justice must be sought in accord with them.

Contrariwise, if the Archbishop changes his legal strategy immediately by publicly appealing to a provincial council against the actions of a dicastery which was erected not by Pope Benedict XVI but by another claiming the papal office during his lifetime, he will put the entire dispute squarely on the proper legal grounds and avoid a charge of schism. For no one appealing to the proper tribunal is a schismatic. He will also in the strongest possible juridical manner put in doubt the claim of Pope Francis to have the right to move against him.

In such a case, the Bishops of the Roman Province can decide to call or not call the Council: the charges against Pope Francis being sufficient to hold the Apostolic See impeded (see here fore more about this). If the Bishops were to refuse to convene, then the Archbishop could rightfully appeal to any provincial council in the world, since such a refusal would confirm the juridical doubt concerning the impeded see and a conspiracy to overthrow the Church. Furthermore, even if the provincial council in the Roman province determine against him, he could appeal to other provincial councils, since such decisions put in writing in a provincial council would demonstrate the unjust basis of Pope Francis’ claims to office. This would raise the controversy to the international level and require a general council to hear the case, as numerous provincial councils could rightfully demand such be convened.

This is the way to fight as a Catholic in the footsteps of great saints such as St. Athanasius of Alexandria. Let us pray that the Archbishop wake up fast, before he is eaten up by the crocodile on the Tiber.



Por el Hermano Franciscano Alexis Bugnolo


Ayer expliqué desde Sutri, Italia, (Aqui) cómo el Primer Concilio Provincial o Sínodo de Sutri puso fin al horrible caos de la Iglesia Romana en 1046, cuando tres diferentes hombres reclamaron el oficio papal: uno de ellos era un sodomita depredador; otro un usurpador absoluto y el restante un simoníaco flagrante.

Hoy pido a todos los fieles del mundo entero que escuchen la voz de la cordura: que hagan lo que hicieron los fieles del siglo XI y convoquen a la celebración de un nuevo Concilio Provincial para poner fin a los años de escándalos, blasfemias, herejías y cismas, para mencionar las persecuciones, perpetradas y promovidas por Jorge Mario Bergoglio quien dice ocupar el cargo de Romano Pontífice.

La Iniciativa Sutri es la única solución jurídica y real para poner fin a la crisis de la Romana Iglesia, ya que aborda el problema de manera directa en forma canónicamente válida y sencilla.

Pero, para lograr la convocación de tal Concilio, nosotros los fieles debemos hacer oír nuestra voz y solicitar a los Obispos de la Provincia Romana que lo convoquen.

Estos Obispos y Obispos Auxiliares pertenecen a las siguientes 20 jurisdicciones. Al pulsar en los enlaces a continuación podrá encontrar las direcciones del Obispo o de los Obispos Auxiliares de cada diócesis. Insto a que se les escriba a todos, individualmente, una carta personal.

Roma: Albano (Sede Suburbicaria), Anagni-Alatri, Civita Castellana, Civitavecchia-Tarquinia, Frascati (Sede Suburbicaria), Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, Gaeta (Arquidiócesis), Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, Montecassino (Abadía Territorial), Ostia (Sede Suburbicaria), Palestrina (Sede Suburbicaria), Porto-Santa Rufina (Sede Suburbicaria), Rieti (S. Salvatore Maggiore), Sabina-Poggio Mirteto (Sede Suburbicaria), Subiaco (Abadía Territorial), Tívoli, Velletri-Segni (Sede Suburbicaria), Viterbo — Diócesis de Sora-Cassino-Aquino, puede ser que Pontecorvo sea también miembro de ésta última.

Msgr. Vincenzo Viva
Vecovo di Albano
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Vescovile, 11
00041 Albano Laziale (ROMA)

Msgr. Ambrogio Spreafico
Curia Vescovile
Via dei Villini, 82
03014 Fiuggi (Frosinone)

Msgr. Marco Salvi
Curia Diocesana
Piazza Matteotti, 27
01033 Civita Castellana (Viterbo)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Piazza Calamatta 1
00053 Civitavecchia (Roma), Italia

Msgr.Stefano Russo
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Paolo III 10
00044 Frascati (Roma)

Msgr. Luigi Vari
Piazza Arcivescovado 2
04024 Gaeta (Latina)

Msgr. Mariano Crociata
Via Sezze 16
04100 Latina

Abbate Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B.
Via Montecassino,
03043 Cassino (Frosinone)

Cardinale Angelo De Donatis
Vicariato di Roma
Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano 6/a
00184 Roma, Italia

Msgr. Mauro Parmeggiani
Curia Vescovile
Piazza Gregorio Pantanelli 8
00036 Palestrina (Roma)

Msgr. Gianrico Ruzza
Curia Vescovile
Via del Cenacolo 53
00123 Roma – La Storta (ROMA)

Msgr. Vito Piccinonna
Via Cintia 83
02100 Rieti

Msgr. Ernesto Mandara
Piazza Mario Dottori 14
02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti)

Abbate Mauro Meacci, O.S.B.
Piazza S. Scolastica 1
00028 Subiaco (ROMA)

Msgr. Orazio Francesco Piazza
Palazzo Vescovile
Piazza S. Lorenzo 9/a
01100 Viterbo


Podemos hacer esto ya sea por carta; hablando personalmente o también podemos actuar de dos modos diferentes: uno, listando todos los errores, herejías, blasfemias y persecusiones perpetradas por Jorge Mario Bergoglio durante los años en los que él asegura ejercer el Papado o podemos iluminar a los

Obispos en cuanto al modo canónico correcto de proceder, del cual la mayoría probablemente no tengan una idea clara.

Este segundo aspecto del problema es el más crucial ya que es el menos obvio y por lo tanto, en la Iniciativa de Sutri, les insto a que cada uno haga su carta eficaz, asegurándose que contenga la argumentación y justificación canónica correcta.

Les presento un texto sugerido el cual pueden dirigir a cada Obispo y firmar con vuestro nombre completo y domicilio. Lo pueden escribir en italiano, francés o inglés o si está escrito en otro idioma, por favor incluir una traducción de su carta en uno de estos tres idiomas,


Su Excelencia,

Estoy escribiéndole conforme a mis derechos en el Canon 212 §2  para demandar que se ponga final a los escándalos, herejías y confusión moral que promueve el Papa Francisco y aquellos nombrados por él en la Curia Romana, fundamentalmente porque esto está provocando la pérdida de millones de almas quienes así son puestas en gravísimo peligro espiritual, confusión y desorientación por la constante afirmación de cosas que son contrarias a la Revelación Divina, a la Sagrada Tradición Apostólica, a la Doctrina Católica y a los dogmas definidos en los Concilios de Trento y en el Concilio Vaticano I.

Por consiguiente, de acuerdo con el Canon 1752, el cual afirma que la salvación de las almas es el mayor bien y más alto fin de toda ordenanza jurídica en la Iglesia de Jesucristo, ínstole a reconocer que por los escándalos continuos y graves perpetrados por Jorge Mario Bergoglio, la Sede Apostólica ha sido puesta en un estado de impedimento ya que millones de Católicos no pueden reconciliar sus herejías y errores persistentes como compatibles con ser un miembro de la Iglesia Católica, sin cuyos atributos no puede ser un titular legítimo del Munus Petrino o demandar la Dignidad Apostólica.

Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con el Canon 440 ff., el Concilio Provincial en la Provincia Eclesiástica de Roma tiene el poder de juzgar y discernir todas las preguntas en cuanto al bien común de la Iglesia. Y ya que la duda segura en cuanto a la catolicidad de un demandante a la Sede Apostólica hace imposible que la Iglesia sinceramente permanezca en comunicación con un demandante dudoso, porque —papa dubius papa nullius est– por lo tanto se vuelve un deber grave ante el Dios Viviente y ante la Iglesia entera, urgir la convocatoria de ese tipo de Concilio Provincial de acuerdo al derecho expresado en el Canon 440, § 1.

Tal tipo de Concilio puede ser convocado legítimamente de acuerdo con la norma del Canon 442 §2, porque una duda segura en relación a la declaración de un hombre al oficio del Pontífice Romano crea tal conflicto de intereses que él no puede impedir su convocatoria ni tampoco tiene derechos mientras persista en errores morales y doctrinales graves, como éste hombre lo ha venido haciendo por años en perjuicio de millones de almas. El estado de impedimento existe como un hecho debido a la falta de revocación de sus errores públicos, cuya lista crece semanalmente.

Por lo tanto, demando que, por la salvación de las almas, la extirpación de todo escándalo, y para obtener la gracia de la posible conversión del hombre Jorge Mario Bergoglio de su camino errado, que tal Concilio sea convocado de acuerdo a la norma de los Canones 443 y 444, y que ejecute su autoridad plenaria de acuerdo con el Canon 445, pronunciándose sobre si el hombre a quien se le adjudica el Oficio Papal rechaza la Fe Católica, se ha separado de la comunión con la Iglesia o es un apóstata o idólatra. Permítasele al hombre acusado ser citado para dar explicaciones. Permítasele a los Padres Conciliares interrogarlo en asuntos de Moral y Fe católica; permítase que sus escándalos públicos sean enumerados y él los escuche. Que se le exija que él se retracte de sus errores, y si lo hace, permítasele que se disculpe y sea aconsejado a retirar sus decretos ruinosos. Si el rechaza la reprimenda, permítase que sea declarado de ser culpable de uno o más de los crímenes castigados con latae sententiae excommunication en el Canon 1364 y permítase al Concilio declarar que la Sede de Pedro está vacante legítimamente.

El Concilio Provincial de Roma reprendió al Papa Marcellinus por su acto público de idolatría del dios Romano Marte y el Concilio Provincial celebrado en Sutri en 1046 destituyó a tres solicitantes indignos al Trono Apostólico, por su crasa inmoralidad y demanda ilegal: Benedicto IX, Silvestre III y Gregorio VI.

Es un deber ante el Dios Viviente atender a la salvación de las almas. El Concilio Provincial en la Provincia Eclesiástica de Roma tiene la autoridad legal y la jurisprudencia por precedente para actuar de esta forma. En balance, la salvación de más de mil millones de almas penden en la cuerda floja.

Tengan temor del Dios Viviente por lo que su juicio será si no acatan tal razonable, jurídicamente válida y honesta solución a la más grande crisis en la historia del Papado. Y confíen como San Pablo el Apostol confió cuando fue a Antioquía a reprender a San Pedro en persona por no respetar los decretos del Primer Concilio de Jerusalén.

Si Su Excelencia cree que el hombre es todavía Pedro, Su Excelencia debe confiar que el Espíritu Santo lo guiará a un estado mental católico; y si Su Excelencia no cree que el hombre sea todavía Pedro, tiene el deber solemne de actuar para declarar a la Sede Apostólica legítimamente vacante.



A Meditation for the 11th Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation of Ministry

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

It was 11 years ago, on February 11, 2013 A. D., at shortly after 11:30 A. M., that his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI read his now famous declaration, “Non solum propter”. — Above, if you click the image, you can access FromRome.Info’s complete Index to the history, debate and controversy over the events of that day and the meaning or effect of that declaration.

By that act he clearly and manifestly intended to retain the petrine munus and renounce only the petrine ministry, so that by retiring but not abdicating he could retain the Papal Dignity and Mandate, while conceding to his opponents the other powers of governance. While there are many, many opinions about the morality, intention, cause, motives and purpose of such an act, the juridical value of it was NOT and abdication.

But, for today’s anniversary, I want to offer a reflection on the moral errors committed in the Vatican before and during that controversy, which might help explain why even to this day, notable clergy incardinated at the Vatican, such as Cardinals Burke and Mueller, Brandmuller and Sarah, and even Archbishop Viganò seemingly find it impossible to admit their error in thinking he declared that he would abdicate from the Pontificate on that day.

As I have shown in my Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, there are more than 53 errors in the Latin text Pope Benedict XVI read on that day. And why it has been admitted by experts at the Vatican, that Pope Benedict XVI wrote the text without any consultation with Canon Lawyers or Latinists, even Archbishop Gänswein admits there are errors in the text — though he has not yet had the charity to the Catholic world to admit which ones he recognizes.

Thus, the national Catholic newspaper in Italy, Avvenire, which is run by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference there, though they called me an “idiot” for claiming there are errors in the text, now has to eat crow. And yes, I still await an apology for their calumny, for the sake of removing the scandal they have placed before millions of souls.

But that they resorted to the services of a defrocked priest to gaslight the Catholic world about the deficiencies in the text, showed how desperate they were to keep the narrative of an abdication going, and how they knew all in their hearts, at least by 2021 that Benedict XVI never abdicated.

This collective sin and guilt and complicity is the principal embarrassment of the Catholic Hierarchy, not only in Italy but round the world. These men are pragmatic, and they realize that their moral authority over the faithful will be utterly destroyed when it comes to be known that they collectively were incapable of understanding how Canon 332 §2 worked and what was necessary for an abdication — a thing which should be a basic concept taught in a general Canon Law class on juridical acts.

So individuals who have doctorates in Canon Law such as Archbishop Gänswein really have no excuse. And there are 1000s like him, who were all silent. Though the worst sin was of those who should have known and attempted to defend the indefensible, namely, that a renunciation of ministerium in Latin signified a renunciation of munus.

But it was not I, but Cardinal Burke himself who immediately recognized that the declaration did not contain what it should contain to effect a valid abdication. He himself spoke to friends and acquaintances from Rome to Arizona about this. But he otherwise hid this opinion of his from the press. And I surmise that if he attempted to speak with Pope Benedict XVI before February 28, 2013, he failed in his request, because Pope Benedict XVI was not wont to speak with him about “canonical details”. The other Cardinals and clergy at the Vatican also failed, either out of human respect, or complicity in the plot by Hilary Clinton to push Pope Benedict XVI from power and have a new “spring time” in the Catholic Church.

I will guess too, without any evidence, that if there were a group of Cardinals and Bishops who realized the errors in the text in February 2013, they became conflicted in their private counsels, because they considered it somehow wrong to request that Pope Benedict XVI make a proper and correct renunciation on Feb. 28, 2013, to correct the errors of his Feb. 11th text. Indeed, for men like Cardinal Burke, it was his grave duty to make his way to Castle Gandolfo on Feb. 28th, with the proper text written on paper and carried in hand, to obtain an audience and insist Pope Benedict XVI sign the document in the presence of two other Bishops or Archbishops. Perhaps he was too unfit to climb to the balcony by rope ladder or thrown himself on the ground in front of the main door, to make a spectacle, to obtain this juridical rectification. We cannot judge the man on his personal sentiments, but all who knew of the defect should have had such a zeal.

Contrariwise, if anyone knew that the act of Pope Benedict XVI did not validly cause an abdication, or that Pope Benedict XVI knew, understood or did not understand this they had a grave solemn duty to announce this to the world as soon as they knew of it. Cardinal Burke did not do this. Why? Did the Cardinals discuss this in the canonically invalid Conclave of 2013 ? We may never know. But shortly after they came out of that “Conclave” we know that they had formed a silent eternal pact to never speak of this fraud perpetrated upon the Catholic World, because immediately the Vatican began publishing falsified translations in all major languages of the world, to conceal this from 1+ Billion Catholics. And this is the greatest crime against the rights of the Faithful in the entire history of the Church!

However, the official canonical and juridical declaration that ‘Pope Benedict XVI remained pope until his death’ is a question about which the Catholic Bishops of the Roman Province are competent to judge in a Provincial Council. Anyone can request them to do it. And all honesty requires that they,  who know of it, make such a request. Moreover, if they fail to rectify the historical and juridical record, those who know of it, who could be influential to obtain this, will go to their graves to encounter a most Terrible and unforgiving Judge, Whose Immaculate Bride has been raped and sullied by such a great injustice.

And yet, all those who insist that Bergoglio has never been the pope, fail to avail themselves of the most important confirmation of the invalidity of the Conclave of 2013, which they could obtain by the convocation of such a Council. Why is this? Those who insist he has always been the pope, also fail to seek this solution. Why?

So as we commemorate and remember that fateful day 11 years ago, we should make a renewed effort to admit the truth, connect the dots and study the sources, if we have not yet understood what really happened on that day and who is at fault for it.

And I encourage all the Catholics who have had the grace of the Holy Spirit to do this and complete this necessary task, to pray for all those who live within the ideological limits imposed upon by the boy’s clubs and magic circles in which they move, who out of human respect have preferred not to ask the question or worse to denigrate the messengers of truth, whom God has sent to His Church in the last 11 years.

Many have urged me to write a book about Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, but I make all the articles and videos available for free, because as a Franciscan Brother I realize that my vocation is to give freely, when one has received freely, and to work for the repair of Christ’s Church. — Of everything I have written and mentioned, here, you can find reference and articles in the above index. Just click the top image in this post. is an electronic journal chronicling the events of the Church without keeping silent about the duty of Catholics to respond with faith-filled action, rather than as mere spectators. This article is one of more than 10,000 published since September 2013 A. D.. For more information about our journal, see our About Page.

How to avoid becoming a cancelled Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, Deacon etc..

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

French Translation

Not even a dog keeps doing the same thing over and over if it hurts. The Lord God and Creator gave even dogs enough sense which rivals the intelligence of sinful men, in such circumstances. And this is why through the ages it has often been this observation about dogs which gets men to change their ways.

And this is what the clergy need to do in regard to the whole phenomenon of “cancelled clergy”: a recently coined term or neologism by which there is signified a member of the clergy, upright and honest, who is the victim of the abuse of authority by a superior intent on pushing globalism, modernism, heresy, or sodomy.

Though the word is a new one the genus of persecution is an old one. Before the Second Vatican Council it was much more mild, and simply consisted in being side-lined by your Bishop or superior. But there was always hope that if one persevered in following the laws of the Church and right discipline that with the next change of superior, at his death, transferal or the next ecclesiastical election of one kind or another, the new superior would recognize the worth of the sidelined Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, Monk, Sister etc..

After the Council, however, the penal system of the Church was weaponized against faithful clergy and religious. But in many cases the Faithful never recognized what was going on, simply because back then there was no uncontrolled Catholic media and the main stream media simply ignored such news.

But as the decades have past the persecution of honest men and women of God has become more frequent, and the pretexts for doing so less and less credible, such that we are less and less shocked that individuals are persecuted, and being persecuted by such revolutionaries and heretics is becoming more and more a wreath of honor.

How many priests were removed from ministry during the Scamdemic because they refused to observe the controls (by continuing to give communion in the mouth), to shut their churches (by keeping them open), to wear masks, or to replace the Gospel with preaching the Scam?

But through these 60 years of persecution, the hardest and saddest thing is that those persecuted nearly immediately fell out of any network of charity, such that they no longer had anyone to help them, save but their immediate relatives or friends, a charity which often lasted only a short time.

I remember when I realized that my former community was canonically lawless and had no intention of observing the Rule of Saint Francis. I requested my superior permission to do so according to the Papal Decrees on the Rule of Saint Francis, and got a letter back immediately denying my request and suggesting I leave. But when I did leave, my own parents denied me housing and food in an attempt to convince me to give up my vocation. I would say that this was the darkest moment of my vocation.

How many religious women face the same conflict and never found help and thus gave up. Religious brothers too. That is why I am so ardent about insisting that we persecuted religious who do not give up have more the right to keep calling ourselves “religious” than those of us who remain in communities which are corrupt to their core and in many cases openly heretical or apostate.

Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests usually have a less hard time since their dignity in orders naturally attracts many supporters and benefactors.

Neverthless, no priest wants to be a cancelled priest, and nearly every priest will use as much discretion as possible to avoid the worse forms of being cancelled. Most of the time it is simply reticence and pretending is nothing wrong.

Those of us, like myself, who are not priests, are often wrong in our impatience with such honest men who are avoiding being cancelled and thus too silent about the problems in the Church. They do this for us, knowing that more rapacious men would take their places if they got cancelled. We need to remember this in our public declamations about clergy doing nothing.

But if you are a member of the hierarchy or a priest, deacon, or religious and you want to avoid being cancelled, I would give this advice.

Recognize that the Apostolic See, or the episcopal See of your diocese, or your religious superior is impeded in the execution of his office by the public manifest errors which that office has been used to promote, confirm, authorize, establish, defend or support.

Unlike simply giving up, like Bishop Strickland, or saying there is no solution like Cardinal Burke, or affirming that a heretic can remain Pope, like Bishop Athanasius Schnieder, or daily criticizing the Pope, like so many Bishops, or declaring the Pope a heretic and thus no longer the pope — some of  which can get a member of the clergy out of a job quickly, whether by excommunication, suspension a divinis, laicization etc.., declaring the Apostolic See impeded balances two truths which need to be kept in mind: that Schism from a legitimate superior is a grave crime, and that obeying a legitimate superior in what is morally unacceptable is a grave sin.

And such a declaration need not be a canonical one. It can simply be a way of critiquing the present situation by applying discernment of the kind which comes from the grace and charism of truth which is bestowed in holy Orders or analogously by one’s religious vocation.

By such a declaration or recognition, a man or woman of God avoids the charge of schism, because such a declaration affirms that the Pope is the pope. At the same time it canonically conditions criticism of a bad Pope, who has gone into the extremes of  heresy and apostasy and idolatry by public acts, within the bounds of remaining in communion, while insisting on the freedom granted in Canon 212 to speak out against injustice.

So the next time you are tempted to say Pope Francis is a heretic, schismatic, apostate, idolater or no longer the Pope. Start by recognizing that he has impeded the Apostolic See by his public insistence of approval for the manifestly heretical, illogical, sacrilege promoting, wrong and just false teaching in ‘Fiducia supplicans’, such that everyone in the Church objectively, and not just yourself subjectively, no longer has the moral obligation to obey his decrees while he remains in the state of impenitence.

Don’t say I will no longer obey him. Full Stop. Since that can be understood as an act of schism or heresy. Say rather, that man by his heretical profession in approving ‘Fiducia supplicans’ has taken a position which the entire Church can never accept and thus has so discredited himself as a superior, that it would be both unreasonable and uncanonical to persecute those who call a spade a spade, rather than seek his removal from office in whatever canonical manners that is possible.

And in the mean time do NOT give up the ministry or your vocation. Keep serving God where you are and do not understand such a recognition or declaration as a pretext for violating Church law. Why, you do not even have to publish the fact of your recognition, if you are not a Bishop. Bishops however are now gravely obliged to make such declarations as they will assist the Bishops of the Roman Province to call a provincial council and take the ultimate action as requested in the Sutri Initiative. As for those who are NOT laymen and lay women, I would urge great caution in participating in the Sutri Initiative if you are a priest, deacon or religious, since your letter could be used against you to persecute you, if any one of the Bishops receiving it return a copy to your superior. But if you are a Bishop you should write them as you have the grave duty to act.

At the same time, Bishops have, on account of the objective state of impedition of the Apostolic See, now awesome powers and liberty of action, as I have explained here.


The Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI — A Postscript

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It has been a year and 20 days since Pope Benedict XVI passed to the judgement of Christ Jesus Our Lord. And in that time many have continued to debate the validity or meaning of his Declaration of February 11, 2013.

In fact, this debate has gone more main stream, now that the principal canonical question, who is the real pope, has passed into history with the juridically valid election of Pope Francis on January 30, 2023.

The Catholics of Rome, as they have always done, immediately moved to see that they have a Bishop to succeed Pope Benedict XVI after his death. In fact, just days after his death, trusting that the Church of Rome would remain true to Her Spouse I opined that within a month She would have a new shepherd. — I was immediately mocked by the CIA Agent, Steve O’Reiley in the USA on his attack blog, known as “Roman Locuta Est”, by which he means ‘Stevie has spoken’ for having expressed such confidence in the Church of Rome. — But the Faithful of Rome came through and did not do what the CIA wanted: they met and elected a successor for Pope Benedict XVI, by which the grace and prayer of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, for His Vicar, came to settle for the first time upon that man known as Pope Francis. And the Church has benefited immensely as is visible unto the present day.

Many who entered this debate, however, failed to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty, because as soon as Pope Benedict XVI was dead they spoke against the election of his successor by the Cardinals or the Faithful of Rome — which are the only two legitimately juridical manners possible.

But here I wish to discuss the terms of this debate over the Renunciation, which are well known, to those who have the simplicity to say that they see what they see: a grace which is every more rare in the modern world, as Catholics the world-over plug themselves ever more deeply into the Globalist Narrative Matrix.

For a complete coverage of the history of this debate, see the most authoritative and complete collection of articles here, in our Index to the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI

And these facts are these:

That in Canon 332 §2, a Pope abdicates when he renounces the Petrine Munus, and when he does, it must be considered valid when he does so with freedom and in the proper form.

That on Feb. 11, 2013 A. D., Pope Benedict XVI read aloud the official and only juridically valid version of his Declaratio, in which he renounced the Petrine Ministry, while acknowledging that he held the Petrine Munus.

Logic itself demands, therefore, that all recognize that Pope Benedict XVI never fulfilled canon 332 §2, and that thus, in the eyes of God Himself, he remained the one, only and true Roman Pontiff until the day of his death on Dec. 31, 2022 A. D.. — All those who say otherwise are liars or are insane of mind — Insanis in Latin means, “not healthy”.

Most of these are insane of mind because of a choice that they made: to presume that whatever the MSM says is the truth regardless of facts, history, reality, evidence  or logic. Others because they hold this same idolatrous devotion for whatever the Cardinals or Bishops say.

But those who hold fast to the Catholic Faith, wherein God alone is Truth (John 14:16) and the author of all truth (John 18:38), know that we are gravely obliged to recognize that words have meaning, and what is written, has been written (John 19:20-22).

This same Faith requires us therefore to hold that Pope Benedict XVI renounced the ministry, but that such a renunication was a resignation not an abdication.

And Pope Benedict XVI?

But there are more difficult questions about which we can only speculate regarding the answers since they are known to God alone and to Pope Benedict XVI.

Thus, though many hold that Pope Benedict XVI lied or erred (in the moral sense), it is clear that such an accusation lacks the foundation in the proof that he intended something other than a resignation of ministry or that he conceived a resignation as an abdication. But all the honest studies, especially that of Andrea Cionci, clearly demonstrate that he never held such errors or intended such deception.

And thus, we must also conclude that the charge that he intended to deceive is also unproven. Because to intend something very refined and not understand that others do not understand is not to deceive others.

Theological Error?

But did Pope Benedict XVI not understand that a resignation of ministry does not permit the election of another successor?

On this question, I think the preponderance of evidence argues for an affirmative response.

This differs from the question of moral error. Moral error consisting in doing one thing when one intends to do the other. Here I am speaking of theological error, when one thinks that the doing of something has the same effect as the doing of something similar.

And this error, it seems to me, arose from Pope Benedict XVI’s inexperience with philosophical distinctions of the kind which are found in Scholasticism. For to renounce the branches or fruit of power is not to renounce power. Nor is the renunciation of the power which flows from dignity possible without the renunciation of the dignity from which it flows.

The Cardinals’ error & sin

The Cardinals, I hold, were more responsible before God for their error than Pope Benedict XVI. Because there were 120+ of them, and only 1 of him. And their duty is to NOT proceed into Conclave UNTIL the Apostolic See is legitimately vacant. That means, in this case of a papal renunciation, in a manner conform to canon 332 §2 in which no objective doubt can arise. But to renounce ministerium and be understood as renouncing munus is a doubtful interpretation which the Cardinals had no right to make, and in omitting to have recourse to Pope Benedict XVI to correct the renunciation or remove the doubt, they failed GRAVELY in their only principal ecclesiastical duty.

And because they know that they failed, they have closed in their ranks and conspired never to speak of their sin or admit their fault. So while many Catholics appeal to the Cardinals to end the crisis of the Bergoglian papacy, they fail to recognize that the sin of the Cardinals is the greater of sins.

The effects of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation

Clearly the Church is in a crisis the likes of which She has never seen. With a manifestly heretical pontiff occupying the Throne of St. Peter and the Bishops eager to persecute so as to garner his favors, the Church’s very existence is threatened to Her core.

At the same time the consequences of what Pope Benedict XVI did have utterly destroyed the narrative of Vatican II and have unmasked the enemies of Christ in the Church. — The only thing is that Catholics are shocked to their core to see how great is the percentage of failure among Cardinals, Bishops, Priests etc.. For many of us have confidence because of the good example of others: a thing rarely found in any purity in this debacle of debacles.

The Punishment for Liars is a bitter one

God detests the mendacious man (Prov. 12:22-24), so we can be assured that God hates all those morally responsible for causing in the canonical mess which began on Feb. 11, 2023, when an ANSA pool reporter reported that which never happened, namely that Pope Benedict XVI had abdicated — even though she later recanted her error.

We are still living in the context of this great sin and these lying lips. And the punishment for lying lips is to have a mouth full of lies to reign over you.

God has spoken. And He shall never be put to shame by men.

In the meantime, we need to return to the humility of children, for otherwise we cannot be saved (Matthew 18:2-5).

And let us pray for Pope Francis, that he might repent by the grace of God or the stern rebuke of the Cardinals and Bishops, even if this be necessary in a Provincial Council, or at least that God might remove him from the Papacy or neutralize his bad example, as soon as possible or the Bishops of the Roman province do it in the only way they can.

As for ourselves, the crisis in the Church which began on Feb. 11, 2013 is a problem which requires all the Faithful to sanctify our minds through the right use of our intellects and the right use of words, to study what the word “truth” means, and why our loyalty to Christ the Truth requires that we not let any man suborn us on any question of truth.

CREDITS: The Cardinals gathered for the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI. All right reserved. Used with permission of the photographer.

Has Archbishop Viganò been excommunicated?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In this article I will discuss the issues raised by Riccardo Cascioli in his article at the Bussola Quotidiana (Daily Compass), his electronic journal, entitled, “Crisis creates schisms: also Viganò goes his own way”, which appeared on January 11 of this year, here, in English translation.

First, I will note that Cascioli is not a canonist, but a journalist. He is also not a theologian.

Second, I agree with him 100%, that to adequately and properly and virtuously respond to the crisis in the Church we must all respond in a canonically valid manner and not cause schisms in the Church.

But who is causing schism in the Church? — I will reply to that question at the end of this article.

Here, I want to address the canonical accusations made by Cascioli against Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, and former member of the Secretariate for the Vatican City State, under Pope Benedict XVI.

As a matter of fact, no proof worthy of canonical action has been published by anyone demonstrating that Bishop Williamson reconsecrated Archbishop Viganò, since neither has admitted it happened nor is there any video or document declaring the fact. On that basis, the entire article of Cascioli is potentially libel and calumny. And certainly Archbishop Viganò could never be penalized.

But, if the alleged act was perpetrated, are Catholics to now consider Viganò excommunicated?

The Penalty for Consecrating a Bishop in the Code of 1983

To understand the answer to this question, which I will treat of in this article, we need to look to Canon 1382.

Canon 1382 levels a latae sententiae excommunication upon the Bishop who consecrates a man a bishop without Papal mandate and also against the man so consecrated.

There are problems with the interpretation of this canon. First, understanding that only the Roman Pontiff can interpret it, and must do so by a juridical act publishing the interpretation, and given that no Roman Pontiff has interpreted it, we must have recourse to the principles of the Code of Canon Law of 1983 to understand what it says and what it does not say.

The canon reads thus, in the Latin:

1382 Episcopus qui sine pontificio mandato aliquem consecrat in Episcopum, itemque qui ab eo consecrationem recepit, in excommunicationem latae sententiae Sedi Apostolicae reservatam incurrunt.

Which in English would be:

1382. The Bishop who without pontifical mandate consecrates anyone as a Bishop, and likewise he who receives consecration from him, incur an excommunication latae sententiae reserved to the Apostolic See.

According to the norms of canon 17, we must understand all the terms or words in this canon in the proper sense. Thus, it only applies to a Bishop, not to someone pretending to be or who is invalidly ordained a Bishop. Nor does it apply to the execution of a ritual of ordination of a man as a bishop, since in the new pontifical, that ritual is called the “Ordination” not the “Consecration” of a Bishop. So one must understand it referring to the sacramental ritual validly executed.

As has been mentioned frequently since the “excommunication” of Archbishop Lefebre in 1988, we must also distinguish between the crime sanctioned by the canon as a species of malfeasance, and the crime perpetrated by the individual as an act which is capable of punishment. Proper jurisprudence requires in the leveling of ecclesiastical penalties that this distinction be made. And that means that one must not only canonically verify that the crime has been committed but also verify that in perpetrating it it was a delict for the individual, namely, that he was canonically capable of being punished for what he really did.

For example, if a Bishop during a theatrical performance performs the rite of episcopal ordination upon another man, without the intention to consecrate him a Bishop, there is neither the crime nor the delict, because the theatrical performance is not the liturgical ritual, and the Bishop has no intention.

Remember, too, that the ritual effects that a man be reckoned among the bishops of the Church, that is, it ordains him to be of their number. But the sacrament is conferred in the consecration of the man by the Bishop, which requires the laying on of hands and the prayer of consecration.

This is why, by speaking of consecration, not ordination, the canon criminalizes the conferral of the Sacrament not the performance of the ritual.

Did Archbishop Viganò incurr Excommunication by being consecrated sub conditione?

It is clear that he did not, from the norms of Canon Law.

First, because he was not consecrated a Bishop by Msgr. Williamson. For in canon law, the consecration of Archbishop Viganò took place on the Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel, April 26, in 1992, by means of the hands and prayers of Pope John Paul II. And thus no reiteration of a ritual of consecration effects anything that constitutes the conferral of a sacrament, whether it be done under any condition or not.

Second, because Archbishop Viganò did not lack a papal mandate to be consecrated a Bishop, having had that already from Pope John Paul II. The Archbishop is in fact an Archbishop incardinated at the Vatican, that is in the Diocese of Rome.

Third, because a ritual executed sub conditione, that is, a ritual which is performed a second time for the sake of removing any doubt regarding the completion of the previous ritual is not an episcopal consecration, but a ritual which comprises all the prayers and ceremonies.

So, if one speaks of penalties, one must first decide what to penalize. And thus, if one would want the Archbishop punished for receiving the Sacrament, one would have to concede that the previous consecration by Pope John Paul II was invalid, because only if it were invalid, did the Archbishop receive the Sacrament from Bishop Williamson. — Contrariwise, if the one wanting the penalty imposed holds that the previous consecration were valid, then he must admit that this second performance of the ritual conferred no sacrament and thus does not fall under the terms of this canon.

Thus, in no honest sense of the words of Canon 1382, did Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò incurr a latae sententiae excommunication.

And, thus, even if anyone in the Roman Curia or Pope Francis himself declare that he did because he violated this canon, the declaration is false, since the delict was never committed. And according to the norms of Canon Law no one can be punished except when he is guilty of committing a delict, that is he is responsible for transgressing a canon penalizing a specific action and did in fact transgress it.

So Riccardo Cascioli is wrong and he has both libeled and calumniated the Archbishop, from a website in Italy, and thus can be prosecuted in Italy for defamation and libel, which are serious offenses. — I pray he retracts.

But who is causing schism in the Church?

Using papal authority to obstruct the rights of Catholics to worship God and enjoy the benefits which Christ gave them for their salvation, is obviously a worse crime than acting without papal approval. In fact, if a pope were to sign a heretical profession, he would impede the Apostolic See and then all Catholics could act to save their souls without papal mandate, in whatever manner they deemed necessary. And surely if all Catholics could, then an Archbishop of the Vatican could. This is what I argue in my article on the Impeded See.



The Apostolic See is now impeded, by the heresy of Pope Francis — What this means


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

The Apostolic See has been impeded by the heretical actions of Pope Francis, specifically his signature on the heretical blasphemous and sacrilegious declaration known as Fiducia supplicans.

In Church Law an impeded see results from the objective incapacity of the holder of a bishopric to execute his duties. A see can be impeded by impossibility of personal liberty, external force or heresy, schism or apostasy by the person claiming the office.

By signing Fiducia supplcians Pope Francis has approved of manifest heresy against the Sacraments of the Priesthood and Marriage, as well as attempted to overthrow the teaching of Christ in the Our Father, the Second Commandment of the Decalogue and profane the Holy Name of God.

The assertion that there is a kind of blessing which a priest can bestow which does not implicate the Divine Approval or the approval by the Church, even when given to persons in an objective state of sin, and without repentance, is a heresy against the revealed truth of blessings contained in the Deposit of the Faith (cf. Numbers 23:19) and against the truth revealed by the Apostle Saint Paul, that Catholic clergy are the “ambassadors of God” (2 Corinthians 5:20), who speak in the Name of God. Fiducia supplicans also directly attacks the revealed truth that Christian marriage alone, between one man and one woman, is the only sexual union which merits the blessings of God.

Recognition that the Apostolic See is impeded, therefore, is not a schismatic act, it is rather the only morally licit and valid response to Pope Francis’ promotion of heresy and schism. While some Bishops might be tempted to break off communion with the Apostolic See, that would be wrong, because the sin here is not of Pope Francis as pope, but of Pope Francis as the man, and therefore, the See is impeded and not overthrown. — It would be overthrown if he signed a document which was heretical and imposed this as an obligation upon all Catholics. But that will never happen, because Christ promised us it would never happen, as Vatican I taught. — But recognizing the See is impeded is the just response, because to continue to pretend that nothing is wrong, and that a man who has signed a manifestly heretical document, is still fit to act as the Roman Pontiff, is consummate dishonesty and participates in his sins by tolerating that which should never be tolerated.

What Action can Bishops take world-wide to remedy impeded State of Rome

Due to the impeded state of the Holy See, the Bishops of every ecclesiastical province in the Church can convene provincial councils to declare the Apostolic See’s impeded state and to publicly reprove Pope Francis for signing such a heretical document, calling on him to rescind it. These same provincial councils, world-wide, can also call on the Bishops of the Province of Rome to convene their own council and rebuke and/or depose Pope Francis (see here). And for this they do not require permission of the Apostolic see (cf. canons 439 §2) for the same reason a provincial council in the Roman Province in virtue of canon 442 §2, during an impeded Apostolic See, can act for necessity and by the principal of subsidiarity without the consent of the man who claims to be the Roman Pontiff.

What Powers can the Bishops of the World now assume

Bishops and faithful world-wide can also refuse the nomination of new Bishops and Cardinals, as well as resist and refuse any call by Pope Francis for the resignation or translation or nomination of any Bishop in their territory.

This response to Fiducia supplicans is the truly Catholic one. Anyone speaking of doing something lesser, has not yet grasped the gravity of what has happened.

To contradict the Deposit of the Faith, either as regards the clear teaching of Scripture or the disciplines contained in Apostolic Tradition puts a man outside of the Church.

Pope Francis must recant his heresy or he must be declared deposed from the Apostolic see by his separation from the Church.

Immediate Acts of Resistance which can be undertaken by local Bishops

Consequently, until Pope Francis does so, or is removed, the Bishops of each ecclesiastical province, by necessity and the law of subsidiarity, can appoint and transfer bishops within the boundaries of their province, and make all decisions which would otherwise be made by the Roman Curia for their provinces, since recourse to the Apostolic See is now morally and canonically illicit.

And indeed, if Catholic Bishops world-wide make use of their extraordinary rights in this way, it will pressure the Bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Rome to act appropriately and end this extreme crisis in the Church of Rome.

A great number of episcopal sees are presently vacant, so there is much good work that can be done by the Bishops and the Faithful world-wide to see promoted to the episcopal dignity men who reject the heresies and heretical trajectory of Pope Francis (see List here).

If you live in any one of these ecclesiastical jurisdictions, you may now licitly and lawfully call on the Catholic clergy of the diocese and/or the Bishops of the Province, to nominate a Catholic Bishop for your diocese. Then invite Catholic Bishops from the province or elsewhere to consecrate him. I urge you to act quickly and prudently by first contacting only the anti-Fiducia supplicans clergy and informing them of the awesome rights they now enjoy.

Finally, in those ecclesiastical provinces where a Bishop speaks in favor of Fiducia supplicans, the other Bishops may now convene a provincial council to rebuke and depose him for heresy.

How the impeded state of the Apostolic See will effect the next papal election

The Church is now in a very precarious juridical state, because if Pope Francis without renouncing his heresy of Fiducia supplicans should alter or publish a new law for papal election, and/or appoint men who favor Fiducia supplicans as Cardinals, then the election of his successor will be juridically doubtful, since the man, who is pope, who has impeded the See, can no longer licltly exercise the authority of the See, if he refuses to repent publicly of his crime against the Catholic Church, Her Faith, and the rights of all the faithful to practice the authentic Catholic Faith. Nay, refusal to repent signifies that all his other acts are tainted with his heresy and schism, and thus can be lawfully and licitly rejected by the Faithful.

Here the case is not the same as the appointment by the then rival Pope Francis of cardinals under Pope Benedict XVI, because by the election of Bergoglio by the Faithful of Rome on Jan. 30 of last year, their nominations were convalidated. Nor is is the same case as the appointment of Cardinals after Amoris Laetitia, because the Apostolic See was not and cannot be impeded by the actions of an antipope.

But with Fiducia supplicans, we have a document which is manifestly an attack on the entire Catholic Faith signed by the Roman Pontiff, the conditions of which fulfill those to impede the See.

But the situation is precarious for another reason, because if Pope Francis does act to touch in any way the next papal election, the only way to have a juridically valid Catholic pope will be an election by Apostolic Right. But since the grifter-collective and Pope Francis’ ‘gay opposition’ have already calumniated this manner of election in the minds of most Catholics, they cannot advocate for such an election in the future, having burnt their bridges.

Please join me, therefore, in praying for the Church of Rome, which truly has few friends, allies or those who truly love Her. We are beset all around with the godless, the mercenary, and the insanely imprudent puffed up egomaniacs who have set themselves up as the arbiters of the Church, without any knowledge of what they speak, and with not a drop of love for Christ or the salvation of the world. And until the Cardinals, Bishops, Clergy, Religious and faithful stop listening to such false and treacherous folk, the Church will continue to be destroyed from withing and millions of souls will be lost.



Sulla Riprensione e la Deposizione di un papa eretico

di Frà Alexis Bugnolo

(This is the Italian version of the original English, which is found here; for the French translation, see here)

Desidero qui discutere un caso speciale di diritto giuridico, in cui la Chiesa deve affrontare la necessità di rimuovere dall’incarico un papa eretico. Dato che il fatto che esista un modo giuridicamente valido per farlo è un presupposto necessario dell’Iniziativa Sutri, e poiché cardinali eminenti come Burke hanno pubblicamente affermato che non esiste una soluzione canonica a tale problema, ora spiegherò pubblicamente come si può fare, per dare spunti di riflessione a tutti coloro che desiderano vedere spiegato come può essere che il cardinale Burke abbia torto nella sua opinione.

Innanzitutto, lasciatemi dire che questa soluzione, per essere canonicamente valida, non deve violare alcun canone del Codice di Diritto Canonico, pubblicato da Giovanni Paolo II, che vieta al canone 334 che vi sia alcuna innovazione nel diritto della Chiesa quando la Sede Apostolica è impedita o vacante, cioè quando il Romano Pontefice non la promulga. Per il Codice del 1983, vedi qui.

In secondo luogo, non deve nemmeno violare il principio giuridico e il Dictum della Fede, ovvero che sedes prima a nemine judicatur, vale a dire che la prima sede non è giudicata da nessuno. E questo, inteso come il dotto cardinale Bellarmino riteneva inteso, cioè che non è lecito a nessuno nella Chiesa giudicare la persona del Romano Pontefice.

In terzo luogo, contro la sentenza del Romano Pontefice non vi è appello (canone 333 § 3). Non si possono quindi revocare i suoi decreti, anche se si può spingerlo a ritirarli per un motivo legittimo.

NOTA BENE: Qui uso “giudicare” non in riferimento alla formazione di una convinzione personale nel fedele che considera il Romano Pontefice, ma a un atto giuridico con il quale viene proclamata una sentenza o si discerne un fatto giuridico.

Il Romano Pontefice, in quanto Pontefice, non può essere rimosso dall’ufficio dagli uomini

Da questi due principi ne consegue che il Romano Pontefice propriamente parlando non può e non potrà mai essere rimosso dall’ufficio, se non per atto diretto del suo Superiore, il Signore Gesù Cristo, il quale non avviene se non con la morte.

Dico propriamente parlando, cioè, quando parliamo dell’uomo che è il Romano Pontefice, in quanto Romano Pontefice. In questo senso viene chiamato Romano Pontefice, ovvero la persona del Romano Pontefice. Ed è così che il diritto canonico parla sempre di lui, poiché questa è la norma giuridica in ogni discorso del diritto canonico. Infatti, come Romano Pontefice, non può essere giudicato da nessuno e non è soggetto all’autorità di alcun sottoposto.

Il Romano Pontefice, in quanto uomo, può essere giudicato

Che l’uomo che è il Romano Pontefice possa essere giudicato, però, è chiaro, perché è l’insegnamento del Magistero pontificio, tramandato da papa Innocenzo III – eminente canonista – e perché è chiaro che l’uomo, in quanto uomo, è anch’esso soggetto a Cristo e all’autorità della Chiesa.

Nessun uomo nella Chiesa può essere giudicato se non dalla legittima autorità

Ciò deriva direttamente dal fatto che Cristo ha dato la Sua autorità alla Chiesa per pascere tutto il Suo gregge, sia collettivamente che individualmente. E poiché nessuno, tranne colui che detiene autorità su un uomo, può giudicare un uomo – questo è un principio naturale di ogni diritto (ius) – solo il superiore ordinario di un uomo, o il Papa, o coloro che detengono l’autorità ecclesiastica nella regione, possono giudicare un uomo.

Un Concilio provinciale può giudicare tutti gli uomini della sua provincia

Un concilio provinciale di tutti i Vescovi di una provincia ecclesiastica ha autorità su tutti i cattolici di una provincia, come dichiara il canone 432 § 1. Il concilio provinciale, infatti, ha status di persona giuridica, come dichiara il canone 432 § 2.

Ciò significa che un concilio provinciale può giudicare qualsiasi cattolico che risiede nel suo territorio, sia discernendo fatti giuridici o morali riguardanti l’uomo, sia imponendo sanzioni o sentenze canoniche.

Un concilio provinciale nella provincia ecclesiastica di Roma può giudicare l’uomo che è il Romano Pontefice

Da quanto precede ne consegue che il concilio provinciale della provincia di Roma può giudicare il Romano Pontefice come uomo, cioè riguardo ai fatti giuridici o morali che lo riguardano, cioè se sia cattolico e se ha una valida rivendicazione sull’ufficio di Romano Pontefice. Infatti in tali cose il Concilio non giudica l’ufficio che egli rivendica.

Nei casi di eresia e di invalidità della rivendicazione d’ufficio, il Concilio Provinciale Romano può essere convocato dai Vescovi della Provincia senza e contro la volontà di colui che rivendica il papato

Il canone 442 § 2 concede ai Vescovi di una provincia di convocare un concilio provinciale quando la sede metropolitana della provincia è legittimamente impedita. Qui il latino recita:

Metropolitanae, eoque legitime impedito, Episcopi suffraganei ab aliis Episcopis suffraganeis Electi est concilio provinciali praeesse.

Il concetto di “legittimamente” impedito si riferisce non alle norme del diritto canonico né alle norme di qualsiasi diritto pontificio, ma a un motivo o causa moralmente valida che impedisce al Metropolita di agire: la costrizione fisica o morale, l’incompetenza o l’incapacità.

Ad esempio, se il Metropolita viene rapito o trattenuto da forze ostili; in arresto, in coma; aver subito un ictus o un collasso mentale o emotivo che impedisca l’uso della retta ragione; nascondersi per paura di essere catturati, o comunque incapace di comunicare. Questi sono fattori oggettivi per l’esercizio del suo munus.

Ma se l’uomo è eretico o scismatico o apostata, ma non è stato ancora privato dell’ufficio, ne consegue, in ragione del principio giuridico, che laddove vi sia forza maggiore, cioè un maggiore potere che interviene o ostacola, di quelli citati nei casi normali per impedimento, tanto più è legittimo ritenere che la sede sia impedita.

Quindi, poiché il Romano Pontefice è il Metropolita della Provincia Romana, quando l’uomo che è il Romano Pontefice è un eretico, un apostata o uno scismatico, allora può essere giudicato in un concilio provinciale.

I Vescovi della Provincia Romana hanno il diritto di esigere la prova dell’affermazione di quell’uomo di essere Romano Pontefice

Poiché i Vescovi della Provincia non possono presumere che un uomo sia colpevole o che un fatto sia tale prima di giudicarlo, è necessario che interrogando l’uomo che si dichiara Papa, stabiliscano che egli rifiuta di dimostrare che la sua pretesa è valida  o che sia cattolico. Tale rifiuto, di persona o con comunicazione scritta, prova giuridicamente e canonicamente l’esistenza di un dubbio oggettivo, dal quale nasce conseguentemente ed immediatamente un impedimento per la Sede Apostolica a causa del rifiuto, da parte di colui che rivendica l’ufficio, di dimostrare ai Vescovi  della Provincia la validità della sua pretesa di governarli.

In mancanza di offerta probatoria spontanea, può essere convocato un concilio provinciale per richiedere prove speciali e straordinarie

Ciò è per diritto naturale, cioè per diritto naturale ogni regnante ha il dovere di dimostrare ai suoi sudditi la legittimità della sua pretesa di signoria su di essi. Questa dimostrazione deve essere tanto più solenne e collegiale quando i suoi colleghi ne chiedono la prova.

Richiedere tale prova è un diritto del soggetto e una dimostrazione della sua onestà. Poiché non lede i diritti di nessuno, non danneggia nessuno e non è un crimine. E quindi una simile richiesta non può essere rifiutata.

Normalmente ciò avviene mediante la promulgazione dell’elezione o della nomina del superiore da parte della persona o dell’ente che ha l’autorità di nominarlo.

Ma quando intervengono fatti oggettivi che mettono in dubbio ciò, la prova può essere richiesta di diritto dai suoi pari, poiché essi, in quanto titolari della giurisdizione locale sotto di lui, hanno il diritto naturale alle prove più certe.

E così quando tramite contatto personale e per iscritto viene rifiutata la prova spontanea della cattolicità di colui che pretende di essere Papa o la validità della sua elezione, i Vescovi NON presumono, quando si avvalgono del diritto loro concesso, a causa di una sede impedita, a convocare un concilio provinciale senza o contro la volontà di colui che si pretende Papa.

Tale Concilio provinciale, convocato senza o contro la volontà di colui che è il Romano Pontefice, non può essere ostacolato da alcuna autorità

Tale concilio non può essere impedito da alcun atto di alcuna autorità ecclesiastica, poiché sui Vescovi della Provincia Romana non ha potestà nessuno se non il Romano Pontefice, né colui che si professa Romano Pontefice, ma rifiuta il consenso spontaneo alle sufficienti prove nel corso normale delle cose, esercita legittimamente l’autorità dell’ufficio del Romano Pontefice per ostacolare o vietare tale convocazione. Poiché con il suo rifiuto ha impedito la Sede Apostolica,  con la sede impedita i suoi poteri sui sudditi non possono essere usati per alcun fine legittimo.

Tale concilio provinciale può legittimamente convocare colui che pretende di essere il Papa

Che un tale Concilio possa legittimamente, cioè canonicamente, costringere, l’uomo che afferma di essere papa a parteciparvi, deriva dalla sua autorità concessa nel canone 432. Ne consegue anche dal canone 443, che richiede che tutti coloro che rivendicano uffici di vescovo nel territorio siano convocati in ogni concilio provinciale, e dal canone 444 §1, che richiede la presenza di tutti i convocati. Né può reclamare impedimento, se può viaggiare liberamente o parlare con gli uomini.

Tale Concilio provinciale deve prima protestare contro l’uomo che sembra essere un eretico, scismatico o apostata, ma rivendica il papato

C’è un ordine nella Carità, e, quindi, prima i Padri conciliari dovrebbero procedere esponendo le ragioni della convocazione del Concilio e chiedere che coloro a cui spetta il diritto di voto confermino la convocazione. Poi, dovrebbero esporre le ragioni per convocare colui che pretende di essere papa, per dare solenni prove certe che la sua elezione era giuridicamente valida e che la sua pretesa alla carica rimane legittima. Poi dovrebbero interrogare l’uomo per ottenere prove solenni della validità o della nullità della sua richiesta. E, con le risposte date, proporre di rilasciare una dichiarazione solenne sulla loro coerenza, chiedendo il voto del concilio per approvare che l’uomo è o non è idoneo a ricoprire la carica che rivendica, ha una valida pretesa o ha perso il suo diritto. Pertanto, se i Padri conciliari ritengono che le sue risposte siano insufficienti o dubbie, il Concilio dovrà  protestare una seconda volta con l’uomo in questione e giudicare le sue risposte mediante voto una seconda volta, e anche una terza volta, se necessario. Dopodiché se persiste nelle sue risposte invalide, il concilio può solennemente dichiarare oggettivi i fatti giuridici che detto uomo, in virtù del canone della chiesa applicabile, non ha mai ricoperto l’ufficio, o non lo ricopre ora, a causa del fatto di non essere un cattolico.

Tale concilio provinciale non impone alcuna pena né privazione d’ufficio, e quindi non ha bisogno che i suoi atti siano approvati dal Romano Pontefice

Una constatazione di fatto è un atto di discernimento da parte di un’autorità competente a farlo. Un concilio provinciale romano è la persona giuridica più alta e competente per accertare tali fatti mediante indagini e interrogatori di tutti i cattolici nella provincia romana. Solo in caso di frode la sentenza di tale concilio potrebbe essere impugnata. Pertanto, se tale concilio accerta che l’uomo non ha una pretesa valida al papato o non è cattolico, allora può dichiararlo scomunicato a motivo del canone 1364, e quindi, ipso facto, privato dell’ufficio, poiché nessuno scomunicato può rivendicare un ufficio nella Chiesa, a norma del canone 1331.

Colui che si dichiara Romano Pontefice e rifiuta di dare prove spontanee e solenni della legittimità della sua pretesa a ricoprire l’ufficio, può essere dichiarato ipso facto deposto se rifiuta di presenziare a tale Concilio Provinciale

Che un tale uomo, se rifiuta di presenziare a qualsiasi parte di un siffatto concilio provinciale, dove potrebbe dare prova solenne e giuridica delle sue pretese, può essere dichiarato deposto, consegue dai principi sopra enunciati, perché nessun uomo con una pretesa onesta vorrebbe rifiutare tali prove. Che un Papa validamente eletto, Benedetto IX, sia stato dichiarato contumace e deposto per essersi rifiutato di partecipare a un simile concilio provinciale nel dicembre del 1046, a Sutri, in Italia, è un fatto storico, accettato come valido dalla Sede Apostolica per quasi 1000 anni: un’accettazione che è equipollente all’approvazione e alla conferma dell’argomento di cui sopra, delle loro ragioni di diritto naturale ed ecclesiastico, e della loro validità secondo la legge consuetudinaria.

Ergo quod erat demonstrandum, demonstratum est.


On the Rebuke and Deposition of a Heretical Pope

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction françaiseVersione Italiana

Here, I wish to discuss a special case of juridical right, wherein the Church must confront the necessity of removing a heretical pope from office. Since that there is a juridically valid way to do this is a necessary presupposition of the Sutri Initiative, and since Cardinals as eminent as Burke have publicly said there is no canonical solution to such a problem, I will now publicly explain how it can be done, to give food for thought for all who like to see expounded how it can be that Cardinal Burke is incorrect in his opinion.

First, let me say, that this solution to be canonically valid must not violate any canon of the Code of Canon Law, published by John Paul II, which forbids in canon 334 that there be any innovation in Church law when the Apostolic See is impeded or vacant, that is, when the Roman Pontiff does not promulgate it. For the Code of 1983, see here.

Second, it must also not violate the juridical principal and dictum of the Faith, that sedes prima a nemine judicatur, namely, the first see is judged by no one. And this, understood as the learned Cardinal Bellarmine, held it to be understood, namely, that it is licit to no one in the Church to judge the person of the Roman Pontiff.

Third, against the sentence of the Roman Pontiff, there can be no appeal (canon 333 § 3). Thus one cannot overturn his decrees, though one can urge him to withdraw them for a legitimate reason.

NOTE WELL: Here, I use “judge” not in reference to the formation of a personal conviction in the faithful who considers the Roman Pontiff, but a juridical act by which a sentence is proclaimed or a juridical fact is discerned.

That the Roman Pontiff, as Pontiff, cannot be removed from office by men

It follows from these two principals, that the Roman Pontiff strictly speaking can not and can never be removed by office, except by a direct act of his Superior, the Lord Jesus Christ, which is only done by death.

I say strictly speaking, that is, when we speak of the man who is the Roman Pontiff, as the Roman Pontiff. In this sense, he is called the Roman Pontiff, or the person of the Roman Pontiff. And it is thus that Canon Law always speaks of him, for this is the juridical norm in all canonical discourse and law. For as the Roman Pontiff he can be judged by no one, and is not subject to the authority of any subjects.

That the Roman Pontiff, as the man, can be judged

That the man who is the Roman Pontiff can be judged, however, is clear, because it is the teaching of the Papal Magisterium, handed down by Pope Innocent III — an eminent canonist — and because it is clear that the man, as a man, is also subject to Christ and to the authority of the Church.

That no man in the Church can be judged except by legitimate authority

This follows directly from the fact that Christ gave His authority to the Church to shepherd all His flock, both collectively and individually. And since no one but one who holds authority over a man, can judge a man — this is a natural principal of all right (ius) — only a man’s Bishop, or the Pope, or those holding ecclesiastical authority in the region, can judge a man.

That a Provincial Council can judge all men within its province

A provincial council of all the Bishops of an ecclesiastical province holds authority over all Catholics in a province, as Canon 432 §1 declares. Indeed, the Provincial Council has the status of a juridical person, as Canon 432 §2 declares.

This means that a Provincial Council can judge any Catholic who resides in its territory, both by discerning juridical or moral facts about the man, or by imposing canonical penalties or sentences.

That a Provincial Council in the ecclesiastical province of Rome can judge the man who is the Roman Pontiff

It follows from the above that a Provincial Council in the province of Rome can judge the man who is the Roman Pontiff, as a man, that is, as regards juridical or moral facts about the man, namely, whether he be a Catholic and whether he have a valid claim to the office of the Roman Pontiff. For in such things, the Council does not judge the office which he claims.

That a Roman Provincial Council can be convened by the Bishops of the Province without and against the will of the man who is the Roman Pontiff in cases of heresy and invalidity of claim to office

Canon 442 §2 grants to the Bishops of a province to convene a provincial council when the Metropolitan See of the province is legitimately impeded. Here the Latin reads:

Metropolitanae, eoque legitime impedito, Episcopi suffraganei ab aliis Episcopis suffraganeis electi est concilio provinciali praeesse.

The concept of “legitimately” impeded refers not to the norms of canon law nor to the norms of any papal law, but to a morally valid reason or cause which prevents the Metropolitan from acting. Such as physical or moral duress, incompetance or incapacity.

For example if the Metropolitan be kidnapped or held by hostile forces; under arrest; in a coma; having suffered a stroke or mental or emotional collapse, preventing use of right reason; in hiding for fear of capture; or otherwise incapable of communication. These are objective factors for the exercise of his munus.

But if the man be a heretic or schismatic or an apostate, but has not yet been deprived of office, the same follows, by reason of the juridical principal, that where there be a force majeur, that is a greater intervening or obstructing power, than those cited in normal cases for an impediment, all the more is it legitimate to hold that the see be impeded.

So, since the Roman Pontiff is the Metropolitan of the Roman Province, when the man who is the Roman Pontiff be a heretic or apostate or schismatic, then he can be judged in a Provincial Council.

That the Bishops of the Roman Province have the right to demand the proof of the claim of the man to be the Roman Pontiff

Since the Bishops of the Province cannot presume that a man is guilty or that a fact be such before judging the fact, it is necessary that by interrogating the man who claims to be the Pope, they establish that he refuses to demonstrate that his claim is valid or that he be a Catholic. Such a refusal in person or by written communication proves juridically and canonically that there is an objective doubt from which there consequently and immediately arises an impediment of the Apostolic See by reason of the man, who claims the office, refusal to demonstrate to the Bishops of the Province the validity of his claim to rule over them.

Failing a spontaneous offer of proof, a Provincial Council can be convoked to request special and extraordinary proof

This is by natural right, namely, by natural right every lord has the duty to demonstrate to his subjects the legitimacy of his claim to lordship over them. This demonstration must be all the more solemn and collegial when his peers ask for the proof.

Asking for such a proof is a right of the subject and a demonstration of his honesty. As it injures no one’s right, it harms no one, and is not a crime. And thus, such a request cannot be refused.

Normally, this is done by the promulgation of the election or nomination of the man to hold the office of superior by the person or body which has the authority to nominate him.

But when objective facts intervene which put this in doubt, proof can be requested by his peers by right, since as holders of local jurisdiction under him they have the natural right to the most certain proofs.

And thus when through personal contact and by writing a spontaneous proof of the Catholicity of the man who claims to be the Pope or the validity of his election be refused, the Bishops do NOT presume, when they use the right granted to them on account of an impeded See to convoke a provincial council without or against the will of the man who claims to be the pope.

That such a Provincial Council, called without or against the will of the man who is the Roman Pontiff cannot be obstructed by any authority

Such a council cannot be impeded by any act of any ecclesiastical authority, since, neither does anyone have authority over the Bishops of the Roman Province but the Roman Pontiff, nor does the man who claims to be the Roman Pontiff but who refuses the spontaneous sufficient proofs in the normal course of things legitimately exercise the authority of the office of Roman Pontiff to obstruct or forbid such a convocation. Since by his refusal he has impeded the Apostolic See, and with the see impeded, its powers cannot be used over its subjects for any legitimate purpose.

That such a Provincial Council can legitimately summon the man who claims to be the Pope

That such a Council can legitimately, that is canonically constrain, the man who claims to be he pope to attend follows from their authority granted in Canon 432. It also follows from Canon 443, which requires that all who claim offices of Bishop in the territory be summoned to every Provincial Council and from Canon 444 §1, that requires all summoned attend. Nor can he claim impediment, if he can freely travel or speak with men.

That such a Provincial Council should first remonstrate with the man, who appears to be a heretic, schismatic or apostate, yet claims the papacy

There is an order in Charity, and so first the Council Fathers should proceed by expounding their reasons for convening the Council and ask that those with the right to vote confirm the convocation. Then, they should expound the reasons for convoking the man who claims to be the pope, to give solemn certain proofs that his election was juridically valid and that his claim to the office remains legitimate. Then they should interrogate the man to elicit solemn proofs of his claim’s validity or invalidity. And with his responses given, propose to issue a solemn declaration as to their coherence, asking for a vote of the Council to approve, that the man is or is not eligible to hold the office he claims, has a valid claim or has lost his claim. Whereupon, if the Council Fathers find his responses insufficient or doubtful, the Council should solemnly remonstrate with the man a second time, and judge his responses by vote a second time, and even a third time if necessary. After which if he persists in his invalid responses, the Council can solemnly declare that the juridical facts are objective that said man in virtue of the canon of the church applicable has never held the office, or does not now hold it, by reason of not being a Catholic or not being Catholic.

That Such a Provincial Council imposes no sentence or deprivation of office, and therefore need not have its acts approved by the Roman Pontiff

A finding of fact is an act of discernment by an authority competent to do so. A Roman provincial council is the highest and most competent juridical person to determine such facts by investigation and interrogation of all Catholics in the Roman Province. Only in the case of fraud, could the judgement of such a council be impugned. Therefore, if such a council find that the man be not a Catholic, then they can declare him excommunicate by reason of canon 1364, and thus ipso facto deprived from office, since no excommunicate can claim an office in the Church, as per Canon 1331.

That the man who claims to be Roman Pontiff and who refuses to give spontaneous and solemn proofs of the legitimacy of his claim to hold the office can be declared ipso facto deposed if he refuse to attend such a Provincial Council

That such a man, if he refuse to attend any part of such a Provincial Council, where he might give solemn and juridical proof of his claims, can be declared deposed, follows from the principals enunciated above, for no man with an honest claim would refuse such proofs. That a validly elected Pope, Benedict IX, was declared contumacious and deposed for refusing to attend such a provincial council in December of 1046, at Sutri, Italy, is a fact of history, accepted as valid by the Apostolic See for nearly 1000 years:  and acceptance which is equipollent to the approval, approbation and confirmation of the above argument, their reasons of natural and ecclesiastical right, and their validity by the law of custom.

Ergo quod erat demonstrandum, demonstratum est.