Category Archives: Editorials

R.I.P. Pope Benedict XVI’s 2nd Anniversary

An Editorial by Br Alexis Bugnolo

Two years ago, this morning, without previous warnings, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI passed to his eternal recompense.

His death came like a shock to the Catholics of Rome, who were given to believe that he was in good health.

But to his enemies, it was a day of rejoicing.

Pope Benedict XVI was perhaps the Pope most hated by the enemies of the Church in modern times: from the first moment he stepped out on the Loggia of Saint Peter’s to the day of his death and beyond. The Godless snarled at his election and hissed in relief at his death.

As a theologian he was extremely controversial, since much of what he wrote was neither profound nor normal sounding to Catholic ears. While there are those who believe he is one of the greatest theologians of the last century, in truth he was a German theologian of the modern school who sought truth in every writer and school of thought other than the great Scholastic theologians and Doctors of the Church of old.

As I do not read German, I can only say that the English translation of his works were in my opinion utterly worthless. I confess that I have dumped into the trash-can numerous books by him, translated into English. — And it was only in reading the careful research of Andrea Cionci that gave me to realize that the English translations of his writing probably never captured his thought in its authentic form, since German is so estranged from the Latin languages of Western Europe, that its words are rarely translated with precision.

So it is very likely that he was a better theologian than I have estimated him to be, or at least one who was more precise.

But as a disciplinarian, I hold him to have been the best pope ever in the history of the Catholic Church. I say this on the basis of having read books on every period of ecclesiastical history and the biographies of all the popes. And I base this judgement on the fact that he dismissed from the clerical state more impure priests than any previous pope in history.

While that is not the only criterion for a good pope, it is in my book the first criterion of an honest man of God who truly respects the great dignity of the priesthood of Christ and guards that zealously from sacrilege by the abominations of sexual impurity. It is also the first and true sign of faith in the Most Blessed Sacrament and love for the Child Jesus, Who descends in Person, Body and Soul, and Divinity, at every Mass into the hands of the priest.

Many condemn Pope Benedict XVI for many things. And for this reason many hold him to be damned. But I would urge them to consider these facts when next they speak on that topic. For the first sign of faith is how we treat Jesus Christ, personally.

His decisions to dismiss so many from the clerical state recognized that the Church’s institutions of formation are not infallible, and are capable of inducting into the clerical state men who were never called by God or able to perceive God’s grace because of their own profound psychological disturbances — a truth which the whole Church undoubtedly now agrees with, having witnessed the behavior of Jorge Mario Bergoglio for nearly 12 years. This accords with the most ancient and traditional addage, that “grace builds upon nature”, and Saint Paul’s monitum in 2 Thessalonians 3:2, “for not all men have faith”.

This devotion of Pope Benedict XVI to Christ is also that which made him most hated by traditionalists, conservatives and liberals in the Church, who are members of the Clergy. We saw this on February 11, 2013, when there was nearly universal exultation that he had renounced. He had expelled 500+ men from the priesthood, and was working to clean out the networks in the Legionaries of Christ and Cardinal McCarricks magic circle.

While we know now that his efforts were not faultless nor perfect, it was a radical earthquake in clerical discipline. Even the modifications that Pope Francis in his antipapacy attempted to make to the Code of Canon Law were inspired chiefly by Pope Benedict XVI’s ground breaking initiatives on responding to clerical abuse.

Today we commemorate the second anniversary of his passing. While we pray for his soul, as we should — for we are not his judges — let us also pray that the revolution he began in breaking down the vicious and monstrous iniquities of the worst kind of clericalism, goes forward until the end of time, so that the Catholic Church might shine for the glory of God as an institution which is safe for families and children everywhere.

5 Ways the next Papal Conclave may give us another AntiPope


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

With the news of Pope Francis’ health always declining further (see here, here, here, and here), with no less than the popular ex-FOX News host, Judge Napolitano, saying last spring that Pope Francis was moribund, the speculation and anxiety of Catholics the world-over is at an all time high, regarding the next Papal Conclave and its outcome.

The tradition of the Conclave arose in the 13th century, when Cardinals gathering to vote for the Pope, at Viterbo, refused to come to a mutual agreement and spent months on end in negotiations, to the dismay not only of the Catholic world, but of the Mayor of the City, who locked them up and put them on bread and water rations to hasten the outcome. But the rules limited the vote to Cardinals comes from the Papal Law, In Nomine Domini, of Pope Nicholas III, in 1059, when after generations of conflicts among the prominent noble families of central Italy and Rome, he chose to remove the right of election from the general assembly of all the Faithful of the Roman Church, and restrict it only to hand selected clergymen.

The anxiety of Catholics arises from the fact that of the more than 250 Cardinals, only 30 were nominated by Popes John Paul II or Benedict XVI, and of those 30, there is strong evidence to show that 11 of them voted for Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the faux conclave of 2013, when they proceeded to elect a new pope even though the previous had not renounced the petrine munus. For more about that see, the Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation and the Chronology of Reports on Team Bergoglio, which latter details the published evidence that a group of Cardinals conspired in violation of the papal law to canvass for votes. These two articles represent the most authoritative and complete collection of links and articles regarding the canonical debates on both topics; and they are read by nearly all the journalists writing on the topic, though they refuse to cite them as sources. So its worth your while to read them yourself, for 99% of the real news about the Catholic Church is never publicly reported.

Adding to this anxiety is that Pope Francis, having impeded the Apostolic See by a heretical profession when he signed ‘Fiducia supplicans’ in December of 2023, he has proceeded to name 21 new Cardinals, the majority of which have publicly professed the same heresy. These 21 Cardinals will be installed on December 8, 2024, at the Vatican in an official ceremony.

So there is frequent consternation and lamentation about the outcome of the next conclave, with many catholic writers throwing up their hands in despair, that the next Pope will even be a Catholic. For if he is not, then he cannot be the pope and will be an antipope.

The next Conclave is overshadowed by the gravest of doubts

While it is true that the laws of the Church allow any male celibate over the age of maturity to be elected the Roman Pontiff, it has been long time since a non-Cardinal was elected to the Apostolic Throne. In fact, it was Pope Urban VI in 1378, who was the last non-Cardinal so elected, and his election was shortly thereafter contested by the Frenchmen who were cardinals, who to the horror of the Catholic world proceeded to elect an antipope to rival him, and installed him at Avignon, thus beginning the Great Schism in the West, which would last until 1415 A. D..

So while it is still possible for the College of Cardinals to elect a non-Cardinal, it is scarcely likely.

Which means there is a 90% chance that the next Pope will be a man made a Cardinal by Pope Francis.

And that is the source of the anxiety. Because faithful Catholics who have been paying attention to the utterances of Jorge Mario Bergoglio are already convinced he is not a Catholic, even if they won’t openly call him a heretic.

And the heretical depravity of Pope Francis is so notorious, that clergy who publicly declare it are immediately punished with the most severe canonical procedures such as reduction to the lay-state or excommunication. There is no room for dissent in the heretical coven of Pope Francis.

Add to this the high level of doubt most Catholics have, that Pope Francis was never canonically elected, or even elected in a juridically valid manner — just to speak of those who still walk in opinions and have not examined the evidence and/or do not possess the intellectual formation necessary to discern any clear answer to such questions.

5 Ways the Next Conclave may give us another antipope

And for that reason, I would like to review in this article, the 5 ways the next Conclave may give us, not a successor of Saint Peter, but a destroyer of souls, a False Prophet, the Antichrist or simply an antipope.

1. What if the Conclave professes heresy before the election?

Conclaves never make public announcements before they elect a pope. Or at least that was the longstanding tradition until the faux conclave of 2013, where they interrupted their proceedings to issue a public condolence for the passing of the Marxist Dictator and murderous Tyrant of Venezuela, for no particular reason at all. Catholics upon hearing of this in March of 2013 shuddered, because the knew that it forebode the election of a corrupt marxist. And they were right.

So if the Conclave publicly endorse the acts of Pope Francis during his antipapacy or his heretical statements such as ‘Fiducia supplicans’ or his teaching in ‘Amoris laetitia’ which contradicted Apostolic Tradition, then Catholics will have the most sold canonical evidence that the Conclave has apostatized from the Catholic Faith and that the man they elect is an antipope and heretic himself, to be owned no obedience, submission or respect by the entire Catholic world — unless of course he immediately repudiates their public statement during the Conclave.

In the case of such a heretical profession by the College of Cardinals, Catholics from Rome, will have to again convene in general Assembly according to Apostolic Right and elect a true Successor of Saint Peter. I have explained this at length in numerous articles regarding the election of January 30, 2023. But in this case, they will have the right to do so, immediately with the heretical profession being publicized; that, is even while the Conclave remains in session and has no yet elected a candidate, since the public declaration by the College is sufficient canonical proof of apostasy, just as the one in 2013 was.

2. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave while Pope Francis is terminally incapacitated?

Next, since it is now a popular and current opinion among the supporters of Pope Francis, that a pope is impeded if he falls into a coma — so much so that they held a conference about the matter a few years ago — and that in such circumstances Vatican officials have the juridical capacity to judge that he has lost his office, it is highly likely that Pope Francis might still be alive when the next Conclave is convened.

In such a case, the election will be invalid, and the one elected another antipope. And the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor.

3. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave after Pope Francis invalidly resigns?

Again, since those who support Pope Francis hold the erroneous opinion that a pope can abdicate by resigning the petrine ministerium, only, it could happen that they persuade Pope Francis to renounce like Pope Benedict XVI and thus fail to do so canonically, giving the appearance of a true abdication, but without any canonical validity to the act.

If they proceed into Conclave under such circumstances, the election will be invalid, and the one elected another antipope, just as happened in February-March 2013, with Pope Benedict XVI.

In such a case, again, the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death or valid resignation of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor.

4. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave to revolt against Pope Francis?

Again, since the obnoxiousness of Pope Francis is already at apocalyptic levels, it could happen that some, a majority or even all of the Cardinals eligible to vote, renounce Pope Francis and hold a conclave to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI or to Pope Francis.

In such a case, since Pope Francis was elected in a juridically valid manner by Apostolic Right on January 20, 2023 A. D., such a Conclave will result in another antipope being elected.

In such a case, again, the Catholics of Rome will have to await the death of Pope Francis, before they can exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor, if no Cardinals convene at that time to elect one.

5. What if the Cardinals hold a conclave and elect someone ineligible to be the Pope?

Finally, to round out the possible nightmarish scenarios, what if the next Conclave, after Pope Francis’ death or valid abdication, would elect an hermaphrodite, or a transgendered or a woman or a trans-human, with AI implants? Or what if they elect an non-Catholic, such as the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, the Russian Orthodox Patriarch, or an Evangelical Preacher, or Bill Gates? or someone already canonically excommunicated? Or someone who is married to a woman or a man, civilly or not, or a siamese twin still connected to his twin brother etc..

In such a case the election would be invalid and the one elected another antipope, of the most monstrous kind. And the Catholics of Rome will have to exert their Apostolic Right to elect a valid successor, immediately upon knowing of the invalidity of the person elected.

+ + +

For more information about how the Faithful of Rome (all the baptized regardless of their station in life) have the right to elect a pope, when the College of Cardinals fails to do their duty, see here.

I have not considered the cases of unworthy men who could be elected, like a flagrant sodomite, pedophile, murderer, government agent, or even manifest but not-yet excommunicated Catholics who are manifest heretics etc.., because there is presently no law in the Church to prevent such men from being elected, strange to say and even more sadly to admit.

I have also not included the case, like that in 1378, in which part of the Cardinals after a valid election, enter into a second Conclave because they refuse the first. In addition, I have not included cases where there is such dissension among the Cardinals, that in the first Conclave they split into two groups and rush to announce the election of two popes nearly simultaneously or simultaneously, thus making it impossible to determine who is the valid pope or not.

Finally, I publish this now, so that, God Forbid!, if any one of these outcomes comes to pass, no one will be able to claim that I have invented rules to suit the circumstances; and so that all who side the the next antipope can be seen for what they really are.

Andrea Cionci is a shamefully dishonest liar

Rebuttal by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction français

I have to declare my profound disgust and revulsion at the shamefully dishonest behavior of Andrea Cionci, who published a video in Italian 6 hours ago, defending Father Faré, by claiming that Pope Francis was never elected in a juridically valid manner and is thus is an anti-pope.

But Andrea Cionci knows well, that the Faithful of Rome on January 30, 2023 A. D. assembled in a public place after public announcements transmitted to the whole Roman Church, and by their right given them by the Apostle Saint Peter, elected a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, because the College of Cardinals, which has the ministerial duty of electing Popes, being notified of their duty, failed to act within the prescribed 20 days after the funeral of the Holy Father, on January 6, 2023, thus forfeiting the exclusivity of their right.

I know that outcome displeased him, because the faithful elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio pope. It should especially displease him, because if you count myself, then all those who voted, not only voted for Bergoglio, but were fans of his own and had read his book, The Ratzinger Code! If he does not like the outcome now, he should rue nothing but his own intransigence then, when he could have encouraged the Faithful to come in numbers and elect someone more to his own liking! (And yes, I say this in derisive mockery)

To omit this from his recent video to justify Father Faré’s own heretical denial of the right of the Roman Church to elect her own Bishop — a right which pertains to the whole Church but in normal circumstances, only, is restricted to a Conclave of Cardinals — is the villainous behavior of someone intending to deceive his audience and craft a false and mendacious argument.

Nor can Andrea Cionci pretend to be ignorant of what I say, because from June of 2020 to the present, he has written not all, but a great number of, his articles and books with my substantial counsel, even taking from me the theory that Pope Benedict XVI intended to separate himself from unworthy Cardinals by an apparently valid but actually canonically invalid renunciation. And he has both interviewed me and I him, as can be seen by clicking the tab “Andrea Cionci” at the end of this article.

His continued insistence that only the College of Cardinals has the exclusive right to elect a pope, even when they refuse to do so according to the norm  of law, flies in the face of all concept of equity and right, precisely because the Cardinals only have this exclusivity of right by reason of a Papal Law (Universi Dominic gregis), on Conclaves of Cardinals, which presumes they will be willing to use it, but which in its very preface, says openly that a Conclave is not necessary for the valid election of a Roman Pontiff! (cf. UDG, Introduction, paragraph 9)

Moreover, he continues this charlatanry to seduce Priests to get themselves laicized and excommunicated as sacrifices upon the altar of his own egotistical and demonic pride which refuses reality, apostolic tradition and even the historical facts of papal history like that of the case of Leo VIII who came to power in Rome as an antipope, but was accepted as the true Pope, by the Roman Faithful, after the abdication of the true pope, who was at first his rival (more here).

I regret trusting the man with so much information about the Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI. I never harbored any doubt about him, until January 2023, when he arranged to meet me in private with Don Minutella with the express purpose of attempting to convince me that I should take no steps to urge the Faithful of Rome to elect a successor to Pope Benedict XVI, which just days later showed itself in a positive refusal to approve of any action that would warn the Cardinals that they should act! From that moment to this day, I have understood that he was nothing more than an angel of light and has the most dishonest intentions, because any man who can “defend” a pope and then turn about-face and not want him to have a juridically valid successor is  a total fraud, because in such wise he is really defending not having a pope, and really wants, that the Church have no more popes. A thing which can be seen in his increasingly absurd suggestions for a future papal election under conditions which no Cardinal would ever agree to: to wit, in violation of the Papal Law which only gives them the right to elect a pope within 20 days of the previous pope’s burial — not months or years later! (cf. UDG, Part II, Chapter I, n. 37)

It is indeed madness to insist, as Cionci does, on an impossibility according to positive law (elections years later) while at the same time refusing to admit the legitimacy of apostolic right admitted by that same positive law. You have to accept the entirety of the law and stop pretending to cherry pick it. The Church would cease to be canonically legitimate if the Cardinals, refusing to elect a pope, retained the exclusivity of their positive right to elect the pope, against the claims of the apostolic tradition which grants that right to all the Faithful of Rome as a whole, and to all who show up to such an election, when such a necessity comes to the fore! If they could do such a thing, then after 20 days, no one could elect a new pope, and the office of Saint Peter would cease to be handed down in the Catholic Church! Such an interpretation defies the infallible teaching of Vatican I, which anathematizes all who deny that it is the will of God that Peter have in perpetuity successors in the Apostolic See! (Vatican I, Session 4, Chapter II, n. 5)

And since it is the will of God, that Peter have successors perpetually in the Apostolic See, then when the Cardinals refuse to elect a pope, when they are bound by Papal Law to do so during a specific time frame, in such wise that when they refuse to do so, any election they take in Conclave becomes invalid, then, it is the will of God that the Faithful of the Roman Church elect their own Pope Bishop. This is the right, honest, and sane reading of the law and of the tradition. And all, who would oppose this, oppose the Will, not of men, but of God.

Finally, I must remark, as one who holds a degree in Anthropology, that there is something indeed strange about persons who while Pope Benedict XVI lived, insisted that Pope Francis was the true Pope, but now that Pope Benedict XVI has gone to his recompense, insist that Pope Francis is not the true Pope. — There is also something bizarre, which would lead the mind the study with minute detail the events before the death of Pope Benedict XVI, but refuse to study in the same fashion how it can be that the Church have a true pope again after that death.

As for me, you are not going to ever convince me that these persons have a sincere fidelity to the Apostolic See or an honest manner of acting. They should be pitied, and prayed for, but not defended in the integrity of their argument, which is false, if they say that Pope Francis was never legitimately the pope, or when they claim something about the Papal Law for elections which it does not say, while denying what it does.

Finally, see, Father Faré’s Argument is a Straw Man, where I refute the core fallacy has has made, upon which he basis his entire declaration that Pope Francis has never been the legitimate pope.

Photo Credits: The featured image is a screenshot of Google’s image search for “Andrea Cionci”

Br. Bugnolo has already fully refuted Andrea Cionci’s objections to the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor by an assembly according to Apostolic Right, in May of 2023, here in Italian.

5 Years Ago: Clamorous errors in the Latin of Benedict’s “Renunciation”

Editor’s Note: 5 Years ago, FromRome.Info published (on Nov. 20, 2019) the definitive critique of the Latin text of Pope Benedict XVI’s Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013. Even to this day, no other author in the world has published a similar critique nor one as perspicacious and complete. This article represented one of my unique contributions to the debate on the validty of Pope Benedict XVI’s abdication. It thus has an important and irreplaceable place in the history of that controversy. Only the readers of FromRome.Info and UnaVox.It were allowed to see the full text of my critique, which in Its Italian version is still hidden on all search engines, while being very difficult to find even in English on any google search. This one article totally unmasked the fake narrative fed to Catholics the world over by every Cardinal and nearly every Bishop and Priest and Deacon who sucked up the fake narrative and regurgitated it, some of whom employed and do now still employ Nazi style tactics to quash any discussion of its fake-itude.

News of this article was brought to light to the Italian press by Andrea Cionci on June 11, 2020 and caused a sensation in Italy. — Here below, I republish the original English article, and the Italian translation of which, which with friends in Italy, and at the urging of Andrea Cionci, I personally prepared in 2020. — In response, the Bishop’s Conference official Newspaper, L’Avvenire, found a defrocked priest to write an editorial calling me an “idiot” who does not know Latin. — But in the end, I was vindicated by none other than Archbishop Gaenswein, Pope Benedict XVI’s ex-personal secretary, who years later, just months before the death of the Holy Father and presumably with his permission, did in August/Sept of 2022, in a telephone call to Father Helmut, admit that there are errors in the Latin text. His admission of errors is the strongest canonical testimony that a Provincial Council must be convened to judge the validity of the abdication. That is one of the reasons for the Sutri Initiative, which I suggested in basic form several times, before and immediately after the Archbishop’s admission.

5 Years Ago.

Clamorous errors in the Latin of Benedict’s “Renunciation”



By Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Thus read the headlines in the newspapers within days of the publication of the official Latin text of the Act of Renunciation made by Pope Benedict XVI on Feb. 11, 2013: Clamorous Errors in the Latin text of the Renunciation. (here and  on point, here). These articles only spoke of the errors of commissum not commisso and vitae instead of vita.

And in this case, the headlines were not misrepresenting the reality. For I have discerned at least 40 errors!

Yet, the propaganda machine immediately went to work and anyone who on social media in 2013 began talking about errors was immediately and viciously attacked as judging the pope! — The real purpose was that the Lavender Mafia was very worried about anyone questioning the validity. I remember my professor in Canon Law diverting the lectures he made in February and March of that year to teach things about certain canons in an erroneous way so as to stifle any consideration of the invalidity. But he did it with such subtlety that only after all these years do I recognize what he did. — The other voices shouting down criticism of the Latin are all part of the circles of those conservative Cardinals who just impaled their reputations by demanding unquestioning obedience to Bergoglio after his acts of idolatrous worship and reverence. That was when the controlled opposition of Trad Inc. was born. It was their first act of loyalty to the regime. And it indicates they were positioned to respond and were told what to do.

So for the sake of a more exact historical truth, I will discuss here these errors and give an English translation of what Pope Benedict XVI’s Latin said (in a Later post, since there are too many errors to be discussed). I do this to correct any misunderstanding given by my previous English translation of the Act of Renunciation, in the article I entitled, “A Literal English translation of Benedict XVI’s Discourse on Feb. 11, 2013“, where by “literal” I mean faithful to the sense, not to the grammar of the Latin employed.

I base my comments on the Latin text on my own knowledge of the Latin tongue garnered in 14 years of translating of some nine thousand Letter sized pages of medieval Latin ecclesiastic texts into English. I will be the first one to say that I do not think I am an expert in the matter, but I do think it would be no exaggeration to say that there are only a handful of men alive today in the Church who have translated more Latin than myself. I also wrote a popular Ecclesiastical Latin Textbook and Video series, which I produced for Mansfield Community TV, in Massachusetts, USA, and which The Franciscan Archive distributed for some years after the publication of Summorum pontificum.

And thus, conceding I can always learn from others, I will also draw from two German Scholars who publicly critiqued the Latin text: the professor of Philology, Wilfried Stroh (see here) and those of Attorney Arthur Lambauer, a Vienese lawyer, whose comments are recorded in part here.

I can also give personal witness to the fact that the Latinists who have worked in the Vatican during the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI are aware of all of these errors (and probably of more) and have only been reticent for personal reasons, from what I gather from having had the occasion to dine with one at an Agritourismo, at Bagnoregio, Italy, in the summer of 2016.

First, the Latin Text in Black, with RED indicating the errors of expression (numbering each), after which I will comment on each error section by section, because there are so many. The official Latin text can be found at the Vatican Website (here).

Fratres carissimi

Non solum propter tres canonizationes (1) ad hoc Consistorium (2) vos convocavi (3), sed etiam ut vobis (4) decisionem (5) magni momenti pro Ecclesiae vita (6) communicem (7). Conscientia mea iterum atque iterum coram Deo explorata (8) ad cognitionem certam (9) perveni (10) vires meas ingravescente aetate non iam aptas esse (11) ad munus Petrinum aeque (12) administrandum.

  1. To say propter tres canonizationes is to mean for the sake of or on account of, three acts of canonizing. This grammatical structure in Latin means, not that the Pope has called the Cardinals together to conduct or announce the canonization of three groups or individuals, but that somehow the Cardinals have been convoked to honor the acts of canonizing or because the acts themselves cannot be completed without them. But the act of canonization is a papal act which does not require the Cardinals. Therefore, the correct Latin should be in trium canonizationum annuntiationem, that is, to announce my decision to decree three acts of canonization, as the Latin construction beginning with the preposition in is used to express purpose. This is a common error of those who have never carefully read any Latin text and who impose a modern meaning upon what they think a Latin preposition means.
  2. To say ad hoc Consistorium may very well be the custom of the Papal court — to this I cannot comment — however, in Latin, since consistorium is an act of standing together, not a place to which the Cardinals are convoked, but a solemn way of gathering together, the correct grammatical structure should be in hoc consistorio.
  3. A pope when he acts, speaks in the first person plural, that is, with the royal “We”. The man who is the pope, inasmuch as he is the man and not the pope, speaks with the first person singular, “I”.  Therefore, the correct form of the verb here should be convocavimus.
  4. The Latin verb communicem takes the preposition cum not the dative of reference, and thus vobis should read instead vobiscum. As it stands, the only possible grammatical function of vobis would be as a dative of possession for decisionem!
  5.  I agree here with Dr. Stroh, that the word should be consilium not decisionem, because this latter Latin word means a “act of cutting off”, or at best an “act of making a decision”, which clearly is not apropos to the thing at hand, because the Pope has not included them in the decision making process, only declaring a decision which he has already made. And consilium is the proper word for such a thing as that, when done by a superior with authority.
  6. This is the most absurd error of them all. The person who wrote this does not even understand that in Latin you use the dative of reference not a phrase beginning with a preposition as in modern languages. This should read Ecclesiae vitae, for as it stands it says on behalf of the life of the Church or for the sake of the life of the Church; unless of course he is making a reference to a grave threat to the life of the Church for which this act is intended to defend that life. This may be, but as nearly all modern computer programs which do translations into Latin get this wrong in just this way, I will presume it is ignorance, not a hint.
  7. Since the renunciation is by the person, not the pope, we see in the next sentence that He begins speaking in the first person as the man, but I think since this subordinate clause is still that part of the text said by the Roman Pontiff, as the Pontiff, it should be in the first person plural. communicemus. The sentence which follows, therefore, in the first person, should begin a new paragraph, to show this distinction of power.
  8. This is entirely the wrong word. Because this word in Latin refers to the exploration of a place or region or the investigation into a thing which physical dimensions or size, or is the military term for spying or watching something to gain information. It is never used with spiritual things, for certainly your conscience is not a world unto itself, it is a faculty of knowing. The correct term should be one which means exposed or settled, on account of the reference to being before or in the presence of God.
  9. These words are not only badly chosen but insufficient to precipitate the indirect discourse which follows. The correct Latin way of saying this is to write nunc bene cognosco quod (I now recognize well that) instead of ad cognitionem certam perveni (I have arrived at certain knowing).
  10. This verb does not have the sense of arrived, in matters which deal with knowledge. It rather means to attain, which would make sense if you were spying on the enemy, but to say you have attained certain knowledge by examining your conscience is absurd, because the conscience only recognizes moral truths, it is not the fount of knowledge or certitude.
  11. Here there is a clause in indirect discourse following cognitionem certam. The correct form, if such an expression be kept at all (cf. n. 9 above) should be introduced with quod and be in the nominative, not accusative, because the object of the certain knowledge is a fact known, not a knowing that. And thus, on account of the error in n. 9, the verb here should be sunt, the whole phrase reading vires mihi ingravescente aetate non iam aptae sunt. I think the emphatic dative of possession mihi should be used rather than the possessive adjective meae, because the strength spoke of is intimate to his physical being, not just some exterior possession.
  12. Doctor Stroh rightly points out that this is the wrong adverb. The correct one should be recte or apte or as I suggest constanter (rightly, aptly, or consistently).

Bene conscius sum (1) hoc munus secundum suam (2) essentiam spiritualem non solum agendo (3) et loquendo exsequi (4) debere (5), sed non minus patiendo et orando. Attamen in mundo nostri temporis (6) rapidis mutationibus subiecto (7) et (8) quaestionibus magni (9) pro vita fidei (10) perturbato ad navem Sancti Petri gubernandam et ad annuntiandum Evangelium (11) etiam vigor quidam corporis et animae (12) necessarius est, …

  1. The use of conscius is more common of knowledge had with others, but when of oneself, in the rare usage of the Latin poet, Terrence, this construction must be formed thus: mihi sum conscius, and not conscius sum, to show that the knowledge is of oneself but that the adjective precipitates indirect discourse. And thus a comma should be placed after conscius to conform to modern standards of punctuating Latin.
  2. Here there is simply the error of someone who thinks in Italian, because the possessive adjective for the third person, in Latin, is NEVER used for a thing in a sentence, only for the subject of a verb. The correct Latin, therefore should be eius though it could be omitted entirely since the phrase secundum essentiam spiritualem is a standard of measure and its object is implicitly understood. Dr Stroh rightly points out that naturam should be used instead of essentiam. I agree, because St Bonaventure says nature refers to the being of a thing as a principle of action.
  3. Here whoever wrote the text is ignorant that in Latin agere refers to all actions, physical or spiritual, and thus is an improper pair with loquendo which is also an act. It is difficult to understand to what the writer is referring, since nearly everything a pope does is by speaking. It is not as if he cleans toilets or does manual labor. Perhaps, the better word would be scribendo, that is writing.
  4. The Latin verb here is badly chosen, because exsequi refers to a work done, but the subject is not a work but a munus or charge, which is a thing. The proper Latin would be geri that is, conducted in the sense of the modern fulfilled or executed.
  5. This is the wrong verb to express what is intended. It is proper or necessary that the duties of the office be fulfilled. But it is not a debt, which is what debere means. The correct Latin should be oportere that is, that it is proper or necessary so as to reach the goal intended.
  6. Whoever wrote this has no experience reading Latin, as tempus refers to seasons. The concept of time in Latin is not the same as with moderns. The idea that seems to be the intent of the expression is in our our contemporary world, but Latin would say that as in saeculo nostro, because saeculum is the Latin term for the world in the sense of time, this generation, or culture, not mundum, which refers to the cosmos as a physical reality or place.
  7. And on account of error n. 6, this phrase must be rewritten entirely, as velocium or celerium mutationum using the genitive of description not dative of reference, and hence there is no need for subiecto. The Latin rapidus is used for hurried or swift changes, which is simply not historically accurate.
  8. And thus, likewise, on account of the dropping of subiecto this conjunction can be entirely omitted.
  9. Here the magni, of great value, seems hardly appropriate, because the questions of faith in modern times are nearly all the product of unbelievers fretting over their imagination of a world without God; magnis to agree with quaestionibus or magni momenti would be more correct. But magni can stand because it is so Ratzingerian as anyone can tell from his writings.
  10. Here there is the same error as before, and thus the Latin should read fidei vitae or fidei.
  11. Here you have the error of a First year Latin student who forgets that object go before verbs in Latin, not afterwards: the reading should be Evangelium annuntiandum.
  12. Here the wrong word is chosen, because clearly the soul does not grow old or weak by age, but the spirit does. And thus the correct Latin should be animi. Dr. Stroh agrees with me.

qui ultimis (1) mensibus in me modo tali minuitur (2), ut incapacitatem meam ad ministerium mihi commissum bene administrandum (3) agnoscere debeam (4). Quapropter bene conscius (5) ponderis huius actus plena libertate (6) declaro (7) me ministerio (8) Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium (9) die 19 aprilis MMV commisso (10) renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae (11), sedes Sancti Petri vacet et (12) Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.

  1. In Latin you signify recent things by saying praecedentibus not ultimis. Dr. Stroh suggests: his praeteritis since the emphasis is on recent in the past.
  2. Here the tense is wrong, since the reference is to what has happened in recent months, and is still happening, the correct tense is the imperfect minuebatur and take mihi as a dative of reference not in me.
  3. It is nonsensical to say that you are administering a ministry, the better word should be gerere, as before.  But the entire phrase is incorrectly formed, since incapacitatem should follow the rule of capax and take an infinitive in predications (as in the Vulgate) or a genitive (Seneca) with adjectives or gerundives, so the whole should read ministerii mihi commissi bene gerendi.
  4. Seeing that the text is being read as if a decision is already made, to say that you “ought to acknowledge” is contextually out of place, according to time. Also, as a clause subordinate to an imperfect, it must be in the perfect subjunctive. The phrase should read something like iustum fuerit, “it was just that”.
  5. Attorney Lambauer rightly points out that this construction with conscius takes the reflexive pronoun mihi before it. But in proper syntax the ponderis huius actus should precede conscius. Two errors here.
  6. Now come the errors which touch upon the nullity, invalidity and irregularity of the act. Because the renunciation has to be made freely. That it is declared freely is good too, but presumed and not necessary, unless there is someone apt to think it was being forced. Why say this? So this phrase, if kept, should be with the verb renuntiare, and both should NOT be in indirect discourse, because to announce or declare that you are renouncing, is not to renounce anything, but to announce something, and that is not the act specified in Canon 332 §2 which requires a renunciation as the essential act, not a declaration.
  7. This verb if left should introduce a phrase which prepares the listeners about intent or such like, not the act of the renunciation.
  8. This is the wrong object of the Act of renunciation, which according to Canon 332 §2 should be muneri. Dr Stroh, writing it seems in February 2013, notes that this error makes the renunciation invalid. I agree!
  9. The Petrine Munus and Ministerium are not entrusted to the elected pope, but received by him in the Petrine Succession immediately as he says, “Yes, I accept my election”. This is basic papal theology 101. If you get that wrong, it can sanely be questioned whether you were compos mentis at the time of the act. Unless of course the entire phrase ministerio … per manus Cardinalium … commisso is meant to rebuke the Cardinals for allowing him a ministry but not conceding him any real authority. Though such an intent would be both sarcastic and effect the invalidity of the resignation. So this should read in succesione petrina or something similar
  10. This should be a me accepto or a me recepto, that is, “accepted by me” or “received by me”.
  11. This is the one phrase which is correct, but which no one but an expert in the Secretariate of State would know, because, as an eminent Vatican Latinist told me, it is the customary way of indicating the Roman time zone in Latin. Dr. Stroh and Attorney Lambauer, writing from Germany, did not know this.
  12. Here the indirect discourse should end, or rather, the expression of the first person, I, should end, because the calling of a conclave is a papal act, the man who is pope, who just renounced, has NO authority to call one. So here the Latin should resume with the Papal WE, et declaramus.

Fratres carissimi, ex toto corde gratias ago vobis (1) pro omni amore et labore (2), quo mecum pondus ministerii mei portastis et veniam peto pro omnibus defectibus meis (3). Nunc autem Sanctam Dei Ecclesiam curae Summi eius Pastoris, Domini nostri Iesu Christi confidimus (4) sanctamque eius Matrem Mariam imploramus, ut patribus Cardinalibus in eligendo novo Summo Pontifice materna sua bonitate assistat. Quod ad me attinet etiam in futuro (5) vita orationi dedicata Sanctae Ecclesiae Dei toto ex corde servire velim. (6)

Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die 10 mensis februarii MMXIII

  1. Again, the error of the First Year Latin student. The phrase should read gratias vobis agimus. First because of the proper word order of Latin, second because He is now thanking them as the Roman Pontiff, because they collaborated with him, not as a man, but as the Pope, the verb should return to the first person plural. Two errors here.
  2. If you are grateful for their service and collaboration, you do not say amore et labore, which refer to physical work and physical affection; you say, rather, omnibus amicitiabus operibusque to show that the friendship and works were multiple and united one with the other. Four errors here.
  3. Again, the First Year Latin student’s error of getting the word order wrong. It should read: pro omnibus defectibus meis veniam peto and the phrase should be introduced by de vobis or de omnibus. Two errors here. It is also awkward to return to the use of the first person singular here, even though it it necessary regarding the confession made.
  4. Dr. Stroh rightly points out that this is the wrong verb, the correct Latin is committimus.
  5. Dr. Stroh again reminds that the correct Latin temporal expression is in futurum.
  6. In Latin there is no conditional. The subjunctive is used to express wishes, but not with the verb to wish! You say rather serviam, “may I serve” not servire velim, “may I wish to serve” which makes no sense, simply be more direct and say, “I wish to serve” (servire volo).


I think it would be no exaggeration to say, that if anyone saw even some of these errors and did not ask the Holy Father that they be corrected before the act was published, he sinned mortally against his duty of loyalty to the Roman Pontiff. I also think that the number of these errors is qualified forensic evidence that IF Benedict wrote this text and read it freely, that he was either not in a proper state of mind or did not act with mature deliberation.

Finally, if anyone says that the Act of Renunciation has no errors or must be accepted to be a Papal resignation, not merely a renunciation of ministry so as to devote oneself to prayer, then they are clearly talking about another document, because there are so many errors in this Act that no sane person could ever claim that it is binding on anyone. For if it was intended as an act of papal renunciation, and was written by the Pope, then clearly he has already lost too much of his mental faculty to renounce validly, because to renounce validly you at least have to know how to write an intelligible sentence, in whatever language you chose to renounce, and you have to name the office with a word which means the office. Duh!

Public Notice: I spent only 2 hours analyzing the text, so the Vatican surely had enough time to correct it before February 28, 2013, which was 17 days later. I speculate that they did not, because then someone would have objected that the word ministerio had to be changed to muneri, and the reality was that Pope Benedict was insisting that it not be, because He did not intend and had never intended to renounce the papal office or its grace.


Di frà Alexis Bugnolo

Ringrazio i miei collaboratori per il loro aiuto nella traduzione di quest’articolo

A pochi giorni dalla pubblicazione del testo latino ufficiale dell’Atto di Rinuncia fatto da Papa Benedetto XVI l’11 febbraio 2013 alcuni giornali titolavano così: “Errori clamorosi nel testo latino della Rinuncia”. ( qui e sul punto, qui ). Questi articoli citavano solo due errori, quelli di “commisso” al posto del corretto “commissum” e quello di “vita” al posto di “vitae”.

I giornali avevano ragione, ma io ho individuato almeno 40 errori, non solo quei due!

Eppure, la macchina della propaganda si è messa subito al lavoro e chiunque sui social media, nel 2013 iniziava a parlare di errori è stato immediatamente e brutalmente attaccato perché “osava giudicare il papa”!

Il vero scopo era che la “”Mafia della lavanda”, ovvero la lobby del clero gay, era molto preoccupata per chiunque mettesse in dubbio la validità della Rinuncia. Ricordo che il mio professore di Diritto Canonico manipolava le lezioni tenute in febbraio e marzo di quell’anno per insegnare cose su certi canoni in modo errato così da soffocare qualsiasi considerazione sull’invalidità. Ma lo faceva con tale sottigliezza che solo dopo tutti questi anni ho potuto riconoscere ciò che aveva fatto.

Le altre voci che criticavano quelli che hanno sollevato dubbi sul latino della Declaratio di Papa Benedetto parte appartenevano ai circoli di quei cardinali conservatori che l’anno scorso hanno distrutto la loro reputazione professando  indubbia obbedienza a Bergoglio persino dopo i suoi atti di adorazione e riverenza idolatrici (episodio della Pachamama etc). Fu allora che nacque l’opposizione controllata di Trad Inc. (Termine colletivo per parlare in modo generale dei siti che criticano Bergoglio per non essere cattolico ma insistono che egli è il Vero Papa). Fu il loro primo atto di lealtà verso il regime. E la loro azione indicava chiarament che già erano posizionati per rispondere e che gli era stato detto cosa fare.

Quindi, per fornire una verità storica più esatta, discuterò qui questi errori e fornirò una traduzione italiana di ciò che il latino di Papa Benedetto XVI ha detto.

Faccio questo per correggere qualsiasi malinteso dato dalla mia precedente traduzione inglese dell’Atto di Rinuncia, nell’articolo che ho intitolato “Una traduzione inglese letterale del discorso di Benedetto XVI dell’11 febbraio 2013“, dove per letterale intendo fedele nel senso, non nella grammatica del latino impiegato.

I miei commenti sul testo latino sono basati sulla mia conoscenza della lingua latina acquisita in 14 anni di traduzione in inglese di circa novemila pagine letterarie di testi ecclesiastici latini medievali. Sarò il primo a dire che non credo di essere un esperto in materia, ma penso che non sarebbe esagerato dire che oggi nella Chiesa c’è solo una manciata di uomini che hanno tradotto più latino del sottoscritto. Ho anche pubblicato un popolare libro di testo e video per il latino ecclesiastico, che ho prodotto per la Mansfield Community TV, nel Massachusetts, negli Stati Uniti, e che The Franciscan Archive ha distribuito per alcuni anni dopo la pubblicazione di Summorum pontificum.

E così, pur ammettendo che posso sempre imparare dagli altri, citerò anche due studiosi tedeschi che hanno criticato pubblicamente il testo latino della Declaratio: il professore di filologia, Wilfried Stroh (vedi qui ) e l’avvocato viennese Arthur Lambauer, i cui commenti sono registrati in parte qui.

Posso anche dare una testimonianza personale del fatto che i latinisti che hanno lavorato in Vaticano durante i pontificati di Giovanni Paolo II e Benedetto XVI sono a conoscenza di tutti questi errori (e probabilmente di altri) e sono stati reticenti solo per motivi personali, così come mi è stato riferito da uno di loro durante un incontro a Bagnoregio, in Italia, nell’estate del 2016.

Evidenzio in ROSSO gli errori di espressione (numerando ciascuno), dopo di che commenterò ogni errore sezione per sezione, perché ce ne sono tanti. Il testo latino ufficiale è disponibile sul sito web del Vaticano ( qui ).

Fratres carissimi

Non solum propter tres canonizationes (1) ad hoc Consistorium (2) vos convocavi (3), sed etiam ut vobis (4) decisionem (5) magni momenti pro Ecclesiae vita (6) communicem (7). Conscientia mea iterum atque iterum coram Deo explorata (8) ad cognitionem certam (9) perveni (10) vires meas ingravescente aetate non iam aptas esse (11) ad munus Petrinum aeque (12) administrandum.

  1. Dire propter tres canonizationes significa per o a causa di tre atti di canonizzazione. Tale struttura grammaticale in latino significa, non che il Papa abbia convocato i Cardinali per condurre o annunciare la canonizzazione di tre gruppi o individui, ma che in qualche modo i Cardinali  siano stati convocati per onorare gli atti di canonizzazione o perché gli atti stessi non possono essere completati senza di loro. Ma l’atto di canonizzazione è un atto pontificio che non richiede i Cardinali. Pertanto, il latino corretto dovrebbe essere in trium canonizationum annuntiationem, cioè per annunciare la mia decisione di decretare tre atti di canonizzazione, poiché la costruzione latina che inizia con la preposizione in è usata per esprimere uno scopo. Questo è un errore comune di coloro che non hanno mai letto attentamente alcun testo latino e che impongono un significato moderno a ciò che pensano che significhi una preposizione latina.
  2. Dire ad hoc Consistorium potrebbe benissimo essere un’usanza della corte pontificia – non posso commentare – tuttavia, in latino, poiché consistorium un atto di stare insieme, non un luogo in cui vengono convocati i cardinali, ma un modo solenne di radunarsi, la corretta struttura grammaticale dovrebbe essere in hoc consistorio.
  3. In un atto ufficiale un papa parla in prima persona plurale, cioè adotta il pluralis maiestatis. L’uomo che è il papa, in quanto uomo e non papa, parla con la prima persona singolare, “io”. Pertanto, la forma corretta del verbo qui dovrebbe essere convocavimus.
  4. Il verbo latino communicem prende la preposizione cum, non il dativo di riferimento, e quindi invece di vobis si dovrebbe leggere vobiscum . Così com’è, l’unica possibile funzione grammaticale dei vobis sarebbe quella di un dativo di possesso per decisionem!
  5. Concordo qui con il dott. Stroh, che la parola dovrebbe essere consilium, non decisionem, perché quest’ultima parola latina significa un “atto di separazione” come nella parola “potatura”, o tutt’al più un “atto di prendere una decisione”, che chiaramente non è qui appropriata, perché il Papa non li ha compresi nel processo decisionale, dichiarando solo una decisione che ha già preso. E consilium è la parola giusta per una cosa del genere, se fatta da un superiore con autorità.
  6. Questo è l’errore più assurdo di tutti. La persona che ha scritto questo non capisce nemmeno che in latino non usi il dativo di riferimento in una frase che inizia con una preposizione come nelle lingue moderne. Questo dovrebbe essere Ecclesiae vitae, poiché, così com’è vuol dire a nome della vita della Chiesa o per il bene della vita della Chiesa ; a meno che, naturalmente, non si riferisca a una grave minaccia alla vita della Chiesa per la quale questo atto intende difendere quella vita. Può essere, ma poiché quasi tutti i moderni sbagliano in questo modo, si presuma che in se stesso sia prodotta dall’ignoranza, non mediante allusione.
  7. Dato che la rinuncia è della persona, non del papa, nella frase successiva vediamo che inizia a parlare in prima persona come uomo, ma penso che poiché questa clausola subordinata è ancora quella parte del testo detto dal Romano Pontefice, in quanto Pontefice, dovrebbe essere in prima persona plurale: communicemus. La frase che segue, quindi, in prima persona, dovrebbe cominciare un nuovo paragrafo, al fine di mostrare questa distinzione di potere.
  8. Questa parola è completamente sbagliata perché in latino si riferisce all’esplorazione di un luogo o di una regione o all’indagine sulla grandezza di una cosa o su sua dimensione fisica, o è il termine militare per spiare o guardare qualcosa per ottenere informazioni. Non viene mai usato con le cose spirituali, perché certamente la propria coscienza non è un mondo a sé stante, a una facoltà del conoscere. Il termine corretto dovrebbe essere uno che significhi esposto o risolto, a causa del riferimento all’essere davanti o alla presenza di Dio.
  9. Queste parole non sono soltanto scelte male, ma insufficienti per sostenere il discorso indiretto che segue. Il modo latino corretto per dire questo è nunc bene cognosco quod (ora ben ravviso che) invece di ad cognitionem certam perveni (sono pervenuto alla certezza).
  10. Questo verbo non ha il senso di “essere pervenuto” nelle materie che riguardano la conoscenza. Significa piuttosto raggiungere, il che avrebbe senso se si stesse spiando il nemico, ma dire che sei pervenuto alla certezza esaminando la tua coscienza è assurdo, perché la coscienza riconosce solo verità morali, non è la fonte della conoscenza o della certezza .
  11. Qui c’è una clausola nel discorso indiretto che segue cognitionem certam . La forma corretta, se tale espressione deve proprio essere mantenuta (cfr. N. 9 sopra), dovrebbe essere introdotta con quod ed essere nel nominativo, non nell’accusativo, perché l’oggetto di una certa conoscenza è un fatto noto, non un “sapere che”. E quindi, a causa dell’errore nel n. 9, il verbo qui dovrebbe essere sunt , leggendo l’intera frase: vires mihi ingravescente aetate non iam aptae sunt. Penso che si sarebbe dovuto usare il dativo enfatico di possesso mihi piuttosto che l’aggettivo possessivo meae, perché la forza di cui parla è intima al suo essere fisico, non solo un possesso esteriore.
  12. Il dottor Stroh sottolinea giustamente che questo è l’avverbio sbagliato. Quello corretto dovrebbe essere recte o apte o — io propongo —  constanter (correttamente, appropriatamente o coerentemente).

Bene conscius sum (1) hoc munus secundum suam (2) essentiam spiritualem non solum agendo (3) et loquendo exsequi (4) debere (5), sed non minus patiendo et orando. Attamen in mundo nostri temporis (6) rapidis mutationibus subiecto (7) et (8) quaestionibus magni (9) pro vita fidei (10) perturbato ad navem Sancti Petri gubernandam et ad annuntiandum Evangelium (11) etiam vigor quidam corporis et animae (12) necessarius est, …

  1. L’uso di conscius è più comune parlando della conoscenza che si ha degli altri, ma quando si parla della conoscenza di sé, nel raro uso del poeta latino, Terenzio, questa costruzione deve essere formata così: mihi sum conscius, e non conscius sum, per dimostrare che la conoscenza è di se stesso ma l’aggettivo provoca il discorso indiretto. E quindi una virgola dovrebbe essere posta dopo conscius per conformarsi ai moderni livelli di interpunzione latina.
  2. Qui c’è semplicemente l’errore di qualcuno che pensa in italiano, perché l’aggettivo possessivo per la terza persona, in latino, non è MAI usato per una cosa in una frase, solo per il soggetto di un verbo. Il latino corretto, quindi, dovrebbe essere eius sebbene possa essere omesso del tutto poiché la frase secundum essentiam spiritualem è una misura e il suo oggetto è implicitamente compreso. Il dottor Stroh sottolinea giustamente che naturam dovrebbe essere usato al posto di essentiam . Sono d’accordo, perché San Bonaventura afferma che la natura si riferisce all’essere di una cosa come un principio di azione.
  3. Qui chi ha scritto il testo ignora che in latino  agere si riferisce a tutte le azioni, fisiche o spirituali, e perciò è impropria la accoppiata con loquendo, che è pure un atto. È difficile capire a cosa si riferisca agendo, poiché quasi tutto ciò che fa un papa è parlare. Non è come se pulisse i bagni o facesse qualsiasi lavoro manuale. Forse, la parola migliore sarebbe scribendo , cioè scrivere.
  4. Il verbo latino qui è mal scelto male, perché exsequi si riferisce a un lavoro svolto, ma il soggetto non è un lavoro ma un munus o una carica, il che è una cosa. Quello giusto sarebbe geri, cioè ”condotto” nel senso del moderno di “adempiuto” o “eseguito”.
  5. Questo è il verbo sbagliato per esprimere ciò che si intende. È giusto o necessario che i doveri dell’ufficio siano adempiuti. Ma non è un debito, che è ciò che debere significa. Il latino corretto dovrebbe essere oportere, cioè adatto o necessario a raggiungere l’obiettivo prefissato.
  6. Chiunque abbia scritto questo non ha esperienza nella lettura del latino, poiché tempus si riferisce alle stagioni. Il concetto di tempo in latino non è lo stesso dei moderni. Sembra voler dire “nel nostro mondo contemporaneo , ma in latino si direbbe in saeculo nostro, perché saeculum è il termine latino per definire il mondo nel senso del tempo, di generazione o cultura, non mundum, che si riferisce al cosmo come realtà fisica o luogo.
  7. A causa dell’errore n. 6, questa frase deve essere interamente riscritta, come velocium o celerium mutationum usando il genitivo della descrizione e non il dativo di riferimento, e quindi non c’è necessario di subiecto . Il latino rapidus viene usato per cambiamenti rapidi o affrettati, semplicemente non accurati storicamente.
  8. E così, allo stesso modo, a causa della caduta del subiecto questa congiunzione può essere completamente omessa.
  9. Qui magni, ”di grande valore” , sembra poco opportuno, perché le questioni di fede nei tempi moderni sono quasi interamente il prodotto di non credenti che si agitano con la loro immaginazione senza Dio; magnis concordato con quaestionibus oppure magni momenti sarebbe più corretto. Ma magni può reggere perché è così Ratzingeriano come chiunque può dire dai suoi scritti.
  10. Qui c’è lo stesso errore di prima, e quindi in latino si dovrebbe dire fidei vitae o fidei .
  11. Qui si ha l’errore di uno studente latino di primo anno che dimentica che il complemento oggetto in latino vada prima dei verbi, non dopo: dovrebbe essere Evangelium annuntiandum.
  12. Qui viene scelta la parola sbagliata, perché chiaramente l’anima non invecchia o si indebolisce con l’età, ma lo fa lo spirito. E quindi il latino corretto dovrebbe essere animi. Il dottor Stroh è d’accordo con me.

qui ultimis (1) mensibus in me modo tali minuitur (2), ut incapacitatem meam ad ministerium mihi commissum bene administrandum (3) agnoscere debeam (4). Quapropter bene conscius (5) ponderis huius actus plena libertate (6) declaro (7) me ministerio (8) Episcopi Romae, Successoris Sancti Petri, mihi per manus Cardinalium (9) die 19 aprilis MMV commisso (10) renuntiare ita ut a die 28 februarii MMXIII, hora 20, sedes Romae (11), sedes Sancti Petri vacet et (12) Conclave ad eligendum novum Summum Pontificem ab his quibus competit convocandum esse.

  1. In latino si indicano le cose recenti dicendo praecedentibus, non ultimis. Il dottor Stroh suggerisce: his praeteritis poiché si dà molta importanza al recente passato.
  2. Qui il tempo è sbagliato, poiché il riferimento è a ciò che è accaduto negli ultimi mesi, e sta ancora accadendo;, il tempo giusto è l’imperfetto minuebatur e prende mihi come dativo di riferimento non in me.
  3. Non ha senso dire che si sta amministrando un ministero, la parola migliore dovrebbe essere gerere, come prima. Ma l’intera frase è formata in modo errato, poiché incapacitatem dovrebbe seguire la regola del capax e prendere un infinito (come nella Vulgata) o un genitivo (Seneca) con aggettivi o gerundi, quindi il tutto dovrebbe scriversi ministerii mihi commissi bene gerendi.
  4. Visto che il testo viene letto come se fosse già stata presa una decisione, dire che “si dovrebbe riconoscere” è contestualmente e temporalmente incorretto, secondo il tempo. Inoltre, come clausola subordinata a un imperfetto, deve trovarsi nel congiuntivo perfetto. La frase dovrebbe riportare qualcosa come iustum fuerit , “era proprio quello”.
  5. L’avvocato Lambauer sottolinea giustamente che questa costruzione con conscius prende il pronome riflessivo mihi prima di essa. Ma nella giusta sintassi ponderis huius actus dovrebbe precedere  conscius . Qui ci sono ben due errori.
  6. Ora arrivano gli errori che riguardano la nullità, l’invalidità e l’irregolarità dell’atto. Perché la rinuncia deve essere fatta liberamente. Che sia dichiarata liberamente va bene, ma ciò è presunto e non necessario, a meno che non ci sia qualcuno incline a pensare che sia stato costretto. Perché dire questo? Quindi questa frase, se mantenuta, dovrebbe essere con il verbo renuntiare , ed entrambi NON dovrebbero essere in discorso indiretto, perché annunciare o dichiarare di rinunciare non significa rinunciare a qualcosa, ma annunciare qualcosa, e quello non è l’atto specificato nel Canone 332 §2 che richiede una rinuncia come atto essenziale, non una dichiarazione.
  7. Questo verbo, se lasciato, dovrebbe introdurre una frase che prepara gli ascoltatori circa l’intenzione o qualcosa di simile, non all’atto della rinuncia.
  8. Questo è l’oggetto sbagliato dell’Atto di rinuncia, che secondo il Canone 332 §2 dovrebbe essere muneri. Il dott. Stroh, scrivendolo a febbraio 2013, osserva che questo errore rende invalida la rinuncia. Sono d’accordo!
  9. Il Munus petrino e il Ministerium non sono affidati al papa eletto, ma vengono immediatamente ricevuti da lui nella successione petrina dicendo: “Sì, accetto la mia elezione”. Questa è la teologia papale rudimentale. Se uno sbaglia, si può in modo sensato mettere in dubbio se al momento dell’atto fosse compos mentis (sano di mente). A meno che ovviamente l’intera frase ministerio … per manus Cardinalium … commisso non abbia lo scopo di rimproverare i Cardinali per avergli concesso un ministero ma non gli ha concesso alcuna vera autorità. Anche se una tale intenzione implicherebbe sia sarcasmo e sia inciderebbe sull’invalidità della rinuncia. Quindi si dovrebbe leggere in successione petrina o qualcosa di simile.
  10. Questo dovrebbe essere a me accepto o a me recepto, cioè “da me accettato” o “da me ricevuto”.
  11. Questa è l’unica frase che è corretta, ma che nessuno se non un esperto del Segretariato di Stato saprebbe, perché, come mi ha detto un eminente latinista vaticano, è il modo consueto di indicare il fuso orario romano in latino. Il dottor Stroh e l’avvocato Lambauer, scrivendo dalla Germania, non lo sapevano.
  12. Qui il discorso indiretto dovrebbe finire, o meglio, l’espressione della prima persona, io, dovrebbe finire, perché la chiamata di un conclave è un atto pontificio, l’uomo che è papa, che ha appena rinunciato, non ha l’autorità di convocarlo. Quindi qui il latino dovrebbe riprendere con il NOI pontificio, et declaramus.

Fratres carissimi, ex toto corde gratias ago vobis (1) pro omni amore et labore (2), quo mecum pondus ministerii mei portastis et veniam peto pro omnibus defectibus meis (3). Nunc autem Sanctam Dei Ecclesiam curae Summi eius Pastoris, Domini nostri Iesu Christi confidimus (4) sanctamque eius Matrem Mariam imploramus, ut patribus Cardinalibus in eligendo novo Summo Pontifice materna sua bonitate assistat. Quod ad me attinet etiam in futuro (5) vita orationi dedicata Sanctae Ecclesiae Dei toto ex corde servire velim. (6)

Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die 10 mensis februarii MMXIII

  1. Ancora una volta, un errore da studente di latino del primo anno. La frase dovrebbe leggere gratias vobis agimus . In primo luogo a causa del corretto ordine delle parole del latino, in secondo luogo perché ora li sta ringraziando come il Romano Pontefice, perché hanno collaborato con lui, non come uomo, ma come Papa, il verbo dovrebbe tornare alla prima persona plurale. Due errori qui.
  2. Se uno è grato per il loro servizio e collaborazione, non dice amore et labore, che si riferiscono al lavoro materiale e all’affetto fisico; ma piuttosto omnibus amicitiabus operibusque per dimostrare che l’amicizia e le opere erano molteplici e unite l’una con l’altra. Quattro errori qui.
  3. Ancora una volta, un errore da studente di latino del primo anno che sbagliare l’ordine delle parole. Si dovrebbe leggere: pro omnibus defectibus meis veniam peto e la frase dovrebbe essere introdotta da de vobis o de omnibusDue errori qui. È anche imbarazzante tornare all’uso della prima persona singolare qui, anche se è necessario riguardo alla confessione fatta.
  4. Il dottor Stroh sottolinea giustamente che è il verbo sbagliato: il latino corretto è committimus.
  5. Il dottor Stroh ricorda ancora che la corretta espressione temporale latina è in futurum.
  6. In latino non c’è condizionale. Il congiuntivo è usato per esprimere i desideri, ma non con il verbo desiderare! Si direbbe piuttosto serviam , “che io possa servire” non servire velim , “possa io desiderare di servire” che non ha senso; si può semplicemente essere più diretti e dire: “desidero servire” (servire volo). Ma San Bonaventure nei suoi Commentarii su Lombardo fa lo stesso errore.


Penso che non sarebbe esagerato dire che se qualcuno avesse visto anche solo parte di questi errori e non ha chiesto al Santo Padre di correggerli prima della pubblicazione dell’atto, avrebbe peccato mortalmente contro il suo dovere di lealtà verso il Romano Pontefice. Penso anche che il numero di questi errori sia una prova forense qualificata che SE Benedetto ha scritto questo testo e lo ha letto liberamente, o che non era in uno stato mentale adeguato o non ha agito con deliberazione matura.

Infine, se qualcuno dice che l’Atto di Rinuncia non ha errori o deve essere accettato come una rassegnazione papale, non semplicemente una rinuncia al ministero per dedicarsi alla preghiera, allora stanno chiaramente parlando di un altro documento, perché ci sono molti errori in questa dichiarazione che nessuna persona sana di mente potrebbe mai affermare che è vincolante per nessuno. Perché se era inteso come un atto di rinuncia papale, ed è stato scritto dal Papa, allora è chiaro che non era in possesso delle sua facoltà mentali per rinunciare validamente, perché per rinunciare validamente devi almeno sapere come scrivere un intelligibile frase, in qualsiasi lingua tu abbia scelto di rinunciare, e devi nominare l’ufficio con una parola che significa ufficio. E dai!

Avviso pubblico: ho trascorso solo 2 ore ad analizzare il testo, quindi il Vaticano ha sicuramente avuto abbastanza tempo per correggerlo prima del 28 febbraio 2013, diciasette giorni dopo! Io suppongo che non l’abbiano comunque fatto, perché altrimenti avrebbe potuto che la parola ministerio doveva essere cambiata in muneri, e la realtà era che papa Benedetto insisteva che non lo fosse, perché non aveva intenzione e non aveva mai avuto intenzione di rinunciare all’ufficio papale o sua grazia.

+ + +

Viganò’s Criticism of Bishop Schneider & Michael Matt is a potent boomerang

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

First, the critique given by Archbishop Viganò on twitter, against Michael Matt and Bishop Athanasius Schneider:

After Michael Matt censored my speech last year, believing that I had crossed the red line he had set, I was not surprised that I was not invited to this year’s Catholic Identity Conference.

The insurmountable line is that indicated by Bishop Schneider, who denounces “Francis” for having violated the First Commandment and contradicted the Gospel, asserting however that he remains Pope, finding an authoritative precedent in the denial of Peter. In fact, Bergoglio not only violated the First Commandment but denied the two main Mysteries of the Faith: the Unity and Trinity of God; the Incarnation, Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A total abjuration of the Catholic Faith!

According to Bishop Schneider, would it therefore be possible to be a heretic and apostate and still belong to the Catholic Church? and even preside over it as Supreme Shepherd? while all it takes to incur excommunication is to declare that a heretic and apostate who has usurped the See of Peter cannot be Pope! Evidently this red line – which for me, who denounces Bergoglio as a usurper because he is an apostate and heretic, is insurmountable – can be crossed with impunity by Bergoglio, continuing to be recognized as Pope precisely by those “moderate conservatives” who also accuse him of heresy and apostasy, but without drawing out the necessary consequences.

In this way they become his accomplices, because they attribute legitimacy to the acts that Bergoglio carries out, but at the same time they boast of being able to disobey him (which they then do not do, starting with the slavish application of Traditionis Custodes, because they fear being removed), without realizing that this sycophant behavior confirms how distorted the universal and peaceful recognition of the Pope by Catholics is.

Michael Matt prematurely applied to me that ostracism that Bergoglio’s “excommunication” would sanction a year later. And it is difficult to believe that he wants to defend a comrade in the battle for Tradition, when with his own behavior he supports and even anticipates the reckless revenge of the enemy of both; an enemy whom he persists in considering Pope.

Edward Snowden, victim of the deep state for having denounced with Wikileaks the subversive plan for surveillance of the population hatched by the Anglo-American deep state, stated: “When reporting a crime is considered a crime, you are led by criminals”. In the synodal church and under the reign of Bergoglian “mercy”, denouncing heresy and apostasy is considered a crime worthy of excommunication. I leave it to the acumen of Michael Matt and Athanasius Schneider to coherently conclude the sentence.

As one can see, an honest Catholic can agree 99% with this criticism. In fact, nearly everything the Archbishop has been saying in the last year are doctrinally identical to past things written or published at FromRome.Info. Indeed I even defended him against Matt’s censorship last year here. And I have many times faulted Bishop Schneider for his ludicrous theory that a pertinacious manifest formal heretic should be recognized to hold an office in the Church.

But the Archbishop seems to be unaware that his criticism is a boomerang which will come back to hit him at high velocity. Because you cannot fault others for failing to denounce a heretic but then rest in your own private judgement and pretend no judgement of the Church is necessary.

An Archbishop incardinated in the Vatican who has a solemn right to ask for the convocation of a Provincial Council to reprehend and if necessary depose a heretical pope, and who also has a personal reason, the uncanonically and unjust sentence of excommunication imposed upon him, but FAILS to call for such a Council, is HE NOT ALSO AN ENABLER SINCE BY HIS SILENCE HE ALLOWS THE CRIMINAL TO CONTINUE IN OFFICE?

The Archbishop  is not a protestant. He is not ignorant of Canon Law. He is not ignorant of Church History. Therefore he has no excuse to have spent an entire year ignoring even the existence of the Sutri Initiative, brought to his attention by numerous private individuals, including those who are his personal assistants.

Unless of courses he is merely pretending to oppose the disastrous “pontificate” of Pope Francis and does not really want a solution to the greatest problems in the Church. I am not making this accusation, let us be clear. It is the silence of the Archbishop which does.

And now that he has launched this criticism against Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Michael Matt the boomerang which demands sincerity of others but not from oneself is going to return lightning fast.

In fact, all these men hold 99% of the Catholic Faith, but agree 100% with the Masonic Doctrine of the Skull and Bones Lodge, namely, that none of their agents is ever to be removed from office, nor is it to be tolerated that anyone demand or ask for this.

I asked for it and called for it and demanded it. And in the last 12 months I have been utterly silenced on social media and in search engines. Each of these 3 men have already silenced and ignored such calls for years despite numerous individuals who have written to them (in com boxes, letters, emails) and asked them to act otherwise. So make of that what you will.

Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Unless you live on Mars or have been in a coma since 2013, as a Catholic you are aware of the immense and innumerable scandalous acts, statements, meetings and documents published by Pope Francis.

The outrage of the Catholic world against this man is justified. First for his usurpation of the papal office, while Pope Benedict XVI lived, since he never abdicated it. Second for his manifest heretical statements against the right of the state to impose capital punishment, the utility of capital punishment, the moral legitimacy of capital punishment, Catholic Marriage’s indissolubility, the Apostolic Tradition regarding shunning sinners and refusing the Sacraments to the impenitent, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the inerrancy of Sacred Scripture, the Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and most recently — to omit a list which would go on for pages — for his attack against the Divine Name Itself by approving of “Gay Blessings”.

Numerous Letters calling for his repentance, reprehension or removal from office have been signed by thousands of Catholics since 2013.

First, there was the petition to the Cardinals in 2016, reported by on April 17 of that year, signed by 1317 Catholics and calling for the Cardinals to investigate Pope Francis and declare him deposed for heresy: a petition censored by Trad Inc. and the Grifter Collective, whose job has only been to defend Pope Francis from being removed from office.

In that year, a milk toast letter of indignation was published by scholars against the erroneous implications and statements contained in Amoris Laetitia. But no one remembers that today.

Then, 3 years later, they upped their game by issuing a Letter accusing him of the crime of heresy in 2019. But still they took no action.

Most recently, there has been the petition of Catholics to the Bishops of the Roman Province to put Pope Francis on trial. The Grifter Collective and Trad Inc. have stubbornly refused even to mention the existence of this one, which is the first to call for a canonically valid way of removing Pope Francis from office.

But I am not going to hold my breath, as it were, waiting that they will ever talk about it, because they both do not report the news to solve the problems, only to stir and, then, diffuse the anger against Pope Francis, as a sort of control mechanism for guaranteeing submission to heresy and apostasy.

But here at FromRome.Info, neither I nor my loyal readers play such diabolical games.

We say OPENLY, CLEARLY and without any hesitation and shame, today on the 11th anniversary of his usurpation of the Papacy:

Pope Francis must resign or be removed from office!

In this has never wavered or changed its position since 2014.

If you know of other petitions against the errors,, scandals, heresies of Pope Francis, whether they call for his removal from office, or resignation, please share links to them in the comments below.

Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

From our earliest days in Catechism class we learn that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai 10 laws or commandments which obliged every man, woman and child everywhere and for all times. The keeping of the 10 Commandments — also known as the Decalogue, from the Greek for “the 10 Words or Sayings” — is the most fundamental condition for being a friend of God, as Christ Jesus teaches, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (John 14:15).

The 2nd Commandment Revealed to Moses

You can find the text of the 10 Commandments in two places in the Old Testament: in the Book of Exodus 20:2-17, which Moses wrote to record the Passover of the Hebrews from the slavery of Egypt to the religious liberty of the promised Land; and in the Book of Deuteronomy 5:6-21, where Moses writes them down a second time, as he recounts in his final years, the wondrous deeds the Lord had done.

In the Catholic Church, we number the Commandments in a synthetic manner, following neither the numerical order found in the Book of Exodus nor in the Book of Deuteronomy, since as a didactic method, the Doctors and Fathers of the Church had reordered them in proper theological order, for memnotic sake.

So, the Second Commandment reads in our Catechisms, “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord in vain.” — This corresponds to Exodus 20:7, which reads in the Douay Rheims English translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the Name of the Lord his God in vain.

And to the Deuteronomy 5:11, which reads in the same translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for he shall not be unpunished that taketh His Name upon a vain thing.

Why does God command the proper use of His Own Name?

From the two scriptural verses we see that the universal prohibition of the misuse of the Divine Name is founded upon the same moral principal: Yahweh, the one true God, is Our God and Lord, and therefore we must show the obedience of faith in the respect of that Word which names Him as such.

As Saint Bonaventure explains in his commentary on the First Book of Master Peter Lombard, God is called “God” because that word names Him, the Eternal Infinite Being. In English, our word, “God” names Him not as the eternal infinite being, but as the One who is invoked in prayer — this is the origin of the Old Germanic word, “God”.

Again, as St. Bonaventure teaches in the same place, but God is named “Lord” not on account of being God, but on account of creating creatures, because there is no one in God who is subjected to another, as a servant is to a Lord, or who has superiority as a Lord does to a servant. And so, before God created, He was never called Lord. But with the creation of Angels and men, God is now called, “the Lord” because He is the One who made all things.

And this is why God says to Moses, “I am the Lord, thy God. … Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

Misusing the Divine Name is the worst of Sins

According to the two passages of Scripture, we can see that the misuse of God’s Name can never be without guilt and will never go unpunished. From this teaching the Saints and Doctors of the Church explain that blasphemy against God is punished the worst and most by God than all other sins. That means it is far worse a sin that adultery or murder or theft. And this is because it is a sin against God Himself, Who is of infinite dignity, majesty and holiness.

Now to take the name of the Lord “in vain” means to do so unnecessarily, that is when there is no need to name Him. Because one should not use a name of anything, except to name it; so one should not use the name of a person, except to name him. — For example, no one shouts out, “Thomas Aquinas!’ when he smashes his finger, accidentally, while misusing a hammer. For there is no purpose in naming the Dominican Saint at such a moment.

All the more reason, we should NEVER utter the Name of God without the purpose of referring to Him or invoking Him. So important is this, that in the Book of Job, God praises Job and not his learned friends who spoke so eloquently about God and His justice. As Peter Kreft says: this is because Job’s friends named God to talk about Him; but Job named God to talk to Him.

Invoking God’s Name to approve of evil is an even worse Sin than misusing It

So we can imagine how great the sin is, if we were to use the Name of God in something that is not only useless, but evil, sinful, or even worse to approve of evil or sin!

That is the spiritual equivalent of rubbing the Divine Face into the mud of moral depravity.

And this sin becomes all the greater, if one not only names God with the word, “God’ or its equivalent, but when one uses the revealed names of God, such as “Yahweh” or “Jesus” or some other revealed name such as “Sabaoth”, “El Shaddai”.

And this sin would be even greater if the person misusing the Name of God to approve of sin or evil, had the dignity of one of God’s Ambassadors, as does every Bishop and priest of the Catholic Church.

But Fiducia supplicans is the worst sin ever in world history against the Divine Name

But though we can imagine such a horrific and monstrous perpetration of such a horrible sin; Fiducia supplicans goes way beyond this in moral depravity.

Because in Fiducia supplicans, we not only have advocated that Catholic Bishops and priests approve of sinful unions or sinful despair with the imposition of a blessing which invoked the Divine Name by His sacred ambassadors, but we have also the attempt by the arguments it contains to convince the world that such is not only morally licit, but the more perfect fulfilment of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Fiducia supplicans, therefore, is a document straight out of the inferno. It is the consummate violation of the Second Commandment of the Decalogue and is certainly worthy of the Antichrist in the universal attempt it is making to overthrow the House of God and the Pillar of Truth, which is the Church.

And for this reason, Fiducia supplicans not only must be entire rejected and condemned, but all those who adhere to it in any way, should be sternly warned of their eternal damnation and the pending Divine Vengeance which they have merited by accepting, agreeing, praising or tolerating it.

Credits: Hell depicted in mosaic in the Baptistry of the Catholic Cathedral of Florence, Italy. The image shows Satan devouring souls and bodies in the Inferno.

A Meditation for the 11th Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation of Ministry

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

It was 11 years ago, on February 11, 2013 A. D., at shortly after 11:30 A. M., that his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI read his now famous declaration, “Non solum propter”. — Above, if you click the image, you can access FromRome.Info’s complete Index to the history, debate and controversy over the events of that day and the meaning or effect of that declaration.

By that act he clearly and manifestly intended to retain the petrine munus and renounce only the petrine ministry, so that by retiring but not abdicating he could retain the Papal Dignity and Mandate, while conceding to his opponents the other powers of governance. While there are many, many opinions about the morality, intention, cause, motives and purpose of such an act, the juridical value of it was NOT and abdication.

But, for today’s anniversary, I want to offer a reflection on the moral errors committed in the Vatican before and during that controversy, which might help explain why even to this day, notable clergy incardinated at the Vatican, such as Cardinals Burke and Mueller, Brandmuller and Sarah, and even Archbishop Viganò seemingly find it impossible to admit their error in thinking he declared that he would abdicate from the Pontificate on that day.

As I have shown in my Index to Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, there are more than 53 errors in the Latin text Pope Benedict XVI read on that day. And why it has been admitted by experts at the Vatican, that Pope Benedict XVI wrote the text without any consultation with Canon Lawyers or Latinists, even Archbishop Gänswein admits there are errors in the text — though he has not yet had the charity to the Catholic world to admit which ones he recognizes.

Thus, the national Catholic newspaper in Italy, Avvenire, which is run by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference there, though they called me an “idiot” for claiming there are errors in the text, now has to eat crow. And yes, I still await an apology for their calumny, for the sake of removing the scandal they have placed before millions of souls.

But that they resorted to the services of a defrocked priest to gaslight the Catholic world about the deficiencies in the text, showed how desperate they were to keep the narrative of an abdication going, and how they knew all in their hearts, at least by 2021 that Benedict XVI never abdicated.

This collective sin and guilt and complicity is the principal embarrassment of the Catholic Hierarchy, not only in Italy but round the world. These men are pragmatic, and they realize that their moral authority over the faithful will be utterly destroyed when it comes to be known that they collectively were incapable of understanding how Canon 332 §2 worked and what was necessary for an abdication — a thing which should be a basic concept taught in a general Canon Law class on juridical acts.

So individuals who have doctorates in Canon Law such as Archbishop Gänswein really have no excuse. And there are 1000s like him, who were all silent. Though the worst sin was of those who should have known and attempted to defend the indefensible, namely, that a renunciation of ministerium in Latin signified a renunciation of munus.

But it was not I, but Cardinal Burke himself who immediately recognized that the declaration did not contain what it should contain to effect a valid abdication. He himself spoke to friends and acquaintances from Rome to Arizona about this. But he otherwise hid this opinion of his from the press. And I surmise that if he attempted to speak with Pope Benedict XVI before February 28, 2013, he failed in his request, because Pope Benedict XVI was not wont to speak with him about “canonical details”. The other Cardinals and clergy at the Vatican also failed, either out of human respect, or complicity in the plot by Hilary Clinton to push Pope Benedict XVI from power and have a new “spring time” in the Catholic Church.

I will guess too, without any evidence, that if there were a group of Cardinals and Bishops who realized the errors in the text in February 2013, they became conflicted in their private counsels, because they considered it somehow wrong to request that Pope Benedict XVI make a proper and correct renunciation on Feb. 28, 2013, to correct the errors of his Feb. 11th text. Indeed, for men like Cardinal Burke, it was his grave duty to make his way to Castle Gandolfo on Feb. 28th, with the proper text written on paper and carried in hand, to obtain an audience and insist Pope Benedict XVI sign the document in the presence of two other Bishops or Archbishops. Perhaps he was too unfit to climb to the balcony by rope ladder or thrown himself on the ground in front of the main door, to make a spectacle, to obtain this juridical rectification. We cannot judge the man on his personal sentiments, but all who knew of the defect should have had such a zeal.

Contrariwise, if anyone knew that the act of Pope Benedict XVI did not validly cause an abdication, or that Pope Benedict XVI knew, understood or did not understand this they had a grave solemn duty to announce this to the world as soon as they knew of it. Cardinal Burke did not do this. Why? Did the Cardinals discuss this in the canonically invalid Conclave of 2013 ? We may never know. But shortly after they came out of that “Conclave” we know that they had formed a silent eternal pact to never speak of this fraud perpetrated upon the Catholic World, because immediately the Vatican began publishing falsified translations in all major languages of the world, to conceal this from 1+ Billion Catholics. And this is the greatest crime against the rights of the Faithful in the entire history of the Church!

However, the official canonical and juridical declaration that ‘Pope Benedict XVI remained pope until his death’ is a question about which the Catholic Bishops of the Roman Province are competent to judge in a Provincial Council. Anyone can request them to do it. And all honesty requires that they,  who know of it, make such a request. Moreover, if they fail to rectify the historical and juridical record, those who know of it, who could be influential to obtain this, will go to their graves to encounter a most Terrible and unforgiving Judge, Whose Immaculate Bride has been raped and sullied by such a great injustice.

And yet, all those who insist that Bergoglio has never been the pope, fail to avail themselves of the most important confirmation of the invalidity of the Conclave of 2013, which they could obtain by the convocation of such a Council. Why is this? Those who insist he has always been the pope, also fail to seek this solution. Why?

So as we commemorate and remember that fateful day 11 years ago, we should make a renewed effort to admit the truth, connect the dots and study the sources, if we have not yet understood what really happened on that day and who is at fault for it.

And I encourage all the Catholics who have had the grace of the Holy Spirit to do this and complete this necessary task, to pray for all those who live within the ideological limits imposed upon by the boy’s clubs and magic circles in which they move, who out of human respect have preferred not to ask the question or worse to denigrate the messengers of truth, whom God has sent to His Church in the last 11 years.

Many have urged me to write a book about Pope Benedict XVI’s renunciation, but I make all the articles and videos available for free, because as a Franciscan Brother I realize that my vocation is to give freely, when one has received freely, and to work for the repair of Christ’s Church. — Of everything I have written and mentioned, here, you can find reference and articles in the above index. Just click the top image in this post. is an electronic journal chronicling the events of the Church without keeping silent about the duty of Catholics to respond with faith-filled action, rather than as mere spectators. This article is one of more than 10,000 published since September 2013 A. D.. For more information about our journal, see our About Page.

The “Catholic Spirit” gaslights the Catholic world about the immorality of Artificial Intelligence

Commentary and Critique by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In the last year a great number of publications have pushed the narrative of A. I. as man’s greatest invention which will transform our lives forever. The journal, “Catholic Spirit”, the Catholic newspaper published by the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA, recent published this article extolling the morality of the new software technology.

I have not weighed much into this debate, but as a graduate of the University of Florida Gainesville, from one of the top 10 faculties of Cultural Anthropology in the United States, and as one of the leading translators of medieval texts in Scholastic Theology, who has run numerous websites and written code for decades, I believe I have the moral duty to speak out on the grave threat to human civilization from the so-called “artificial intelligence” technologies and narratives.

First, there is no such thing as artificial intelligence. Intelligence is impossible without God willing to grant an entity the ability to understand. This grant is twofold, in the structure of the being of the thing He has created, and in the Light he bestows upon that being to see and grasp the truth of things.

Man can neither create a structure capable of knowing nor can he give it light to see the truth.

“Artificial intelligence” therefore, as a name, is a lie.

It is also an ongoing fraud. Because it is proposed by many as the solution to man’s problems which is entirely beneficial.

To understand this we must first consider what intelligence is and how it is beneficial to man.

Intelligence is the ability to know with understanding. Knowing is the material part. Sense can know things, that is be familiar with them. Even a camera in this sense can know things by taking a photograph. This kind of knowing is signified in the Latin verb, cognoscere. Even dogs and cats know things. But it would be more accurate to say know of things.

But nothing but a being with an intellect can understand things. To understand is to recognize the principles which are the cause of things, according to its essence, nature, existence and habits. But to do this one must have an ability which can step out of space and time and look back down upon them to see the truth of a thing. But this requires a simplicity which is entirely apart from space and time and matter. Thus only God, Angels and men are intelligent.

But God did not bestow intelligence upon Angels and Man out of a whim. No, being perfect Truth and infinite Goodness, everything He has done He has done with a purpose. And that purpose is to share the participation in His Goodness with certain specific creatures: those which are intelligent. The Angels to serve Him, since they are the most like unto Him, being pure spirits themselves. And Man to serve Him, since to express His infinite Goodness in the most supreme manner, He chose to become Incarnate as a Man, and intelligent man.

But God has no other purpose in creating. Therefore, there is neither any other intelligent life in all the universe, nor any possibility of any other species or entities attaining intelligence.

Because intelligence is not a good like being warm or hot, living or reproducing. It is for one supreme purpose: knowing and loving God, the Creator.

Intelligence thus is something purely spiritual. And since man can not create anything material, much more can he not create anything spiritual.

Thus the claims of “artificial intelligence” are a fraud. And such a horrible and profound fraud as to border on a heresy.

Consequently the proponents of “artificial intelligence” are necessarily involved in an idolatry. And an especially harmful idolatry, because not only an idolatry which enslaves man, but one which aims to denigrate him in his highest natural capacity: thought itself.

For these reasons it is not surprising that all men who have already enslaved themselves to subhuman vices of lust and greed and pride, are flocking to the new cult of “artificial intelligence” as the promised god to give them what they insatiably desire.

But this idolatry is especially harmful to human civilization, because as human beings we are plastic creatures. It is necessary for our spirit that we grow in learning and to do this that we in practice use our minds, memories, intellects to think and understand and become cognizant of the world in which we live so that through that we come to contemplate, worship and adore the God who created it, seek Him out and do His will.

But the false gospel of “artificial intelligence” which promises facility in doing and thinking and problem solving, will necessarily cause an ossification or lack of growth in the mental faculties of all who use it. Because they will use it out of sloth instead of using their own faculties. And by such a habitual avoidance of the work of the mind, they will become incapable of wanting to think on their own.

And such a bad habit will necessarily reduce them to the level of dogs and cats, where there is no understanding, only the response to stimuli, interior and exterior to the body.

And that will be the end of human civilization.

Also, by such habituation, human individuals will become more and more desirous to have technology implanted into their minds to give them even more facile access to A. I.. And once they do, they will no longer be doing any thinking, A. I. will do it for them. And then they will no longer live as humans, but robots.

For those who appreciate what is really means to be human, it is already manifestly evident how ugly, cruel and death-filled the products of A.I. are: from images to written texts, the things A. I. creates are without any comprehension of the variety of details found in real life and real art; without any comprehension of human individuality or spiritual values.

But there is an even greater threat by A. I. that its products or its use by individuals, because humanity requires and includes community and social interaction. And by the habitual use of A. I. this will come to disappear, as human individuals spend more and more time interacting with something dead, rather that with one another and in prayer with God.

Thus, the “Catholic Spirit” does a great disservice to the Church in publishing the nonsense contained in the article above, with its shallow reflections on utility and its even shallower appreciation of the existential threat to humanity posed by these technologies.

A. I. is the Globalist replacement for God. For those who reject the true God to rule over them, the Globalist are creating a god to rule under them and inside of them.

And it is precisely those who wish to understand who alone will see how utterly evil and demonic and inhuman A. I. .is, and why as a civilization we must reject and destroy it or it will destroy us.


100 Masonic Errors you were trained to believe

Republished FROM May 31, 2021

Suggested Errors you should unteach yourself & your children

If you were wondering why modern man does not rebel against injustice, the Scamdemic revealed why: most are totally psychologically controlled by the Main Stream Media, despite how much they may criticize it. The whole reality they believe in is a lie; they don’t have the ability to even see it!

Here is a list of lies you were trained to believe with greater loyalty than even Christian Faith:

1) Democracy is the best form of government
2) Your vote is counted
3) Your elected official serves you
4) The Masonic Lodge is not Satanic
5) The godless have just as much right to vote and govern as the faithful Christian
6) It’s safer for everyone if a Christian is not put in power
7) Liberty requires that the Gospel not influence law and court decisions
8) Man evolved from an ape
9) Aliens probably exist, but angels are a myth
10) The Bible contains error
11) The Bible was not written by those it claims as its authors
12) Jesus did not say exactly what He is recorded to have said
13) There is Christianity outside the Catholic Church
14) There is salvation for the non Christian, non Catholic
15) Most people go to Heaven
16) No one is evil
17) Globalists have your best interests at heart
18) The Right is not led by Masons/Satanists
19) Christians should leave politics to secularists
20) Catholicism is a source of division
21) Divorce is good
22) Women only have value working as men
23) Big families are evil
24) Pope Benedict XVI resigned validly
25) Wall Street is fair
26) Your Government is controlled by the people
27) Your military is dedicated to defending you
28) Your police respect the Constitution
29) Your doctor is not a quack
30) An expensive college education makes you smarter or better informed
31) The history you learned in public school was not Masonic propaganda
32) Vatican II was the best thing that happened to the Church
33) Thinking about Hell is bad for you
34) Mortal sin is not that bad
35) Abortion is a right
36) Marijuana is not morally degrading
37) The man should not rule over his wife
38) Western Civilization before 1789 is evil
39) Christianity caused the Dark Ages
40) Capitalism caused science
41) You should always obey without question
42) Being divisive is the worst crime and sin
43) No Pope has betrayed Christ
44) Your pastor would not lie to you
45) Its not dangerous to have gays in the clergy
46) The Supreme Court is always to be obeyed, even when wrong
47) If it is legal, it is o.k.
48) If you are paid by the government you must enforce wicked, evil or unjust laws
49) You have no rights but what the State says you have
50) The Allies liberated Europe
51) America did not create Hitler or the Soviet Union
52) The Right and Left are actually enemies
53) Christians could never win an election
54) Christians should never get angry
55) Christians should never start a revolution against Masons, Fascists or Marxists
56) It is wrong to resort to violence, even for a just cause
57) European colonization was evil
58) Chinese colonization is good
59) Pagans are innocent
60) Jews never persecuted anyone
61) In World War II more Jews died than Christians
62) The Allies committed no war crimes
63) The US Government had nothing to do with the deaths of Patton, Kennedy or John Paul I
64) The US Government has never manipulated a Papal Conclave
65) Trump’s family has no ties to the Brown Brothers Harriman Bank or the Skull and Bones Lodge
66) There is never any condition under which you can refuse obedience or taxes to your government
67) A government which allows abortion is not criminal nor illegitimate
68) Those who promote abortion are not enemies of humanity
69) A mother who has an abortion is not a murderer
70) It is extreme and insensitive to hold that abortionists should be hung
71) Catholics killed more people during the inquisition than any Modern State has killed political dissidents in that last 100 years
72) It was evil for Catholic Kings to expel Jews and Muslims from their realms.
73) The State should register births and marriages
74) The State has the right to tax citizens without their annual renewed consent
75) Public education is good
76) Vaccines are good and necessary
77) Big Tech is private industry not backed by the Deep State
78) It is easy to repent of sin and rediscover the truth
79) Journalists rarely lie
80) A Government without Christ can be just
81) Christianity flourished in the Dark Ages because people did not have science
82) Christians can only live in peace with Jews by allowing Jews to rule over them or along side them
83) The Modern State of Israel is a popular movement, not a construct of the Rothschilds
84) Israel is an ally of the West
85) Christian persecution is rare
86) The Christian holocausts of the 19th/20th/21st centuries are minor events
87) Poland’s best ally is the USA
88) Christians should not re-establish Catholic Monarchies
89) The Masonic Lodge is not an in international mafia of psychopaths
90) Paper money has value
91) You should declare all your personal information or income to the godless masonic state
92) Your government is not watching you
93) Your government is not planning your genocide
94) Your government will defend your rights
95) Your courts are fair
96) Politicians who commit crime or fraud on a massive scale should not be hung
97) The people should never rebel against the Masonic Order, since it is the pinnacle of civililzation
98) The Media Personalities you admire are not agents of the deep state
99) Laymen will save the Church
100) The pursuit of Christian Holiness is not important.

This is only a short list. We recommend to all parents to teach this list, and the contrary truths, to their families.

How to avoid becoming a cancelled Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, Deacon etc..

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

French Translation

Not even a dog keeps doing the same thing over and over if it hurts. The Lord God and Creator gave even dogs enough sense which rivals the intelligence of sinful men, in such circumstances. And this is why through the ages it has often been this observation about dogs which gets men to change their ways.

And this is what the clergy need to do in regard to the whole phenomenon of “cancelled clergy”: a recently coined term or neologism by which there is signified a member of the clergy, upright and honest, who is the victim of the abuse of authority by a superior intent on pushing globalism, modernism, heresy, or sodomy.

Though the word is a new one the genus of persecution is an old one. Before the Second Vatican Council it was much more mild, and simply consisted in being side-lined by your Bishop or superior. But there was always hope that if one persevered in following the laws of the Church and right discipline that with the next change of superior, at his death, transferal or the next ecclesiastical election of one kind or another, the new superior would recognize the worth of the sidelined Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, Monk, Sister etc..

After the Council, however, the penal system of the Church was weaponized against faithful clergy and religious. But in many cases the Faithful never recognized what was going on, simply because back then there was no uncontrolled Catholic media and the main stream media simply ignored such news.

But as the decades have past the persecution of honest men and women of God has become more frequent, and the pretexts for doing so less and less credible, such that we are less and less shocked that individuals are persecuted, and being persecuted by such revolutionaries and heretics is becoming more and more a wreath of honor.

How many priests were removed from ministry during the Scamdemic because they refused to observe the controls (by continuing to give communion in the mouth), to shut their churches (by keeping them open), to wear masks, or to replace the Gospel with preaching the Scam?

But through these 60 years of persecution, the hardest and saddest thing is that those persecuted nearly immediately fell out of any network of charity, such that they no longer had anyone to help them, save but their immediate relatives or friends, a charity which often lasted only a short time.

I remember when I realized that my former community was canonically lawless and had no intention of observing the Rule of Saint Francis. I requested my superior permission to do so according to the Papal Decrees on the Rule of Saint Francis, and got a letter back immediately denying my request and suggesting I leave. But when I did leave, my own parents denied me housing and food in an attempt to convince me to give up my vocation. I would say that this was the darkest moment of my vocation.

How many religious women face the same conflict and never found help and thus gave up. Religious brothers too. That is why I am so ardent about insisting that we persecuted religious who do not give up have more the right to keep calling ourselves “religious” than those of us who remain in communities which are corrupt to their core and in many cases openly heretical or apostate.

Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests usually have a less hard time since their dignity in orders naturally attracts many supporters and benefactors.

Neverthless, no priest wants to be a cancelled priest, and nearly every priest will use as much discretion as possible to avoid the worse forms of being cancelled. Most of the time it is simply reticence and pretending is nothing wrong.

Those of us, like myself, who are not priests, are often wrong in our impatience with such honest men who are avoiding being cancelled and thus too silent about the problems in the Church. They do this for us, knowing that more rapacious men would take their places if they got cancelled. We need to remember this in our public declamations about clergy doing nothing.

But if you are a member of the hierarchy or a priest, deacon, or religious and you want to avoid being cancelled, I would give this advice.

Recognize that the Apostolic See, or the episcopal See of your diocese, or your religious superior is impeded in the execution of his office by the public manifest errors which that office has been used to promote, confirm, authorize, establish, defend or support.

Unlike simply giving up, like Bishop Strickland, or saying there is no solution like Cardinal Burke, or affirming that a heretic can remain Pope, like Bishop Athanasius Schnieder, or daily criticizing the Pope, like so many Bishops, or declaring the Pope a heretic and thus no longer the pope — some of  which can get a member of the clergy out of a job quickly, whether by excommunication, suspension a divinis, laicization etc.., declaring the Apostolic See impeded balances two truths which need to be kept in mind: that Schism from a legitimate superior is a grave crime, and that obeying a legitimate superior in what is morally unacceptable is a grave sin.

And such a declaration need not be a canonical one. It can simply be a way of critiquing the present situation by applying discernment of the kind which comes from the grace and charism of truth which is bestowed in holy Orders or analogously by one’s religious vocation.

By such a declaration or recognition, a man or woman of God avoids the charge of schism, because such a declaration affirms that the Pope is the pope. At the same time it canonically conditions criticism of a bad Pope, who has gone into the extremes of  heresy and apostasy and idolatry by public acts, within the bounds of remaining in communion, while insisting on the freedom granted in Canon 212 to speak out against injustice.

So the next time you are tempted to say Pope Francis is a heretic, schismatic, apostate, idolater or no longer the Pope. Start by recognizing that he has impeded the Apostolic See by his public insistence of approval for the manifestly heretical, illogical, sacrilege promoting, wrong and just false teaching in ‘Fiducia supplicans’, such that everyone in the Church objectively, and not just yourself subjectively, no longer has the moral obligation to obey his decrees while he remains in the state of impenitence.

Don’t say I will no longer obey him. Full Stop. Since that can be understood as an act of schism or heresy. Say rather, that man by his heretical profession in approving ‘Fiducia supplicans’ has taken a position which the entire Church can never accept and thus has so discredited himself as a superior, that it would be both unreasonable and uncanonical to persecute those who call a spade a spade, rather than seek his removal from office in whatever canonical manners that is possible.

And in the mean time do NOT give up the ministry or your vocation. Keep serving God where you are and do not understand such a recognition or declaration as a pretext for violating Church law. Why, you do not even have to publish the fact of your recognition, if you are not a Bishop. Bishops however are now gravely obliged to make such declarations as they will assist the Bishops of the Roman Province to call a provincial council and take the ultimate action as requested in the Sutri Initiative. As for those who are NOT laymen and lay women, I would urge great caution in participating in the Sutri Initiative if you are a priest, deacon or religious, since your letter could be used against you to persecute you, if any one of the Bishops receiving it return a copy to your superior. But if you are a Bishop you should write them as you have the grave duty to act.

At the same time, Bishops have, on account of the objective state of impedition of the Apostolic See, now awesome powers and liberty of action, as I have explained here.


The Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI — A Postscript

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

It has been a year and 20 days since Pope Benedict XVI passed to the judgement of Christ Jesus Our Lord. And in that time many have continued to debate the validity or meaning of his Declaration of February 11, 2013.

In fact, this debate has gone more main stream, now that the principal canonical question, who is the real pope, has passed into history with the juridically valid election of Pope Francis on January 30, 2023.

The Catholics of Rome, as they have always done, immediately moved to see that they have a Bishop to succeed Pope Benedict XVI after his death. In fact, just days after his death, trusting that the Church of Rome would remain true to Her Spouse I opined that within a month She would have a new shepherd. — I was immediately mocked by the CIA Agent, Steve O’Reiley in the USA on his attack blog, known as “Roman Locuta Est”, by which he means ‘Stevie has spoken’ for having expressed such confidence in the Church of Rome. — But the Faithful of Rome came through and did not do what the CIA wanted: they met and elected a successor for Pope Benedict XVI, by which the grace and prayer of the High Priest, Jesus Christ, for His Vicar, came to settle for the first time upon that man known as Pope Francis. And the Church has benefited immensely as is visible unto the present day.

Many who entered this debate, however, failed to conduct themselves with integrity and honesty, because as soon as Pope Benedict XVI was dead they spoke against the election of his successor by the Cardinals or the Faithful of Rome — which are the only two legitimately juridical manners possible.

But here I wish to discuss the terms of this debate over the Renunciation, which are well known, to those who have the simplicity to say that they see what they see: a grace which is every more rare in the modern world, as Catholics the world-over plug themselves ever more deeply into the Globalist Narrative Matrix.

For a complete coverage of the history of this debate, see the most authoritative and complete collection of articles here, in our Index to the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI

And these facts are these:

That in Canon 332 §2, a Pope abdicates when he renounces the Petrine Munus, and when he does, it must be considered valid when he does so with freedom and in the proper form.

That on Feb. 11, 2013 A. D., Pope Benedict XVI read aloud the official and only juridically valid version of his Declaratio, in which he renounced the Petrine Ministry, while acknowledging that he held the Petrine Munus.

Logic itself demands, therefore, that all recognize that Pope Benedict XVI never fulfilled canon 332 §2, and that thus, in the eyes of God Himself, he remained the one, only and true Roman Pontiff until the day of his death on Dec. 31, 2022 A. D.. — All those who say otherwise are liars or are insane of mind — Insanis in Latin means, “not healthy”.

Most of these are insane of mind because of a choice that they made: to presume that whatever the MSM says is the truth regardless of facts, history, reality, evidence  or logic. Others because they hold this same idolatrous devotion for whatever the Cardinals or Bishops say.

But those who hold fast to the Catholic Faith, wherein God alone is Truth (John 14:16) and the author of all truth (John 18:38), know that we are gravely obliged to recognize that words have meaning, and what is written, has been written (John 19:20-22).

This same Faith requires us therefore to hold that Pope Benedict XVI renounced the ministry, but that such a renunication was a resignation not an abdication.

And Pope Benedict XVI?

But there are more difficult questions about which we can only speculate regarding the answers since they are known to God alone and to Pope Benedict XVI.

Thus, though many hold that Pope Benedict XVI lied or erred (in the moral sense), it is clear that such an accusation lacks the foundation in the proof that he intended something other than a resignation of ministry or that he conceived a resignation as an abdication. But all the honest studies, especially that of Andrea Cionci, clearly demonstrate that he never held such errors or intended such deception.

And thus, we must also conclude that the charge that he intended to deceive is also unproven. Because to intend something very refined and not understand that others do not understand is not to deceive others.

Theological Error?

But did Pope Benedict XVI not understand that a resignation of ministry does not permit the election of another successor?

On this question, I think the preponderance of evidence argues for an affirmative response.

This differs from the question of moral error. Moral error consisting in doing one thing when one intends to do the other. Here I am speaking of theological error, when one thinks that the doing of something has the same effect as the doing of something similar.

And this error, it seems to me, arose from Pope Benedict XVI’s inexperience with philosophical distinctions of the kind which are found in Scholasticism. For to renounce the branches or fruit of power is not to renounce power. Nor is the renunciation of the power which flows from dignity possible without the renunciation of the dignity from which it flows.

The Cardinals’ error & sin

The Cardinals, I hold, were more responsible before God for their error than Pope Benedict XVI. Because there were 120+ of them, and only 1 of him. And their duty is to NOT proceed into Conclave UNTIL the Apostolic See is legitimately vacant. That means, in this case of a papal renunciation, in a manner conform to canon 332 §2 in which no objective doubt can arise. But to renounce ministerium and be understood as renouncing munus is a doubtful interpretation which the Cardinals had no right to make, and in omitting to have recourse to Pope Benedict XVI to correct the renunciation or remove the doubt, they failed GRAVELY in their only principal ecclesiastical duty.

And because they know that they failed, they have closed in their ranks and conspired never to speak of their sin or admit their fault. So while many Catholics appeal to the Cardinals to end the crisis of the Bergoglian papacy, they fail to recognize that the sin of the Cardinals is the greater of sins.

The effects of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation

Clearly the Church is in a crisis the likes of which She has never seen. With a manifestly heretical pontiff occupying the Throne of St. Peter and the Bishops eager to persecute so as to garner his favors, the Church’s very existence is threatened to Her core.

At the same time the consequences of what Pope Benedict XVI did have utterly destroyed the narrative of Vatican II and have unmasked the enemies of Christ in the Church. — The only thing is that Catholics are shocked to their core to see how great is the percentage of failure among Cardinals, Bishops, Priests etc.. For many of us have confidence because of the good example of others: a thing rarely found in any purity in this debacle of debacles.

The Punishment for Liars is a bitter one

God detests the mendacious man (Prov. 12:22-24), so we can be assured that God hates all those morally responsible for causing in the canonical mess which began on Feb. 11, 2023, when an ANSA pool reporter reported that which never happened, namely that Pope Benedict XVI had abdicated — even though she later recanted her error.

We are still living in the context of this great sin and these lying lips. And the punishment for lying lips is to have a mouth full of lies to reign over you.

God has spoken. And He shall never be put to shame by men.

In the meantime, we need to return to the humility of children, for otherwise we cannot be saved (Matthew 18:2-5).

And let us pray for Pope Francis, that he might repent by the grace of God or the stern rebuke of the Cardinals and Bishops, even if this be necessary in a Provincial Council, or at least that God might remove him from the Papacy or neutralize his bad example, as soon as possible or the Bishops of the Roman province do it in the only way they can.

As for ourselves, the crisis in the Church which began on Feb. 11, 2013 is a problem which requires all the Faithful to sanctify our minds through the right use of our intellects and the right use of words, to study what the word “truth” means, and why our loyalty to Christ the Truth requires that we not let any man suborn us on any question of truth.

CREDITS: The Cardinals gathered for the funeral of Pope Benedict XVI. All right reserved. Used with permission of the photographer.

False and True Catholic Militancy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In the world controlled by Freemasonry, the hallmark of their civilization is to constantly offer the masses the fake version of the truth.

We see this in every aspect of daily life.

In the supermarket, you can find cheese food, instead of natural cheese; wonder bread, instead of real bread; corn syrup instead of sugar; and vegetarian meat substitute instead of real meat.

In the personal care aisle, you can find sunscreen with cancer causing chemicals, body wash with lubricants, cold remedies which cure nothing, and vitamins with daily dosages at toxic levels.

I could go on about almost every other aspect of life, from political parties which claim to be nationalistic, run by Jews, and home construction companies selling houses which will fall apart within 5 years, or appliance companies making dishwashers which self destruct.

And in the Catholic Church we have been given in Vatican II the fake varieties of nearly everything, from the priesthood which is dedicated to social justice, rather than the salvation of souls; religious nuns and monks who are concerned more with action than prayer and personal santification; a Mass which is about entertainment, rather than the worship of God, etc..

False Militancy in the Church

But the push to turn the Catholic Church into a globalist control and recruitment NGO is chiefly advancing because Catholics are beset on all sides with fake offers of militancy.

I say “fake offers” of “militancy”, because as the Church Militant our chief duty is to hear the Holy Spirit and take up arms, sometimes even physical ones, against the opponents of God, Divine Revelation and Sacred Tradition.

But an offer of fake militancy neutralizes this work of the Holy Spirit by convincing Catholics that the tried and true work of Catholic Saints preaching against sin, rebuking errant clergy, and calling for the deposition of heretics, schismatics and the perverse, while sometimes even supporting and participating in Crusades, is wrong, evil, out of date or inappropriate.

On top of that, the forms of militancy which we are urged to embrace are actually designed to take us out of the fight and let the enemies of Christ take control of the battle field.

Among these false forms are Sedevacantism, Sedeprivationism and Traditionalism.

Sedevacantism, a concept developed by a pedophile, is the assertion that after Pius XII or any other given pope, there can never be another valid pope simply because I say so. Sedevacantists use the protestant error of private judgement along with the masonic journalistic error of misquoting your alleged opponent, to convince Catholics to despair that Christ wills the restoration of His Church and will give victory to those who enter the battlefield.

Instead, Sedevacantists push a gospel of despair while satisfying themselves with a spirituality of Jansenists, who thought that their select few were the only righteous persons to be saved.

Sedevacantists spend all their time, accordingly, trying to convince good Catholics to give up the fight, by calling this or that Pope or cleric a heretic, instead of trying to remove from office the cleric they attack.

The other kind of false militancy is Sedeprivationism, where it is claimed that because the Pope(s) has (have) erred or veered from the right path, while he (they) remain(s) in office, there is nothing other Catholics can do but ignore him (them) and found their own churches.

This kind of false militancy attempts to convince Catholics to give up the effort to liberate the Church from ecclesiastical criminals and to simple settle back at be satisfied with their own private chapels.

The most common form of classical sedeprivationism is Cassicianism, which holds or held that Paul VI veered so much from the Faith, that while remaining Pope, he no longer could morally oblige any Catholic by his decrees.

Those who recognized that Pope Benedict XVI was pope until death but refused to seek that he have a successor are also involved in a false militancy, which has dedicated them to seeking a pope in Don Minutella or in making useless petitions to the Cardinals who have no authority to act (Cioncism).

But the most common form of false militancy today is the Traditionalist movement which aims only at having the perfect Latin Mass Chapel, either independent from the local Bishop or under him, as if having the perfect liturgy celebrated by pacifists is going to win this war. In each case, having the chapel and traditional Latin Mass is put at the top of the list, and everything, even fighting corruption in the Church or in the group which says the TLM is sacrificed for that.

True Catholic Militancy

As readers of know, I am always advocating militancy, but of the true kind.

Love for Christ, when it is true, will always lead to the love of the salvation of souls and hence for love of the Catholic Faith, Religion and Church. Such love will always include the desire to remove criminals from the clergy, correct errors in practice and denounce heresies and apostasy, while opposing sacrilege, simony and blasphemy.

True love of Christ requires that we actually rebuke those who are guilty and not be satisfied to talk about their sins in public or private.

True love of Christ is founded also upon an unshakeable trust in Christ that He will always be at one’s back if one fights to purify and protect His Church, His faithful and His teachings.

Thus true militancy is the consequence of a soul on fire with the Holy Spirit, inspired to do something constructive to solve a problem in the Church and in a canonical that is lawful manner. It aims not at acquiring some advantage for myself but for the whole people of God. It employs one’s own personal reputation, resources, talents, time and effort, and it crusades with the zeal of charity and truth, never separating.

True Militancy follows the examples of the Saints of old, putting prayer in the first place, personal integrity of life in the second, and specific goals for reconstructing what has always been on the agenda of the Holy Spirit.

This is why true Militancy today requires a different approach than sedevacantism or sedeprivationism.

And the approach is not pretending that there is no problem with Fiducia supplicans.

  • Nor is it pretending that it is tolerable that some priests comply with that Declaration and others do not.
  • Nor is it in pretending that whatever my priest does in private does not concern me.
  • Nor is it satisfied in only having some voices speak against it now and then forgetting about it tomorrow.
  • Nor does it consist in grifting on the issue today and moving on to grifting on another issue tomorrow.
  • And it certainly DOES NOT consist in listening to grifters for entertainment today and forgetting about the controversy tomorrow, as the grifter moves on to something else.

Rather, it recognizes that Fiducia supplicans must be withdrawn and entirely repudiated by everyone in the Church, beginning with the Pope. And in demanding everyone who has endorsed it, to repent. And if they fail to repent, in removing them from office in the Church.

This true Catholic Militancy is not for the self-centered Catholic. The warriors in this crusade need to be those who never lay down their arms until victory is won. They also have to be true lovers of Christ who fight for the whole Mystical Body and not just to conquer back their neighborhoods.

We must recognize that this horrendous sin of endorsing Fiducia supplicans puts the Apostolic See and every diocese, where its bishop endorsed it, into an impeded state. We must stop funding all their projects and insisting that until they repent they have lost all moral authority to rule over us, being as they are enemies and rebels against God, and we must urge the clergy who remain Catholic to publicly rebuke them for their public sin.

We should form a committee in our diocese, if our Bishop is guilty of such a sin, to see this done, and recruit militant Catholics to participate. And we must constantly emphasize and demonstrate the wickedness concealed in this horrendous document.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit that He might raise up a generation of Catholics who truly love God and His Church, who truly care for the salvation of all and who are awake enough to avoid the fake forms of militancy which are offered to us to control and neutralize any effort to fight against the enemies of God.

Here at we sponsor the Sutri Movement, which is the effort to get Pope Francis removed from office using the Canonical Means of a Provincial Council. — In addition, I explain to Bishops and clergy that their best canonical position for resisting Fiducia supplicans is in recognizing and publicly declaring the Apostolic See impeded by the horrendous betrayal of Pope Francis of the Gospel. — These two efforts require work and self-sacrifice. They also commit you to true militancy, because they aim at solving the problem for everyone, not simply lamenting it.

For those who want to seek the repentance of their own clergy and Bishop who support Fiducia  supplicans, will be publishing this week a free pamphlet in English, and then in other languages, explaining the horrible evil of the document. This pamphlet will be offered in PDF format so that you can, without charge, have it printed locally in the thousands and get your friends and fellow Catholics to distribute it in your Diocese. The purpose of this pamphlet will be to raise up an army of Catholics who militate for the repentance of your local clergy and the repudiation of this Declaration.

U.S. Govt. is actively preparing to launch the next Scam of ‘Alien Invasion’

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The fact that the U.S. Government launched the scam of U.F.O’s and Alien intelligent races is a known fact of history. On July 8, 1947, the Associated Press (Rothchilds front) reported that the U.S. 509th Bomber Group of the Eighth Airforce through U.S. intelligence had found a “disc” of possible alien origin at Roswell, New Mexico. The truth was that the U.S. government had been experimenting with the design and development of alternate flight vehicles and spying devices in Project Mogul for at least a year. The U.F.O. narrative was the perfect cover to psychologically deflect attention from that program, and it proved so effective that it has been used numerous times since.

The lastest and most clamorous use was a cover for the premeditated mass-murder of the residents of Maui, Hawaii, with high-energy beam technology which now has the capacity to ignite entire neighborhoods in minutes, just as one might imagine alien space craft could do.

Thus, that numerous “journalists” who are known advocates of misinformation to promote or agitate issues which serve the military industrial complex have in the last 12 months begun to speak with increasing seriousness and urgency about the threat of alien invasion, should be a big warning sign that the W.E.F. is preparing to launch the Alien Invasion Scam as a way of covering for the mass murder of millions in urban centers.

I mention this now to warn the public not to believe for a moment in any theories of aliens. Those who are rational can do a little of their own research — it is called reading — to discover that there is no life found anywhere but on Earth — and even if there were life on some yet undiscovered planet (and astronomers have recently discovered hundreds) it runs counter to all laws of physics that one could travel from one solar system to another in any time less than 25,000 years. A simple fact that leads to the rational conclusion, which could be understood even by a child, that invading other planets is simply not a cost or time effective strategy for anything intelligent.

As Christians we are also assured that no intelligent life exists anywhere except in Heaven, Hell or on Earth, simply because God had no other intention in creating, except to create a place for the Incarnation of His Eternal Son as a human, the son of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The purpose of Creation being the greatest honor and glory of God, through the salvation of sinners and the restoration of the Celestial Choirs which were depopulated by the Fall of Angels at the beginning of time.

But the appeal of the threat from outer-space so captivates simple and foolish minds, of non-believers and of Christians who do not think as Christians, that we are apt to see another outburst of mass psychosis as soon as the paid-and-bought media influences all begin to shout in unison: An Alien Invasion has begun.

My own experience talking to those plugged into the Alien Narrative matrix is that like the Covid-Idiots it is impossible to reason with them. If you have any such among your friends, try again to get them to snap out of this diabolical deception wrought by U.S. intelligence Agencies, before they are weaponized against you in the next world-wide False Flag.



All the top 20 search engines are now censoring the real news in the Catholic Church

A Letter from the Editor to the Readers of FromRome.Info

None of the major search engines now feature any links to those sites which are reporting the real news in the Catholic Church, which is the opposition to Pope Francis. is the only Catholic electronic journal which first and consistently exposes the works of the St. Gallen Mafia, the irregularlties in the Conclave of 2013, the correct translation and all the grammatical and canonical errors in the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI, and now the correct solution to the problem of a heretical pope and how Catholics can lawfully resist and fight to overturn Fiducia supplicans. Not to mention the only Catholic journal which advocated for and mobilized the Catholics of the world and of Rome to see to it that Pope Benedict XVI had a juridically valid successor when no Cardinal nor Bishop would move to see it done — a work which rivals the importance of the contribution of all Catholic journals ever in all of history, combined.

In addition, FromRome.Info distinguished itself as the only Catholic journal which opposed the Scamdemic from day one and refuted all its lies with thousands of reports. By our collaboration with OMC Radio TV we also made known to the Catholic World the plot by the US Government to overthrow the Catholic Church with dozens and dozens of reports, which we continually update.

No other site embraces any or all of these goals or speaks of them openly and consistently, from the teachings of the Church and canonical principles. Perhaps that is not what you want to read. But if you do, please realize that if you simply share with others the same fluff you find on other sites and keep quite about the sites which really report what Catholics are doing and out to do to oppose eccleiastical mafia, you are part of the problem and are doing exactly what they want of you.

However, alas, here at, I can see from the stats that nearly none of you ever share the stories you read here. While you have all been very generous in your support of in the past, I hope you realize that not sharing FromRome with your friends and relatives is the best way to guarantee that FromRome wont be there for you in the future. As you can see, I am no longer asking for financial support in monthly appeals. So if you are truly grateful for the information FromRome.Info brings you, at least share the articles you find here, as a way of showing your support. Since I write to bring the truth to souls, I do not care that commentators praise me or my articles in comments, I much more prefer that they share the truth with souls.

So please, share these articles. As you can see from the bottom of this article, there are even buttons which enable you to do this with a simple click.

UPDATE of Feb. 3, 2024: Following this report, the Vatican appears to have asked Google to restrict searches for news about the Vatican to Vatican News Service and tourist information for those interested in visiting Vatican City, results which are an abuse of the search algorithm and of the users of Google.

Fiducia supplicans runs counter to What Jesus taught in the ‘Our Father’

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

What continues to amaze me and hundreds of millions of Catholics, is that the Bishops who voice any sort of approval or acceptance of the abomination called, Fiducia supplicans, can still pretend to be Christians, let alone Catholics.

This is because the teaching contained in the document runs totally against the Magisterium of Jesus Christ expressed in the most august prayer of Christendom: the Our Father.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name ….

In English, “hallowed be Thy Name” is the hortatory subjunctive for, “may Thy Name be held Holy.”

But to hold something holy is to keep it safe against theft and misuse.

And that can only be done in regard to the Divine Name, when one makes sure not to pronounce it in vain or in approval of evil.

But the blessing of the wicked, the perverse, the impenitent in any sin or vice, let alone that which cries out to God for vengeance, is to soil the Name of God and treat it as something which can be man-handled at will for any moral or political agenda.

And that is a violation of the whole concept of praying that God’s Name be kept holy.

So we can be 100% certain that Jesus Christ Himself condemns with all the force of His Divine Authority and Power the teaching in Fiducia supplicans and ALL who approve of or authored this document.

Indeed, since the Our Father is the fundamental prayer of Christendom, we can say that Fiducia supplicans is fundamentally anti-Christian, heretical and represents an act of apostasy from Christ.

Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

From our earliest days in Catechism class we learn that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai 10 laws or commandments which obliged every man, woman and child everywhere and for all times. The keeping of the 10 Commandments — also known as the Decalogue, from the Greek for “the 10 Words or Sayings” — is the most fundamental condition for being a friend of God, as Christ Jesus teaches, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (John 14:15).

The 2nd Commandment Revealed to Moses

You can find the text of the 10 Commandments in two places in the Old Testament: in the Book of Exodus 20:2-17, which Moses wrote to record the Passover of the Hebrews from the slavery of Egypt to the religious liberty of the promised Land; and in the Book of Deuteronomy 5:6-21, where Moses writes them down a second time, as he recounts in his final years, the wondrous deeds the Lord had done.

In the Catholic Church, we number the Commandments in a synthetic manner, following neither the numerical order found in the Book of Exodus nor in the Book of Deuteronomy, since as a didactic method, the Doctors and Fathers of the Church had reordered them in proper theological order, for memnotic sake.

So, the Second Commandment reads in our Catechisms, “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord in vain.” — This corresponds to Exodus 20:7, which reads in the Douay Rheims English translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the Name of the Lord his God in vain.

And to the Deuteronomy 5:11, which reads in the same translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for he shall not be unpunished that taketh His Name upon a vain thing.

Why does God command the proper use of His Own Name?

From the two scriptural verses we see that the universal prohibition of the misuse of the Divine Name is founded upon the same moral principal: Yahweh, the one true God, is Our God and Lord, and therefore we must show the obedience of faith in the respect of that Word which names Him as such.

As Saint Bonaventure explains in his commentary on the First Book of Master Peter Lombard, God is called “God” because that word names Him, the Eternal Infinite Being. In English, our word, “God” names Him not as the eternal infinite being, but as the One who is invoked in prayer — this is the origin of the Old Germanic word, “God”.

Again, as St. Bonaventure teaches in the same place, but God is named “Lord” no on account of being God, but on account of creating creatures, because there is no one in God who is subjected to another, as a servant is to a Lord, or who has superiority as a Lord does to a servant. And so, before God created, He was never called Lord. But with the creation of Angels and men, God is now called, “the Lord” because He is the One who made all things.

And this is why God says to Moses, “I am the Lord, thy God. … Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

Misusing the Divine Name is the worst of Sins

According to the two passages of Scripture, we can see that the misuse of God’s Name can never be without guilt and will never go unpunished. From this teaching the Saints and Doctors of the Church explain that blasphemy against God is punished the worst and most by God than all other sins. That means it is far worse a sin that adultery or murder or theft. And this is because it is a sin against God Himself, Who is of infinite dignity, majesty and holiness.

Now to take the name of the Lord “in vain” means to do so unnecessarily, that is when there is no need to name Him. Because one should not use a name of anything, except to name it; so one should not use the name of a person, except to name him. — For example, no one shouts out, “Thomas Aquinas!’ when he smashes his finger, accidentally, while misusing a hammer. For there is no purpose in naming the Dominican Saint at such a moment.

All the more reason, we should NEVER utter the Name of God without the purpose of referring to Him or invoking Him. So important is this, that in the Book of Job, God praises Job and not his learned friends who spoke so eloquently about God and His justice. As Peter Kreft says: this is because Job’s friends named God to talk about Him; but Job named God to talk to Him.

Invoking God’s Name to approve of evil is an even worse Sin than misusing It

So we can imagine how great the sin is, if we were to use the Name of God in something that is not only useless, but evil, sinful, or even worse to approve of evil or sin!

That is the spiritual equivalent of rubbing the Divine Face into the mud of moral depravity.

And this sin becomes all the greater, if one not only names God with the word, “God’ or its equivalent, but when one uses the revealed names of God, such as “Yahweh” or “Jesus” or some other revealed name such as “Sabaoth”, “El Shaddai”.

And this sin would be even greater if the person misusing the Name of God to approve of sin or evil, had the dignity of one of God’s Ambassadors, as does every Bishop and priest of the Catholic Church.

But Fiducia supplicans is the worst sin ever in world history against the Divine Name

But though we can imagine such a horrific and monstrous perpetration of such a horrible sin; Fiducia supplicans goes way beyond this in moral depravity.

Because in Fiducia supplicans, we not only have advocated that Catholic Bishops and priests approve of sinful unions or sinful despair with the imposition of a blessing which invoked the Divine Name by His sacred ambassadors, but we have also the attempt by the arguments it contains to convince the world that such is not only morally licit, but the more perfect fulfilment of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Fiducia supplicans, therefore, is a document straight out of the inferno. It is the consummate violation of the Second Commandment of the Decalogue and is certainly worthy of the Antichrist in the universal attempt it is making to overthrow the House of God and the Pillar of Truth, which is the Church.

And for this reason, Fiducia supplicans not only must be entire rejected and condemned, but all those who adhere to it in any way, should be sternly warned of their eternal damnation and the pending Divine Vengeance which they have merited by accepting, agreeing, praising or tolerating it.

Credits: Hell depicted in mosaic in the Baptistry of the Catholic Cathedral of Florence, Italy. The image shows Satan devouring souls and bodies in the Inferno.

The publication of Fiducia supplicans is the long desired dream of Frankist Jews

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

In the 17th century, in Asia minor (what is now Turkey), a Sephardic Jew by the name of Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) put himself forward as the Messiah promised by God. Nearly 90% of all Jews on earth came to believe in his claims, until the Ottoman Sultan gave Zevi an ultimatum: convert to Islam or be put to death.

Zevi, being a religious charlatan of the highest grade, converted to Islam.

As a consequence, his followers were so scandalized that they repudiated the Mosaic Covenant. These followers are known as Sabbatean Jews: today they form the three major groups of Jews, known as the Conservatives, the Orthodox and the Reformed. Amazingly none of these require their believers to believe that the things which are historically related to have happened in the Old Testament really did happen.

But the Sabbateans did not give up religion: they still wanted the Messiah to come, but they believed that to force God’s hand they would now have to violate the Mosaic Law and to spread its violation through the world. In this way, they hoped God would arise as avenger and destroy the enemies of the Jews.

A century later a large group of Sabbateans, in Eastern Europe now, began to convert to Christianity with the purpose of infiltrating Christian churches and destroying them from within. This group is known as the Frankists, from their founder Jacob Frank, a Sabbatean Jew, who lead his followers to convert to Catholicism and join the ranks of the ruling class in the Commonwealth of Poland, but who was later arrested for heresy and imprisoned in the Monastery of Częstochowa for 13 years. His spirituality’s goal was to so morally debase his followers in sexual orgies that only God could save them from their slavery and degradation. See more here.

Frankists today are a highly secretive organization. If their websites or blogs are discovered they quickly disappear. According to reports received by the majority of Catholic Bishops in the Roman Rite, in Eastern Europe, are Frankists. it is highly likely that John Paul II had Frankist forebears. Karol Wotyla reflected Frankist themes in his obsession with sex, evidenced in his book, “Love and Responsibility”, which included diagrams on how to do it.

One of the most destructive errors spread by Frankists is Modern Biblical Criticism: the assertion that the true history of the bible can only be discovered by rationalistic analysis of the text without any reference to history or tradition.

The other destructive error spread by the Frankists is the Lodge of the Illuminati, which rules all the other Lodges and is the most cutthroat and brutal to achieve its goals. Macron and Draghi are known members.

The ultimate goal of Frankists in the Catholic Church is to get the Church to openly embrace as virtues those sins which cry out to God for vengeance: by this they hope to incite God to destroy the Church from the face of the earth.

And with Fiducia supplicans their project is proceeding forward at lightning speed.

It is clear then, that Pope Francis’ promotion of sexually deviant men, and ritual orgies at the Vatican, is not mere co-incidence or fringe activity. It’s a core goal of his project to turn the House of God into another Sodom and Gomorrah. It is also not a coincidence, that just 2 months before the publication of the Declaration from Hell, the World Jewish Congress was given a lobbying office at the Vatican by Pope Francis. The WJC is a Rothschild front, and the Rothschilds are the masters of the Lodge of the Illuminati.

Our Lady warned us solemnly at Akita, Japan, that God would send fire to the earth to destroy mankind if man did not stop sinning. She warned the Sacred Hierarchy principally for their responsibility to prevent this. She warned also of a war in the Church between Cardinals and Bishops.

We have now arrived.

Foot Note:

And the fact that none of the grifter collective wanted Pope Benedict XVI to have a successor shows just how much they merit the appellation, “Pope Francis’s Gay Opposition“. —  That is why I chuckle at the satanic hypocrisy of their trolls, who stop by now and then to criticize here at FromRome the work of restoring the Church. Since they do not actually believe in God, but want another Church of Port Royale (the Jansenist stronghold, where the righteous proved their superiority to everyone else by their strict adherence to religious ideology and practices), there is nothing which enrages them more than that the Catholic people of the world be united to Christ by being in communion with a legitimate Roman Pontiff. Because in that equation, there is no place for their ego: whereas, with an antipope, the grifting goes on with abandon.

More about Our Lady’s Warning at Akita, Japan …

The Vatican is in a very dark, dark place

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I want to take this occasion of the first Anniversary of the passing of Pope Benedict XVI to say a word to dispel the very thick propaganda which has been pouring out the Vatican since the reign of Pope John XXIII.

Even an objective observer can see it.

But if you are paid a salary not to see it, you will never admit you see it.

Just look at the facts that every statistician can see, when measuring the Catholic Church by the numbers of priests, religious and laity, etc.. since the year 1950.

All the indicators show a massive collapse after Vatican II. Vocations of all kinds disappeared. Hundreds of thousands of religious and priest left their vocations. Millions of the Faithful stopped practicing the Faith. — Why in the USA alone 50% of those who were baptized Catholic since the Council have left the Church forever.

But at the Vatican they have canonized the Popes who perpetrated the changes which cause this massive pastoral failure. And they seem hell bent on canonizing them all: from John XIII to Pope Francis I, even before he is dead.

And what these statistics cover is millions of souls lost, billions and trillions of mortal sins of sacrilege, impiety, despair.

In sum, the Vatican is in a very dark, dark place of the most arrogant, godless pride and vainglory.  And since no one who is not infected with these vices will ever be promoted by this evil crew of men, without a divine intervention, there is no human hope left for the Church.

Thankfully, Christ our Lord, promised us Divine Interventions.

In the meantime, let’s not regurgitate the lies that John XXIII was inspired by the Holy Spirit — when in fact it was suggested to him by the Freemason Patriarch of Constantinople — or that the “Spirit of Vatican II” is the Holy Ghost — this phrase was coined by Life Magazine at the direction of the CIA — or that there is anything wholesome in the Council’s documents — how could there be, since they were written by men under the direction of the US Department of Defense Program for Ideological Warfare against the Church.

Evil seed, brings forth evil plants, which give forth evil flowers and evil fruits.

The chief of which has been a 70 year campaign of harassment and persecution of good priests and religious by evil, bootlicking godless clergy and religious. Thus, it is no surprise to me that the acceptance of Fiducia supplicans is roughly co-extensive with CIA control of national governments world wide. Where their influence is weaker than the control by other major powers such as Russia or China, we see resistance and rejection.

Likewise, it must be remembered, that Pope Benedict XVI — and this needs to be said — was not the greatest theologian of our age. He was in fact a very confused man who never understood what the Catholic science of theology was about. This is because as a native German, he never understood the Latin tongue well and rejected Scholasticism, which is the very flower and brilliance of all theological discourse. This can be seen in his popular book, “An Introduction to Christianity”, which contains such absurdities as a criticism of the theology of the redemption, wherein he confounds the cause of speaking with the cause for being, and the instrumentality of the shedding of blood with the cause of merit by the Redeemer, and ends up condemning as absurd and offensive a very pious and inspired consideration of Saint Anselm of Bec, accepted by all Saints for nearly 900 years: namely, that for every drop of Christ’s Blood shed there was a measurable merit in the sight of God the Father. A thing which showed how little respect he had for his forefathers in the Faith.

This is why his Declaratio of Feb. 11, 2013 was and will ever remain the cause of endless debates about what Pope Benedict XVI’s intentions were. Because he acted as if he intended one thing, and he signified by what he wrote, something entirely different, theologically and canonically.

And because the Vatican is populated by men addicted to the vice of pride and vainglory, who got their positions by kissing hands and licking boots, Pope Benedict XVI was deprived of the filial and fraternal charity of having someone correct him before he went ahead with it.

But God permitted this Gordian knot as a punishment to this generation. For to a generation which thinks it can manipulate the meaning of words and the perception of reality to suit its own whims and fancies, God Himself arises as Avenger to sow confusion in their camp, so that the savior among men whom they sought becomes their own destroyer.

And Pope Francis is that punishment.

In the meantime, we Catholics are very limited in what we can do to stop this moral collapse in the Church. The confusion about the Renunciation led the Church to break from communion with the True Vicar of Christ for the last 10 year of his life. And this resulted in a horrible spiritual weakness which allowed an anti-pope to push through incredibly heretical documents, with little opposition. Indeed, where is the Bishop in office who dared say Amoris Laetitia, or Laudato si, or the Treaty with China were heretical or schismatic acts?

And this error of the Renunciation would have destroyed the Church forever, if the Catholics of Rome did not act and exercise their Apostolic Right to elect their own Bishop — a right which they legitimately had recourse to when the College of Cardinals failed to do so after the death of Pope Benedict XVI.

And few understand this, because true Catholics in the world are very few. 99% of the information you receive about the Church is from sources which want you to tow the CIA narrative and never question it. But especially never do anything to undermine it. And nearly every talking head and journalist out there is deeply involved in pushing the Big Lie about Vatican II or Pope Benedict XVI’s Renunciation.

Thanks to all the readers of FromRome.Info!

As this year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Twenty-Three closes, I take this moment, to thank every reader of FromRome.Info who has helped me do my part, as a Franciscan and as a Catholic of Rome, to restore the unity of the Church with Christ’s Vicar and transform an uncanonically elected anti-pope into a juridically validly elected Vicar of Christ.

This is the greatest juridical work the faithful have ever done in the history of the Church, without the assistance of any Bishop or Cardinal.

When Christ called Saint Francis of Assisi to follow Him, He spoke from the Crucifix in San Damiano’s Church (a Saint who was a medic), saying, “Go an repair My Church which you can see is falling to ruin”.

And this is what was done on January 30th, of this year. But like any work of church restoration, bracing the structure to keep it from falling down is only the first step. Next the bad parts need to be ripped out (think, Pope Francis). Quality materials brought in (think a restorer Pope). And then the place needs to be swept out, cleaned and furnished with all new things, which are restorations of her glorious past.

Those who refuse to see this, don’t, in my opinion, have the Church as their Mother.

But for Her faithful sons and daughters, we can rest assured that soon God will send other faithful servants to do the rest of the work of restoration. Let us remember to praise and support them, when they appear.

Credits: Image found here.

With the Holy Spirit, let us go to War against Pope Francis’ Spirit of Apostasy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

Mater Semper Victoriosa

Holy Mother Church cannot be defeated, because as Her Wedding Gift, the Lord Jesus promised Her the Holy Spirit, so that the gates of Hell never prevail against Her.

Thus, while Her faithful sons and daughters move always in accord with the inspirations of the Holy Spirit they can also never be defeated. Because even if you martyr them, God will glorify them.

But in addition, we should pay attention! Because when God’s holy ones are martyred, He raises up hundreds more in their place.

Yes, the blood of the Martyrs is the seed of Christians, as we are often wont to repeat in regard to the Saints whose memories we foster at the Altars of the Lord.

But this is also true on a lower plane, namely, that if you persecute a faithful Catholic, God will raise up a multitude in his place.

In this sense, Holy Mother Church is incapable of being defeated, since like a medusa, when one of Her faithful is cut down, She raises up dozens of others.

The Blood of Martyrs is the Seed of Christians

And this truth we have seen in our own days, and it is wonderful to behold.

Because Pope Francis to silence his critics has removed Bishops who opposed him. Not just Bishop Strickland of Tyler, Texas, though he is one of the most recent and well known to Catholics in the English speaking world.

And by doing this Pope Francis thought he would silence the Faith of Holy Mother Church and stifle the Voice of God in Her.

But lo! Now that he has put his signature on the outrage which is Fiducia supplicans, DOZENS AND DOZENS of Bishops  have overnight become other Bishop Strickland!

And not from the USA, but from 10+ other nations.

So now Pope Francis is opposed from Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, and even from Italy.

And this is the work of the Holy Spirit. We have seen it, and thus we must rejoice and give thanks! Loudly!

The Holy Spirit wants you!

But let us not stand on the side lines. Let us join this War of the Holy Spirit against the spirit of apostasy which is promoted by Jorge Mario Bergoglio. —  For it is a thing most glorious to fight with the Saints in time so as to merit a crown with them in Eternity.

So as our Lord and God, the Vivifier of Souls is now pouring forth his graces of righteous anger, zeal for the Faith, integrity of morals and honesty of life and priestly zeal for the salvation of souls, let us promote these things too and join in supporting Cardinals, Bishops and Priests who have joined the ranks of the Holy Ghost and now militant upon Earth against Fiducia supplicans!

Our leaders in this fight at the faithful Bishops who hold jurisdiction, because in them resides the capacity to express the perennial Magisterium of the Church.

So pay attention to what they say and write.

A Word of Caution …

At the same time we should recognize that the forces of darkness will be pushing the counter narrative and flooding social media with falsehoods, misrepresentations, errors, mistakes, disinformation and misinformation.

So be on your guard from paying attention or giving your allegiance to talking heads, laymen and laywomen who have no authority to teach or preach. Whose motives are nearly always to garner fame and attention, and will want to grab your attention during this historic crisis in the Church.

Pope Francis is clearly in the hands of Satan and the intelligence agencies and Globalist interests of this world. We should expect therefore that ever trick of the astute Serpent of old will be employed against these good bishops.

A Good Grand Strategy

For that reason, I urge all to focus on removing the cause of scandal and error which is Fiducial Supplicans. That is, on insisting:

  • First, that Pope Francis remove his signature from the document.
  • Second, that Pope Francis remove Cardinal Fernandez from office, and along with him the Monsignor who co-signed the document.
  • Third, that Pope Francis repudiate the horrendous blasphemies, errors, heresies and errors contained in the Document.
  • Fourth, that Pope Francis declare as contrary to the Catholic Faith the assertion that it can be morally licit to bless sin, sinful unions or give approval to vice, error, or sexual immorality of any kind, including that abomination which cries to God for vengeance.
  • Fifth, that Pope Francis condemn sodomy and define that no one who assents or consents to this sin can ever be saved, with out repentance.
  • Sixth, that if Pope Francis refuses to do the above, that he should renounce the papacy.
  • Seventh, that if Pope Francis refuses to do the above and refuses to renounce, that a provincial council be called to declare him a heretic and self-deposed from the Papacy, the seat being then in a legitimate sede vacante.

And, to accomplish this, to write the faithful Bishops letters of gratitude and thanks for what they have done so far, and urging this 7 point plan to be adopted.

While at the same time contradicting, exposing and refuting all the talking heads who attempt to oppose any of the 7 points.

I give this counsel, for the sake of honesty, so that more Catholics might follow the lead of the Holy Spirit, Who never does anything without a purpose, Who desires the repentance of all sinners, and Who wants all the causes of scandal be removed, so that poor souls be saved and not be turned from the path of salvation.

Holy Mother Church has heard the Voice of the Holy Spirit, and is going to War. Let us who want to be Her faithful sons and daughters, also draw our swords and fight at Her side!