Category Archives: Faith

Eric Sammons redefines the Deposit of the Faith

Editor’s Note: This article by Eric Sammons, who once worked for the U. S. Government in data collection, is 100% cringe worthy for his audacious presumption to tell Catholics — even though he is a convert — what the Deposit of our Holy Faith contains and does not contain. Here he pontificates and insists that the Hexameron’s teaching that the world was created in 6 days is NOT part of the Deposit of the Faith, and that therefore Catholics cannot claim that belief in alien intelligent corporeal life is contrary to scripture.

For Catholics who know their faith, they will recognize immediately Eric Sammons fallacy, when he insists, that since the Magisterium has not defined either beliefs, they are not part of the Deposit of the Faith. He is quite wrong.

The Deposit of the Faith contains the whole of Sacred Scripture and the whole of Divine and Apostolic Tradition. Sacred Scripture includes all the books of the Bible accepted in the canon at the Council of Trent. The narrative of the creation of the world, in the Book of Genesis, is part of that canon. As Saint Thomas says, to deny that any verse of scripture is true is heresy by definition. To cut out an entire book or part thereof is obviously way worse, being an act of apostasy, because if you change the foundation upon which you build, it’s obvious you are not building the same house.

Also, I seem to remember that the infallible, inerrant prophet Isaiah said in chapter 45:18, that “God made the world … to be lived in.”. A verse which clearly means that a place for life requires the Divine Intervention.

It may not be obvious to Eric Sammons, but the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life, has to be at work for life to exist. And if Scripture does not say He was at work, then the Deposit of Faith does not say there is life there.

Eric Sammons has shown himself to be a classical modernist and a deceptive publisher, who like many laymen throughout the ages has gone off the cliff of presumption and begun to be his own pope. Like nearly all Catholic social media personalities, who are converts, you waste your time listening to these persons, who are often if not nearly always wrong in something, even when they have academic degrees from Catholic institutions.

Eric Sammons also seems to be utterly uninformed about the recent discoveries in cosmology and biology, both of which by an ever growing consensus of empirical scientists require such a precise and mathematically impossible arrangement of things and causes, that God is the only rational explanation for the existence of the planet Earth and of the abundant life on it. So the truth is, that Sammons by denying parts of the Deposit of the Faith to make room for science, is really making room for scientism and disbelief.

A Christ-Mass Prayer

catholic statue of Our lady and child Jesus

That all may turn to the Child of Bethlehem,
repenting of their sins against God and neighbor,
ending every pursuit of envy, fraternal hatred, jealousy,
covetousness, lust, greed, and rancor,

so that they might know the all-surpassing





+ + +

With a special thanks to each and every reader of FromRome.Info,
in particular to all those who by God’s abundance were able to help me in the Year of our Lord 2024,
by their prayers or financial support and moral encouragement!

The Blessings of the Child of Bethlehem upon you all!

The Following of the Eternal Son of God requires Virginity, Chastity and Celibacy

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This week in the Octave of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is a very apt time to remind ourselves of the great truth that eternal salvation in Christ requires that we be conformed to the Most Holy Trinity, because salvation consists first of all not in the concession of some created gift, but in the gift God gives of Himself to those who love Him.

And to receive this gift, it is necessary for all, not only to believe in Christ fully and with perseverance, detracting nothing from His Teaching, but the following of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, Who is the Way for all who wish to be saved to arrive at that Salvation.

For this reason, I wish to address a growing controversy in the Church, that of priestly celibacy, which touches upon the wider question of the role of virginity, chastity and celibacy in the Church.

For the most part, these debates and discussions revolve around the wrong center of focus: historical practices or pragmatic considerations: when such an such a practice began or began to be widespread, or the utility of having clergy and religious free from the duties of married life.

The true center of focus, however, is Jesus Christ. Because it is because all discipleship in Christ requires that the Christian follow Christ, all discipleship in Christ requires that we personally accept the renunciations He made for our salvation, in some proportion or degree of suitability to our state in life.

Thus, a priest is essentially and vocationally bound to imitate the Lord Jesus in His abstention from marriage: a thing Jesus  Christ did, not just as man, to be of service or to show us the way of mortification, nor even to teach us chastity in the ministry, or to give an example of self control, but for an even higher and eternal reason.

Because, the Eternal Son becomes a priest from the moment of His incarnation, wherein He is invested with the humanity which He will break in the Expiatory Sacrifice of the Cross, when His Body and Soul will be separated in death. Thus, for such an August Sacrifice, it was a necessity of religion that He offer the most pure flesh and blood and soul to God His Father.

Likewise, women religious are called to a life of virginity, because by the absolute removal of all occasions of impurity, they might illumine the world with the purity of Christ Jesus, who did not even dare let His eyes wander about among the crowds of faithful who followed Him.

This too is the reason why male religious are called to a life of chastity, so that their dedication to the following of Christ as the Servant of God be found also in their flesh by a perpetual purity of life which touches upon mind and body.

And all these forms of purity are also apt in their proper times and places even for the laity, who have not the vocation to be virgins, religious or clergy: because in this way every Christian at some point in his or her life, gives living example of their discipleship to Christ.

And all these practices aim for something eternal, both as regards likeness and reward, which is the most important truth we should keep in mind.

Because in the Eternal Trinity, God the Father alone generates. The Son does not generate. Therefore, the Eternal Son is the archetype of all purity, chastity, celibacy and virginity. He joins Himself to no One in an act of generation or procreation.

The work of generation of Christians too is likened to the Most Holy Trinity, because just as it pertains to the Holy Ghost to inspire men to faith and salvation, all those who are involved in the work of converting and saving souls, directly or indirectly, should avail themselves of the assistance of the Holy Spirit, not the works of the flesh.

For this reason, virginity, chastity and celibacy are essential to the Catholic Faith, the true Faith without which no one can be saved; and we should all strive not only to inculcate the appreciation of these holy works as the most authentic exterior work which testifies to Faith, Hope and Charity, but to live them in our lives, as appropriate to the times and places and states of life of our lives.

For by doing so, we by living like the Eternal Son, merit in the most worthy way to share in His Eternal Inheritance, which belongs to Him, as a Son faithful to His Eternal Father and entirely satisfied in worshiping and contemplating that Paternal Magnificence.

And this explains why the Saints affirm that God promises the certitude of Eternal Salvation only to virgins, the chaste, and the faithfully celibate.

The Politics of Jesus Christ

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

In our age ruled by cruel and evil Masons, politics has a bad name, because by “politics” we are wont to understand the evil and godless trickery of the Masonic Lodges.

But poliltics, from its root in Greek, means the things which pertain to the city-state that is the state or civil order.

Politics was rectified by Jesus Christ when He said, while looking at a Roman Denarius,

“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s”. (Mark 12:17)

In Christ’s day, The Roman coin, the Denarius was a silver coin worth about 1 day’s wages. It bore the image of the Roman Emperor, whose title was “Caesar”.

For this reason, the Fathers of the Church explain this teaching of our Lord as meaning that in all honest and just matters pertaining to our civil duties we should obey our civil leaders, but that in all matters pertaining to God we should obey God.

A more profound interpretation, suitable for our godless age, is often given in our own days by many commentators, namely, that we should limit our obedience to the State to things which pertain to the civil order but remember that as individuals, God prefers the salvation of each man, and indeed has created all things and sent His Son Jesus Christ, to save him. Thus, nothing should be done or tolerated which impedes that end or purpose of the cosmos, that God-preferred outcome for each human person.

The Politics of Jesus Christ

Thus, it is not only not impious, but rather devout and faithful to assert that in this one teaching of Jesus Christ, God Himself has spelled out His politics. And for this reason since no other writers I know of have ever spoke on this subject I want to draw out some conclusions of this august divine teaching.


First of all, the politics of Jesus Christ is not based on an ideology. Ideologies are ideas thought up by fallible men which when imposed on mankind lead to death and slavery and sin.

But Christ’s teaching is God’s own teaching. And since He is the Author of Man and the author of Life and Liberty, His politics lead always to true freedom, live and virtue.

Thus the first conclusion we can draw is this: that every Christian has the grave moral obligation to adopt Christ’s politics and put it into action. Because nothing better for mankind can be hoped for than this.


And since Christ’s teaching is of God, since He is God, it is also the falsification of all other political theories, which come from fallible men.

“Falsification” means here the truth which shows that all other theories are false, that is do not correspond to the truth of reality or the truth of man. For who knows reality better than the Creator of all things. And who knows what man is and is capable of better than the Creator and Savior of Men?


Hence, Christ’s teaching here in the Gospel of Mark is the true light for all justice. Since as Aristotle teaches, justice is the virtue of the mind which inclines us to render unto the other what belongs to him.

Christ’s teachings are all lightsome, but they are especially so because in them, He defines and distinguishes rightly and properly on the basis of what things really are.

To Caesar belongs the things which are Caesars. Not only as regards the coins minted by the State, but the end and purpose of the state. Aristotle in his “Politics” describes this well: the state is that form of government which comes into being by necessity, so that the honest citizens and denizens can be suitably protected from the dishonest and wicked citizens and foreigners.

Since the State exists only by a necessity for justice, no State can legitimately be unjust. Thus the State must be governed by the honest for the honest. Thus every law which insures this is of prime importance for the good and preservation of the civil order.

That most modern states have few if any laws which actually lead to punishing rulers, shows from the start, how dark is the age in which we live, and how perverse are the nations which dominate us.

Likewise, since man was created for God, and to have the opportunity to learn to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life and to be blessed with Him forever in the world to come, man’s role in politics is an activity of his which must serve his purpose in life.

Thus the State must server man’s call to be with God forever. And thus the State must always be subordinate to mankind’s Savior, Jesus Christ, and to Holy Mother Church, in that work and divine service.

These short reflections on the politics of Jesus Christ should be meditated upon as they will lead to a powerful and profound transformation of how we live in this world and how we exercise our rights and duties in the political order. Let us preach them also, to everyone so that our generation may be saved from the big lies which are propagated on all sides by all voices.

The Politics of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Church

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I have recently been the witness to the powerful intercession of Saint Joseph, protector of the Church.

You see, nearly 2 years ago, I made one of my last trips to pray at Midnight in the Piazza of Santa Maria Maggiore, for the Supplica, as I was wont to do since February of 2020.

On that occasion, a Catholic woman, who in the past had remarked to me that finding a good husband is neigh impossible now a days, made the effort and came to the Supplica.

Before the Supplica began, moved by trust in Saint Joseph’s great power before the Throne of Jesus and Mary, I chided this woman to trust in God. And since she was having difficulty in this, because she had prayed for many years and never found a man worthy of Catholic Marriage, who wanted a family, I boldly told her to trust in Saint Joseph.

Whether led by a spirit of folly or divine inspiration, I blurted out: If you want to find a worthy husband, you need to entrust this matter to Saint Joseph, who will not fail you, since he wants all Catholic women to find good husbands and raise children in the Lord.

And to this boldness, she replied asking a specific manner of praying to obtain this great grace.

And so I boldly promised her, that if she made a novena for 30 days to Saint Joseph, praying the prayer of Pope Leo XIII, which is normally said after the Rosary, that on the 30th day, if she went to Church, she would find the man God wanted for her.

And after I said that, I felt somewhat ridiculous, because I felt that I should have not made such a solemn promise, seeing that Saint Joseph had given me no sign.

A year later, however, I found out that I had not only not offended the Great Saint, but that he took the matter in his charge. For she heeded my counsel and made a novena, and lo, on the 30th day, she went to the traditional Catholic Mass at London, and met a man she never met before, a devout Catholic man.

And so she began to court him, and within 90 days, they were both so enamored of one another that he proposed and she accepted. They invited me to their wedding last year, at the beginning of May. It was held in London.

And in the feast of the Glorious Saint Joseph, this year, in the traditional rite, their first child was born.

And to top it off, since he was born in the United Kingdom, the parents had the option of refusing all vaccinations which are normally given. For example in Italy, it is obligatory to give all newborns 15 vaccines including the DeathVaxx.

So, Saint Joseph not only heard her prayers, but granted that their first child be protected from the satanic plot to deathvaxx all children.

The moral of this story is this: it is never wrong to boldly trust in Saint Joseph, and encourage others to do the same, in the quest for honest favors and graces, like this fool of a friar did and this devout and serious woman did. Saint Joseph will surprise you greatly.

The Politics of Saint Joseph

But here the story does not end, because now it is clear why if we Catholics keep listening to those who claim to be Catholic but who say that the return to a Catholic State and a political agenda which is purely one based on our holy Faith — that is anti-Globalist and pro-restoration of Christendom — from conception to the defense of Christian civilization against the Masonic plot against humanity, CANNOT possibly succeed, then we are most certainly FAILING in trust in God and disappointing Saint Joseph, the protector of both Catholic Families, the Catholic Church, and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

And this sin against God we commit every time we vote for a Masonic party, a secularist party, a socialist party, and poo-poo those Catholics who say: NO, we should found a Catholic Party and be bold in proclaiming the restoration of Christendom.

For by Faith, we are solemnly, gravely and at all times obliged to trust that the cause of Jesus Christ will triumph, and to believe and hold as a political certitude, that every effort to proclaim and implement His teaching in the political order is always the blessed Will of the Most Holy Trinity, backed by all the Saints and Angels of Heaven.

For in truth, if God and the Saints can so miraculously answer the humble prayer of one Catholic woman listening to one fool of a friar, then God surely desires everything a Catholic Party would propose, and is deeply offended by everyone who speaks, acts or votes to the contrary. And this is so, because, it is more proper and easier that God grant great favors than that He grant little ones, because God finds difficulty in acting in a way less than a God and in a manner which conceals His Divine Glory and Power. And Saint Joseph, before all others saints, is a witness to this!

So let us reprehend ourselves for having wasted so many years and hours listening to a bunch of Catholic losers, cowards, and misbelievers, who tell us we must vote for the Masonic godless parties which rule our countries! Instead of reading newspapers and websites, listening to radio stations and tv channels, which say the opposite, and voting and supporting political initiatives of Catholics who believe in the politics of Saint Joseph. Amen!

A Meditation for Holy Week: There is no Salvation except with the Cross of Christ Jesus

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

God could have forgiven sin by simply willing it. He did not have to order His Son to become incarnate and die on the Cross to redeem us.

Yet, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that all who believe in Him, may not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:16, Vulgate).

God’s incarnation was a scandal to the Jews, who refused to admit that God could take flesh and remain God. So they had Him betrayed by a false apostle and buffeted Him, falsely condemned Him and put Him to death.

But since He was God of Life, He rose from the dead, as the Saving God and as the Redeeming Man.

The passage of Jesus Christ from the glory of Palm Sunday through the horrors of the Cross to the Glory of Easter Sunday is the Mystery of Faith.

Here I use “mystery” and ”faith” differently that what you might suppose. I use the former as in a crime novel, and the latter as the theological virtue.

The path through the Cross and to the Resurrection was necessary for Christ’s Disciples. Because having become true Man, they could hear His teaching and accept it as either coming from a man or from the Son of God. Hence in them, both human faith in the man who stood before them and supernatural faith in the God who stood before them were joined together in a single act.

Human faith however cannot save. Only supernatural faith can save.

Of this supernatural faith, The Apostle Paul says, Without faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)

Thus, to teach us to have supernatural faith it was necessary that Christ do something the acceptance of which would be impossible for human faith. And since human faith is a natural virtue and nature is inclined first of all to preserve its own life, the Cross was the necessary path through which Jesus Christ, as our Redeemer and our Teacher, had to walk to guide us by His example to eternal life.

This is why the Cross is inexplicable to the natural or carnal man. This is why our corrupt human nature draws back at the suggestion of penance, mortification, sacrifice and offering our lives up at risk for the sake of the Gospel. And this is why so few desire the grace of martyrdom, or even the lesser graces of being a victim soul or embracing a religious vocation of penance and sacrifice.

But only in the embrace of total self sacrifice, motivated out of Faith in Jesus, can we follow the call of truly supernatural faith, that which alone can lead us on the path from death to life, from this world to the Resurrection.

This is why, there is no Faith, no supernatural faith, without the Cross. And this is why we must embrace the Cross if we have faith, because that is what faith is about. And this is how we can renew the Church, each of us individually, while doing God’s will on earth.

Faith does not point the way to suicide, faith points the way of self sacrifice for God and neighbor, in the works of mercy, corporal or spiritual, and in the mortification of our corrupt nature in penance and conversion. We must begin with conversion of ourselves and the keeping of God’s commandments, but we must grow into the life of being merciful to others.

This is also why there is not fruit in the apostolate without the apostle accepting suffering. And this is why physical suffering is more necessary than any other kind of suffering. Physical suffering is the only kind that can kill you. Physical suffering, thus, is the only true sacrifice and risk. Though we should be cheerful when any suffering comes upon us on account of our service to God. When we embrace that with faith, we can merit great things for others.

And this is why Our Lord said, Greater love no man hath than he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

Our Lord did not require that we do the greatest sacrifices. But He invites us to follow Him on that path. The salvation of countless souls depends upon that.


CREDITS: The Featured Image is a photo by Br. Bugnolo of a grate to a side Chancel at Saint John Lateran.

On Jesus Christ’s Perfect Knowledge of all Things

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

This Sunday I had to walk out of the Mass I was attending, at the Homily, since the priest began to preach that Christ was ignorant of His Mission to save men for most of His earthly life. — I did not remain, so that I might not share in his sin; and I left so that he would have a visible, though silent sign, that he sinned grievously.

That any priest preach such a thing is an absolute heresy and an utter blasphemy, as all true Catholics know, since Christ Jesus is not only the All-Knowing God, but the All-Knowing Messiah.

If your priest does not understand why this is heresy and blasphemy, share with him this scholarly article I wrote while at the Angelicum at Rome, which was published in the Spanish Academic Journal, De Medio Aevo, in 2014.

Fiducia supplicans is a Diabolic attack on the 2nd Commandment of the Decalogue


by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

From our earliest days in Catechism class we learn that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai 10 laws or commandments which obliged every man, woman and child everywhere and for all times. The keeping of the 10 Commandments — also known as the Decalogue, from the Greek for “the 10 Words or Sayings” — is the most fundamental condition for being a friend of God, as Christ Jesus teaches, “If you love Me, keep My Commandments” (John 14:15).

The 2nd Commandment Revealed to Moses

You can find the text of the 10 Commandments in two places in the Old Testament: in the Book of Exodus 20:2-17, which Moses wrote to record the Passover of the Hebrews from the slavery of Egypt to the religious liberty of the promised Land; and in the Book of Deuteronomy 5:6-21, where Moses writes them down a second time, as he recounts in his final years, the wondrous deeds the Lord had done.

In the Catholic Church, we number the Commandments in a synthetic manner, following neither the numerical order found in the Book of Exodus nor in the Book of Deuteronomy, since as a didactic method, the Doctors and Fathers of the Church had reordered them in proper theological order, for memnotic sake.

So, the Second Commandment reads in our Catechisms, “Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord in vain.” — This corresponds to Exodus 20:7, which reads in the Douay Rheims English translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the Name of the Lord his God in vain.

And to the Deuteronomy 5:11, which reads in the same translation:

Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain: for he shall not be unpunished that taketh His Name upon a vain thing.

Why does God command the proper use of His Own Name?

From the two scriptural verses we see that the universal prohibition of the misuse of the Divine Name is founded upon the same moral principal: Yahweh, the one true God, is Our God and Lord, and therefore we must show the obedience of faith in the respect of that Word which names Him as such.

As Saint Bonaventure explains in his commentary on the First Book of Master Peter Lombard, God is called “God” because that word names Him, the Eternal Infinite Being. In English, our word, “God” names Him not as the eternal infinite being, but as the One who is invoked in prayer — this is the origin of the Old Germanic word, “God”.

Again, as St. Bonaventure teaches in the same place, but God is named “Lord” not on account of being God, but on account of creating creatures, because there is no one in God who is subjected to another, as a servant is to a Lord, or who has superiority as a Lord does to a servant. And so, before God created, He was never called Lord. But with the creation of Angels and men, God is now called, “the Lord” because He is the One who made all things.

And this is why God says to Moses, “I am the Lord, thy God. … Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain.”

Misusing the Divine Name is the worst of Sins

According to the two passages of Scripture, we can see that the misuse of God’s Name can never be without guilt and will never go unpunished. From this teaching the Saints and Doctors of the Church explain that blasphemy against God is punished the worst and most by God than all other sins. That means it is far worse a sin that adultery or murder or theft. And this is because it is a sin against God Himself, Who is of infinite dignity, majesty and holiness.

Now to take the name of the Lord “in vain” means to do so unnecessarily, that is when there is no need to name Him. Because one should not use a name of anything, except to name it; so one should not use the name of a person, except to name him. — For example, no one shouts out, “Thomas Aquinas!’ when he smashes his finger, accidentally, while misusing a hammer. For there is no purpose in naming the Dominican Saint at such a moment.

All the more reason, we should NEVER utter the Name of God without the purpose of referring to Him or invoking Him. So important is this, that in the Book of Job, God praises Job and not his learned friends who spoke so eloquently about God and His justice. As Peter Kreft says: this is because Job’s friends named God to talk about Him; but Job named God to talk to Him.

Invoking God’s Name to approve of evil is an even worse Sin than misusing It

So we can imagine how great the sin is, if we were to use the Name of God in something that is not only useless, but evil, sinful, or even worse to approve of evil or sin!

That is the spiritual equivalent of rubbing the Divine Face into the mud of moral depravity.

And this sin becomes all the greater, if one not only names God with the word, “God’ or its equivalent, but when one uses the revealed names of God, such as “Yahweh” or “Jesus” or some other revealed name such as “Sabaoth”, “El Shaddai”.

And this sin would be even greater if the person misusing the Name of God to approve of sin or evil, had the dignity of one of God’s Ambassadors, as does every Bishop and priest of the Catholic Church.

But Fiducia supplicans is the worst sin ever in world history against the Divine Name

But though we can imagine such a horrific and monstrous perpetration of such a horrible sin; Fiducia supplicans goes way beyond this in moral depravity.

Because in Fiducia supplicans, we not only have advocated that Catholic Bishops and priests approve of sinful unions or sinful despair with the imposition of a blessing which invoked the Divine Name by His sacred ambassadors, but we have also the attempt by the arguments it contains to convince the world that such is not only morally licit, but the more perfect fulfilment of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Fiducia supplicans, therefore, is a document straight out of the inferno. It is the consummate violation of the Second Commandment of the Decalogue and is certainly worthy of the Antichrist in the universal attempt it is making to overthrow the House of God and the Pillar of Truth, which is the Church.

And for this reason, Fiducia supplicans not only must be entire rejected and condemned, but all those who adhere to it in any way, should be sternly warned of their eternal damnation and the pending Divine Vengeance which they have merited by accepting, agreeing, praising or tolerating it.

Credits: Hell depicted in mosaic in the Baptistry of the Catholic Cathedral of Florence, Italy. The image shows Satan devouring souls and bodies in the Inferno.

It’s a Mortal Sin of Apostasy to reject Apostolic Tradition

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Traduction française

The last 11 years in the Catholic Church have seen so many scandals emanate from Vatican City and from the Catholic Bishops of the world, that Catholics are, after centuries, once again speaking on a daily basis about the sins and crimes of heresy, schism and apostasy.

But one of the topics which has been omitted from reports by all other news outlets, except FromRome.Info, is the rejection of Apostolic Tradition and how important and dangerous such a rejection is for the Catholic world.

Our Holy Faith is founded upon the greatest gift of God to mankind, which distinguishes Catholics from all other men: and here I speak of the gift of knowledge which makes us know the true God has He has revealed Himself and understand His will for mankind in the same authentic sense He Himself has instructed us.

This gift of knowledge is called the Deposit of the Faith. It is called a deposit both because it is a treasury of truth and a pledge given to the entire Church and to each of us to be paid back by faith and fidelity when we arrive to our last hour.

This Deposit of the Faith contains two sources of knowledge and two channels of gifts: Sacred Scripture, which is codified in the Catholic Bible alone, containing all of the inspired books and none of the fake scriptures. And Sacred Tradition, which contains all the non written teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostles and the prophets of old. These include the Sacraments, Blessings and ways of doing sacred actions or interpreting Sacred Scripture.

That part of Sacred Tradition which was instituted and established by the teaching of the Apostles, to Whom alone the Lord Jesus entrusted His one unique Church, as He was about to ascend into Heaven, is called Apostolic Tradition.

Apostolic Tradition is a vast and authentic resource of information and things, which Christ willed His Church and everyone He loves to have the benefit of. Since this part of the Deposit is so rich and brilliant in clarity, the Catholic Church excels all others which claim the name of “Christian” because She alone knows clearly what is pleasing to Jesus Christ through it.

From the Apostles down to our day, Apostolic Tradition has been handed on by word of mouth, good example, catechesis, and preaching.

Part of Apostolic Tradition regards general things, as the form of the Sacraments. Other parts regard specific ordinances, such as how and why public sinners ought to be excluded from the Sacraments and the Divine Liturgy or offices in the Church.

For this reason, to teach or practice something contrary to Apostolic Tradition is no small sin or crime. In fact, it is not just a heresy, which is an intentional rejection of a truth, but rises to the level of formal apostasy, because to want the Deposit of Faith without Apostolic Tradition would be to want only part of what God has taught and willed, and not the rest. And the soul which does such a thing has turned aside and fallen away from the Will of God as the supreme rule of all religion.

Thus to hold or teach that public sinners can receive the Sacraments of the Living, such as the Eucharist, Marriage, or Ordination is to reject Apostolic Tradition regarding the discipline of the Sacraments. And that would be apostasy.

For this reason, for centuries, Catholics never called Protestants and Anglicans “Christians”, precisely because they rejected in part or whole Apostolic Tradition, without which there can be no Christian religion

This is what Pope Francis during his antipapacy attempted in his private letter to the Bishops of Argentina when he said that such a thing is what he intended with ‘Amoris Laetitia’.

This is what Pope Francis intends also with ‘Fiducia supplicans’, the document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, on “Gay Blessings” which he also signed in private audience.

But you can reject Apostolic Tradition also if you reject the law of Saint Peter, the Apostle, by which he gave in perpetuity to the Roman Church, the right to elect his successor.

Thus one is not only an apostate from the Catholic religion if he would accept such teachings of Pope Francis, but also if one would reject that the Cardinals had the right to elect the Pope, or in their failure to do so, that the Faithful of the Roman Church had that right.

This shows clearly how many of those who claimed Pope Benedict XVI was pope until their death really did share in the same sin of Apostasy as Bergoglio when they rejected that the Faithful of the Roman Church could legitimately and in a juridically valid manner elected Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.

If this is your sin, then you need to reflect during Lent and ask yourself how you could have allowed yourself to be so misled by fools, charlatans, heretics etc.. to break from the will of Christ for His Church. This is no small sin. You cannot be saved if you dally with it.

You can see that it is a U. S. Government agenda to destroy the Catholic Church’s adherance to Apostolic Tradition by reading these articles, here, here and here. You can find all the articles at FromRome about Apostolic Tradition here.

CREDITS: The featured image is the embossed metal altarpiece from the Church of Saint Michael in Exclesis, in northern Spain. © 2022 FromRome.Info, all rights reserved.

Rev. Gommar de Pauw’s 1967 Letter to Pope Paul VI calling for abolition of Vatican II

Editor’s Note: For those Catholics who still cannot figure out why Kennedy Hall is so wrong about Vatican II and why he is wrong, I suggest you read this historical document: the letter of the Rev.  Gommar de Pauw, Doctor in Canon Law and Moral Theology, Professor at Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Head of Faculty, and Catholic priest for his entire life, to understand how a man who dedicated his entire life, soul, career and mind to the service of Christ and His Church speaks about Vatican II in its immediate aftermath. This will help you see who is the fool and who is the wise man.

And from this letter, I will dare to say, that Father de Pauw would agree with my assessment of Hall’s position on Vatican II as “blasphemous”, nonsensical and heretical.