Category Archives: Interviews

EMMO News: interviews Br. Bugnolo on Cionci’s New Theory vs. the Great Catholic Reset


* Correction: The introduction says Br. Bugnolo has been living private vows since 1991. In truth he lived public vows from 1993-6, and from 1996-present private vows.


(Over at Emmo News, a flood of trolls is trashing Br. Bugnolo and his comments, so if you don’t agree with that, stop over at the actual Italian video and leave a commet.)


EMMO Q.1,) Recently, Prof. Corrias translated the commissum pronounced by Benedict XVI with the word “misfatto”. — [This is Corrias’ translation: “I declare in full freedom that I renounce to my own detriment (mihi) the ministry of Bishop of Rome, successor of Saint Peter, because of the misdeed (per…commissum) of a handful (manus) of Cardinals]. — Prof. Corrias maintains that this is the only possible translation from Latin if the commissum is kept in the text. Is it really the only possible version? If so, how come you never noticed? What do you think of this translation?

Br. Bugnolo: Let met thank you for the opportunity you have given me to solicit my views about the matters regarding the Declaratio of Pope Benedict XVI, a matter which I have been studying since 2018. First, let me say that my approach to this topic is conditioned by my training in cultural anthropology, which is a science based on the observation of the material realities of human culture and which because of its close association with archaeology, has learned in the past century that when one does not have direct and immediate recourse to the creator of an artifact, or the author of a text, all possible interpretations must be considered hypothetical and not factual, since the only true interpretation in the strict sense is that given by the author or maker of the artifact. Thus, one should be free to discuss every possibility, but at the same time one should be cautious about adopting any particular interpretation, since as more facts are discovered, there may be among them one crucial fact that brings true clarity about the purpose, meaning, or interpretation of the artifact. For this reason, at FromRome.Info I have engaged frequently in speculations, some of which were the seeds of the fundamental positions taken by Andrea Cionci, who is in this sense my most zealous disciple, though we now have major disagreements.

EMMO Q.2.) In your 2019 analysis of the Declaratio, you explain that commissum is not an error. You explain that Benedict XVI uses the word commissum to emphasize that he has been committed to his papal Office since the day of his election. Can you explain to us from a grammatical and/or syntactical point of view the construction of the sentence, so as to make it clear why commissum is not an error? Can you then explain to us why Benedict XVI wanted to use the word commissum, what did he want to convey?

Br. Bugnolo: No, in my 2019 translation (Italiano), I did not address the “commissum” as spoken. But I have added an update where I do now address it, in which I say that the indirect discourse can be read thus, “that I, for my part, having been committed to the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, through the hands of the Cardinals on April 19, 2005, do renounce so that …”.  Here I read commissum as an adjective agreeing with the subject of the clause, “me”, following the rules for classical usage, which knows of the nested syntactical arrangement of words, where first goes with last, to mark off the entire phrase or thought. In this reading, I take the “mihi” as a dative of reference, and render is as “for my part”, which is a much more common grammatical usage for the dative of the first person. And I would explain the position of the “mihi” at the center of the indirect discourse as a very artistic touch, showing that the Holy Father is speaking in the first person of the events which took place all around his own person on that day. Contextually, this reading of mine, is syntactically possible, and contextually coherent, and gives emphasis to the fact that Pope Benedict XVI was not running away from the duties of office, but had given his all to the service of Holy Mother Church from the beginning.

EMMO Q. 3.) The Declaratio has always been considered not as a legal act but as a simple administrative act, aimed at informing other people about an action undertaken, in progress or to be undertaken. Shortly before Christmas, Andrea Cionci announced instead that the Declaratio is a declaration of “decisio”, that is, a real penal decree. What do you think?

Br. Bugnolo: No, quite the contrary. The Declaratio has been considered a juridical act not an administrative act by all who sustain that it validly effected a full abdication from office. I know this because I have debated this very point for 6 years with those who hold this position. However, you are correct in saying that a “declaration” is an administrative act, because administrative acts comprise announcements; juridical acts refer to legal enactments. By choosing to entitle this document a “Declaratio” Pope Benedict XVI has constrained all honest men to consider it merely an administrative act, regardless of what his intentions may have been.

In regard to the text of the Declaratio, there are several ways to approach it. Forensically, we cannot say anything definitive about it at all, until we are shown the original copy which Pope Benedict XVI held in his hands during the Consistory of February 11, 2013. For this reason, the discussions about this document since that day have focused rather on the versions published by the Vatican on its website and the translations of the Vatican has given to the world. Thus, in the most strict sense, no one has seen the original except a very few individuals. The rest of us, therefore, have opted to formulate opinions about the versions of the text made public. This is what I also have done, presuming from the start that these versions were authentic. as Attorney Settesoldi points out, all these different versions have no legal foundation unless they are also accompanied by some official document authenticating the changes.  However, though we would all want such rigor in the care of documents, even in the Church, one must understand that the Apostolic See has the habit of publishing variants of the same document since the middle ages. I cite the example of the Bulls issued for the Crusades. The same text might have come out in several versions, as the Roman Curia produced more and more copies, each sent to different rulers in Europe. Exactitude in producing such copies was not had, and each scribe corrected here or there some small thing, presumably after consulting with the Holy Father. And there is no record of an actual document being produced recording the corrections, but they must be inferred from the historical record by comparing the various editions of the text. I think this is what happened in February of 2013. We have to recognize that we are confronting the habits of a medieval court, not a modern state. For this reason, I believe that, while it is interesting to discuss the differences between the text as spoken, and the various published versions at the Vatican website, the final version put into the Acta Apostolica Sedes might be the only authentic one, if Pope Benedict XVI did in fact order it to be published there. If he did not, then the original he held in his hands is the only authentic text, and we cannot consider the verbalized version, which hypothetically could contain errors in pronunciation or enunciation, to be the authentic text.

As regards the spoken text, which we know of on account of the partial recording of it made by Vatican Television, it has been known from the beginning that Pope Benedict XVI said “commissum” and not “commisso” as has appeared on the Vatican website and in the text printed in the Acta Apostolica Sedes. For this reason, until last fall, I have never given the matter any consideration. But having listened carefully to Dr. Corrias’ explanation during his interview on L’Orrizonte degli Eventi, on YouTube, I think his reading is syntactically a possible one, but contextually problematic. And it is not the only translation possible, since “commissum” can be read as an appositive adjective in agreement with the subject of the indirect discourse, the “me”. But both such readings have a similar grammatical problem, that is, how to explain the usage of the “mihi” which is placed at the center of the subordinate indirect discourse. Dr. Corrias speaks of a “dativo di svantaggio”, a name for a grammatical usage of the dative of the pronounce, which I have never heard of, for which his translation “a mio danno” appears to me to be more an eisegesis than an exegisis. Moreover, I believe that his reading of “per” falls into the error common to Italian speakers, who presume that the Latin “per” means the same thing as the Italian “per”, which is not the case. The Latin preposition always has the root meaning which in modern Italian is given to words such as “tramite” or “mediante”; and for this reason, Dr. Corrias’ reading of the phrase “per …. commissum”, which is grammatically and syntactically a sound one, nevertheless does not harmonize well with the rest of the indirect discourse since one does not renounce nearly a decade after being elected, on account of a misdeed done in the Conclave which elected one. That does not make much sense. Nor do I think that, if Pope Benedict XVI wanted to speak of how he felt to be manipulated into becoming Pope, by promises of obedience from the Cardinals, when in fact during his pontificate he was strongly opposed by most of them, that this phrase “per … commissum” would be a convenient way to refer to that.

Your question, however, touches one of the main side issues in the debates about this document, in the last 12 years: namely, what was Pope Benedict XVI’s intention? I say that this is a side issue, because in a juridical act of renunciation, the intention, whether expressed or not, is praeter rem, as it does not make this act legally valid or invalid. It’s a historical question, true; but it determines nothing. However, for those who hold that Pope Benedict XVI did abdicate, they fixate on this question either to justify their position or to distract from the main question, the juridical effect of such a declaration.

I agree that the text of the Declaratio contains a “descisio”. Even Archbishop Ganswein, when interviewed in 2023, testified that at the end of September of 2012, Pope Benedict XVI told him he would renounce, but made it clear that it was not a topic open for discussion. In other words, Pope Benedict XVI had already decided what he was going to do. And for this reason, I think it is more likely that he never consulted with anyone when writing this “Declaratio”. However, the Latin “decisio” means something more than simply making up one’s mind. In fact, the Holy Father uses this term at the beginning of his Declaratio. This Latin term has two meanings: a decision, in the sense of an act whereby one ends all discussion and makes a choice; and a cutting-off, that is the act whereby one separates one thing from another. This latter usage is the one used by Saint Bonaventure in his explanation of human generation, in his commentaries on the Second Book of Sentences by Master Peter Lombard, written around 1254 A. D.. And with Saint Bonaventure, being the favorite medieval theologian of Pope Benedict, we cannot rule out that he may have intended such a meaning. Yet, this reading which I proposed back in 2020, has been ignored by everyone. Reading “decisio” in this manner, one finds a ready explanation why the published text has “vobis” and not “vobiscum” in the first phrase of the text; because the verb “communcem”, requires vobiscum to signify, “to communicate to you”. As it stands, the published text does not say, “to communicate to you a decision”, but rather, “to communicate your being-cut-off”.

As for the Declaration being a penal judgement, I think that is more secondary interpretation, which can only be made if one assumes as true what I said in my article, “How Benedict has defeated Bergoglio”, wherein I was first to propose that the entire Declaratio is a very clever maneuver to nullify the pontificate of whoever would be elected in the conclave of 2013, a matter I have explained at length with the humorous example given in my article, “Viva Guadalajara!”, and which I assert, if true, would have been the most divinely inspired and brilliant stratagem against the Freemasons in the hierarchy ever imagined, enabling a “Great Catholic Reset” after the passing of Pope Francis. And whether you agree with the hypothesis that Pope Benedict XVI intended this or not, once the Church recognizes that he never abdicated, the result will in fact be a Great Catholic Reset. A thing which even Archbishop Vigano’ has recognized by using this very phrase in reference to the possible intentions of Pope Benedict XVI in renouncing the ministerium and not the munus.

EMMO Q. 4.) In the latest translation of the Declaratio published by Andrea Cionci, it is specified that there is only one single error present in the Latin transcription of the Declaratio read by Benedict XVI, namely the word “commisso” instead of “commissum”. In 2019, you instead counted about 40 errors in the Latin text. Were you wrong in counting all these errors?

No, as you can see it is evident if you read my article on this (Clamorous Errors in the Latin of the Renunciation).

EMMO Q.5.) In 2019, when you analyzed the Declaratio in detail, you explained that instead of the word decisiem it would have been more correct to use the word consilium if Benedict XVI had only wanted to communicate a simple “decision”. At the time you therefore hypothesized that vobis should be understood as a dative of possession for decisionem, to be translated as: “a separation from you”. The Declaratio is therefore to be understood as a true and proper “declaration of separation from the Cardinals”. Better yet, a separation of the entire Church from the Cardinals. Do you confirm this analysis? If so, can you explain the theological, ecclesiological and perhaps even apocalyptic concept that the phrase “vobis decisiem magni momenti pro Ecclesiae vita” hides?

Br. Bugnolo: Here again, I think we need to emphasize that I have engaged in many speculations regarding the significance of the Latin text of the Declaratio, because I had no access to the Holy Father to ask him myself, even though I twice shared with him my Scholastic Question (Italiano / Espanol) on the matter and even wrote him in November of 2019, when I came to Rome. In January of 2020, I even got a phone call from Archbishop Ganswein insisting that I stop all efforts in pointing out that the Declaratio was not an abdication. But that only ignited my zeal to continue my work, as I felt that being denied an opportunity to speak to the Holy Father on such an important topic, with a message left on my answering machine from an unknown phone-number, was the most suspicious way one could choose to deny my request. That the message continued the voice of the Archbishop I later verified with a very famous journalist at Rome.

Whether the Declaratio contained the Holy Father’s decision to separate himself from the Cardinals or not, it had that effect, since they all participated in and have supported from that day until now, the Conclave of March 2013. In fact, we have to confront the fact that we are face to face with a quasi-mystical intervention of the Holy Spirit, Who has seemingly either inspired the Holy Father unawares to protect the Church in such a manner, as I pointed out in my article about the Great Catholic Reset, or who has allowed so many men to fail in a certain sort of harmonious way, so as to allow the possibility of that result to come to pass in His own good time.

EMMO Q.6.) According to your analysis, the phrase “pro Ecclesiae vita” must be understood as “in the name of the life of the Church” or “for the good of the life of the Church”. In your opinion, did Benedict XVI intend to defend the life of the Church with his Declaratio? From what type of threat?

Br. Bugnolo: Again, we cannot be sure for certain that Pope Benedict XVI had this intention; but the effect of the document, which caused so many to think it was a valid abdication when it was not, can have this purpose, if good men simply do what is in their power to do. Because by invalidating the pontificate of Pope Francis for nearly 10 years, the promise of Christ, that the Gates will not prevail, was verified. And surely it is a work of the Holy Spirit to see the promise of Christ fulfilled, even when all the men at the Vatican fail Him.

As to what kind of threat was the Church under? I think that is obvious to see, if you have eyes to see: namely, Bergoglio’s intention to entirely destroy the Church as a divine institution and to transmutate it into a Globalist tool for world domination.

EMMO Q.7.) In his 2019 analysis he explained that the “mihi per manus Cardinalium” did not make sense, theologically speaking. In fact, the Pope does not receive the Petrine Munus and Ministerium from the Cardinals because the Office is conferred only by Christ, when the canonical election is accepted. With this phrase, did Benedict XVI want to make it clear that the Cardinals had given him a ministry but had never granted him any real authority over it? Was Benedict XVI therefore giving back what had been given to him, that is, something empty?

Br. Bugnolo: Well one can argue with even that, because though it can be said correctly that the Cardinals entrust the Petrine Ministry to the one elected to be the Pope, even though the right to exercise that ministry is contained in the munus which Christ alone gives the one elected, when he accepts is canonical election, yet to phrase one’s election in this manner implies a minimalist or simply materialistic view of the papacy, and thus, in my mind, does contain a subtle rebuke of the College.

EMMO Q.8.) Prof. Corrias states that “his quibus” should be translated “from these” and not “from those”. So, according to Andrea Cionci’s interpretation, the Conclave should be convened only by those Cardinals who did not participate in the “misdeed” that led to the election of Benedict XVI. Consequently, a legitimate Conclave can be convened until 2036. In your opinion, is it correct to translate “his quibus” into “from these” and, consequently, is what Cionci says about the Conclave correct?

Br. Bugnolo: Not being a native speaker of the Italian language, I am not able to say how “his quibus” is to be translated into Italian. In the Latin language, “hic, haec, hoc”, the demonstrative pronoun is used to refer to a thing present to the speaker, when it stands alone, but when it is followed by a relative pronounce, as in this phrase “his quibus” the “his” refers to the subject of the subordinate clause. Thus, it cannot be read as referring to the previous “Cardinalium”, but must refer to some future group which is capable in juridical right of electing the pope. I was the first to point this out nearly 5 years ago, as it represents as written, a slap in the face of the Cardinals present in the Consistory to say “his quibus” rather than “vobis fratribus quibus”, since according to ecclesiastical tradition, the Holy Father must address the Cardinals as his brothers, especially when they are physically in his presence.

As for Andrea Cionci’s presumption that only Cardinals can solve this problem in the Church, I believe if you want to move in the circles of human respect, and not along the lines of juridical right, then in the Church of today where Freemasons reign and where one does not expect any help from the world of journalists or of the State, both of which are dominated by Freemasons and Globalists, its much more respectable and safe to continue appealing to the very Cardinals who caused the problem back in 2013. But for those who understand that since the Cardinals have only the function of electing popes, their own very self interest requires that they do nothing dramatic prior to a Conclave. So I believe that Cionci is wasting his time, in the sense that the Cardinals won’t do anything before the passing of Pope Francis; though I do think that morally speaking, he is giving them another occasion to examine their own consciences.

EMMO Q.9.) Andrea Cionci says that the Declaratio is a penal decree issued by Benedict XVI for heresy, apostasy and schism, but addressed only to those Cardinals who committed the “misdeed”. But aren’t the Cardinals who elected an Antipope in 2013 already excommunicated by virtue of canon 1364, as they separated (schismatic) from the Catholic Church?

Br. Bugnolo: To be subject to an ecclesiastical penalty, one must know of the crime in committing the crime. If the Cardinals did not know of their error in understanding the Declaratio as an abdication, then they cannot incur excommunication even in the juridical sense, they are in schism from the true pontiff.

EMMO Q.10.) You explained that with the phrase “his quibus competit invocandum esse” the new Conclave had to be convened not by the Cardinals but “by those who are competent”. If with the Declaratio Benedict XVI separated the Church from the Cardinals, can you explain to us who should be entrusted with the competence to elect the new Pontiff, from a canonical and theological point of view?

Br. Bugnolo: The Roman Church has always had, from the beginning, the right to elect its Pontiff. This right was granted by the Apostle Saint Peter. Until April 13, 1059, the election of the Roman Pontiff was by the votes of all the faithful of the Roman Church. Today, following the prescriptions of many pontiffs from Pope Nicholas II to Pope John Paul II, the election has been restricted by a legal order for pragmatic, not theological, reasons. However, the exclusive right of the Cardinals to elect the Pontiff is purely ministerial, since just as relatives who have the ministerial duty to feed their children do not have a purely juridical exclusivity to prevent anyone else from doing so when the relatives themselves refuse to feed their children, so the Cardinals, if they refuse to elect a new pontiff, lose the exclusivity of their right. Of course, if a pope invalidly resigns, and the Cardinals elect an antipope who outlives the true pope, there is a possibility that the Cardinals will not elect a new true pope after his death. It is therefore necessary to say “his quibus competit” instead of “vobis fratribus quibus” to ensure apostolic succession. Then, since the exclusive right of election belongs to the Cardinals by papal law, which presupposes that the Cardinals want to elect a new pontiff and that they are not in de facto schism from the true pontiff who just died, the right of election reverts to the original elector who has this right by apostolic tradition.

EMMO Q.11.) On January 30, 2023, you invited the Faithful of Rome to validly elect the new Pope, following the death of Benedict XVI. Very few people participated and from this vote the name of Pope Francis emerged. You therefore believe that Bergoglio was therefore elected in a legally valid manner and is no longer an Antipope. Subsequently, however, you denounced scandals, heresies, blasphemies and the doctrinal and moral confusion promoted by Pope Francis and his appointees within the Roman Curia. Why is Pope Francis a heretic despite the valid election?

Br. Bugnolo: Jesus promised that the Gates of the netherworld will never prevail against His Church. And though He founded his Church on Peter, He only promised Simon that He would pray so that his faith might not fail. He never promised that his faith not fail. In Catholic Doctrine it is a dogma of faith that the Roman Pontiff will never legally imposed the obligation of accepting error in matter of faith or morals; it is not a dogma of Faith that the Roman Pontiff never become a heretic. To understand this one must distinguish between heresy as a moral fault and heresy as a crime, sentenced or judged in a public tribunal. Several popes have personally espoused heresies: such as Honorius I and John XXI. But they were never judged by the Church to be heretics. So they were formal heretics, but not public heretics. One loses membership in the Church if one becomes a public heretic, which means, if one is condemned by the Church for heresy. So by electing Pope Francis in a juridically valid manner, the Catholic Faithful of Rome gave him the greatest mercy possible, namely, that Christ would pray for him. And those he has personally still fallen in to heresy, as he did when he signed “Fiducia supplicans” he has not required that to be accepted by anyone. Thus he still can be called to council to be reprehended and deposed, because if he is a public heretic, then he is not the pope.

EMMO Q.12.) Since Pope Francis is a heretic, the appointment of the new Cardinal Electors will invalidate the election of his successor. Upon Bergoglio’s death, we will therefore once again find ourselves with an Antipope. The infallible teaching of Vatican I, however, anathematizes all those who deny that it is God’s will that Peter have perpetual successors in the Apostolic See. To get out of the impasse, you have promoted “The Sutri Initiative” as “the only real and juridical solution to end the crisis of the Roman Church, since it addresses the problem directly and in a canonically valid and easy way”. Can you explain to us what “The Sutri Initiative” consists of?

Br. Bugnolo: No, it is not true to say that because Pope Francis is a formal but not public heretic that his appointments of Cardinals are invalid. But it is true that his personal heresy instills doubt about the validity of the next Conclave when he appoints men in favor of ‘Fiducia supplicans’. For this reason it is urgent that the faithful turn to the bishops of the Roman ecclesiastical province to call a provincial council, which is the only juridical and canonical tribunal in which a man with a claim to the apostolic throne can be interrogated and asked to demonstrate his records of Catholic faith and valid election without which he has no valid claim to the Pontificate. But since almost everyone for various reasons prefers Pope Francis in power than out of power, they do everything else to continue the crisis in the Church and put the Church in grave danger of further trouble in the future after the demise of Bergoglio.

The Sutri Initiative, as is explained at FromRome.Info in English, Italian and French, is a coordinated effort of petitions to each of the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Rome, to convoke a Provincial Council on the basis that Pope Francis by his numerous heresies and acts of apostasy has impeded the Apostolic See, and to do so for the purpose of requiring that he, as one who claims the office of Roman Pontiff demonstrate to the Bishops that he has the required prerequisites for a valid claim, namely a valid election and the  Catholic Faith. This is what is called a Quo Warranto action and is a principle of the natural law used at the First Council of Sutri in 1046, when the German King, Henry III wanted to know which, if any of the three claimants to the Papacy, was the true Pope or not: Benedict IX, Gregory VI, or Sylvester III. As immediate subjects of the Apostolic See and as voting members in the ecclesiastical province, these 15 Bishops enjoy the special juridical right to demand such proofs, and according to Canon Law, a provincial council has the juridical right to regulate all such matters in its own province when the Apostolic See is impeded. Any layman can write these Bishops and ask for such a convocation. Even heads of State, like President Donald Trump or leading political figures whose duties require them to know who is the true pope, like the President of the Council of Ministers, Mrs Giorgia Meloni, have a right to request this of them. And Pope Francis cannot in any way forestall or avoid such a summons, or he has de facto and de jure conceded he has no valid claim to the office of Roman Pontiff. Such a council, if they discover such a discrepancy can declare the Apostole See vacant and command the College of Cardinals to elect another. It can also request the Italian Government to arrest Pope Francis as an imposter.

Br. Bugnolo´s interview with Tradición Viva (English version)

Tradition Lives – Some of us consider that the age of moral relativism was a time of transition for the imposition of the totalitarianism of lies and falsehood, the imposition of gender ideology, abortion, the dissolution of the family, the consideration of the person only? From your basic perspective, regardless of spiritual realities, are they clear manifestations of this new demonic totalitarianism?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – Since 1789 we have not lived in a normal historical situation. If one reads the history of Europe from the time of Augustus, the founder of the Roman Empire, one sees a series of events with the Conversion of Constantine that start something totally new. And for a thousand years, I say, the pride of Satan, the Ancient Dragon, was chained by the Christian Faith of the rulers of our countries. But when King Philip IV of France and Navarre, grandson of the great Saint Louis IX, sent henchmen to beat his Holiness Boniface VIII to death, I calculate that this 1000 years came to an end.

And indeed, from thence on we see that the pride of Satan overcomes a great many people in Europe. And then comes the Great Plague that heralded the beginning of the Apocalypse. And then being the seeds of those errors that are the foundation of modern culture, such as 1) Nominalism, 2) private judgment, which gave rise to the Reformation (which is at the center of all rebellions against Jesus Christ), 3) Rationalism, 4) Pietism and Quietism, 5) Absolutionism. The latter became so aberrant that Christian rulers sought to control even the inner workings of the Church.

The French Revolution did not put an end to these errors, but incorporated them into a matrix and made it them the foundation of the modern state.

In this context, the Masonic Lodges, which have managed to build an anti-Christian culture, have sought to maintain control through a variety of new errors that imitate or imitate the true Catholic virtues of the previous civilization, in order to keep the masses sufficiently confused, ignorant, disaffected, misguided, and divided, so as to prevent any genuine movement toward the restoration of Christian civilization as it was.

Among these errors, one of the great and most misleading movements or ideologies of modern times is Liberalism. Against the Absolutionism of the State, where all power, authority and initiative are concentrated in a central government (which no longer respects morality, tradition, or the kingship of Christ, or even the fundamental dignity of the creatures that God has made) we have the ape of liberalism that is proposed as a savior or solution. However, Liberalism is impious, though it wants to appear otherwise due to its frequent appeal to natural law. Moreover Liberalism does not intend to return to the freedom of man as the Christian knows it, which consists in the knowledge, love and obedience to Christ Jesus, in a hierarchical order both in the Church and in the State, but rather proposes a radical individualism, where self-interest is placed at the apex of goals, rather than service to God our Creator and Savior. For this reason, Liberalism, by proposing a false notion of freedom, proposes false notions to oppose or resolve the increasingly evident and unbearable Absolutionism of the modern State, which is no longer content even with letting its subjects think for themselves, or act as free agents.

Moral Relativism, which is a logical consequence of Modernism in general, since it abandons in principle any notion of immutable truth in morality, was therefore a necessary step in preparing the masses for total ideological enslavement under the guise of a modern technological state where all the conveniences for private individualism are offered at the price of total ungodly submission. With Moral Relativism comes to an end any supposed right or motivation of the masses to resist the latest power grab that is contained in the Great Reset.

Tradition Lives – In the eternal struggle between good and evil, it seems that the official Church has given in before the revolutionary advances. Is it necessary to recover the church from the counter-reformation and cleanse our ranks of the Protestant poison?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – Here we must distinguish between the Church Militant and the members of the Church. Because it is a serious error of Protestantism to attribute any sin or vice to the Holy Mother Church, since the supernatural being that is the Church is the immaculate bride of the Lamb, Who has purified her with the shedding of His own sacred and priceless Blood. But as for the members, we have in our days as our enemies, not only the Enemy of souls and his henchmen, but also the sons of Satan, that is, the Freemasons who, with a very effective, determined, relentless and continuous attack against the Church on earth, have achieved through cunning, treachery, deception, and the most heinous infamies and crimes, absolute dominion over all nations, such that we are prevented from knowing the truth of our own place in history or even from knowing the truth of the Catholic faith, because the very sources of truth have been silenced or manipulated by their allies in the Church.

On the one hand, after the French Revolution, it is not surprising that the clergy have been cowardly in the face of national governments that were and are openly hostile to the Catholic faith. In the Middle Ages, the clergy came mostly from noble families, who were warriors by nature and trained in the martial spirit. But in modern times, the clergy come mostly from families of office workers who are servants of the ruling classes. That is why since the French Revolution we have heard many homilies from priests who tell us to obey Caesar without hesitation, but few who have drawn the lines on the ground, to show us how much obedience is good and how much it is sinful and idolatrous. Driven by self-interest, a hierarchy that was eager to avoid conflict in order to obtain as many crumbs of freedom as possible, fell easily into such a habit of subservience to the Masonic governments of our times, and in doing so has robbed Catholics of 200 years of authentic preaching regarding what our duty to Christ the King on earth really means.

Furthermore, the great strategic goal of Freemasonry is to shift the focus of our obedience to Jesus Christ toward obedience to Lucifer. And slowly, by hundreds and thousands of very small and hard to notice events and changes, they have managed to do it very well, to the point that in the recent pandemic, between 60 and 90% of Catholics around the world trust more in politicians and journalists with their health, than in the living God who can resurrect the dead and heal all diseases.

Tradition lives – In the Middle Ages, Christianity flourished in all its splendor due to the clean doctrine of Catholicism and the spirit of spiritual and material combat that inflamed the souls of Christians. At that time the orders of chivalry wielded the sword to defend truth, justice and the beauty of things. Is it necessary for us Catholics to recover the spirit of spiritual and material combat?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – The truth that needs to be preached in our time is that civil liberty does not exist except through the effort and sacrifice of the soldier. This is a truth of nature with which all political thinkers since Aristotle would agree. However, it is also true for the rights of Catholics, chief among which is to have faithful Catholics as their leaders and rulers, as the Angelic Doctor Saint Thomas Aquinas teaches, when he says that it is a kind of sacrilege for infidels to rule over Catholics.

And so without the Catholic soldier there can be no law and no political order in which the rights of Catholics are protected and guaranteed. And by Catholic soldier, I do not mean the Catholic man who promises his service to a Masonic state that is dedicated to promoting the values ​​of Freemasonry and persecuting the Church. No, a Catholic soldier must show his fidelity to Christ the King in a very real and concrete way, that is, by fighting for the freedom of Catholics and the creation or restoration of Catholic states and governments. He sins grievously in the service of any enemy of Jesus Christ.

Tradition Lives – The crusaders of yesteryear, except in the case of Spain, had to travel to distant lands to fight their battles, however today it seems that the situation in the West is more similar to the situation in Spain from the 8th to 15th centuries Can we say that the West has its enemies within its borders, that the fight to defend our faith has to be waged in our lands, in our homes, in our families?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – One of my personal fascinations is the history of the Crusades. And recent historical investigations have revealed that the whole concept of the Crusade as a work of mercy and penance for past moral faults, arises from the example of Catholics in Spain and the motivations they had to reconquer their ancestral lands. The Reconquest is often presented as an era of wars of aggression, but in reality they were defensive wars to recapture Iberia for the Iberians, Christian lands for the Christians. This is a radically Catholic idea, because almost all modern just war theories, even those promoted in the Church, reduce the right of self-defense to conceptions of the immediate causes of a conflict and do not consider that as adopted children of God, Catholics have the perennial and millennial right to defend their ancestral lands and take them away from anyone, especially when they are enemies of Jesus Christ.

Have our nations not been conquered by the wicked? Have these enemies not perpetrated this with fraud, guile, unjust wars, revolutions and betrayals? Have they not maintained this control over the throat of Christendom through numerous massacres, crimes and outrages? How then can we tolerate this situation, without rejecting or renouncing the whole system of morality that was the reflex principles of our forefathers, especially those of us who have descended from the true heroes of those days of old?

Tradition Lives – Liberalism has infiltrated all strata of our society, paralyzing the evangelizing spirit of Catholics. Is the intellectual, psychological, moral, and material rearmament of Catholics necessary for this new battle?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – Yes it is true. If a Catholic becomes aware of the reality in which he lives, it is easy to despair, since we are now surrounded on all sides. But once the Catholic adult realizes that he depends on the grace of God, and that in the cause of Jesus Christ he can never be defeated, he will gain confidence to resist this pervasive influence of Liberalism. First of all, we must direct our collective attention to the founding of Catholic training institutions that are not influenced by the errors of our time and that raise up a new generation that is capable of the courage and valor of our ancient ancestors. And this is not difficult, although it must be done with some discretion, just as we must always protect children from strangers. Today we must regard the entire establishment as our worst enemy and not seek escape in the fantasy that someone among them is our savior or even wants to save us.

Tradition Lives – Currently we Catholics are disorganized, we have fallen into the liberal error of individualism, we have separated ourselves from the community. What advice would you give for Catholics to enlist in the counterrevolutionary struggle?

Br. Alexis Bugnolo – Individualism is a pernicious error and can only be uprooted through deep personal repentance or a fully restored Catholic educational system. When Catholics realize that individualism is a false value system designed to make them more capable of being manipulated and controlled by Masonic elites, they will begin to understand how important it is for them to stop acting in accordance with such principles. Individualism, first of all, has nothing to do with being an individual, rather it has everything to do with ungodly conformity to prevailing tendencies toward carnality, secularism, and Satan worship.

Take for example the culture of tattoos. Most Catholics are unaware that all Catholic moral doctors have always held that tattoos are demonic and a deadly sin if one receives them voluntarily. (Here I exclude the exception that Crusaders and Catholics in pagan lands had the cross tattooed on their bodies to ensure proper burial if they were killed by bandits.) This moral prohibition stems from the fact that the all pure and holy God is the Author of our humanity, and by giving us unmarked skin, He shows us that we are made to belong to and serve the One above all human signs and languages. The tattoo, however, is a sign or symbol of belonging to a creature or of being subservient like a message board, which is a horrible denigration of our human dignity.

So also, in everything we do, in which we bow our heads, mark our hands or follow the ungodly herd of men, we equally sin because we betray our fundamental obligations to Christ the King to be a people consecrated only to Him, in the service of Him alone, with our hearts and minds focused on Him alone, regarding everything else as vanity, dust, and deception.

Once our souls are put back in the right order towards Jesus Christ, only then will we have true and full clarity, light and freedom to fight for his Kingdom. Our prayers must seek this end and cannot be satisfied with any mediocrity, because if we do not live for Him, we will perish. And now the storms of time are the fiercest in the entire history of the Church, only the heroic will be saved, only the heroic will save their own families and nations. The Catholics of Spain, therefore, must think soberly about these things and decide which destination they want to attain: the complete and total enslavement in Globalism, or a Catholic reconquest of everything for the honor and glory of God and the salvation of themselves in the time.

This interview was conducted via email. The above is the original English, which was published in Spanish translation previously.

Photo Credits: The Featured image is by FromRome.Info of the Fresco of the Final Judgement, in the Chapel of the Bishops, Cathedral of Toledo. All rights reserved.

A Look ahead to 2022 A. D.

In this video AJ Baalman and Br. Bugnolo speak about Ordo Militaris Catholicus and its apostolates, Ordo Militaris Radio TV and Cross Azure. The future and past of the Order and the great conversion which needs to come over Catholics and Christians who having refused the DeathSerums / Mark of the Beast, need now to prepare for the final Armageddon against the Antichrist.

Br. Bugnolo answers weighty Questions from a Catholic in Slovenia

by Br Alexis Bugnolo

I was recently asked a series of grave questions by a fellow Catholic from Slovenia. And I think they merit a response

Now, dear Br. Alexis, I respect your advice, therefore I have some questions for you as to the character and gravity of crimes against God and His Church that this deathvaxx pass represents in relation to Catholic worship, as this sanitary apartheid requirements are also in force for attending Holy Mass: how grave a crime is it for secular authorities to impose such a requirement on the Catholic Church; for our bishops to comply with this wicked decree; for parish priests and laypeople to check if their fellow churchgoers meet the aforementioned “PCT” requirement?

Br. Bugnolo: It is a grave crime against the liberty of the Church to impose any sanitary regulations upon her works or apostolates which are based on an appeal to a mythical belief system which is contrary to the Catholic Faith. Such an imposture is tantamount to the suppression of the Catholic Faith.  For Bishops to comply constitutes the sin of apostasy, because they are gravely obliged to act out of the faith at all times and never to respect the false religious motivations of others. Hence Catholics should not respect any “sanitary control” inside the Church, neither masks, nor gels, nor distancing, nor limits in numbers, times of service, or purposes for entering or attending ceremonies in the Church or outside of the Church.

What can and ought we as Catholics do if we are refused entry into church in order to attend Holy Mass and/or receive the Sacraments on the grounds of this “lex iniusta”? I mean, in obedience to God’s Law, the Ten Commandments, the Precepts of the Church and the supreme law of love of God and love of neighbor and love of one’s enemies? In other words: What is the appropriate proportionality of self-defense if a certain person physically denies the right to the faithful to maintain or regain their life of the soul? What are the faithful allowed to do to defend against such a person?

Br. Bugnolo: If civil authorities prevent Catholics from entering their Churches they can use grave and lethal deterrence, by coming armed to mass and showing their real intent to use these arms to guarantee their right to worship in peace. I say “deterrence”, because so long as Catholics are allowed liberty to worship we should not resort to violence, and we can only resort to violence to obtain and security this right when and where denied. If a government has decreed such a law against the Church, Catholics, if they believe they can be successful, may licitly rise up against their government and overthrow it — this is the teaching of the Saints.

What am I as a layperson allowed to do inside a consecrated church building in terms of defending the Most Holy Eucharist in the Tabernacle and/or on the altar from profanation by an intruder in case he/she tries to interrupt the Liturgy and steal/profane the Blessed Sacrament? Is physical force allowed against such a person?

Br. Bugnolo: Physical force is allowed to prevent the theft of sacred things from the Church or acts gravely contrary to religion in the Church. Thus you can physically throw such persons out, strike at them with hands or fists to prevent their touching or stealing things which are sacred, menace them with gestures and voice to cease and desist and leave. Physical efforts can be made to prevent access, and Catholics in such lands of persecution should lock the doors after the services begin and only unlock them when they ended, as the ancient Church did.

What am I as a layperson allowed (and obliged) to do in terms of defending a priest/cleric/fellow laypeople against intruders inside a church, e.g., a health inspector, police officer or some other government official harrassing people by demanding they produce the deathvaxx pass or be fined and removed from church? Should we resist – even physically – or should we accept the abuse and persecution in silence?

Br. Bugnolo: Catholics in the present situation should never allow such officers to enter their Churches or church property, but should put themselves in the way at the entrances thereto to prevent access. They can lawfully arm themselves and show intent to use such arms if entrance is forced. The consent of the clergy to allow entrance or not, bears nothing upon this decision, since it is an act of perfidy to allow such officers to enter upon false motivations. If your clergy are cowards, ignore what they say during such conflicts, because we must serve and obey Jesus Christ in His House, not cowards or traitors.

Is self-defense by using lethal force against an aggressor who threatens to use lethal force inside a consecrated church allowed? Namely, it is a holy place and bloodshed desecrates it, right?

Br. Bugnolo: Bloodshed in a consecrated building should be avoided since it desecrates the place. However, if nothing but actions which risk bloodshed will achieve protection of the sacred place and the right to worship there, such action may be resorted to as a last resort. But Catholics should, as I said, prevent entry to such persons. If those intent upon desecration enter a Church, Catholics can shoot to kill or maim to prevent such a sacrilege against the Divine Person of Jesus Christ in the Sacrament or His Altars or sacred Persons such as clergy.

This issue is more relevant to people who are allowed by their states to possess arms and know how to use them; we in Slovenia are predominantly a defenseless, unarmed & untrained bunch left at the mercy of abusive government and its armed officials if they go astray: If a person implementing an unjust law bears arms, e.g., a police officer, a soldier, a private security guard, etc., does the proportionality of self-defense allow for the assumption that they are by default an aggressor with deadly intent as they can use the weapons they carry at any moment and are to be defended against by lethal force as soon as they implement an unjust law? Even if they do not (yet) point a weapon or threaten to use it?

Br. Bugnolo: No just government of men has authority to disarm the population. And every honest man has the right to bear arms not only for his self defense but for the defense of innocents. When a nation outlaws that purpose in bearing arms, such a law does not need to be observed and all Catholics should support those persecuted on account of not observing it, for a government which does not exist to empower the honest against the wicked, but contradicts this, is not a government but a criminal conspiracy against the people and need be shown no obedience. A Christian should be peaceful, however, that is keep the 10 commandments and moral law, which may or may not coincide with civil law.

And, finally, how are we to understand the following passage from the Holy Bible as regards self-defense by physical force, including arms? Mt 26:52: “[52] Then Jesus saith to him: Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”

Many thanks for your consideration of this post and for your patience in reading and answering it.

Br. Bugnolo: Our Lord commanded the Apostles to arm themselves as a deterrence, but forbade they use violence to defend Himself, because He was on a Mission from the Father to suffer for our Salvation and win our Redemption. However, by no means did He intend that that statement be extended to all conflicts, only that those who use arms use them to defend the innocent and not for private gain.  Peter wanted Our Lord not to suffer, so he was using them for private gain and not to defend Our Lord as Redeemer.

Papal teaching on Self Defense and Catholics rights and duties

For more about these topics, I would suggest reading the Papal Bulls on the Crusades, which contain all the principles about how Catholic should and when they ought to bear arms for the defense of the Faith, the Church and the right to worship:

Pope Eugene IV: Quantum praedecessores, Dec. 1, 1145 A. D., calling the Second Crusade:

“… We exhort therefore all of you in God, we ask and command, and, for the remission of sins enjoin: that those who are of God, and, above all, the greater men and the nobles do manfully gird themselves; and that you strive so to oppose the multitude of the infidels, who rejoice at the time in a victory gained over us, and so to defend the oriental church -freed from their tyranny by so great an outpouring of the blood of your fathers, as we have said, – and to snatch many thousands of your captive brothers from their hands,- that the dignity of the Christian name may be increased in your time, and that your valour which is praised throughout the whole world, may remain intact and unshaken. May that good Matthias be an example to you, who, to preserve the laws of his fathers, did not in the least doubt to expose himself with his sons and relations to death, and to leave whatever he possessed in the world; and who at length, by the help of the divine aid, after many labours however, did, as well as his progeny, manfully triumph over his enemies. …”

Pope Gregory VIII, Audita Tremendi, October 29, 1187 A. D., calling the Third Crusade:

“..For we hear from every direction of scandals and conflicts between kings and princes, among cities, so that we lament with the prophet and are able to say: ‘‘There is no truth, no knowledge of God in the land: lying, murder and adultery abound, and blood pursues blood’’ [Hos 4:1– 2]. For this reason, everyone must understand and act accordingly, so that by atoning for our sins, we may be converted to the Lord by penance and works of piety and we may first alter in our lives the evil that we do. Then we can deal with the savagery and malice of our enemies. And, what they do not fear to try against God, we will not hesitate to do for God. Therefore, sons, consider how you came into this world and how all pass on, and thus you will pass on. Use the time for penitence and doing well insofar as it regards you, with thanks. Give yourselves, give after yourselves, because you, who cannot make even a gnat upon the land, have nothing of your own. We do not say, dismiss, but send us forth in the heavenly harvest which you have and deposit with him ‘‘upon whom the rust does not destroy, nor the worms, nor the thieves dig up and steal’’ [Mt 6:20]. Work for the recovery of that land in which for our salvation Truth has arisen from the land and did not disdain to carry the forked wood of the cross for us. Pay attention not to earthly profit and glory, but to the will of God who himself taught us to lay down our souls for our brothers. Give your riches to him, which whether willingly or unwillingly, you do not know to which greedy heirs they will be left. It is certainly not new, nor unusual, that that land is persecuted by a divine judgment that, after being beaten and corrected, it may obtain mercy. Of course, the Lord could preserve it by his will alone, but it is not for us to know why he would do this. Perhaps he wished to experience and bring to the notice of others if someone is understanding and seeking God, who having offered himself embraces the time of penance joyfully. He sacrifices himself for his brothers; though he may die young, still he accomplishes much. Heed how the Maccabees, afire with the divine zeal of the law experienced extreme dangers for the freedom of their brothers. They taught that not only riches but their persons should be sacrificed for their brothers, exhorting and saying to each other: ‘‘Gird yourselves and be powerful sons because it is better for us to die in battle than to witness the desecration of our nation and our saints’’ [1 Mc 3:58– 59] Indeed, they were subject to one law; you by the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ have been led to the light of truth and instructed by the many examples of the saints. You should act without trepidation and do not fear to give away earthly possessions, which will last for such a short time, for those goods we are promised that ‘‘neither eye has seen nor ear has heard nor have they entered into the heart of man’’ [1 Cor 2:9], as the Apostle says: ‘‘That the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared to the future glory which will be revealed in us’’ [Rom 8:18]. We promise full remission of their sins and eternal life to those who take up the labor of this journey with a contrite heart and a humble spirit and depart in penitence of their sins and with true faith. Whether they survive or die, they should know that they, after they have made a true confession, will have the relaxation of the penance imposed, by the mercy of almighty God, by the authority of the apostles Peter and Paul, and ours


Pope Innocent III, Quia Maior, April 1213 A. D., calling the Fifth Crusade:

“Because at this time there is a more compelling urgency than there has ever been before to help the Holy Land in her great need and because we hope that the aid sent to her and will be greater than that which has ever reached her before, listen when, again taking up the old cry, we cry to you. We cry on behalf of him who when dying cried with a loud voice on the cross, becoming obedient to God the father unto the death of the cross, crying out so that he might snatch us from the crucifixion of eternal death. He also cries out with his own voice and says, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me,” as if to say, to put it more plainly, “If anyone wishes to follow me to the crown, let him also follow me to the battle, which is now proposed as a test for all men.” For it was entirely in the power of almighty God, if he had so wished, to prevent that land from being handed over into hostile hands. And if he wishes he can easily free it from the hands of the enemy, since nothing can resist his will. But when already wickedness had gone beyond all bounds and love in the hearts of many men had grown cold, he put this contest before his faithful followers to awaken them from the sleep of death to the pursuit of life, in which he might try their faith “as gold in the furnace.” He has granted them an opportunity to win salvation, nay more, a means of salvation, so that those who fight faithfully for him will be crowned in happiness by him, but those who refuse to pay him the servant’s service that they owe him in a crisis of such great urgency will justly deserve to suffer a sentence of damnation of the Last Day of severe Judgment.” …

“For how can a man be said to love his neighbor as himself, in obedience to God’s command, when, knowing that his brothers, who are Christians in faith and in name, are held in the hands of the perfidious Saracens in dire imprisonment and are weighed down by the yoke of most heavy slavery, he does not do something effective to liberate them, thereby transgressing the command of that naturl law which the Lord gave in the gospel, “Whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them?” Or perhaps you do not know that many thousands of Christians are being held in slavery and imprisonment in their hands, tortured by countless torments?” …

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Stachnio interviews Br. Bugnolo: Once Russia converts to the Catholic Faith the Great Reset will implode

This spring Konrad Stachnio interviewed Br. Bugnolo about the Great Reset and the challenges this presents for humanity. The interview was casual as it was intended to prepare for a book, but Konrad has decided that it is just too important to keep hidden. Brother red pills the audience with the shocking truths that everyone on Earth and especiall in Europe need to know about Freemasonry, the USA and the role God has chosen for Russia in the salvation of humanity.

This video is also available on Rumble.

“Dante, Columbus, and the end of the world” — An interview with Ruggero Marino

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Last week I had the distinguished honor to sit down with Ruggero Marino, who for more than 30 years worked as journalist and cultural editor at il Tempo, one of the leading newspapers here at Rome: to discuss one of my favorite historical figures, the great Italian Discoverer, Christopher Colombus. To know more about Ruggero Marino, see the short bio, at the end of this article.

Christopher Colombus, himself, was not a simple man. His origins, thought, motivations, accomplishments, goals, trials, sufferings, victories and defeats have been examined and re-examined for more than 500 years, by countless scholars and investigators.  Who this man really was and what he achieved are still greatly misunderstood and underestimated.

During his professional career Ruggero Marino has won numerous journalistic and cultural awards for his books and publications, which range from a journal on Poetry, to the children of Italy, in addition to 5 on Columbus himself. Finally, he is an honorary member of the Pontificia Accademia Tiberina, the Accademico onorario belliano and a Cavaliere ad honorem del V.E.O.S.P.S.S..

I interviewed Ruggero Marino in his home, which is more like an art gallery, and indeed reflects the spirit of a man who collects truth and beauty wherever he finds it, like the great explorers of the Victorian Age did, but with a distinctively Italian, and one might say, Renaissance flair.

For this reason, when I came to know of the publication of his new book, “Dante, Colombo e la fine del mondo“, I eagerly sought out and was granted an interview with one of the leading authors of Columbus, here at Rome.  What follows is my interview conducted in writing, which I have translated into English, for you my readers. Above, you can find my video interview with Ruggero at his home, in Italian, which covers the same material but adds several other questions, which an Italian audience will find of interest.  At the end of this English version, I will append the original Italian text.

To acquire this or his other books click the image below:

Br. Bugnolo’s INTERVIEW with Ruggero Marino

Author of, “Dante, Colombo e la fine del mondo”

Q. What motivated you to write not one, but four books about Christopher Columbus, the most famous navigator and maritime explorer in the history of the world?

A. It was the proverbial side-track, confronted as I was with a true mystery: a letter to the Editor which gave me strange leads. Since then, I have been fighting for over 30 years for a radical historical revision of the events of Columbus and the “disappeared” pope, the “Genoese”  Innocent VIII: known in life as, Giovanni Battista Cybo (1484-1492), who was struck by “damnatio memoriae” and canceled out by his successor, the infamous Borgia: the Spaniard, Alexander VI, who gave everything to the Spaniards. I have written 5 books, one translated in six countries: America, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Romania, the Czech Republic and Poland. I also created a website for which, after many sacrifices, I am also looking for financial aid and now the latest effort “Dante, Colombo and the end of the world” is coming out.

Q. A multitude of books have been written on Colombus. What makes your approach to Columbus unique compared to everything that has been written up to now?

A. Virtually all of my research is an authentic revolution compared to what has been handed down, in a story that, over the centuries, has become a sensational fakenews, which I consider a classic and damnable joke. The “Deus ex machina” of the discovery of America, willy-nilly, was in fact a Roman pontiff, Innocent VIII, on whose tomb in St. Peter — the only one transferred from the old Constantinian basilica to the new one — in the epigraph is written “Novi orbis suo aevo inventi gloria” or “In the time of his pontificate the glory of the discovery of a New World “. As confirmed by the Panvinio, Columbus’s sails were pushed by the wind of the Church of Rome. Revealing a fourth continent constituted a “heresy” with respect to the teachings of the Fathers of the Church and with respect to an ecumene as sacred as the Trinity: Europe, Asia and Africa. Only the Church could prepare and dispel the “trinitarian dogma” without repercussions for the Christian flock.

Q. Who was the man, Christopher Columbus?

A. A sentence, repeated several times by the navigator, would be enough to restore his perfect identikit and that is that “the Holy Spirit is present in Christians, Muslims, Jews and of any sect” and that his personal knowledge derived “from having read texts by Christians, Muslims, Jews and of any sect.” A universal man, the “Vitruvian man” of Leonardo da Vinci, the prophetic fulfillment and incarnation of Saint Christopher who brings the new man, the new Adam, the Child Jesus beyond the waters of the new red sea — in this case the ocean, the Atlantic, the dark sea. It is no coincidence that Las Casas, the contemporary “chronicler” of the Indies, says that Columbus was going to found the Church anew to “transfer Her all there”. And while the story of the four Colombian voyages is told to us like an adventure comic, the real painting and drawing were of a complexity, subtlety and perfection born of the Renaissance.

Q. One of the great mysteries consists of how Columbus could have arrived in what will be called the “New World” beyond the ocean. Was it chance, was it luck or something else?

A. Unfortunately, history says that Columbus went without knowing where he was going; that he landed without understanding where he had arrived; and that he died without ever having understood what he had “discovered”. A case of “serendipity”. — Pure idiocy! — And I am amazed that a lot of historians still spread it. Colombo knows everything, he goes precisely from point to point: you don’t bring mirrors and bells to trade with cultures like Japanese or Chinese.

Indeed, Japan had not yet been “discovered” at that time. Marco Polo’s Cipango, of which Columbus read and noted the “Million”, speaks of a land one year away from China (which in reality is very close) and where the flesh of enemies was eaten. The Chinese never managed to land in Japan, but Marco Polo speaks of 30,000 Chinese who landed following a shipwreck in Cipango. The ending in “ango” is not found in Japan, Mesoamerica is full of it. Cipango is clearly America already.

In the Vatican, in the library of Innocent VIII, there were the papers of the New World or a text that dated back to the library of Alexandria, as many witnesses of the time reveal. Papers that historians say that in the spring of 1492, Pinzon also saw, the very Spanish captain, who helped our Navigator find the caravels (which he would use in his first voyage — Editor’s note), but who betrayed him several times in view of the gold and who mysteriously died as soon as he returned.

Q. Columbus is accused of total administrative and political incapacity, but few men in their lives have shown the tenacity and genius in carrying out such a daring project and feat that everyone thought impossible. In your books about him, how does you deal with the question of how he was judged by history, then as now?

A. Columbus’ life was spent almost always at sea and very little on land, even after he arrived in the Caribbean. His complaints about the behavior of the Spaniards with respect to the Indians — Spaniards who behave “worse than savages” — are continuous. Those are his words. While his remarks are always admiring towards the natives. Less naturally for the “caniba”, the cannibals (the now extinct tribe of the Caribs — Editor’s note). Strong in that type of character which harkens back to the saying of St. Bernard of Clairvaux: he was “good with the good, bad with the bad”.

To judge Columbus with our modern mentality is a slavish idiocy. Columbus was a military man, a knight heir, even of Templar designs, such as the Cross on his sails: that which goes to the Indies is an “armada”. His expedition is likened to a crusade for the evangelization of new lands. Everything in the extreme West was catalogued as the Indies.

We must add a very apocalyptic expectation and perspective. Much more than in the year 1000. Everyone was convinced that the world would meet its end in about 150 years. The thought was, “We had to hurry to fulfill the prophecies with the conversion of the Jews, the subjugation of the Muslims and the gospel spread throughout the world completed.”

Q. In the course of your research, what have you discovered about the claims made in recent decades that accuse Columbus of being the “father” of the slave trade?

A. Again, it can be said that the most Christian of those who went to the Americas was Columbus. Slavery was condemned in the United States only towards the end of the nineteenth century, and it still exists today, but people prefer not to talk about it. Back then, slavery was not condemned by law. Muslims had slaves, Christians had slaves, even blacks traded in slaves. Perhaps in order to understand the mentality of the time, it would be sufficient to remember that Las Casas, the man of the church who defended the “Indians”, suggested replacing the natives, who were more fragile, with those who could come from Africa, who were stronger. After the first voyage, Columbus took on board a few Indians. From there, the trade began, so they say. However, what you are not told was that he did this to make them learn the Spanish language and then bring them back as interpreters. During the course of the voyage, there is a lull in the weather and food becomes scarce. The Spaniards encourage him to throw the Indians into the sea or even to eat them. Columbus opposes this, even risking his own life in the event of a mutiny with a rather unruly crew.

Q. Recent films portray Columbus as a free thinker who wanted to show that the worldview of the Catholic Church was rigid and closed. From your research, can you confirm or deny this, and explain why?

A. Columbus was a man of the Church. Of a Church that wanted to go back to its Christian roots. Together with a monk, he wrote “The Book of Prophecies”, a collection of psalms and prophecies about “new heavens and new earths”, from which some pages have been removed, and it seems that they also contained some references to the Koran. It is worth remembering that Columbus, when he was put in chains and in death, wore a habit like that of St. Francis and that he always accompanied the spiritual Franciscans of Rabida.

I myself have been a journalist and write books; perhaps more than my own, the words of two important pontiffs who tried to make Columbus a saint are worthwhile: Pius IX and Leo XIII. An impossible cause, since there are no more living witnesses, an “exceptional” cause for an “exceptional” man. Pius IX wrote: “It does no harm to try, when the documents are known…”. Leo XIII wrote an encyclical letter, a thing never done for someone who is not blessed, in which he stated, “Columbus is ours, what he did he did for the Church.” The cause for beatification, always opposed by Freemasonry, lies dormant in Vatican’s sloth. A pope from the end of the world would have a duty to redeem a “hero of the Church “who went to the end of the world” to plant the cross and is still recognized as a “servant of God.”

Q. Today, in many circles, what is important is not the historical documentation, but an instrumentalization for the use and consumption of today’s political interests. In this context, the academic vulgate of Columbus is that of a greedy capitalist, a violent exploiter, capable of anything, just to reach his goals. Where does the truth lie?

A. Everything that is part of the criminal “virus” fabricated against Columbus, who is accused of anything and everything, in a voracious prejudice and total ignorance, is part of a shameful and Taliban-like campaign against the West and against the Church. I repeat that if the Christian Columbus had not arrived in the New World, today America would be kneeling towards Mecca or waving Mao’s booklet. The Chinese were traveling to America before Columbus, the Muslims had the same maps and better fleets. Americans should kneel before Columbus, although perhaps Protestants might not like their continent being “discovered” by a Roman Catholic pope. Was Columbus the first? Certainly not. But what does it matter? Only with the voyages of Columbus was humanity united, did the world definitely became a sphere and history changed course. Even if his intentions, in part utopian, have vanished. Between hawks and doves unfortunately the hawks almost always win.

Q. What have you found most surprising about Columbus, the man, in the course of writing your books?
Apart from what has been said so far, apart from his “identikit” the most surprising thing is his signature. An esoteric cryptogram about which we still rack our brains today.

A. Seven capital letters, a triangle like the eye of God and above all the fact that Columbus writes, exactly like Dante, that “he who can read and write does so in four different ways”. So the meaning must be fourfold. Which should be enough to give the measure of his intellectual stature. In a new interpretation I believe that the A stands for, among other things, Revelation and Adam, as well as Admiral, and that the third line should read Christ, Muhammad, Yahweh to end with the Greek-Latin version “Christ-bearer.” Practically a new John the Baptist, perhaps the illegitimate son of a pontiff named John the Baptist whose program was “peace, justice, abundance.” Innocent VIII was the son of an Aaron, his father therefore had Jewish blood, his grandmother was a Sarracina, his grandmother therefore had Muslim blood, In the Roman Catholic pope the three religions of the book were concentrated. Pope Innocent succeeded in the intent, which never succeeded, to reunite the Orders of Chivalry; he had as his guest and at the same time hostage in the Vatican, Gem, the son of Muhammad II, who had conquered the “second Rome” Constantinople. Yes, he was tired of blood and crusades, and yes, he sought universal peace under the primacy of the tiara. If it was not possible, all that remained was the last crusade with gold from the Indies. Starting with an chosen with the perfect stage-name: the “bearer of Christ” (Christopher) and “Dove” (Columbus)  of the Holy Spirit. Not to mention that the surname “Columbus” in northern Italy signifies is like “Esposito” in the south: the son of an unknown father.

Q. What value do you think your book will have compared to the countless writings about Christopher Columbus in over 500 years of history?

A. It is obvious that it is not the Bible. But I think I am closer to the truth than all the lies that have been told in over 500 years. In the greatest hoax since the birth of the modern era to which even eminent scholars have given voice. I find it blind not to have realized the determining action of Rome in the so-called “discovery”. To convince Isabella were the Geraldini, two men of Innocent VIII, all the money of the expedition can be traced back to the pontiff who, among other things, was the father-in-law of Lorenzo the Magnificent. And there is still much more to be said. But by now, after having met churchmen, cardinals and having written to three pope, I’m beginning to think that at best I was born posthumously. The true story of Columbus is kept in the Vatican. The biggest mistake was that of the navigator’s heirs who sued the Spanish court and those who followed in the empire where “the sun never set”. Can you imagine, at that time, a judgment entrusted to people who were chosen by the same crowned heads? A trial that lasted decades, a sampling of testimonies and false accusations, which created the black legend of the greedy, violent, ambitious navigator. The exact opposite of the man and the prophet Columbus. Innocent VIII in the funeral monument in St. Peter’s holds the Lance of Longinus, a talisman also pursued by Charlemagne, Napoleon and Hitler. It would give immortality. That which the pontiff and his envoy Christopher, today only infamous, still pursue.


Testo originale Italiano

D. Perché ha deciso di scrivere quattro libri su Cristoforo Colombo, il più famoso dei marinai e degli scopritori?

R. Per un classico incidente di percorso o come in un giallo. Una lettera al giornale in cui mi si davano strane indicazioni. Da allora sono oltre 30 anni che mi batto per una revisione storica radicale delle vicende di Colombo e del papa “decaparecido”, il genovese (!) Innocenzo VIII, Giovanni Battista Cybo (1484-1492), che è stato colpito da “damnatio memoriae” e cancellato dal successore, il famigerato Borgia, lo spagnolo Alessandro VI. Che darà tutto agli spagnoli. Di libri ne ho scritti 5 uno tradotto in sei paesi, America, Canada, Spagna, Portogallo, Romania, Repubblica ceca e Polonia. Ho fatto anche un sito per il quale, dopo tanti sacrifici, sono anche in cerca di aiuti economici ed ora sta uscendo l’ultima fatica “Dante, Colombo e la fine del mondo”.

D. Quali sono le novità nei suoi libri che rendono unica la visione di Colombo rispetto a tutto quello che è stato scritto fino ad ora?

R. Praticamente tutta la mia ricerca è un’autentica rivoluzione rispetto a quanto tramandato, in una vicenda che è diventata nei secoli una clamorosa fakenews, che considero “una barzelletta d’annata e dannata. Il “Deus ex machina” dell’ operazione America, volenti o nolenti, fu un pontefice romano, Innocenzo VIII, sulla cui tomba in San Pietro, unica traslata dalla vecchia basilica costantiniana alla nuova, nell’epigrafe è scritto “Novi orbis suo aevo inventi gloria” ovvero “Nel tempo del suo pontificato la gloria della scoperta di un Nuovo Mondo”. Come conferma il Panvinio. Le vele di Colombo erano spinte dal vento della Chiesa di Roma. Rivelare un quarto mondo costituiva un’eresia rispetto agli insegnamenti dei padri della Chiesa e rispetto a un’ecumene sacra come la Trinità: Europa, Asia ed Africa. Solo la Chiesa poteva preparare e sfatare il dogma trinitario senza ripercussioni per il gregge cristiano..

D. Chi era l’uomo, Cristoforo Colombo?

R. Basterebbe una frase, ripetuta più volte dal navigatore, a restituire il suo perfetto identikit e cioè che “lo Spirito Santo è presente in Cristiani, Musulmani, Ebrei e di qualunque setta” e che il suo sapere deriva “dall’aver letto testi di Cristiani , Musulmani , Ebrei e di qualunque setta.” Un uomo universale, l’uomo vitruviano di Leonardo da Vinci, la realizzazione e l’incarnazione della profezia del Santo Cristoforo che porta l’uomo nuovo, il nuovo Adamo, il Gesù Bambino aldilà delle acque del nuovo mar rosso, in questo caso l’oceano, l’Atlantico, il mare tenebroso. Non a caso Las Casas, il “cronista” coevo delle Indie, dice che Colombo andava a fondare una Chiesa nuova per “tutta colà trasferirla”. Mentre la vicenda dei quattro viaggi colombiani ci viene raccontata come un fumetto di avventura, quando il quadro ed il disegno erano di una complessità, di una sottigliezza e di una perfezione figlie del Rinascimento.

D.  Uno dei grandi misteri consiste su come Colombo possa essere arrivato in quello che sarà chiamato il “Nuovo Mondo” aldilà dell’oceano. Fu un casio, fu fortuna o altro ancora?

R. Purtroppo la storia dice che Colombo è andato senza sapere dove, è sbarcato senza capire dove fosse arrivato, è morto senza avere mai compreso cosa avesse “scoperto”. Un caso di “serendipity”. Una pura idiozia. E mi meraviglio che fior di storici la diffondano ancora. Colombo sa tutto, va da casello e casello, non si portano specchietti e campanelli a culture come quella giapponese o cinese. Il Giappone allora non era stato ancora “scoperto”. Il Cipango di Marco Polo, di cui Colombo leggeva e annotava il “Milione”, parla di una terra lontana un anno di navigazione dalla Cina (che è vicinissima) e  dove si mangiava la carne dei nemici. I cinesi non sono mai riusciti a sbarcare in Giappone, Marco Polo parla di 30.000 cinesi approdati in seguito ad un naufragio nel Cipango. La desinenza in “ango” non si trova in Giappone, il Mesoamerica ne è pieno. Il Cipango è chiaramente già America. In Vaticano, nella biblioteca di Innocenzo VIII, c’erano le carte del Nuovo Mondo o un testo che risaliva alla biblioteca di Allessandria, come rivelano molti testimoni dell’ epoca. Carte che gli storici dicono che nella primavera del 1492 vide anche Pinzon, il capitano spagnolo, che aiutò il navigatore nel reperimento delle caravelle, ma che in vista dell’oro lo tradì più volte e che morì misteriosamente appena tornato.

D. Colombo è accusato di totale incapacità amministrativa e politica, ma pochi uomini nella loro vita hanno dimostrato la tenacia e il genio nel portare a compimento un progetto così audace e un’impresa che tutti ritenevano impossibile. Nei suoi libri come affronta la questione di come è stato giudicato dalla storia, allora come oggi?

R. La vita di Colombo è trascorsa quasi sempre per mare e pochissimo in terra. Anche una volta giunto nei Caraibi. Sono continue le sue lamentele per il comportamento degli spagnoli rispetto agli indios, spagnoli che si comportano “peggio dei selvaggi”. Sono le sue parole. Mentre le sue osservazioni sono sempre ammirative nei confronti dei nativi. Meno naturalmente per i “caniba”, i cannibali. Forte di un distinguo che risale a San Bernardo di Chiaravalle “buono con i buoni cattivo con i cattivi”.Giudicare Colombo con la nostra mentalità moderna è una idiozia sesquipedale. Colombo era un militare, un cavaliere erede, anche di disegni templari, come la croce sulle sue vele, quella che va alle Indie è un’”armada”, la sua spedizione è assimilabile a una crociata per la evangelizzazione delle nuove terre. Tutto ciò che si trovava all’estremo Occidente era catalogato come Indie. Si debbono aggiungere un’attesa e una prospettiva quanto mai apocalittiche. Molto più che nell’anno mille. Tutti erano convinti che il mondo sarebbe andato incontro al tempo della fine nell’arco di circa 150 anni. Bisognava affrettarsi a compiere le profezie con la conversione degli ebrei, la sottomissione dei musulmani e l’evangelo sparso per il mondo completato.

D. Nel corso delle sue ricerche cosa ha scoperto riguardo alle affermazioni di questi giorni che accusano Colombo di essere il “padre” della tratta degli schiavi?

R. Anche in questo caso si può dire che il più cristiano di quanti sono andati alle Americhe fu Colombo. Lo schiavismo è stato condannato negli Stati Uniti solo verso la fine dell’’Ottocento, esiste ancora oggi, ma si preferisce non parlarne. Allora lo schiavismo non era condannato per legge. I musulmani avevano schiavi, i cristiani avevano schiavi, anche i neri commerciavano in schiavi. Forse per capire la mentalità dell’epoca basterebbe ricordare che Las Casas, l’uomo di chiesa difensore degli “indios”, suggeriva di sostituire i nativi, più fragili, con quanti potevano venire dall’ Africa, più forti. Dopo il primo viaggio Colombo imbarca alcuni “indios”. Da lì si fa cominciare la tratta. Ma non si precisa che lo faceva per fargli apprendere la lingua spagnola e poi riportarli indietro come interpreti. Nel corso di un viaggio c’è una bonaccia per cui i viveri cominciano a scarseggiare. Gli spagnoli li incitano a buttate gli indios in mare o addirittura a cibarsene. Colombo si oppone mettendo a repentaglio anche la sua vita in caso di ammutinamento con ciurme alquanto riottose.

D. Film recenti promuovono la rappresentazione di un Colombo come di un libero pensatore che voleva dimostrare che la visione del mondo della Chiesa cattolica era rigida e chiusa? Dalla tua ricerca, puoi confermare o smentire questo, e spiegare perché?

R. Colombo era un uomo della Chiesa. Di una Chiesa che voleva risalire alle radici cristiane. Scrisse con un monaco “Il libro delle profezie”, raccolta di salmi e di profezie riguardo “a cieli e terre nuove” al quale sono state sottratte alcune pagine, pare che contenessero anche qualche riferimento al Corano. Varrà la pena di ricordare che Colombo nel momento in cui lo mettono in catene ed in morte indossa un saio come quello di San Francesco e che sempre si accompagna ai francescani spirituali della Rabida. Io ho fatto il giornalista e scrivo libri, forsei più della mia vale la parola di due importanti pontefici, che hanno cercato di fare santo Colombo: Pio IX e Leone XIII. Una causa impossibile, visto che non esistono più testimoni viventi, una causa “eccezionale” per un uomo “eccezionale”. Pio IX scrive: “Tentar non nuoce, quando si conosceranno i documenti …”. Leone XIII fa una lettera enciclica mai fatta nei confronti di qualcuno che non sia beato in cui afferma “Colombo è nostro, quello che ha fatto lo ha fatto per la Chiesa.”. La causa, avversata sempre dalla Massoneria, giace in sonno nell’ignavia del Vaticano. Un papa che viene dalla fine del mondo avrebbe il dovere di riscattare un “eroe della Chiesa “andato alla fine del mondo” per piantare la croce e riconosciuto ancora oggi “servo di Dio”.

D. Oggi, in molti ambienti, ciò che è importante non è la documentazione storica, ma una strumentalizzazione ad uso e consumo degli odierni interessi politici.  In questo contesto, la vulgata accademica di Colombo è quella di un avido capitalista, di uno sfruttatore violento, capace di tutto, pur di raggiungere i suoi obiettivi. Dove sta la verità?

R. Tutto quello che fa parte del “virus” criminale fabbricato ad arte contro Colombo, accusato di tutto e di più, nel pregiudizio alimentato e nell’ignoranza più totale, rientra in una campagna vergognosa e talebana che va contro l’Occidente e contro la Chiesa. Io ripeto che se nel Nuovo Mondo non fosse arrivato il cristiano Colombo oggi l’America si inginocchierebbe verso la Mecca o agiterebbe il libretto di Mao. I cinesi andavano in America prima di Colombo, i musulmani avevano le stesse mappe e flotte migliori. Gli americani dovrebbero solo inginocchiarsi di fronte a Colombo, anche se forse ai protestanti potrebbe non fare piacere di essere stati “scoperti” da un papa cattolico romano. Colombo non fu il primo? Certamente. Ma cosa importa? Solo con i viaggi di Colombo l’umanità si è completata il mondo è diventato definitivamente una sfera ed ha cambiato rotta. Anche se le intenzioni, in parte utopiche, sono svanite. Tra falchi e colombe purtroppo vincono quasi sempre i falchi.

D. Cosa ha trovato di più sorprendente su Colombo, l’uomo, nel corso della scrittura dei suoi libri?
A parte quanto detto fino ad ora, a parte il suo “identikit” la cosa più sorprendente è la sua firma. Un criptogramma esoterico sul quale ci si scervella ancora oggi.

R. Sette lettere maiuscole, un triangolo come l’occhio di Dio e soprattutto il fatto che Colombo scrive, esattamente come Dante, che “chi sa leggere e scrivere lo fa in quattro modi diversi”. Quindi il significato deve essere quadruplice. Il che dovrebbe essere sufficiente a dare la misura della sua statura intellettuale. In un’interpretazione nuova io credo che la A stia, fra l’altro, per Apocalisse e Adamo, oltre che Ammiraglio e che alla terza riga si debba leggere Cristo, Maometto, Yahweh per finire con la versione greco-latina “Portatore di Cristo.” Praticamente un novello Giovanni Battista, forse figlio illegittimo di un pontefice che si chiamava Giovanni Battista e il cui programma era “pace, giustizia, abbondanza”. Innocenzo VIII era figlio di un Aronne, il padre dunque aveva sangue ebreo, la nonna era una Sarracina, la nonna dunque aveva sangue musulmano, Nel papa cattolico romano si concentravano le tre religioni del libro. Papa Innocenzo riuscì nell’intento, cosa mai riuscita, di riunire gli Ordini cavallereschi, aveva ospite ed al tempo stesso ostaggio in Vaticano, Gem il figlio di Maometto II, che aveva conquistato “la seconda Roma” Costantinopoli. Si era stanchi di sangue e di crociate, si cercava una pace universale sotto il primato della tiara. Se non fosse stato possibile non rimaneva che l’ultima crociata con l’oro delle Indie. A cominciare da un eletto dal nome d’arte perfetto: portatore di Cristo e Colomba dello Spirito Santo. Senza contare che Colombo al nord è come Esposito al sud, figlio di padre ignoto.

D. Che valore ritiene che il suo libro avrà rispetto agli innumerevoli scritti su Cristoforo Colombo in oltre 500 anni di storia?

R. É evidente che non sono la Bibbia. Ma credo di essere più vicino alla verità rispetto a tutte le fandonie raccontate in oltre 500 anni. Nel più grande imbroglio dalla nascita dell’era moderna al quale hanno dato voce anche eminentissimi studiosi. Trovo che è da ciechi non essersi resi conto dell’azione determinante di Roma nella cosiddetta “scoperta”. A convincere Isabella furono i Geraldini, due uomini di Innocenzo VIII, tutti i soldi della spedizione risalgono al pontefice che, fra l’altro, era il consuocero di Lorenzo il Magnifico. E molto ancora ci sarebbe da dire. Ma ormai, dopo avere incontrato uomini di chiesa, cardinali ed avere scritto a tre pai, comincio a pensare che nel migliore dei casi sono nato postumo. La storia vera di Colombo è custodita in Vaticano. L’errore più grosso fu quello degli eredi del navigatore che fecero causa alla corte di Spagna e a quanti seguirono dell’impero dove “non tramontava mai il sole”. Ve lo immaginate a quei tempi un giudizio affidato a persone che venivano scelte dalle stesse teste coronate? Un processo durato decenni, un campionario di testimonianze e di accuse false, che hanno creato la leggenda nera e posticcia del navigatore avido, violento, ambizioso. Il contrario esatto dell’uomo e del profeta  Colombo. Innocenzo VIII nel monumento funebre in San Pietro regge la lancia di Longino, un talismano inseguito anche da Carlo Magno, Napoleone e Hitler. Donerebbe l’immortalità. Quella che il pontefice ed il suo inviato Cristoforo, oggi solo infamati, inseguono ancora.

+ + +


RUGGERO MARINO, giornalista, poeta, scrittore. È nato sul Lago Maggiore. Ha lavorato per 34 anni al quotidiano “Il Tempo” di Roma, ricoprendo le cariche di inviato speciale (visitando più di 50 paesi), di redattore capo e di responsabile del settore cultura. Ha fondato e diretto per 7 anni il trimestrale “Poeti & Poesia”. Ha pubblicato un libro per l’Unicef sulla condizione dei bambini in Italia, vincitore del Premio Sorrento. Ha scritto due libri di poesie: “Minime & massime” (brevi componimenti poetici alternati ad aforismi) e “L’inferno in paradiso” (Premio Indic), storie vere di ragazzi morti per droga e delle vittime del terrorismo. Ha vinto oltre 10 premi giornalistici, fra i quali quello dell’Associazione Stampa Romana. Con il suo primo volume sull’Ammiraglio, “Cristoforo Colombo e il papa tradito” (quattro edizioni), ha vinto il Premio Scanno di letteratura. Delle sue ricerche rivoluzionarie sulla scoperta dell’America, che proseguono da oltre 30 anni, e che per la prima volta coinvolgono nella vicenda la Chiesa di Roma e papa Innocenzo VIII, il cittadino genovese Giovanni Battista Cybo, si sono occupati storici, scrittori e media in Italia e all’estero. Il Times gli ha dedicato due pagine. I suoi studi, sul complotto perpetrato dalla tradizione storica, che in 5 secoli ha cancellato la verità sui motivi e sulla genesi dei viaggi colombiani, sono stati citati all’Accademia dei Lincei. Estratti delle sue teorie sono stati pubblicati su varie riviste scientifiche. Ha esposto le proprie tesi in conferenze, anche in università italiane e straniere. È stato invitato a New York dall’Istituto italiano di cultura e ha fatto parte della Commissione scientifica per le annuali celebrazioni del 12 ottobre in onore di Colombo. Il suo libro “Cristoforo Colombo l’ultimo dei Templari” (Sperling & Kupfer) ha avuto 4 edizioni ed è stato tradotto in 7 paesi. ed ha fatto parte cella cinquina finalista del Premio Roma. L’ultimo della serie colombiana “L’uomo che superò i confini del mondo”, ha avuto due edizioni, ha vinto il Premio cultura del mare del Circeo ed è stato finalista al Premio Gaeta e al Premio Acqui storia. Ha pubblicato sempre per la Sperling “Stella e il circo”, una favola-apologo per bambini dai …  5 ai 90 anni, scritta con Riccardo Fellini, il fratello defunto del grande Federico, un talento rimasto “senza voce”. Recente è la raccolta di poesie “Le stagioni del Turano” (2016), che ha vinto il Premio Laurentum, mentre una delle composizioni ha vinto il Premio Le rosse pergamene. In precedenza, in lingua inglese, era uscito il saggio “On pre-columbian contacts between America and other continents” a cura del Professor Emilio Spedicato. Ha pubblicato su Amazon “Ossessione d’amore” (una “Love story”). Sono usciti anche un libro di poesie “Viator” (viaggi, Akkuaria Editore, Premio Lazzari nell’ ambito del Premio internazionale Città di Cattolica) e un altro di poesie brevi, “”bonsai” e aforismi “Minime e massime 1” (Letteratura alternativa Edizioni). Nel 2019 è stato invitato a New York per una conferenza su Colombo al prestigioso “Explorers Club”. Sempre nel 2019 con tre composizioni ha vinto il Premio Poesia Religiosa del FUISS. Ultimamente si è dedicato anche all’ arte con quadri, sculture e manichini.

E’ stato nominato Commendatore al merito della Repubblica. Membro onorario della Pontificia Accademia Tiberina. Accademico onorario belliano. Cavaliere ad honorem del V.E.O.S.P.S.S.


Judge Giorgianni: Benedict XVI never abdicated, Bergoglio is a Cardinal dressed in white!

Interview by Andrea Cionci

Now we can speak openly of the New World Order: the concept is no longer under embargo

of the Original Italian linked under the above image.

“There is only one pope, Benedict XVI. Bergoglio is a cardinal dressed in white, an accomplice of the New World Order” — the well-known anti-Mafia magistrate Angelo Giorgianni, former Under-Secretary of Ministry of Justice & Pardon of the Prodi government, said briefly in a public speech in Messina two days ago.

Naturally, he made these statements not in his institutional capacity, but as president of the “World Life Organization,” a voluntary association he founded, which is concerned with the defense of human life and all the rights that pertain to his. protection and dignity paying particular attention to the various individual freedoms not always guaranteed, such as that of opinion, freedom, thought, worship and the sacredness of human life from the moment of conception to the natural end.

Cionci: Dear Doctor, after the lawyer Taormina HERE, you are the second secular and Italian lawyer to raise doubts about the abdication of Pope Ratzinger …

Giorgianni: I have followed this story and I am absolutely convinced that Benedict XVI has drawn up an act of renunciation of the papacy that is completely null and void: a real “cocktail” of legal invalidity made to be discovered over time. Just to quote the best known: in the Declaratio of 2013 he renounces, instead of the Petrine munus, it is the ministerium – or the practical exercise of power – which does not involve renouncing the papacy: at most it could mean the delegation to some bishop of some functions practices. The trivial Latin errors in the document, coming from a refined Latinist like him, are obviously a way to keep attention on the legal act.

Not to mention his conduct over the next eight years; just remember how he always repeats “the pope is one” without ever declaring which of the two he is, or the unequivocal phrases that have recently emerged from his interview books such as ” has been discharged in the last thousand years ”.

Cionci: Aren’t you afraid of being considered a “conspiracy theorist”?

Giorgianni: Look, I – for work – have foiled conspiracies for a lifetime. Conspiracy is when bold theories are built without these being based on facts. In the judicial field, on the other hand, a unique series of clues constitute proof and here, there is an even excessive amount of clear clues, verifiable by anyone.

Cionci: Why do you say that Bergoglio is a cardinal dressed in white?

Giorgianni: Because if pope Ratzinger did not abdicate the throne, as evident, the conclave of 2013 was completely invalid and elected a cardinal who remains a cardinal. So Bergoglio is an anti-pope, as there have been so many in the history of the Church.

Cionci: A burning issue, but it doesn’t seem to upset the clergy too much …

Giorgianni: It is very serious in fact. Some clergymen fear being excommunicated (but the excommunication of an anti-pope is worth nothing), others think that, at the resignation or death of card. Bergoglio, a new conclave can put things right. But if the college of cardinals has 80 new cardinals appointed by Bergoglio, they are not true cardinals and therefore do not have the right to elect a new pope. Therefore the succession line after Francis would be all composed of anti-popes. History demonstrates this: in the first half of the 12th century, the anti-pope Anacleto II reigned for eight years and, upon his death, he was succeeded by Victor IV, another anti-pope, until Saint Bernard of Clairvaux ousted the latter by restoring a papal succession line legitimate.

Cionci: Orthodox Catholics continually complain about Francis’ reforms. Now they fear for the Latin Mass (“vetus ordo”), given that Bergoglio seems to want to limit his celebration by revoking Benedict XVI’s motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum”.

Giorgianni: And what are they astonished at? The Holy Spirit assists the pope not only on those rare times when he pronounces ex-cathedra on important dogmas of faith. There is a specific article in the Catechism, 892, which speaks of his ordinary assistance:

“Divine assistance is also given in a special way, to the Bishop of Rome, when, even without arriving at an infallible definition and without making a definitive pronouncement, he proposes, in the exercise of the ordinary Magisterium, a teaching that leads to a better understanding of Revelation in matters of faith and morals ”.

How do you think that Bergoglio is the real pope if he is demolishing the Catholic identity from its very foundations? And, paradoxically, Orthodox Catholics despair over his measures instead of checking if he has what it takes to be pope: how to worry about the effects without investigating the causes.

Cionci: Even the laity seem quite indifferent to the question …

Giorgianni: A big mistake! A pope has a fundamental role in the politics of the whole world. Let us think only of the role played by John Paul II in the collapse of communism. The pope is a political leader with influence on over a billion people: he heavily conditions international politics.

Cionci: In this regard, you argue that Bergoglio is a sort of moral sponsor of the New World Order?

Giorgianni: He himself recently declared to a major newspaper (La Stampa of 3 /15/ 21): “We must not waste the pandemic, but use it to build a new world order”. Clearer than that? By now the concept is cleared through customs, we talk about it quietly, without shame. In fact, Bergoglio continually insists on this “interreligious dialogue” … I too am in favor of dialogue, but here it is taken as an excuse to annihilate the Catholic identity and make the church the container of a new globalist religion. A completely reverse process with respect to the uniqueness of Christ’s Revelation. But just look at the position held by the Church during the pandemic…

Cionci: By the way: you are very critical of the management of the health crisis …

Giorgianni: Sure. We are for vaccines, provided they are safe and effective, but we do not explain why rushing the administration of an experimental drug if there are effective therapies, instead completely neglected. A madness. Bergoglio also never talks about therapies, why? Rather, he demonstrated a subjection to civil power against any concordat and constitutional agreement, depriving many people of the minimum comforts of faith, closing churches and denying the sacraments even to the dying. Too many try to ride this health emergency to establish new political and / or financial projects. — But we will bring these truths to every public square: we believe in the rule of law and respect for the rules.

+ + +

Der Magistrat Giorgianni: “Benedikt XVI. hat nicht abgedankt;
Bergoglio ist Kardinal im weißen Gewand”.

Gute, sichere Impfstoffe, aber warum ist nie von einer Behandlung die Rede?

“Es gibt nur einen Papst, Benedikt XVI. Bergoglio ist ein weiß gekleideter Kardinal, ein Komplize der Neuen Weltordnung”: Nicht sehr subtil ging er vor zwei Tagen in einer öffentlichen Rede in Messina vor, der berühmte Anti-Mafia-Magistrat Angelo Giorgianni, ehemaliger Unterstaatssekretär der Justiz in der Prodi-Regierung.

Natürlich machte er diese Aussagen nicht in seiner institutionellen Eigenschaft, sondern als Präsident der Weltorganisation für das Leben, einer von ihm gegründeten freiwilligen Vereinigung, die sich mit der Verteidigung des menschlichen Lebens und allen Rechten, die zu seinem Schutz und seiner Würde gehören, befasst und dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die verschiedenen individuellen Freiheiten legt, die nicht immer garantiert sind, wie die der Meinung, der Freiheit, des Denkens, des Kultes und der Unantastbarkeit des menschlichen Lebens vom Moment der Empfängnis bis zu seinem natürlichen Ende.
Frage: Herr Doktor, nach dem Anwalt Taormina
HIER , sind Sie der zweite weltliche und italienische Jurist, der Zweifel an der Abdankung von Papst Ratzinger äußert …

Antwort: “Ich habe diese Affäre verfolgt und bin absolut davon überzeugt, dass Benedikt XVI. einen Akt des Verzichts auf das Papsttum verfasst hat, der völlig nichtig ist: ein wahrer “Cocktail” von rechtlichen Ungültigkeiten, die im Laufe der Zeit entdeckt werden sollten. Um nur die berüchtigtsten zu nennen: in der Declaratio von 2013 verzichtet er statt auf das munus petrino auf das ministerium – also auf die praktische Machtausübung -, was nicht bedeutet, dass er auf das Papsttum verzichtet: es könnte höchstens bedeuten, dass er einige praktische Funktionen an einen Bischof delegiert. Die trivialen Fehler des Lateins in dem Dokument, die von einem so feinen Latinisten wie ihm stammen, sind offensichtlich ein System, um die Aufmerksamkeit auf den Rechtsakt zu lenken.

Ganz zu schweigen von seinem Verhalten in den nächsten acht Jahren, denken Sie nur daran, wie er immer wieder sagt: “Es gibt einen Papst”, ohne jemals zu sagen, welcher es ist, oder die eindeutigen Sätze, die in letzter Zeit aus seinen Interview-Büchern aufgetaucht sind, wie: “In den letzten tausend Jahren ist kein Papst zurückgetreten.” (HIER n.d.r. )

F.: Haben Sie keine Angst, als “Verschwörungstheoretiker” angesehen zu werden?

A.: “Sehen Sie, ich habe – berufsbedingt – schon immer mit Verschwörungen gewedelt. Verschwörung ist, wenn man kühne Theorien aufstellt, ohne dass diese auf Fakten beruhen. Im gerichtlichen Bereich hingegen stellt eine eindeutige Reihe von Indizien einen Beweis dar, und hier gibt es von offensichtlichen, für jedermann feststellbaren Indizien sogar ein Übermaß”.

F. Warum sagen Sie, dass Bergoglio ein weiß gekleideter Kardinal ist?

A. “Denn wenn Papst Ratzinger nicht abgedankt hat, was offensichtlich ist, war das Konklave von 2013 völlig ungültig und hat einen Kardinal zum “Papst” gewählt, der Kardinal bleibt. Bergoglio ist also ein Anti-Papst, wie es so viele in der Geschichte der Kirche gegeben hat.”

F.: Eine brennende Frage, aber sie scheint den Klerus nicht sehr zu beunruhigen….

A.: “Es ist in der Tat sehr ernst. Einige Kleriker fürchten, exkommuniziert zu werden (aber die Exkommunikation eines Antipapstes ist nichts wert), andere denken, dass bei einem Rücktritt oder Tod von Kard. Bergoglio, kann ein neues Konklave die Dinge wieder in Ordnung bringen. Aber wenn das Kardinalskollegium 80 neue Kardinäle hat, die von Bergoglio ernannt wurden, sind sie keine echten Kardinäle und haben daher keinen Titel, um einen neuen Papst zu wählen. Die Nachfolgelinie nach Franziskus würde also aus lauter Antipäpsten bestehen. Das zeigt die Geschichte: In der ersten Hälfte des 12. Jahrhunderts regierte der Gegenpapst Anacletus II. acht Jahre lang, und nach seinem Tod wurde er von Victor IV. abgelöst, einem anderen Gegenpapst, bis der heilige Bernhard von Clairvaux letzteren verdrängte und eine legitime päpstliche Erbfolge wiederherstellte.”

F.: Orthodoxe Katholiken beschweren sich immer wieder über die Reformen von Franziskus. Nun fürchten sie um die Messe in lateinischer Sprache (“vetus ordo”), da Bergoglio deren Feier durch Widerruf des Motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum” von Benedikt XVI. einschränken zu wollen scheint.

A.: “Und worüber sind sie überrascht? Der Heilige Geist steht dem Papst nicht nur bei den seltenen Gelegenheiten bei, wenn er sich ex cathedra zu wichtigen Glaubensdogmen äußert. Ein spezieller Artikel des Katechismus, 892, spricht von seinem gewöhnlichen Beistand: “Der göttliche Beistand wird auch in besonderer Weise dem Bischof von Rom gewährt, wenn er, ohne zu einer unfehlbaren Definition zu gelangen und ohne sich endgültig zu äußern, in Ausübung des ordentlichen Lehramtes eine Lehre vorschlägt, die zu einem besseren Verständnis der Offenbarung in Sachen des Glaubens und der Sitten führt.”

Wie kann irgendjemand glauben, dass Bergoglio der wahre Papst ist, wenn er die katholische Identität von Grund auf demoliert? Und paradoxerweise verzweifeln die orthodoxen Katholiken an seinen Maßnahmen, anstatt zu prüfen, ob er das Zeug zum Pontifex hat: wie die Sorge um die Auswirkungen, ohne die Ursachen zu untersuchen.”

F.: Auch den Laien scheint das Thema ziemlich gleichgültig zu sein.

A.: “Ein großer Irrtum: Ein Papst hat eine fundamentale Rolle in der Politik der ganzen Welt. Denken Sie nur an die Rolle, die Johannes Paul II. beim Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus gespielt hat. Der Papst ist ein politisches Oberhaupt mit Einfluss auf mehr als eine Milliarde Menschen: Er bestimmt maßgeblich die internationale Politik.”

F.: In diesem Zusammenhang behaupten Sie, dass Bergoglio eine Art moralischer Sponsor der Neuen Weltordnung ist.

A.: “Er selbst erklärte kürzlich gegenüber einer großen Tageszeitung (La Stampa vom 15.3.21 n.d.r.): “Wir dürfen die Pandemie nicht verschwenden, sondern müssen sie nutzen, um eine neue Weltordnung aufzubauen”. Deutlicher als das? Inzwischen ist das Konzept durch den Zoll gegangen, man spricht leise darüber, ohne Scham. In der Tat besteht Bergoglio ständig auf diesem “interreligiösen Dialog”… Auch ich bin für den Dialog, aber hier wird er als Vorwand genommen, um die katholische Identität zu vernichten und die Kirche zum Container einer neuen Weltreligion zu machen. Ein Vorgang, der der Einzigartigkeit der Offenbarung Christi völlig entgegengesetzt ist. Aber schauen Sie sich nur die Position an, die die Kirche während der Pandemie eingenommen hat…”.

F.: Übrigens: Sie sind sehr kritisch gegenüber dem Management der Gesundheitskrise…

A.: “Natürlich. Wir sind für Impfstoffe, sofern sie sicher und wirksam sind, aber dann erklären wir nicht, warum die Verabreichung eines experimentellen Medikaments hetzt, wenn es wirksame Therapien gibt, stattdessen völlig vernachlässigt. Wahnsinn. Bergoglio spricht auch nie über Therapien, wie kommt das? Vielmehr hat er eine Unterwürfigkeit gegenüber der zivilen Macht demonstriert, die gegen jedes Konkordat und jede verfassungsmäßige Vereinbarung verstößt, indem er so viele Menschen der minimalen Annehmlichkeiten des Glaubens beraubt, Kirchen schließt und sogar den Sterbenden die Sakramente verweigert. Zu viele versuchen, diese gesundheitliche Notlage auszunutzen, um neue politische und/oder finanzielle Projekte zu etablieren.

Aber wir werden diese Wahrheiten auf alle Plätze bringen: Wir glauben an die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und den Respekt vor den Regeln”.

Don Minutella intervista Frà Bugnolo sullo Scisma in Germania

Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I had the distinct pleasure and honor last night to be interviewed by Don Alessandro Minutella, Pastor of Don Bosco’s Parish, Palermo, Sicily, on the subject of the Schism in Germany, the Third Secret of Fatima, and how the Church will triumph over Freemasonry through the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor.

A brief summary of which, in English, I have prepared in video format, this morning, in my post on the Schism in Germany.

Konrad Stachnio interviews Br. Bugnolo: This is Armageddon

This video is available in different platforms. This is the Rumble version:

Which you can also watch directly on Rumble. I posted the direct link, because this video is being hidden by Rumble on its search engine, since it exposes the Masonic takeover of the world.

There is also a YouTube version, which will probably be banned in a few hours:

Here is another version on

Here is another version on Brighteon, part I

And Brigteon, part II

This video is now on several platforms:

This video is being translated into Polish, and the link to the polish version will be published here as soon as it is completed.


Br. Bugnolo interviews Frank Walker of

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Frank Walker is the Editor and publisher of, the most popular Catholic News aggregation site for those who want to know what is really going on in the Church in all its grizzly detail. It is an invaluable source to see the problems in the Church for what they are and to cut through fake news and fake propaganda of corrupt — very corrupt — ecclesiastical institutions and Catholic media organizations.

So that the readers of FromRome.Info have the opportunity to know Mr. Walker better, whose news commentary video’s are featured regularly here, I asked Mr. Walker if he would agree to be interviewed by email. Here are my questions, and Mr Walker’s responses:

Q. As I wrote in my recent article, There is always a background story, I am convinced the personal history of each person explains a great deal of why they do what they do and how they do it.  Since you are famous among Catholics for your news aggregation site,, can you tell the readers of FromRome.Info something about yoruself, your life, your spiritual pilgrimage, your professional work and how you came to start

Thanks, Brother. — My family was a typical Catholic family.  We were liberals. Sister Mary Lynn would play us Jesus Christ Superstar in religion class.  In high school they gave us ‘I am lovable and capable’ stickers to wear and sent us through the ‘Encounter’ retreat weekend where they played George Harrison songs and we wrote each other ‘palanka’ letters and hugged. I went to college to please my folks when I really just wanted to be play music in the clubs.  So I did both. When I added trying to make a future for my girlfriend and I, there were a lot of things not really working out and I ended up getting depressed, waitering and sleeping and wishing that I could die. I felt like I was floating out in space among the stars.

I had stopped going to Mass, and I’d soaked up all the lies a ‘liberal arts’ education will give you today.

One day I found an old book lying around by Bishop Sheen called ‘Go to Heaven.’  I had no idea who he was, but I felt like his words went all the way out in space and reached me.  They taught me somehow that life was a battle between good and evil, and the battleground was our souls.  After a few months I found a box of things my ex-girlfriend had abandoned in the attic. Among them was an old ceramic sculpture of Mary and baby Jesus that she’d made as a girl, and a rosary. I remembered the beads where the Our Fathers and Hail Marys went, so I started praying that.  Soon I realized that the whole crazy idea about God becoming a man who belonged to a family, and all the medieval spires and devotions were actually the way God was.

During the prior six months or so I’d learned that God loves me no matter who I am, or how successful.  I also learned how to discern between a worthless negative thought and a positive one. Thank you, Jesus.

Two weeks later my ex-girlfriend called me out of the blue.  We got back together and figured out where we went wrong. We realized that we shouldn’t live together until we’re married, and we should go to Mass on Sundays from now on.  I gave up playing music and got a responsible teaching job. That was 33 years ago.

One day, and three baby girls later, I saw Mother Angelica’s show.  I got such a kick out of her! You never, ever saw someone like that on television.  She was so brave. From there, along with countless other people, I began to learn all the things I’d never been taught about the Faith.  From Mother, and also from Rush Limbaugh, I learned that it’s never good to be a liberal.

After our first child, I left teaching and studied to be a corporate training designer.  After a few years, when I started working independently, I asked God to help me and began going to early morning Mass every day as sort of a deal.  Years after that, we decided to say the rosary with our kids every day. My work was going well, but I didn’t feel like I was being very helpful. I started reading and re-educating myself on faith, history, the saints.  I subscribed to the best Catholic magazines I could find. (Many of them I saw advertised in the back of National Review). I learned that there was sort of a breach between the ancient Church and what we have these days, that I had been robbed of the catechesis other generations had, and with terrible results.

One day I made the St. Louis de Montfort Consecration, where you offer all your good works and their merits to Our Lady, and from there my life started to get more difficult.  No more travelling or business meetings, and humble grueling work, but we always had what we needed. One day I stumbled onto a Catholic news aggregator I could help. That was eleven years ago.

Looking back on everything I can see God’s miraculous mercy and the power of grace through the sacraments and devotions of the Church and her faithful teachers.

Q. The rise of alternate Catholic media has followed closely upon revelations of extreme characters of the aberrant behavior of members of the clergy and Sacred Hierarchy. I remember my youth, when one presumed the priest was as holy as things in the Sanctuary, where no one was every allowed to enter but the altar boys and the Priest. How do you see the need of Catholics to be informed has changed, is changing, and will change in our lifetimes?

When we were young, there was no alternate media.  It was only liberal. The true Catholic faith was almost entirely suppressed.  Mother Angelica broke through, but her work has been mostly undone. Now with Francis, almost the entire hierarchy has been corrupted.  So has the media – even the traditional faithful media. The visible Church is sort of a stunt-church these days. It’s a trick that the rich and powerful have handed us.  So every tiny bit of truth we can spread is needed more than ever. Like Belloc said, “the truth has a life of its own.” It doesn’t matter the how big or small.

Now that Francis is there, I see no reason for restraint in reporting negative information about the hierarchy.  If Francis were a Catholic pope, it might be different. But as it is, the entire structure is now a target. Shine the light so the roaches run.  Fumigate. I don’t think it’s right to withhold contempt for evil, contemptible acts and actors. It’s misleading. So I try to describe them in the most accurate terms.  The fact that the subjects are popes, bishops or priests makes the acts even worse. It would be a sin to show false respect in such cases.

Q. Readers of cannot help but notice that you are very well informed about politics, especially of the tricks and dangers of Marxists and Marxism. How did you come to be so well informed, and how important do you think is this kind of counter-critique of the prevalent Marxism in society and in the Church, necessary for Catholics today?

Faithful Catholics continue to be politically neutralized by the Catholic press.  There’s nothing good or Catholic about liberalism, but you’d never know that from reading our leading ‘lights.’  That’s why they need to be constantly reminded that lending support to leftists, either directly or by discouraging more conservative efforts, means you’re siding with the enemies of Christ. But the most important thing to the Catholic media is that Catholics remain politically powerless and unable to stand.

Marxism is the satanic flowering of Luther’s Reformation.  It’s so ubiquitous today that we don’t even see it. It’s founded upon evil:  jealousy, lies, thievery, depravity, hatred of God, and murder. It’s the anti-religion.  Its enemy is Christ’s Church and all that’s good. And it’s the true religion of the world’s elites, of Francis, and almost all the ‘bishops’

So I think the counter-message is very important.  If you are going to be ‘militant’ as any Catholic should, you have to know how to find the front.  You have to know the enemy and their goals and strategies.

If I’m more conscious of these techniques, maybe it’s because I’m tired of the people I love being tricked and ruined and sent off to Hell.  Rush Limbaugh, who’s very sick and not a Catholic, is nevertheless militant and practiced in undoing Marxist strategies. I check his show for a few minutes every day, and I read many terrific polemicists.  I’m a big fan of George Neumayr, for example.

Once you’ve identified the Marxist players, you have to make a critical analysis of what they do and say.  Their techniques are very studied and tested, and they repeat patterns and trends that have worked over the years.  They exploit people’s sins, weaknesses, and ignorance. Hundreds of years of scheming and a lot of money and support go into making a Francis or an Obama.

Q. There are a lot of different kinds of Catholic journalism today, to use the word, “Catholic” merely as indicative of which religion they profess to practice, and not in a manner referring to whether they are faithful or not. Can you give the readers of FromRome.Info your thoughts on the kinds of Catholic journalism available and why not all of them are worthy reading or not?

Journalism, as it exists today, is more of an effort to hide and twist than to inform.  It’s very important to the powers that be that we sheep remain ignorant and able to be misdirected.  The Prince of this World rules a kingdom of lies and Christ’s truth is always like a pearl.

I don’t read all the different types of journalism.  I only look at things I may be able to link at If a news outlet has any money to do actual travel or reporting, then they’ll probably be liberals like the writers at Crux or National Catholic Reporter.  Those are good sources because they reveal some newsy facts and they spin them according to the goals of their backers. If you know that they’re unreliable and biased, then you’ll see where to start looking for the truth.

More and more outlets like the Catholic Herald, National Catholic Register, CNA and the other EWTN vehicles are growing similar to Aleteia and Patheos.  They support Francis and his regime, and almost all the bishops, yet find room for some criticism. They implement the Marxist cultural program of environmentalism and anti-capitalism which Francis is trying to sell as Catholic doctrine.  They are in the business of softening scandal and protecting the status quo.

The independent bloggers like “From Rome” are absolutely essential, because they’re the only place to get honest and accurate analysis, as well as news, polemics, and expertise.  Many still fall short and some are skewed by their ties and other constraints, but you can still learn from them. If they are speakers, pushing books, or occasionally featured at a main outlet (people like Patheos’ Dave Armstrong for example) they’ll typically be poor sources.

The “Where Peter Is” blog is a new kind of globalist-backed effort dedicated to defending Francis from actual Catholic critics while feigning strong faith by adhering closely to the dubious Francis’s false teachings.

The faithful Catholic press such as the Remnant, the terrific LifeSite news, and One Peter Five are growing more restrictive in their content in an effort to square the circle of an anti-Catholic pope who must be honored and tolerated yet ‘resisted’ somehow.  I wonder if this isn’t ultimately a funding issue. There do not appear to be any true Catholic funding sources in the world these days. Even the German billionaire Gloria Von Thurn seems to have gone south.  On top of that, non-canonical excommunications are flying around, and that would seriously impact such sources.

GloriaTV is a fantastic site.  Also there are some great faithful Italian writers who understand the Vatican very well. The legalistic analyses of people like Chris Ferrara and Brian McCall are indispensable, if not entirely reliable in these days of a tyrannical Church machine

Finally, Twitter has become a terrific source of top stories and analysis, even with a few words. I try to limit who I follow so that I can get a good picture of the breaking news.

I’m sure there are many videos and podcasts, Taylor Marshall and Raymond Arroyo for example, who can be good sources.  But they and many others are reliable only within certain Francis-defending boundaries. I typically don’t follow them just because of time, but they are growing.

There are very few news sources that can’t be labeled as either generally unreliable or as a part of a ‘false resistance,’ which gives a pretense of defending the Faith, but often stumbles when it comes to actionable truth.

Q. What do you see is the future of What do you want to achieve with it? How would you describe what you see as your own particular mode of journalistic practice?


I think this work is similar to what an editor of a newspaper would do.  I feel like it’s my job to give an accurate picture of what is happening right now, and that is a very polemical thing. I don’t see how much I can do beyond that right now.  My headlines are often much different from the point of the articles they link. That’s because the truth has been buried. So I feel that I’m planting little sorely needed seeds of truth.  I care about my readers. I want them to have information they need to do the things God has in mind for each of them.

Q. What do you think really happened in February 2013, at the Vatican?



I can only guess, but it looked like an Obama coup at the time. I was not surprised at all to see a nasty Francis on the balcony a month later. In 2013 the American pro-Catholic political party, feeble as it was, had been so neutered that the modern power support for the Church was crushed.  It was a perfect opportunity to steal the Church, and the fulfillment of a very old plan.

Q. What do yout think the St Gallen Mafia really are, what are their objectives, who is backing them, how dangerous are they?


I saw your piece on the origins of those schemers. — Society seems to have been driven by enemies of Christ for a few hundred years. The banks, the Masons – you can only speculate.  But a rival entity has taken the Church’s leadership place in the world for some time, and the St. Gallen infiltrators were just doing what they were told.  The powerful elusive men who seem to guide the planet (I don’t think the world is evolving or drifting) have, in the end, a Satanic, post-Christian goal for mankind.

Q. How are Catholics to cope with the near universal mindless acceptance by the clergy of Bergoglians as their superiors, even though they show themselves to have less faith than Lutheran or Anglican ministers? And sometimes less morals than even Muslim Imams?

I think the solution to this mess is to regain a legal, functional Church.  It’s not the size of the Church that matters, it’s whether it’s functioning properly, because that organic reality of a true Catholic body will only grow.  Until the Church is pure and functional, it won’t attract anyone. MonsterBishops and an anti-Catholic pope can’t realistically be called the Church. But how can we make a legal and true home for the Church today?  We need to have a legal, Catholic pope first, who’s uncompromising, as a true Catholic would be.

Q. Finally, do you think Benedict is still the Pope, and that Bergoglio never was the Successor of Saint Peter? And if so, in each case, why?


I don’t know if Benedict is still pope, but I would not be surprised if he were, for a few reasons:

  • Some, like you, Brother, point to canonical violations in the way he abdicated.  He could have purposely undermined his abdication for various reasons. One being that, if you rule out the various Vatican press manipulations, he seems to think he’s in some way Pope
  • He could have been pressured.  There is history and evidence
  • The rarity of a papal abdications makes them by nature highly suspicious, something which should be investigated before making assumptions.  This does not appear to have been done
  • There is a climate of heresy, lies, dirty money, intrigue, crime, and real fear in the Vatican.
  • Francis, in a historic first, does not formally hold the Catholic faith.  Despite protests that he is a periodic occurrence, which cite very minor papal discrepancies from the past, Francis doesn’t possess the ‘charism’ that popes have always had

If Francis is indeed false, it’s probably because:

  • Benedict may still be pope for various investigate-able reasons above
  • Francis is a manifest formal heretic and evidence shows he probably always was
  • He clearly and closely serves the goals and strategies of the world’s powerful elites, who oppose and attack the Church
  • His pre-planned conclave election appears to have violated Canon law

If all the men acting as priests, bishops, or pope were required to be Catholic, then the vast majority would be eliminated. I think that should happen. Then the Church visible would be the same as the Church Militant as it exists in God’s eyes.  I’m sick of pretending that faithless men are part of the Church. They just aren’t. They’ve abandoned their offices.

Thank you Mr. Walker for consenting to be interviewed by FromRome:info. My gratitude and that of all my readers….


You’re welcome, Brother.  God bless you and thank you for your powerful work for the Church.



+ + +

Marco Tosatti speaks with FromRome.Info


An Interview with Marco Tosatti, one of the leading Vaticanista of Italy, who has covered the Vatican for nearly 40 years. He explains his career, how it has changed, what the Crisis of Bergoglio is doing to Catholics and Clergy and what they in turn are revealing to him.

Many thanks to Marco Tosatti for consenting to be interviewed
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo, of FromRome.Info

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

First, let me thank you, Mr. Tosatti, for granting me the opportunity to interview you. I consider it a great favor. — First of all, since there is so little biographical information about you, available in English, I would ask you to relate for my readers something about yourself, your professional career as a Vaticanista, and what you saw as your more memorable moments of the life of the Church in the last nearly 40 years.

I was born into a family of journalists. My father was a journalist, and I was a year and a half old when he passed away, in a tragedy which is well known in Italy (Editor’s Note: The Superga Plane crash of May 4, 1949). He was on the plane with the Grande Torino Soccer Team, on a return trip from an exposition match with the team from Lisbon. My older brother, Giorgio, was one of the most noted sports journalists of Italy. I myself never thought of doing anything else but being a journalist: I was taught from my youth that it was a needed and noble profession.

Before I covered religious news, I worked more than 10 years in other sectors: daily news — I was the first journalist on the scene of where the cadaver of Aldo Moro was dumped, having arrived together with the Police), labor news, political news, and news regarding public education.  I only became a vaticanista by chance, when my predecessor retired:  I was far from the Church at that time, and for the many years of my life I have been a vaticanista.

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

I myself can remember as a child, a communion rail, receiving the Sacrament on the tongue, and priests who always dressed as priests. A great deal, however, has changed in the Church since then. For yourself, on the other hand, I read that it was your work as a Vaticanista which was the occasion of your conversion to the Faith. Can you share with my readers how that came about, if this is not too personal of a question?

I believe that it was a gradual process for me; and I also believe that John Paul II had a great role in this. I was struck by how a person who was so extraordinarily intelligent prayed, with the abandonment of a child. It presented me with a problem, which in Zen Buddhism could be called a Koan: to be incredibly intelligent and have total faith in something which the mind cannot reach.  So I began to pray myself.

Brother Alexis BugnoloBack when you began your career as a Vaticanista, there was no internet, and anything the world knew about the Vatican or the Pope was something you heard of only in Church publications for the most part, there was so little interest in particularly Catholic news. How did the job of reporting about the Vatican for a secular newspaper change during the many years of your career? Was there always the same interest in the same kind of news, or did the interest of your editors and your readers change also with the passing of time?

I began in December, 1981, and it was just then that occurred the downfall of Jaruzelski in Poland. There was a lot of interest in the story, but it was always or nearly always only of a political nature. The Vatican was very different back then. I joke: Vaticanisti were compared with journalists from Moscow, because the closure to the world of Mass Media was similar in both capitals … then, everything changed, as wee have seen: the prelates began to speak, give interviews and thus it went. With John Paul II it was certainly easy to get a story; also because Joaquin Navarro Walls was outstanding in finding news stories to feature. Nevertheless, I would say, as is today, it was mostly superficial news. But I believe that such is inevitable, in the genre of Mass Media.

Brother Alexis BugnoloMuch of what is happening in the Church right now is profoundly shocking Catholics on a daily basis. We are finding it difficult to understand what is going on, and so there is, on the one hand, a very avid interest for news, and on another, after nearly 7 years of scandals, a strong desire that the bad news itself just go away. What have you noticed about how the faithful are reacting to the news of the Bergoglian regime and how their interest in it has changed in these last 7 years?

From the time when Social Media took on the role which it has today, it is much simpler for journalists to understand what the public wants. At my blog, Stilum Curiae, I do a lot of interaction with my readers. I am present on Twitter, have two profiles and a page on  Facebook, have a channel on Telegram and on VK.  What I perceive in regard to the latter, is the problem many Catholics have, to confront ambiguous, contradictory messages which clearly break with the doctrine and praxis of the Church as they have known and lived it up until a few years ago. Persons who were timid five or six years ago, in their protest against what is going on in the Church have become more and more explicit and are protesting openly. I am sure that for their part, they are much more interested in the real content of the message than in the images of propaganda they find on social media.

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

For anyone who has studied how the Communists have taken down governments and overthrown entire societies from within, the events of the last 7 years in the Church are deeply troubling. The growing consensus is that Marxism has replaced Catholicism, and that the great world powers along with George Soros are behind this coup d’etat. Do you sense from your contacts among the clergy here in Italy a similar growing awareness of the root of the problem?

Not a few persons, priests and no, they are more and more convinced that the Church of the ages is undergoing an unrelenting attack on the part of anti-Christian ideological, political and financial forces; a battle which has not let down in recent centuries, and which probably is now aiming directly at the internals of the Church.  Certainly, this kind of problem did not seem to exist, when I began to serve as a vaticanista; and it grew to extreme proportions from the moment in which Benedict XVI renounced.

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

The resignation of Pope Benedict was for believing Catholics a true occasion of psychological shock. Even one European Bishop said, upon hearing the news, that he thought it was a Mardis Gras day joke. On that account, it is not surprising that Catholics have made the events of February 2013 the subject of intense discussions and investigations. — Since you are a professional Vaticanista, I ask if you can relate both personally and professionally how you reacted to the events of Feb. 11, 2013 and what followed up to Feb. 28 of that month.

I was taken by surprise. Even now I do not have a clear and unequivocal answer for that deed.  And, according to me, it should never have been done.  And the actual situation in the Church, the confusion, the divisions and all of that in which we are living, had its origin precisely in that deed.  But I do not, yet, know how to explain to myself and to others what Benedict XVI did.  I hope that when — many years from now — Benedict XVI leaves us, some elements of clarity are able to emerge.  At the moment, I am not excluding any hypothesis.

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

From what you know and whom you know among the clergy and workers at the Vatican, what can you reveal about the discontent there? An eminent Vaticanista, whom I quoted anonymously last week, said opposition to Bergoglio is already at 100%. But I wonder what kind of opposition it is or could be, if no one is willing to go on record with public questions as to the legitimacy or orthodoxy of what is going on.

There is no doubt, that inside the Vatican, there reigns great fear and uncertainty.  And it is from that, there comes to my ears how insufferable this regime is, its stunts, its ambiguities and the confusion it is creating is very great. It was not by chance that during the Amazon Synod even Cardinals and prelates close to Bergoglio took a position in the small circles against the suggestion of ordaining viri probati (Editor’s note: married laymen).  But, as Manzoni used to say, if one does not have courage, he cannot inspire it . . . Luckily there are some Cardinals and Bishops who do not fear to speak.

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

As you may know, FromRome.Info is the only news site for the PPBXVI Movement: what I call those Catholics who accepting the terms and obligations of Canon Law, hold that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope because his resignation was not in conformity with the requirements of Canon 332 §2 and that the response of the Cardinals to it violated both Canons 40 and 41. I heard from a lot of my sources that there are great numbers of Canonists and Clergy who also have grave doubts as to the validity of the renunciation or believe there should be an investigation. What are you hearing from your sources about these matters and this controversy?

I admit that I do not know much about this; I never studied Law nor Canon Law.  What I can say is this. Even Cardinals contrary to Bergoglio, and who probably did not vote for him in the Conclave, admit that, alas, his election is legitimate. Second: the problem with Benedict XVI, whether he renounced legitimately or not, is that he has renounced being pope, and does not want to do the job. If we have a possible “claimant” who is not claiming, rather, who does not want to make a claim on the position, what can we do about it?

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

The crisis of having a man whom you think is the pope be a man whom you recognize is a raving heretic and Marxist, is a crisis which is shaking to the core those Catholics who are not members of the PPBXVI movement, as I have defined it. Many have left the Catholic Church, many more have left the practice of their faith. Many are holding on to the hope that Bergoglio is going to have a change of heart or that the Cardinals will do something about him. But the years pass and nothing is done. If anything the Cardinals declare themselves for the regime after the manner of TV testimonies of the Soviet or Maoist era. According to what you are hearing, how are Italian Catholic responding psychologically and intellectually to this seeming contradiction between what a pope should be and what the man they hold to be the pope is not.

The uneasiness is there, no doubt. Some people close their eyes and say: right or wrong, my pope. Others look and see; and think that the Church has certainly seen popes of all kinds in its long history, and whether it be true what we have been told: non praevalebunt. We must suffer it and pray

Brother Alexis BugnoloFinally, I express my surprise that you have consented to this interview. I surmised that just a few years ago you would not even want to talk with someone who considered Benedict the true Pope and Bergoglio an Anti-pope. Was your decision based on recent events, such as the slapping or the book controversy, or have you personally decided that the gravity of the present situation in the Church requires you as a Vaticanista to start considering all possibilities?

No, why not? I’m always willing to talk to anyone who wants to. We may have, we probably do, different ideas on some points about the situation, but that doesn’t prevent anything. What has changed is my position. If a few years ago you could have placed me among the “center moderates”, now I find myself among the opponents of this Church government. But the problem is that I remained what I was: it’s not me who moved…

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

Thank you, Mr. Tosatti, for granting me this interview, and for the permissions to republish in English some of your posts at  I am sure the readers of FromRome.Info are also grateful. Praised be Jesus Christ!

This interview was conducted by email in both English and Italian. FromRome.Info publishes here its English translation of Tosatti’s responses.

Marco Tosatti publishes his writings and reflections at

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without express permission of the publisher,
who however grants permission for citation of an individual response with a link to the original whole, here at FromRome.Info, for those sites
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POSTSCRIPT: A pope is pope, not because he claims to be pope or because others claim he is pope, but because he accepted his valid election as the pope and has not yet renounced the petrine munus according to the norm of Canon 332 §2. This concept of being is something unique to those holding offices in Christ’s Church on account of their supernatural origin in the Divine Will, Which has promised to bind Itself to the decrees of the Successors of Saint Peter in Canon Law, and without the consent of Which no office in the Church is validly conferred. It is on this basis, the basis of Canon Law, that the Catholic Faithful alone have the duty to obey those who hold office in the Church, for otherwise, obedience would be divorced from Faith, and the hierarchical structure of the visible Church would be in schism with the theological virtue and its obligations, and the institutions of the Church would not be approved of by the Divine Will, which all Christians must obey and prefer to the will of mortal men.

An Interview with David Domet, the Vox Cantoris blogger who stood up to Fr. Rosica

Fr. Thomas Rosica meets Pope Francis, during the recent Extra-Ordinary Synod on the Family
Fr. Thomas Rosica meets Pope Francis, during the recent Extra-Ordinary Synod on the Family

French Translation | Italian Translation

Q. The Catholic world is gladdened to hear today that Fr. Rosica has decided not to take legal action against you, for your public criticism of his positions at your now famous blog, Vox Cantoris. As one of those who would like to know more about this sad episode, I am honored that you have consented to be interviewed by the From Rome blog.

Let us begin, therefore, with the facts of the case. When and how did you receive the threat of legal action, what Fr. Rosica now calls, the cease and desist letter?

Mr. Domet:  Well, it clearly did not seem to me as a “cease and desist letter” which could have been written by him without the aid of one of Toronto’s most expensive law firms (though he does state the work was “pro bono; the fees to my Solicitor are certainly not, I’ve already paid her a retainer, as is just). The letter was quite clear on its demands and what was more astounding was the continued threat of a lawsuit even had I complied with their demands which I was not prepared to do. I was at lunch on Tuesday, February 17, the day before Ash Wednesday with a colleague and it came across my smartphone. Suffice to say, after reading it, lunch was over. The letter is available on line at my blog, people can read it and draw their own conclusions.

Q. What was your and your wife’s reaction at receiving such a communication from a man of God? and this at the beginning of Lent?

Mr. Domet:  I was astounded and shocked, and my wife was extremely hurt and upset; and frankly, afraid as I was of what this meant for us and our home and my son; this has been very hard on her, especially coming from a priest. We know so many and work with so many priests organizing and assisting, consulting and training for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite and chanting the Mass. She herself has a beautiful voice and assists me every week in the traditional rite. I also sing weekly in the Ordinary Form so my work with priests is well known and my love and respect for these good priests with whom I work is without doubt. The affects upon us have been physical, too, with more than a few chiropractic adjustments for neck and shoulder pain and stress. As for Lent, well; since we married nearly two years ago, life’s been pretty soft. Our Lent began with a very heavy cross much more so than the usual we might try to put upon ourselves. We have both been sustained by prayers from so many people around the world and we have many times offered up this trial to God our Father united with the Cross of Christ. We are happy that we can now regroup over the next few days and rest and then get on with a more structured Lenten focus.

Q. Who is Jesus Christ and what does the Catholic Faith mean to you? And how did this magnify your dismay at what had happened?

Mr. Domet:  He is my LORD and saviour and King of all; if I try to do anything without him I fail – I’ve proven that more than once and “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” was what I remembered in this matter. Nothing is more important than the Catholic Faith as given to us by Our Blessed Lord; He and It are the rock on which life makes sense and truth is anchored.

As for my dismay, what else can we expect? Look around at the world and at the Church. The Church for many reasons is weak so faith is weak; when faith is weak, Catholics are weak and the world is inflamed with evil and terror. I am dismayed that there are so few Catholics, whether priest, prelate or laity, prepared to stand up for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. In Canada, we have over 40% baptized as Catholics, in the United States of America maybe 30% ; if every one of us went to the Sacraments and Mass on Sunday and lived our faith we would change our nations overnight! If that is the situation here, how much more for Europe where the percentages are even higher? My dismay is your dismay—the failings of Catholics to be Catholic and stand up for Our Lord.

Q. What did you do first, seek advice or contact the Law Firm in question?

Mr. Domet:  I sought advice from a very small group of close advisors. I did not contact the law firm directly – I needed to secure the right Solicitor and found her, a Catholic with some other background knowledge which I cannot reveal but which aided our strategy. Our first contact back to the law firm apparently engaged “pro bono” by Father Rosica was by mail with the response to their first letter and contact was only made by my Solicitor.

Q. What was the advice given, or response from the Firm, as the case may be….?

Mr. Domet:  As I indicated this on my own blog, Vox Cantoris; we responded to the deadline in the first letter to prevent an injunction on their part, though not meeting their demands, of course. We stated our position and suggested other options for discussion within the Church which were rejected.

Other items were then put on the table, making demands on me that were impossible to accept. It became apparent to me that we needed to communicate with clarity what we were not prepared to do,  and what we were prepared to do, which was to defend ourselves and engage a crowd-funding campaign to sustain it.

Q. Out of respect for your contact in the Secretariat of State, I won’t ask you to divulge his name. And, assuming the advice he gave you was not his own, but that which he was counseled to give, can you tell us what advice did he give you? And did you ask him to explain why he gave such unexpected advice?

Mr. Domet:  As I stated on my blog, I first “took it to the Church” as we are commanded to do in Holy Scripture. Frankly, it was easier to go to my contact in Rome than my own Chancery in Toronto. I can only assume that the information coming back to me was his personal advice and nobody else’s and I have no reason to believe otherwise. However, I was asked to state my “intention” and I did not respond to it and was then asked the next morning again and that maybe it would be better to “seek humility” and “apologise.” I did not and was advised not to respond to either. The fact is, intervention could have happened on the first or second day.

Q.  Personally, I have seen time and time again, members of the clergy use spiritual counsels to convince the laity to assume a posture of excessive respect toward the clergy which seems to be would only enable further abusive behavior by members of the clergy, the same or otherwise. Was this any part of your own reaction to the advice given you through your contact in the Secretariate of State? And how does that reflect on the state of affairs in the Vatican, under Pope Francis, in your opinion?

Mr. Domet:  I don’t think that I am qualified to give an opinion on the Secretariat of State and its operation under Pope Francis. However, let me state this; I’ve heard a lot of clergy do exactly as you stated and I myself have seen it directly, I have experienced it directly. It is the height of clericalism and it is detestable.

It is particularly detestable to attempt to do it to informed laity, which is in direct contravention of our rights and duties under Canon 212 §3 and the precepts of Vatican II, which they preach when it suits them.

Look, our parents and grandparents were victims of a clericalism that destroyed the liturgy and the faith for millions of souls. The same clericalism abused and sodomised and destroyed lives. This same clericalist attitude demanded that we “pay, pray and obey” while they “preyed!” Some of them say that we who wish to live by the Law and desire proper liturgy are Pharisaical and pelagian and desire clericalism. Nonsense! It is they that are the Pharisees, they are the clericalists –I’ve seen it; I’ve lived it and I’ve had direct experience with all of it and in some ways that I would rather not discuss at this time.

Q. What should catholics, and especially catholic bloggers who are faithful to the teaching of Christ, do, when confronted with such a letter?

Mr. Domet:  Pray. Ask for spiritual warriors to pray especially Carmelite Nuns (thank you to them!!!). Assemble a small team of advisors and a practicing Catholic lawyer including a Canon Lawyer; but something tells me this won’t be happening again anytime soon.

Q.  And how do you think your case gives good example of what should be done in the future, regarding attempts by an ever increasing number of clergy and religious to urge and push the Church to abandon Christ’s teaching about faith and penance, marriage, chastity, and the traditional Eucharistic Discipline?

Mr. Domet:  The example is quite clear; the Catholic blogosphere lit up with what happened; we need to see the power in that and take up the cause for the faith the family and the Holy Eucharist which seems to me to be at the heart of the matter.

How can those of us now unite to form an army of devoted and believing Catholics that blog to prevent an attempt to overturn doctrine at the Synod?

What vehicle can we use to coordinate our work, not control it, but to coordinate and disseminate and educate and catechise beyond just our few hundred readers?

Well, that’s what it was, I dare say now it is in the thousands! This situation since Ash Wednesday also shows the Church the power of blogs and how we will not be silent anymore in the face of heterodoxy. I can still remember as a child how my late mother particularly lamented what was done in the 1960’s. They had no way to stop it, no tools to fight back, we do and there is no excuse anymore not to use it to the advantage of the Church with “clarity and charity” as my own Archbishop will often state.

Q. Do you believe the proposals of Cardinal Kasper are, as Cardinals Muller and Sarah describe them, heretical, inasmuch as they propose to divorce Catholic Faith from Traditional discipline regarding the Sacraments?

Mr. Domet:  Yes, 100% without reservation. Let me say this too. I married my lovely Frankie nearly two years ago; we courted for nearly two before that. I was married previously in the Church but was granted a “Decree of Nullity” many years ago. Let these prelates stop with the distortion of the facts. The annulment process, at least I can speak of here in Toronto, is rigorous and thorough as it must be, but it was not “painful.” It took time because I was lazy with my documents. My recollection is the cost was a suggested donation of $900 Canadian for which I received a tax receipt — so we can get off that carousel that it is not possible to obtain one.

One cannot divorce the Catholic Faith from Traditional discipline regarding the Sacraments and still remain Catholic.

Q. What do you think Catholic Cardinals and Bishops should be doing now to avert a disaster in October at the Synod for the Family?

Mr. Domet:  Our own Cardinal Archbishop Thomas Collins has addressed the matter publicly and upholds the doctrine. He has asked for input from the faithful and I have certainly provided my own. What the Catholic faithful need to see are more examples of prelates such as Cardinal Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Cardinal Sarah, Archbishop Cordileone, the Polish bishops and many of those in Africa. Why are they not all speaking out? What are they afraid of? I’ve had enough of bishops in Belgium and the United States and here in Canada musing about blessing and accepting of alternative lifestyles. Yes, they have said this; I don’t need to name them here. I’ve heard enough of this “mercy” it is a false mercy – there is nothing merciful about someone being left in a place that will jeopardise their eternal salvation.

Q. If the Pope and those who prefer loyalty to him to loyalty to Christ Jesus, should push or declare any deviation from the Faith or traditional discipline of the Sacraments in the October Synod, will you stand with the Pope or with Jesus Christ?

Mr. Domet:  I stand with Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Let us not, as Catholics, give an exaggerated status to any pope along the lines of what our protestant friends think – an infallibility without respect for the Gospel, which he does not possess. The First Vatican Council defined it very clearly.

Q. How high do you think the stakes are in this battle?

Mr. Domet:  As high as they can be; schism, heresy and the loss of souls and as our beloved Benedict XVI said, “the very future of the world is at stake”; God will not be mocked.