Category Archives: Politics
Why Masonic & Godless States have no real authority to govern
Editor’s Note: While the producers of this video do not accept the Christian Faith, their arguments are reasonably sound when used against a State which claims moral authority while denying that Christ is King and while establishing a legal system which claims the right to define what is moral and what is not immoral. — The Catholic position on the State is that it can only have authority when it explicitly and actually conforms itself to the Divine or Natural Law; and thus it must enshrine always that Law in its laws and have safeguards to prevent deviations from this ideal. Thus only the Catholic State, today, could have authority over men, because all other forms of the state deny either the existence of God’s authority in His Laws, as revealed, or as taught by Him in nature. But the video speaks well, and adopts the perennial Catholic position, that even in a state without authority, those of its laws which are conformable to the Natural Law should be complied with, not for the sake of the state, but for the righteousness of doing so.
The Politics of Jesus Christ
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
In our age ruled by cruel and evil Masons, politics has a bad name, because by “politics” we are wont to understand the evil and godless trickery of the Masonic Lodges.
But poliltics, from its root in Greek, means the things which pertain to the city-state that is the state or civil order.
Politics was rectified by Jesus Christ when He said, while looking at a Roman Denarius,
“Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s”. (Mark 12:17)
In Christ’s day, The Roman coin, the Denarius was a silver coin worth about 1 day’s wages. It bore the image of the Roman Emperor, whose title was “Caesar”.
For this reason, the Fathers of the Church explain this teaching of our Lord as meaning that in all honest and just matters pertaining to our civil duties we should obey our civil leaders, but that in all matters pertaining to God we should obey God.
A more profound interpretation, suitable for our godless age, is often given in our own days by many commentators, namely, that we should limit our obedience to the State to things which pertain to the civil order but remember that as individuals, God prefers the salvation of each man, and indeed has created all things and sent His Son Jesus Christ, to save him. Thus, nothing should be done or tolerated which impedes that end or purpose of the cosmos, that God-preferred outcome for each human person.
The Politics of Jesus Christ
Thus, it is not only not impious, but rather devout and faithful to assert that in this one teaching of Jesus Christ, God Himself has spelled out His politics. And for this reason since no other writers I know of have ever spoke on this subject I want to draw out some conclusions of this august divine teaching.
First of all, the politics of Jesus Christ is not based on an ideology. Ideologies are ideas thought up by fallible men which when imposed on mankind lead to death and slavery and sin.
But Christ’s teaching is God’s own teaching. And since He is the Author of Man and the author of Life and Liberty, His politics lead always to true freedom, live and virtue.
Thus the first conclusion we can draw is this: that every Christian has the grave moral obligation to adopt Christ’s politics and put it into action. Because nothing better for mankind can be hoped for than this.
And since Christ’s teaching is of God, since He is God, it is also the falsification of all other political theories, which come from fallible men.
“Falsification” means here the truth which shows that all other theories are false, that is do not correspond to the truth of reality or the truth of man. For who knows reality better than the Creator of all things. And who knows what man is and is capable of better than the Creator and Savior of Men?
Hence, Christ’s teaching here in the Gospel of Mark is the true light for all justice. Since as Aristotle teaches, justice is the virtue of the mind which inclines us to render unto the other what belongs to him.
Christ’s teachings are all lightsome, but they are especially so because in them, He defines and distinguishes rightly and properly on the basis of what things really are.
To Caesar belongs the things which are Caesars. Not only as regards the coins minted by the State, but the end and purpose of the state. Aristotle in his “Politics” describes this well: the state is that form of government which comes into being by necessity, so that the honest citizens and denizens can be suitably protected from the dishonest and wicked citizens and foreigners.
Since the State exists only by a necessity for justice, no State can legitimately be unjust. Thus the State must be governed by the honest for the honest. Thus every law which insures this is of prime importance for the good and preservation of the civil order.
That most modern states have few if any laws which actually lead to punishing rulers, shows from the start, how dark is the age in which we live, and how perverse are the nations which dominate us.
Likewise, since man was created for God, and to have the opportunity to learn to know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life and to be blessed with Him forever in the world to come, man’s role in politics is an activity of his which must serve his purpose in life.
Thus the State must server man’s call to be with God forever. And thus the State must always be subordinate to mankind’s Savior, Jesus Christ, and to Holy Mother Church, in that work and divine service.
These short reflections on the politics of Jesus Christ should be meditated upon as they will lead to a powerful and profound transformation of how we live in this world and how we exercise our rights and duties in the political order. Let us preach them also, to everyone so that our generation may be saved from the big lies which are propagated on all sides by all voices.
A look forward to 2024: A Year of Schism and Civil War?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The Globalists knew that they can never achieve Agenda 2030 without crushing their opposition.
And in 2013 they realized that opposition in the USA and in the Catholic Church was rising to threatening levels, as rank and file citizens and believers woke up out of the last 100 years of propaganda.
So now it appears that the Globalists are positioning us into a situation where we turn on one another rather than fight them. Divide and Conquer.
In the USA, it looks increasingly likely that neither major political party will accept as valid the final vote in the Electoral College on January 6, 2025. A disagreement there could be disastrous, as the first Civil War in the USA began with a disagreement precisely over that: who was the winner of the election of 1860.
In the Catholic Church, the Church Militant has awoken and unsheathed Her sword against the perverse dishonesty launched by the Globalist puppet, Pope Francis, called “Fiducia supplicans”. The refusal of the papal document is unprecedented in the entire history of the Church, precisely because for the first time in roughly 1600 years there is a document bearing the Papal signature which is doctrinally dishonest and erroneous, not to mention perverse.
If both institutions are embroiled in internecine warfare in 2023-2025, then the Globalists will have a free hand to push their agenda world-wide. Which is exactly what they want.
Foreboding are the implications of such a strategy.
I am not making this observation as a pacifist, urging each side to reconcile. I am rather urging everyone to wake up and pay attention to the larger battle at hand.
ARGENTINA: The new President represents the death of Peronism
by Carlos Caso-Rosendi
Special Correspondent for FromRome.Info
Buenas Aires, Argentina — Nov. 20, 2023: Yesterday, Argentina elected Javier Milei to be President of the Republic for the next four years. The man entered the political realm only two years ago. Mr. Milei is what in other, more normal times we would have called “an eccentric” of sorts. These days, even with all his eccentricities, he may pass for a pretty normal guy in comparison with some characters walking the streets of Buenos Aires but that’s neither here not there.
Milei’s spiritual mentor is his sister who like many other nominally Catholic Argentines delves in practices like Tarot. Javier Milei himself admits to the practice of Tantric sex, alludes to certain Jewish spiritual disciplines in his conversation and keeps the Sabbath in spite of his nominally Catholic roots.
Milei’s ascension coincides with the decline of Peronism. To understand Javier Milei it is necessary to understand Peronism, a movement that was born along with Germany’s Nazism, Italy’s Fascism, and Spain’s own version of Fascism born of the ideas of Primo de Rivera and Francisco Franco. Juan Perón founded his own version or Nationalsozialismus and named it Justicialism. Far from being a well defined political philosophy, Justicialism has been politically everything under the sun since 1946.
Those who do not like Peronism say that the movement is simply “a criminal association seeking to acquire political power to ransack the nation’s Treasury and riches” —lacking a coherent political or philosophical definition I consider that explanation quite correct and adjusted to reality.
Juan Perón installed some ideas in Argentina that are diametrically opposed to the ideas preached by Javier Milei. Perón and all those who followed Peronism, basically believed that the prosperous Argentina of the past was too involved in international commerce, exporting too much, and holding too much foreign capital. Combatting the influence of foreign capital has always been one of the battle cries of Peronism. Needless to say those ideas have been a complete fracas.
Javier Milei’s credo is basically the same of the Austrian sages such as Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, et al. Extolling the commonsensical approaches to economy of the Austrians and others like George Stigler, Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell, Mr. Milei was able to appeal to the young voters of Argentina by preaching the economic gospel of Austrian economics. The old generations were displaced by the young vote that now comprise 30% of the electorate and went to Milei almost entirely. For those young ones, Perón and Evita are two slightly ridiculous, vociferating old persons shouting from ancient newsreels. That did it for Milei. The other candidates spoke the old Peronist ambiguities while Milei spoke some common sense.
In this the second round of the election Peronism was massacred. There was no need to wait until the end of the vote count to surrender the flag. With 90% of the votes counted Milei was miles ahead of Sergio Massa, a disastrously inefficient minister of economy. Massa was the best Peronism had to offer. A blatant defamation of Milei’s character was all they could come up with as a campaign. A laughable effort from a party plagued by corruption scandals of all kinds. The Peronist gambit had a boomerang effect. A day after, Peronism is still laying unconscious, victim of its own campaign.
The man Milei has managed to defeat the political system, appropriating some of the most decent forces that want to dismantle the Peronist machine of oppression that has grown since 1946 when Perón appeared in the political scene. After reaching a 50% poverty rate and considering the daily sight of a country in ruins, it may begin to enter the Argentine mind that perhaps Peronism was not the best thing to happen to the country. That is the point that Milei has to drive home. I doubt he is able to achieve that.
Milei knows a lot about economic theory but he is a bit of a simpleton in practically every other field. He is no exception in the intellectually lackluster local political class. Eight decades of a Peronist controlled education system leaves serious sequels. Milei is in the process of abandoning the Catholic faith for what I would call Jewish mysticism. That betrays a serious lack of philosophical coherence and a serious ignorance of the faith in which he was born. Again, he is not alone there, that is the state of the Catholic laity that the Church hierarchy surrendered long ago without a fight.
Having considered all that, Milei is more a product of the Argentine intellectual decline that delivered the economic, cultural, and social deterioration we see today. Milei will have to grow by leaps and bounds to serve his country well. Perhaps he should consider the words of Jesus in John 15:5 if he plans to achieve anything at all. Even the best intentions come to nothing without Christ.
VATICAN, now occupied by World Jewish Congress, pressured to bend toward Israel
The Vatican’s entrance into the Rothschild geopolitical orbit bodes ill for the security of the ecclesiastical State
Security & Intelligence Analysis by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Now that the World Jewish Congress (read, Rothschild Front) has opened an office inside Vatican City, we shall see a series of Rothschild demands packaged in Jewish controlled media as part of the theatre to explain the further Judaizing program of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Bergoglio was not the first pope to court Jewish interests. And he may not be the last. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI both numbered Jews among their maternal ancestors, and arguably could have been reckoned as such by them.
All this bespeaks of a terribly corrupt Vatican which has lost its way, forgetting that it is supposed to serve the true Heir of King David, Jesus Christ, the Lord God Sabbaoth, not the despicable money grubbing satanic Rothschild Family which hopes to put one of its own on the throne of a one world government.
But this bending toward Judaism might be the catastrophe allowed by the Divine Majesty, because the more the Vatican moves into the orbit of Israeli foreign policy, the more the Vatican risks becoming a target for radical Islamic Terrorism, and the possible horrific tragedy foreseen by Pope Saint Pius X, of a Vatican filled with corpses.
The Vatican’s security is notoriously lax, as documented here at FromRome.Info in numerous reports. In my professional opinion, there is no way Vatican Security could stop such an attack and numerous major faults in their security systems which would make it a walk in the park, compared to attacking an Embassy or Military Base.
As can be seen from the article above, the propaganda techniques of Edward Bernays are at work. Take the title of the article and replace “Jewish” with “Christian” to understand the truth of the moment by what Pope Francis is doing courting Rothschild favors. But the real meaning of the article is that, “You cannot be only a little submitted to the Rothschild plan for the world, you have to be totally committed or otherwise your loyalty is questionanble”. In response to this article, expect loud protestations from bought-and-paid or black-mailed Vatican officials calling for greater “dialogue” and “rapproachment”, sprinked with bitter denunciation of past “Catholic anti-semitism” and the traditional Roman Rite, which rightfully prayed on Good Friday “for the perfidious Jews”.
La Fonte di Libertà, oggi, passa nelle strade
USA: Independent Review shows NY Voter Lists totally compromised with fake enrollments
Back in Italy, Br. Bugnolo speaks with AJ about what Catholics must do in 2023
A Catholic Response to the recent news about the JFK Assassination
This video is available on YouTube here, but YouTube is blocking its embedding at FromRome, not because of any setting, but because of the politically incorrect statements made, which they are trying to squelch at request of the US Intel Agencies (who apparently have flagged my Catholic views as terrorism). — Referenced website: – I give you the url, because Google has removed it from its search engine. – I strongly recommend you copy all my videos from YouTube because, in retaliation for this video, I expect my entire channel’s contents to be eliminated in the next 24 hours!
From Natural Right to the Right to start a Revolution – A Lecture by Br. Bugnolo
This lecture has been translated into Polish, here:
An Examination of the Plots of the High Masonic Degrees
Peeling Back the Onion of Globalist lies to uncover their true Agenda
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
What is not being said in the News about the News is what is really going on.
Take for example, the energy crisis.
The news blames this on the war in Russia or the embargoes which are reducing supplies and raising the prices of oil and gas world-wide.
But why do the Political leaders of nations not simply remove the taxes on these fuels, which represent in some cases more than 60% of their retail prices?
And why do these politicians not even discuss that?
Again, why do the Political leaders of nations not simply reopen the Coal mines or the Nuclear Power facilities to keep prices for electricity down?
The truth behind all these unmentionable topics in the current news cycle is that the political leaders are following the Globalist agenda to make you “own nothing and be happy” (“happy” here means you are dead).
A simple person might think that they are more devoted to Gaia, to saving the planet, to fighting climate change, than to relieving the economic suffering of the masses.
But that is just another peel of the Onion of lies, to deflect your sentiments.
These narratives are launched to make excuses under the appearance of doing good.
Like the Health Official who insists your dad’s apartment is unhealthy and needs to be cleaned, after which, you discover your father’s life savings under his mattress, which he told you about, has been robbed!
The Pandemic was another big lie — I mean — peel of the Onion. Under the appearance of doing good, the Globalists tricked most of humanity into DeathVaxxing themselves, destroying their jobs, social life, communities, legal systems, careers, and psychological and spiritual well being.
But there never was a pandemic.
There never was even a Covid virus.
There never was a virus leak.
But they were doing gain of function work on the spike protein and learning how to manufacture it with nanoparticle injected mRNA.
Because the Vaccine was always what they intended. A Biological weapon to exterminate humanity slowly, so that there would always be plausable deniability.
They have now removed most covid controls in most nations, and this too is to make you forget the crime.
They are now ignoring the rising death statistics and if it becomes inconvenient they will stop and prevent all news about mortality and disease all together.
Because, the narrative will be: this helps no one; fixating on the misfortune of others; these kinds of deaths have always been.
So when you see a politician open his mouth and ignore what has happened in the last 30 months, then you can be absolutely certain of one thing.
THE ARE 100% COMPLICIT, are covering for themselves and their co-conspirators.
And need to hang! Because it is what they will not say, that condemns them.
Meloni to sprinkle a little Liberty cheese on her Masonic take-it-whether-you-like-it-or-not Pizza
Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
The sheeple only wake up and turn into free-ranged animals, when pressure and threat is applied. So it is necessary for the Globalist plot against humanity, to loosen the thumb screws of tyranny now and them. But not so much as to lessen control, only so much as TO INCREASE CONTROL by making the sheepl complacent with their smaller, tighter, more overgrazed pasture.
And so it is with the Meloni govt., which is going to oppose the Scamdemic by Announcing the abolition in December of the obligation of health care workers to take the DeathVaxxes.
Announcing, not abolishing.
In December.
For Health Care Workers!
Then, She won’t stop the baby killing. But she proposes that in every hospital pro-life groups have an office, so that if a woman knows they exist, and comes to that office, she can get information which MAY help her make a better decision to save her child or butcher it.
Can you get more morally relativist than that!
You had to be vaccinated during the Scamdemic, but saving your child from butchers is only an option, not an obligation!
So you see how much liberty and conservativism is being proposed by Meloni, whom conservatives in the West have been hailing as “Far Right”, “Right”, “Pro Family”, and “out to dismantle the NWO”?
If you put that little Parmigiano cheese on my pizza I would send it back to the kitchen and walk out without paying the tab.
But if you try to make me eat it, I will not “might puke”, I “will puke”, And in fact, I am already puking….
Try to convince the sheeple in your town to wake up, before they pull the next voter lever and elect another maniac or faker who will either butcher you or prepare you for sheering and slaughter.
So the next time you hear or think that the German people were responsible for all the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler and his NAZI regime, because they voted for his party, remember this: if you voted for any of the politicians who pushed the Scamdemic YOU ARE MORE RESPONSIBLE than any German voter in 1932-45, because Hitler only aimed at killing millions of minorities or foreigners, but the politicians you voted for aimed at killing billions of innocents and even their own co-nationals of the same religion and race!
A Manifesto for the free peoples of the Earth
Republished from Nov. 2020
Editor’s Note: This video escaped YouTube censorship for nearly 2 years, until I published it again here on Sept. 27. It was removed the day afterwards. This means that the Globalists do have agents reading FromRome.Info. — I pray that they repent, because otherwise they will burn in Hell for all eternity, and the just will sing God’s praises as they watch forever and ever! It will be delicious!
But in the mean time, the Free Peoples of the Earth, had saved a copy!
I have now upgraded this video with a Version 2.0, here
Il Vincitore dell’Elezioni? – Non nel mio nome!
L’Italia per gli Italiani ha il suo sito su web, QUI.
Duchess Karolina, Heroine of the Catholic Resistance for all times
Trump, a KGB asset?
Why the WEF may have told Putin to lose this War
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Occasionally I will publish some highly controversial speculation about current events. I did so recently in my article, “Why the CIA does not want Russia to lose this War“.
And so, for truth sake, now that the war has reached its 51st day, I want to take another angle on what is going on, in this piece: Why the World Economic Forum may have told Putin to lose this War.
First, some facts: In 1996, Putin took his wife and child to Davos, Switzerland, for a summer vacation. In 1997, he was appointed head of the FSB (the successor to the KGB) and from there he rose to power to lead the Russian Federation as de facto autocrat.
It is clear from his statements of lamentation about the dissolution of the Soviet Empire, that Putin wanted reintegration of the former Soviet republics.
Now, I take for granted that Vladimir Putin is not a stupid man. Thus, I must presume that he has prepared to achieve his desires during the last 24 years.
However, as seen from the progress of the Russo-Ukrainian War in the first 51 days, there seems to be an inexplicably intense level of impreparation and incompetence in the Russian Federation War effort.
Now, I never was one to think Russians are stupid or incompetent. Many analysts however hold these views, and others think Russia is so incompetent and the oligarchic government of Putin so corrupt, that the effect is impreparation and incompetence.
But, if anyone knows how corrupt the Russian Federation is, it must be Vladimir Putin. So he could not have been ignorant of the need to protect his armed forces from corruption and incompetence.
Ergo, it must be that he knew this forces were incapable of taking Ukraine, since they could not even take Afghanistan.
Now the narrative being fed us is that the FSB was so corrupt that they misled Putin. But that is hard to accept, because being the former FSB head and having been a life time member of the KGB/FSB, Putin would know that they are corrupt.
So it seems highly improbably that he would leave the FSB to fool him about Ukrainian preparations for war defense.
Therefore, I advance another theory for the motivations of Vladimir Putin, based on how he came to power.
First, Klaus Schwab who founded the WEF admits in his book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that after the Plandemic, they would reduce population world wide by famines and wars they would start.
Schwab in saying this reflects the deeply held satanic views of the Sabbatean Jews and their Frankist (fake Catholic) heirs: to bring about the coming of Armageddon by increasing the immorality of the world, and specifically, as the Illuminati desire, to take the Book of the Apocalypse, written by St. John, as their program of crime.
Among the revelations to St. John, we see the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse, which are plague, famine, war and death.
And thus the WEF goals are the Scamdemic, Supply chain disruption, War and genocide of nations.
The DeathVaxx was launched to achieve Plague and Death.
And so, I think, the Ukrainian war was launched to achieve famine and war.
Now that Vladimir Putin it taking his cues from Schwab was seen in the fact that this war of aggression was launched on the Satanic-Masonic date of Feb. 22, 2022. I predicted this on January 1.
And this war, by attacking Ukraine damages the world supply of sunflower oil, wheat and corn. This will cause famine among 1.2 billion persons, as some reports are estimating.
The other goal to this war has to do with a little known fact. Namely, that Ukraine’s national bank is NOT part of the Bank of International Settlements international cartel.
The BIS was created by Skull and Bones’ Bankers to accept payments of German War indemnities stated int he Versailles Treaty to end World War I. That treaty was written by Freemasons.
The BIS made a huge profit because the indemnities were never thought to be able to be repaid and thus the debt was repurchased by the Rothschilds for pennies on the dollar, as we say in the USA.
This family now controls the BIS. And the chief function originally of this bank was to act as a mediator between belligerent powers int he payment of war indemnities. In fact the BIS received all the gold bullion looted by the German Wehrmacht under Adolf Hitler. This was because Hitler himself was put in power by Rothschild agents, Skull and Bones in the USA, and the Pilgrim Society, in the UK.
Even the Central Bank of Russia is part of the BIS system.
So how do you get Ukraine to join this system?
Start a war in which some nation in the BIS system has to pay war indemnities to the Ukraine.
But to pay indemnities you have to lose the war.
And to lose the war against a weak nation as Ukraine, you have to be incompetent.
Now the nation to start the war has to have lots of gold bullion
And Russia at the start of the war had 650 Billion dollars worth of gold.
Putting a Theory to Test
Now every theory can be proven only if it can make predictions which turn out to be fulfilled. So I will venture to make some prognostications:
1) The currents of Ukraine will be devalued to drive Ukraine into bankrupcy
2) A combination of Rothschild Agents and the BIS will offer to save Ukraine if the National Bank of Ukraine is put under their control
3) As soon as the President of Ukraine gives the BIS access to the National Bank, Putin will become amenable to ending the war, and subsequently to paying indemnities.
4) Putin will be personally remunerated by the BIS with billions.
5) The control of the Ukrainian economy after this will enable Rothschilds to control world grain prices going forward and to cause the starvation of billions more, whenever they want.
CREDITS: In the featured image, a photo of Vladimir Putin attending the WEF Meeting with Klaus Schwab, whose postures shows who serves whom. (Image from collage taken from Imur)
What about all those photos of Nazi Flags in the Ukraine?
by Br. Alexis Bugnolo
Today a faithful reader asked me in private this question. And having responded in private, I think my response is something worthy of an Editorial here at FromRome.Info. We need to move away from name calling in regard to the different views about the Russo-Ukrainian War and begin to think about the facts and reports that we see in the news.
So, here is my response to the Question:
What about all those photos of Nazi Flags in the Ukraine?
The answer to your question why you may see a Nazi flag or a Flag of the German Wehrmacht in the Ukraine, is in my opinion, that the Ukrainians were starved to death under Stalin. 10 million of them. So when Hitler invaded they saw it as a liberation. Many still think that way. They are not antisemitic or Nazis, they are just Ukrainian nationalists. In fact, here in Europe, when many youth want to irk a Marxist, they make a Nazi salute or Mussolini salute as they pass him. It has no historical significance to them, though. And if you ask them, you find that they are not Nazis at all, they are just grasping for something they barely know about as a sign of their present malcontent.
As for why Zelensk would be in a photo-op with such a flag — presuming that photo is authentic an not Russian propaganda — I think what I just wrote is the explanation, having actually met with Ukrainians in Europe and spoken with them at length..
When I compare this to Americans who often are seen with Confederate Flags, I find similarities. Having lived in the South (Florida, Alabama, Arkansas briefly) many years, though being from the North, I know that many Southerners show that Flag not because they want to start a civil war or are racists, but because they admire the culture of the south and the achievements of the South and want to display their disassociation from the culture or identity of the North.
Also, as I know happens in the USA, if the MSM finds one confederate flag — or as in Canada when Trudeau actually sent a friend to insert such a flag in the Trucker protest — the MSM uses it as a tag to pin on them to make them look bad. I see that the Russians are playing the same game in Ukraine. So I do not draw any conclusions from it, but I do continue to gather information on persons and groups.
I think it is ridiculous to claim Zelensky is a Nazi, just as it is ridiculous to claim that Hitler was not a jew. Hitler pretended to be German because he wanted to use Germans to destroy Europe. He actually killed more Germans and Christians than Jews, but you would not know that from history books, since they do not draw out the conclusion!
I do not see Zelensky even being accused of using Nazi flags to genocide anyone or promote racism. His politics are quite the contrary. Nor is he a Peronist, who plays all sides. He knows, as I have explained, that the Azov regiment was founded to protect coal by a Jewish Oligarch. That some members waved those flags or use them as signs of Ukrainian nationalism, not National Socialism, is understood for what it is, not what scaremongers in the West would want you to believe it is.
And the claims of physical abuse or murder against units or persons in the Azov regiment or elsewhere, are, if they are true, signs of grave corruption, but not reasons to throw the 43 million Christians in the Ukraine under the bus. The Azov regiment moreover is composed of foreigners, not entirely, but it by no means can be claimed to represent only native sympathies.
Actually I think it is the non-Christians in the west who are trying to convince the Christians in the West, through these images of Nazi flags, to throw Christians under the bus in the Ukraine, so that the NWO objectives can be achieved. And I think Christians who fall for this kind of manipulation are very naive. Moreover, the present government of the Ukraine is doing more than any other government in the world right now to defend Christian families and preserve their traditional way of life. So to turn against that government because of a few flags I believe is totally insane.
In addition, one must understand what a flag is and what waving a flag means. A flag is a symbol. It is is therefore equivalent to a sign or word. Thus waving a flag is equivalent morally to saying something. But what you say means what it means in the context of what you do. If you wave a Confederate Flag while shooting Nazis in WWII, then you are clearly not signifying that you are a Southern racist who wants to lynch black people or start a civil war in the USA. You are signifying that you are an American who has the zeal and courage in battle as the Southerners did in their war of self defense. Likewise if you wave a Nazi flag while shooting Jews, you signify something different than if you wave the same flag while shooting Russians. To ignore this is to allow ideological presuppositions to distort reality itself.
Finally, let’s consider some facts:
1) The Azov Battalion pledges loyalty to a Jewish President and Prime Minister.
2) Russian Federation Forces did destroy a Holocaust Memorial, and are destroying Christian Churches, but is not exclusively seeing out Azov members.
So if Russia is waging war to fight Nazis, they are certainly not showing it. And if Azov are real Nazis, they are certainly not showing it.
Now does Jesus say we should judge people by their words or deeds?
As for the photo which is featured above in this article, before you draw any conclusions, ask yourself where was the photo taken and whether the flags being flow were being flowed as memorabilia or a unit designations or political statements of the group or individuals. Otherwise, if you jump to conclusions to justify a war against Ukraine, someone might find a similar photo one day of youth in your own country and justify genociding everyone in your neighborhood on that account, while quoting what you said on your own social media profile about the above photo. So remember, crows come home to roost.