More Cardinal Pell Revelations

Let us pray for the Successor of Pope Benedict XVI who is about to be elected


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui Ecclesiae Beati Petri apostolicae sedis successores in perpetuum futuros esse dignatus es, ut sponsa Iesu Christi sancta mater Ecclesia intemerata verum pastorem habeat semper ad regendam ac protegendam: Exaudi nos, te rogamus:

Ut suscitas, benedicas, inspires et sanctificas, quem ab aeterno proximum beati Petri successorem esse elegisti, et ut Sancti tui Spiritus mitis ac potentissimis influentia eos quibus de iure idem eligere competit dirigas.

In nomine Iesu, oramus. AMEN!


Almighty and ever living God, who has vouchsafed to the Church that there would be in perpetuity successors in the Apostolic See of St. Peter, so that the spotless bride of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother Church, ever have a true shepherd to guide and protect Her: HEAR US WE BESEECH THEE!

That THOU raise up, bless, inspire and sanctify the man whom THOU HAS CHOSEN BEFOREHAND FROM ALL ETERNITY to be the next Successor of St. Peter, and that Thou might guide with the gentle and powerful influence of Thy Holy Spirit, those to whom it belongs by right to elect him.

In Jesus’s Name, we pray. AMEN!


Dio onnipotente e sempre vivente, che hai concesso alla Chiesa di avere per sempre successori nella Sede Apostolica di San Pietro, affinché l’immacolata Sposa di Gesù Cristo, la Santa Madre Chiesa, abbia sempre un vero pastore da guidare e proteggere Lei: ASCOLTACI TI PREGHIAMO!

Che TU susciti, benedici, ispiri e santifichi l’uomo che HAI SCELTO IN ANTICIPO DA TUTTA L’ETERNITÀ per essere il prossimo Successore di San Pietro, e che Tu possa guidare con l’influsso gentile e potente del Tuo Spirito Santo, coloro a cui esso spetta di diritto eleggerlo.

Nel Nome di Gesù, noi preghiamo. AMEN!


Dieu tout-puissant et toujours vivant, qui as garanti à l’Église qu’il y aurait à perpétuité des successeurs au Siège apostolique de Saint-Pierre, afin que l’Épouse immaculée de Jésus-Christ, notre Sainte Mère l’Église, ait toujours un vrai pasteur pour la guider et la protéger : ÉCOUTE-NOUS, NOUS T’EN PRIONS !

Daigne élever, bénir, inspirer et sanctifier l’homme que TU AS CHOISI DE TOUTE ÉTERNITÉ pour être le prochain Successeur de saint Pierre, et que Tu puisses guider avec l’influence douce et puissante de Ton Esprit Saint, ceux à qui il appartient selon le droit de l’élire.

Au nom de Jésus, prions. AMEN!


Dios Omnipotente y siempre vivo, que has concedido a la Iglesia tener a perpetuidad sucesores en la Sede Apostólica de San Pedro, a fin de que la Inmaculada Esposa de Jesucristo, la Santa Madre Iglesia, tenga por siempre un verdadero pastor que la guíe y la proteja: ESCÚCHANOS, TE ROGAMOS!

Que eleves, bendigas, inspires y santifiques al hombre que has elegido en anticipo desde toda la Eternidad para ser el próximo Sucesor de San Pedro y que, ayudado por la benevolente y poderosa influencia del Espíritu Santo, guíes a aquellos a quienes, por derecho, compete elegirlo.


Wszechmogący i wieczny Boże, któryś obiecał Kościołowi, że zawsze będą następcy świętego Piotra na Stolicy Apostolskiej, tak że Niepokalana Oblubienica Jezusa Chrystusa, Święta Matka Kościół, zawsze będzie mieć prawdziwego pasterza, który będzie Ją prowadził i chronił. WYSŁUCHAJ NAS, BŁAGAMY CIĘ!

Wzbudź, pobłogosław, natchnij i uświęć męża, któregoś PRZED WIEKAMI WYBRAŁ, by był najbliższym następcą świętego Piotra, i prowadź delikatnym i mocnym działaniem Twego Ducha Świętego tych, którym przysługuje prawo jego wyboru.

W Imię Jezusa modlimy się. AMEN!


Deus eterno e omnipotente, que à vossa Igreja concedentes a Graça de ter por todo o sempre na Sede Apostólica de São Pedro dignos sucessores para que a Santa Mãe Igreja, Esposa Imaculada de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, seja sempre guiada por um verdadeiro pastor que a proteja: NÓS VOS SUPLICAMOS, ESCUTAI-NOS.

Suscitai, abençoai, inspirai e santificai aquele QUE ESCOLHESTES DESDE TODA A ETERNIDADE para ser o próximo sucessor de São Pedro; e iluminai com a actividade poderosa e suave do Vosso ESPÍRITO SANTO aqueles a quem, de direito, compete elegê-lo.

Isto vo-lo pedimos no Santíssimo Nome de Jesus. AMEN!


Almachtige en eeuwige God, die de Kerk verzekerde dat er tot in eeuwigheid opvolgers van de apostolische Stoel van de Heilige Petrus zouden zijn zodat de Onbevlekte bruid van Jezus Christus, onze Heilige Moeder de Kerk, altijd een echte Herder zou hebben om haar te begeleiden en te beschermen:

Verhoor ons, zo bidden wij! Verhef, zegen, inspireer en heilig de man die U VAN EEUWIGHEID HEBT GEKOZEN om de volgende opvolger van de heilige Petrus te zijn. In de naam van Jezus bidden we tot u. AMEN!


Dumnezeu atotputernic și pururea viu, care a garantat Bisericii că vor exista în veșnicie urmași în Scaunul Apostolic al Sfântului Petru, pentru ca mireasa nepătată a lui Iisus Hristos, Sfânta Mamă Biserică, să aibă mereu un păstor adevărat pe care să-l călăuzească și să ocrotească. Ea: Auziți-ne, vă implorăm!

Ca să ridici, să binecuvântezi, să inspiri și să sfințești pe omul pe care L-AI ALES DIN ÎNAINTE DE TOATE DIN ETERNITATE să fie următorul Succesor al Sfântului Petru și să-i poți călăuzi cu influența blândă și puternică a Duhului Tău Sfânt, pe cei cărora îi este aparține de drept de a-l alege.

În Numele lui Isus, ne rugăm. AMIN!


Svemogući vječni Bože koji si zajamčio Crkvi da će postojati nasljednici Apostolske Stolice svetog Petra za svu vječnost kako bi Bezgrješna Zaručnica Isusa Krista naša sveta Majka Crkva uvijek imala pravog Pastira koji će je štititi: Uzvisi, blagoslovi, nadahni i posveti čovjeka kojeg si izabrao od vječnosti da bude sljedeći nasljednik svetog Petra. Molimo ti se u ime Isusovo, Amen!


Ամենակարող և հավերժ ապրող Աստված, ով երաշխավորեց Եկեղեցուն, որ Սուրբ Պետրոսի Առաքելական Աթոռում կլինեն հավիտենական ժառանգորդներ, որպեսզի Հիսուս Քրիստոսի անարատ հարսնացուն՝ Սուրբ Մայր Եկեղեցին, միշտ ունենա ճշմարիտ հովիվ՝ առաջնորդող և առաջնորդող։ պաշտպանել. Նա. ԼՍԻՐ ՄԵԶ ՄԵՆՔ ԼԱՑՈՒՄ ԵՆՔ ՁԵԶ ՎԵՐԱԴԵՊ։

Որպեսզի դուք բարձրացնեք, օրհնեք, ոգեշնչեք և սրբացնեք այն մարդուն, ում ԸՆՏՐԵԼ ԵՔ ԱՄԲՈՂՋ ՀԱՎԵՐԺՈՒԹՅՈՒՆԸ՝ լինելու Սուրբ Պետրոսի հաջորդ ժառանգորդը, և որ ձեր Սուրբ Հոգու մեղմ և հզոր ազդեցությամբ առաջնորդեք նրանց, ում դա պատկանում է։ ընտրության իրավունք։

Հիսուսի անունով մենք աղոթում ենք. ԱՄԵՆ ԻՆՉ.


Editor’s Note: Please post translations of this prayer in your own native language in the COMMENTS below, and I will post them above.

Br. Bugnolo: I ask the Catholic World to prepare for the Coming Battle at Rome

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

The Papal Law on Conclaves has now been transgressed. The Cardinal Dean, Giovanni Battista Re, was obliged to convoke a Conclave, after the death of Benedict XVI: a conclave which would begin before the 21st day.

But he has not yet done this. And it seems wholly unlikely, as of the dusk which has settled here in Rome, that this will be done in the next 5 days.

This triggers a highly unusually ancient juridical mechanism, whereby the Faithful of Rome (Clergy, Religious and Lay) can enter into an Assembly and elect the Roman Pontiff.

Perhaps the last time in history this occurred, was in 964 A. D.. For in that year Pope John XII died on May 14. Not wanting to recognize the claim of the Holy Roman Emperor to appoint the pope, the Faithful of Rome met on May 18 elected Pope Benedict V to oppose the imperially backed antipope, Leo XII.

It was a matter of days, and the faithful of Rome acted. No one has ever contested the validity of that election. It was also done with a globalist puppet antipope reigning, and imperial threats against the election of Benedict V!

Such was the faith of our fathers. Such was their zeal!

Now we are called to help those who must be like them.

For the Church is in exactly the same circumstances now. Because, since the current papal law of Pope John Paul II only gives the Cardinal Electors the exclusive right to elect the pope AFTER the death of a real pope, not a fake pope, and since Benedict XVI was a true pope, their failure to act now, means that the right of election is about to return to the Faithful of the Roman Church, for the election of Pope Benedict’s successor.

Catholics of Rome and of the suburbican Dioceses are now gathering together in a group to organize this election. This will take some planning, but the most difficult part will be the financial. As a member of the Roman Church in virtue of my ecclesiastical residence, am going to dedicate myself to that, since huge sums need to be raised to rent the space for such an Assembly and to pay for the publicity to get the message out to nearly 6000 clergy, numerous religious and 4 Million Catholics.

While not all of those would want to come — since an unknown quantity recognize Bergoglio, the antipope, or I should say, are forced to recognize him, because there are no masses offered in any of these 7 Dioceses in communion with Pope Benedict XVI or in suffrage for his soul, without naming the antipope – a condition which prevailed even under Anacletus II — a good faith effort must be made to get the message to all and to accommodate those who do decide to participate in the election of the Pope by this apostolic right.

For that reason, I ask everyone to whom this message comes to begin to pray with all seriousness and consider what will happen to the Church if this globalist antipope should be left without the rival of a true Pope. And how much it is necessary to have a man of God, backed by the infallible and victorious prayers of Christ, as the new Roman Pontiff, successor to Pope Benedict XVI.

I am currently getting cost estimates: I can only guess as of tonight that a half million euro may be necessary.

Pledges can be made in comments below, which will not be published. But when the time comes to raise funds, IN JUST A FEW DAYS, I will indicate the US Non profit which can receive them, as a work of charity to help the Catholics of Rome exercise their legal rights in the Catholic Church. For those who want other methods of donation, I will indicate these at that time.

I myself will ask the estate of a relative to donate $40,000, to give everyone a good example of the kind of zeal we need to have. These funds were set aside so that if I ever grow sick or old and need care, they would be available. But as I prefer to die in poverty and without care, rather than let Holy Mother Church die bound in the filthy hands of globalists and sexual predators, I consider it nothing to take this risk.

And so, I ask your prayers that I may succeed, and I ask also the prayers of all, that OTHERS too might have the zeal to make truly heroic efforts to meet the needs of this holy work for God.

For we can have no doubt, that such a great service in such a great and just need, in such a dark hour, will not go without reward by Jesus Christ in a most marvelous way.

R.I.P. Father John Melnik (a.k.a. John Stone)

Fr. John Melnick, who on social media was known as Fr. John Stone, has passed. He was a priest on communion with Pope Benedict XVI. He died in Florida, USA, where he fled from persecution by the Bishop of Kansas City. He was an Augustinian Friar who had attempted to found a monastic community of the traditional observance.

The Great Reset of Pope Benedict XVI is about to be launched …

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo


For nearly 300 years the Freemasons have plotted to destroy the Catholic Church. Their tactics have been infiltration, dissimulation, manipulation, and planned, coordinated disintegration from within. And their grand strategy, has been to take over the College of Cardinals so that they might elect one of their own, to be the Roman Pontiff, and thus seize total control over the Church so as to let these tactics run riot.

Warned by numerous Saints and informants, Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Ratzinger, however, planned a coup de grace against these forces of darkness by inserting into Church law the keys to set into motion a plan to destroy the 300 year old Masonic project with a maneuver they could never foresee nor take measures against.

Against the plot to take over the Papacy, this plan consisted in an anti-usurpation maneuver. Drawing from the principles of Germanic Dynastic Right, in 1983 there was introduced by Pope John Paul II, with Cardinal Ratzinger’s advice, a novelty, in Canon 332 §2, whereby to renounce the papacy, the man who was Roman Pontiff would have to renounce the spiritual source and root of his power, the petrine munus, which is the charge he receives from Jesus Christ, in the Apostolic Succession of St. Peter, when he accepts his legitimate election as Roman Pontiff.

While seemingly an unimportant precision, that change altered the obligation from the realm of merely renouncing, to requiring him to renounce with precision that source and root of power. Since that modification, the man who is pope, if he be put under pressure to renounce, could perform a fait accompli, and renounce something which appeared to be the same thing but was in fact not the same thing, and thus deceive Ecclesiastical Freemasonry into thinking he had renounced, when he had not.

These two Popes bolstered and protected this anti-usurpation measure with Canon 17, which forbade any interpretation of Canon 332 §2 outside the terms of the Code of Canon Law and canonical tradition. They insured this interpretation via Canon 1331, §2, n. 4, by confirming that those who separate themselves from the power of the Roman Pontiff separate themselves from all dignity, office and munus in the Church, thus admonishing anyone from considering a renunciation of ministry from being capable of this.

And thus on February 11, 2013, his Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, successor of Saint Peter, Vicar of Christ — pressured by the dictatorships of High Finance, which through Deutsche Bank and the Swift System had completely shut off the Vatican City State form all financial transactions, and by the dictatorship of Mass Media which had from the first day of his election viciously and unrelentingly attacked his person, and by world leaders, such as Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden, who plotted and planned his abdication, even to the point of sicking the NSA on him to push for it — launched the most brilliant, intelligent and unforeseen masterstroke.

He read a Latin Text, which contained all the elements to destroy the enemies of Christ, with the most cleaver substitutions, variations and elements.

For they had demanded his abdication in a juridical act of renunciation in accord with Canon 332 §2.  But in response, he reads aloud a Declaratio formulated in accord with Canon 333 §2, to announce to the world, that what he is doing, is not a juridical act of renunciation, but an administrative act of withdrawing from active ministry, so as to concentrate on exercising his vocation as the one sole Pope in a life of prayer and contemplation.

By this act, of a man of peace, which was aimed at no one, he put the entire Church to the test, trusting in the Holy Spirit who inspired him to enlighten those of good will with the understanding of what he had done in due time.

Thus, when on February 14, 2013 came, he met with the Clergy of the Diocese of Rome to hint to them what he had done, and to give them the key to understand it. For while it seemed absurd to the world, that he should spend that entire meeting talking about how Vatican II was misunderstood because it was misinterpreted by the dictatorship of the Mass Media, he called them to read Ecclesiastical Documents always in the Latin and to attend carefully to their meaning, and NOT to rely on what the Main Stream Media said they meant.

And thus it was he called the entire Catholic World to pay attention to the fact that he had not renounced in a juridical act the petrine munus (canon 332 §2), but had administratively declared that he would lay down the petrine ministry (canon 333, §2).

But furthermore, he was calling out attention to two other most important aspects of the text, which no other canonist or Latinist has ever been willing to admit, but which are undeniable. I have spoken of these before, but now I will summarize (see complete discussion here).

First, he make at the very start of his Declaration, a most stunning announcement

Not only for the sake of the three acts of canonization have I called you together for this Consistory, but also so that I may communicate a separation from you of great moment for the life of the Church.

By this he announces to the Catholic world, that the College of Cardinals is in schism from him and will lose its role in the election of his successor.

Then, further down in his Declaratio, he declares that a conclave is to be called by those who are competent, putting the whole College of Cardinals on notice, that they are gravely obligated to follow the Papal Law on Conclaves, and that if they fail to be competent in listening to and taking heed of this Declaratio, they would lose that right.

By this statement he not only excludes from that future Conclave all Cardinals whom he and Pope John Paul II had not created, he warns them not to enter into conclave after his laying down of the Petrine Ministry.

But in the most brilliant strategem ever, by declaring that such a conclave be called in advance, he puts into action Canon 166 §1, which requires that the President of a college of electors convene that college from the place in which they are to be called and announce this to all the electors!

This declaration of a future conclave has appeared to all canonists during the last 10 years as one of the most bizarre aspects of his Declaratio, because they attempt to understand that text as an application of Canon 332 not Canon 333. For in an act in accord with canon 332, there is no need for such a convocation of a future conclave, as it follows by the law itself.

Thus, Pope Benedict XVI took into account beforehand, in this anti-usurpation maneuver, that after his laying down the petrine ministry, but not the petrine munus, that the forces of Ecclesiastical Freemasonry would come out of the shadows and proceed to an uncanonical election of another Roman Pontiff, even though he remained in life and had not abdicated.

Having become certain of this fact,  he declares from Castel Gandolfo on Feb. 28, 2013, that the next day the Cardinals would impede the Apostolic See (Canon 335) by calling for such an illegitimate conclave, saying, according to the ancient Papal reckoning of time: after 8 o’clock I will no longer be the Pontiff supreme. And by this he puts on notice the last measure which Pope John Paul II had included in the Code of Canon Law in 1983: for Canon 335 is the ultimate bulwark against all innovation in the Church, since it forbids it explicitly during an impeded see.

The Lord God Holy Spirit, Who is ever gentle with the children of God adopted in Christ through Baptism, then gave Pope Benedict XVI a long life, so that in the next 10 years all of us would have time to open our eyes and recognize what he had done.

And with the death of Pope Benedict XVI on Dec. 31, 2022, that time has passed. Those who understand these things have passed the test, and are now certified to proceed with the Great Reset.

Now, the Cardinals have until January 21st to enter into conclave. If they fail to do that, their exclusive right to elect the Roman Pontiff, successor of St. Peter and of Pope Benedict XVI, will cease. And that right to elect him will pass by apostolic right to the entire faithful of the Roman Church, which enjoys this right, which is comprised by the Dioceses of Rome, Ostia, Albano, Velletri-Segni, Palestrina, Frascati, Sabina Poggio Mirteto, and Porto Santa Rufina, and who number more than 5600 priests and nearly 4 million souls.

However, not all of these are competent, to elect this new Pope of the Catholic Church, because not all have paid attention, and many have been tricked by the dictatorship of the mainstream media, controlled by the masonic lodges through the intelligence agencies of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Italy, to name only a few, into thinking otherwise.

Thus, the Church of Rome is now in sede vacante and only those who are competent to elect the next Pope recognize it. The assembly to elect him has already been convoked by the president of the college, Pope Benedict, thus fulfilling canon 166. It remains now only that the assembly come together at vote, for the entire Church to have amongst Her once again, the man who is the holder of the petrine munus and who enjoys the OMNIPOTENT, INFALLIBLE, CONSTANT, AND ALWAYS VICTORIOUS PRAYER OF JESUS CHRIST, OUR LORD!

Br. Bugnolo’s Disputed Question on Whether the Renunciation of Pope Benedict XVI was valid.

There is no better time than now to republish some older articles…

Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

I wrote this article in the Winter of 2018/2019 and mailed it to Pope Benedict XVI twice. In response the Holy Father never corrected me. Nor did Archbishop Gänswein. In Nov. of 2019, I sent it to 700+ priests of the Diocese of Rome, and no one every refuted it. In Dec. 2019 to January 2020, I shared it with more than 500 students of theology at Rome, and no one refuted it.

This Disputed Question, in scholastic form, was translated into Italian and published on Oct. 30, 2019,  and Spanish on January 20, 2019 on Parts I and II. It first was published in English, partially, on Nov. 19, 2018. and Part II on Dec. 26, 2018.

While I would emend this presentation where I to give it today, by insisting rather than munus is properly translated as charge in English, in its medieval sense, of “I charge you to root out banditry in the county …”, it remains an important historical document demonstrating three historical and canonical facts: (1) that Pope Benedict XVI was the pope until death, and (2) that he understood himself to be such, and importantly, that (3) no one in 4 years has refuted the Scholastic argument in favor of (1).

Pope Benedict XVI was intentionally disrespected in death, and driven from power by US Intel Agencies

 Editor’s Note: At 11 minutes into this video, Fr. Altman calls the events of Feb. – Mar. 2013, a “coup” and “takeover and “schism from all things Catholic”. — Excellent summaries here of the Papacy of Pope Benedict XVI. — Explosive take away: Joe Biden met with Pope Benedict XVI in 2011 in secret, in a meeting the existence of which has been hidden from the public, and still undisclosed.

This video is a 1 hour explanation of why we all need to rally behind the election of Pope Benedict XVI’s successor by the Faithful of Rome, not directly, but by the revelations of all kinds of information that it finally makes go main stream. The speakers go where they have never yet gone, to admitting that Benedict XVI may have died as the true pope, Bergoglio never been the pope, and the Bergoglian cardinals are not legit, and the Church is now in Sede Vacante.

It looks like, from this video, that Father Altman is now in the B16 camp. If anyone knows how to contact, him, tell him I would like to speak with him, and invite him to a conference here in Rome.

Vatican Post Office Commemorates the Passing of Pope Benedict XVI

Collectors can acquire a commemorative edition of a Vatican Post Card in memory of Pope Benedict XVI. They are currently available at the Vatican Post Office at the Vatican and at the Vatican Post Office at the Lateran University, just inside the main doors of the University building. Here, 3 copies are laid out to show the front, inside and backside of the edition. Each copy sells for 10 Euros.

VATICAN: Chaouqui says Becciu convinced Bergoglio to have Pell tried for Pedophilia

Editor’s Note: This explosive public revelation is another nail in the coffin of the reputation of the Antipope. In this tweet, this publicly avowed supporter of “Pope Francis” spills the beans on who gave the green light to get Pell prosecuted in Australia. — While this has nothing to do with Pope Benedict XVI, those who claim that it is totally incredible to assert that Bergoglio could have been part of a plot to socially isolate Benedict for 10 years so that no one would discover that he never abdicated and never said he abdicated, are now in a very tough position. I told the world, that the true Pope had been imprisoned years ago, on July 8, 2019, here.

But now, since it is known that Pell’s mortal enemies were at Rome, and that he died at Rome, one must forensically raise the question, if his death was caused or promoted by someone at Rome.

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church