BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Vatican News reported yesterday that the EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, has contracted Corona Insanity.  Corona Insanity is a highly infectious, rapidly spreading political disease which causes near or total insanity in those with pre-existing co-morbilities such as socialism, marxism, modernism, globalism. It is known that politicians and churchmen … Continue reading BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

We need a Political Crusade against the Corona Madness

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo It is good to see that, in the last 2 weeks, more and more voices are speaking up against the Corona Stunt, the Corona Hype, the Corona Panic and the Corona Control. Jim Hoft, writing for the, lists the deaths and economic destruction resulting from these 4 horsemen of the … Continue reading We need a Political Crusade against the Corona Madness

Bill Gates: What YOU MUST do to respond to Coronavirus!

Listen carefully to what he says you MUST do, to understand how Bill Gates wants to direct the response to the Corona Hype and how he is dedicated to promoting it for his own personal gain. And he definitely wants to become the world health dictator, to control your life from now own.

Specifically see how at 7:15 in this video, he responds to the question as to when he knew Coronavirus was going to be a world threat. Watch his eyes, how he glances down away from the camera and how he fudges his response. It is clear he knew a long time before January about Coronavirus! He even begins to laugh, to show he knows he is lying.

Corona pandemic is a crime against Humanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Corona pandemic is a crime against humanity, which has killed 10s of thousand and put into a state of unwarranted panic leaders of many nations, causing some of them, who were intentionally pushed by Coronal Hype to destroy their national economies by quarantining their entire populations. The number of victims … Continue reading Corona pandemic is a crime against Humanity

LifeSite News picks up story from FromRome.Info on Bilderberg connection to Coronavirus

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo It is good to see that other Catholic Media are beginning to think about the Corona Hype. And in this editorial I want to publicly praise Dorothy Cummings McLean, for doing that, in her report of March 26 for LifeSiteNews, entitled, One World Government needed to cope with Covid-19, says former … Continue reading LifeSite News picks up story from FromRome.Info on Bilderberg connection to Coronavirus

Bill Gates: God Father of the Worldwide Coronavirus Panic

by David Kaftal Currently the world’s economies are crashing, much of the world’s population is under what is effectively house arrest, and the mainstream media, the world’s governments, and talking heads with M.D.’s and Ph.D.’s are telling us that it is unavoidable and in our best interest. Did the architects of these draconian measures that … Continue reading Bill Gates: God Father of the Worldwide Coronavirus Panic

Statistician: The numbers do not support the Hype nor justify Martial Law

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Imagine if every annual winter influenza became the justification for keeping you imprisoned in your home, destroying your national economy, taking away all your civil rights, and justifying the dependence on your nation upon the importation of products produced in the only nation-wide slave labor camp in the world? Would you … Continue reading Statistician: The numbers do not support the Hype nor justify Martial Law

Unquestioning obedience is the vice which implemented the Corona Panic

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo As Catholic we should know that we owe unquestioning obedience to God alone. But even with God, He does not expect us not to have questions. We can see this in His approval of Job, in the Book of Job, where at the end of the Book, He approves him for … Continue reading Unquestioning obedience is the vice which implemented the Corona Panic

As Narrative control slips, Italian government threatens misinformation on Corona

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Now that Italian citizens have begun to pivot towards civil disobedience, the Italian government is on the warpath to sanction any news outlet which spreads “misinformation” about the Corona Virus. The notice came from Agcom, the Italian Agency For the Guarantee of Communications — what in the USA would be called … Continue reading As Narrative control slips, Italian government threatens misinformation on Corona

You won’t die from Corona virus, unless you are already very sick

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo Be rational, not reactionary! Think, do not emote. Otherwise, you will be sucked into the hype. The latest statistics from Italy show that the Pandemic is simply Hype. This is a follow up report to Why that 3.4% mortality rate is a lie, which showed by there is a shell game … Continue reading You won’t die from Corona virus, unless you are already very sick

Why 80% men, 20% women victims of Corona Virus in Italy?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo First, let me ask everyone to pray for the dead and for the living. This is our first duty as Christians and human beings.  The articles I am publishing on mortality rates should not be but a passing observation or interest. Our real interest should always be in caring for others, … Continue reading Why 80% men, 20% women victims of Corona Virus in Italy?

Hard Facts confirm Corona virus is threat to high risk patients advanced in age

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The facts continue to discount the hype. We are being told constantly that Coronavirus 19 is a lethal pest which will kill tens of millions, and that extreme measures should be taken. But the hard facts belie this, though few medical professionals are admitting it. In a recent paper in a … Continue reading Hard Facts confirm Corona virus is threat to high risk patients advanced in age

Why the true mortality rates for Corona Virus may be less than 0.1%

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo The facts are disproving the hype. We are being stirred into a global panic hourly by a Main Stream Media which has no ethical concerns and has no conception of social statistics. As a student in the faculty of Anthropology at the University of Florida, Gainesville, I had to study statistics … Continue reading Why the true mortality rates for Corona Virus may be less than 0.1%

PayPal blocks fundraising by Dr. Montanari for medical research on COVID-19

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo If you want to know to what depths of depravity PayPal is willing to go to push the Corona Hype, here you go: The famous Italian doctor, Dr. Montanari has publicly commented on the reality of Coronavirus, expressing that it originated in the laboratory, that it is not very lethal but … Continue reading PayPal blocks fundraising by Dr. Montanari for medical research on COVID-19

Bergoglian Overseer at Palermo forces Devout Pastor out

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Recently FromRome.Info republished a video containing a truly heroic homily by a zealous Catholic Priest of the Diocese of Palermo, Sicily, by the name of Don Leonardo Ricotta (see here), who urged the faithful not to accept the Virus mass. The Virus Mass is the popular term for the sacrilegious and … Continue reading Bergoglian Overseer at Palermo forces Devout Pastor out

Carlo Negro: Cosa cambia il 4 del Maggio? The new DCPM for May 4th, will prevent men from visiting friends, unless that friend, male or female, is someone with whom they have a romantic or sexual relationship. This is the level of barbarity of the government of Giuseppe Conte! However, the new DCPM allows citizens to go for personal athletic interests any … Continue reading Carlo Negro: Cosa cambia il 4 del Maggio?

Dr. Rashid Buttar: The COVID-19 farce exposed, Vaccines, 5G & Bill Gates

Dr. Buttar speaks with Brian Rose of LontonReal.TV. Dr. Buttar is a Muslim and libertarian who exposes from beginning to end the Corona Stunt, the Corona Control, the Corona Hype, showing all the lies which underpin the narrative control of the Main Stream Media. Says ID2020 is the Mark of the Beast. This is a … Continue reading Dr. Rashid Buttar: The COVID-19 farce exposed, Vaccines, 5G & Bill Gates

Kissinger: After COVID-19 we need a New World Order

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of State and National Security adviser under U.S. Presidents Nixon and Ford, has called for a new world order, to respond to COVID-19. Writing in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal (link here for subscribers to the WSJ), he says: “Addressing the necessities of the … Continue reading Kissinger: After COVID-19 we need a New World Order

Italian government announces a “Ministry of the Truth” to combat fake news on COVID-19

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Italian government announced on Friday the formation of task force to combat fake news which attempts to oppose the Corona Hype sponsored by the government and Italian State controlled TV. Andrea Martella, a member of the Democratic Party and sub-secretary to the President of the Council of Ministers, and official … Continue reading Italian government announces a “Ministry of the Truth” to combat fake news on COVID-19