Does one cease to be a Christian because one has been DeathVaxxed?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In every grave controversy, there are always legitimate questions about the consequences of moral actions.  This is especially true in the Church, since we are a divine-human society in which we recognize the existence of sin, fault, punishment and moral responsibility. Many are asking serious and valid questions, and few are … Continue reading Does one cease to be a Christian because one has been DeathVaxxed?

Slovenia institutes Phase 2 DeathVaxx Passport, without it nothing but food and medicine!

Commentary and English summary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The dreaded extension of the DeathVaxx Passport, to make buying gasoline illegal without it, has been imposed in Slovenia, the former Austrian Duchy of Carinthia, which borders Italy in the NE. As of September 15, no one in the territory of Slovenia is allowed to enter any … Continue reading Slovenia institutes Phase 2 DeathVaxx Passport, without it nothing but food and medicine!

For those who are Death Vaxxed, the only hope left is to recognize Pope Benedict XVI

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo There is no greater folly than to believe a liar, and no greater wisdom than to believe a truth-teller. But the greatest prudence of all is to believe a truth-teller who knows all or who has heard all truth from God. These are the fundamental epistemological principles upon which faith in … Continue reading For those who are Death Vaxxed, the only hope left is to recognize Pope Benedict XVI

Pastor’s Battle with Bishop proves once again Benedict XVI is still the pope

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Once again, the course of the daily news proves that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope and Bergoglio a usurper, raging heretic, apostate, schismatic and false prophet. You just cannot NOT see it, if you still have eyes to see. But if you have taken the mark of the … Continue reading Pastor’s Battle with Bishop proves once again Benedict XVI is still the pope

Cardinal Sandoval denounces Gates and the NWO This is the full uncensored video which was erased the other day. HIGHLIGHTS:  Cardinal Sandoval says the microchips to be inserted by vaccines are the Mark of the Beast. — The present tribulation was foretold in Scripture. The Pandemic is a scam to take control of all the nations, establish one world government and … Continue reading Cardinal Sandoval denounces Gates and the NWO

Dr. Rashid Buttar: The COVID-19 farce exposed, Vaccines, 5G & Bill Gates

Dr. Buttar speaks with Brian Rose of LontonReal.TV. Dr. Buttar is a Muslim and libertarian who exposes from beginning to end the Corona Stunt, the Corona Control, the Corona Hype, showing all the lies which underpin the narrative control of the Main Stream Media. Says ID2020 is the Mark of the Beast. This is a … Continue reading Dr. Rashid Buttar: The COVID-19 farce exposed, Vaccines, 5G & Bill Gates

The Medical Masque and how to make slaves love their servitude

A documentary which shows that that the mandatory wearing of medical masks without any scientific justification is a step in the Rosicrucian Alchemical objectives of initiating humanity into a religion based on falsehood: the wearing of the mask as the sign of submission and participation in this Anti-Christic religion. This explains why you are being … Continue reading The Medical Masque and how to make slaves love their servitude

Conte’s Government passes law to starve Political Dissidents to death

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The new law, entitled, “Cura Italia” — that is, “Cure Italy!” — is a vicious piece of psychotic psychopathy which violates numerous points of constitutional law in Italy. It continues to deny the right of Catholics to worship, except at funerals of 15 persons or less. It continues to prevent most … Continue reading Conte’s Government passes law to starve Political Dissidents to death

BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Vatican News reported yesterday that the EU President, Ursula von der Leyen, has contracted Corona Insanity.  Corona Insanity is a highly infectious, rapidly spreading political disease which causes near or total insanity in those with pre-existing co-morbilities such as socialism, marxism, modernism, globalism. It is known that politicians and churchmen … Continue reading BREAKING: New pandemic outbreak of Corona Insanity

Our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied the Satanic Scamdemic

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Now that the world is in the death spirals of a global conspiracy to psychologically debilitate, disorientate and control all of humanity and subject them by a state sponsored campaign of misinformation, terrorism and dictatorial threats and decrees, it behooves us Christians to seek counsel in the teachings of Our Lord … Continue reading Our Lord Jesus Christ prophesied the Satanic Scamdemic

Draft of a Declaration of Religious Opposition to the Vaxx

by David Webster Special  USA Correspondent for FromRome.Info Suggested to be used in those countries which allow a religious exemption or conscientious objector exemption. My Religious & Moral Claim to Exemption From Receiving the Covid-19 Vaccinations Be it known to all Medical personnel and all Government Medical agencies and personnel that I, ________________, dated ___/___/______, … Continue reading Draft of a Declaration of Religious Opposition to the Vaxx

Don Minutella’s warning to the Clergy of the world: You have till Easter to repent

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo There was much interest, the other day, when I made reference to the warning given by Don Alessandro Minutella, pastor of the Church of San Don Bosco, Palermo, who has been admonishing Catholics, and clergy especially, for more than 2 years, that Bergoglio is a heretic, and thus cannot be the … Continue reading Don Minutella’s warning to the Clergy of the world: You have till Easter to repent

Scotland’s Secret Shame: the Story of Scotland’s downfall

Written and researched by Francesco Joseph Dougan 14th of December 1542. King James V. of Scotland held his seven-day-old baby daughter Mary in his arms and with his last breath may have whispered to her? ‘My darling lassie, I’m so sorry to leave you in these dreadful times surrounded by devils. … Continue reading Scotland’s Secret Shame: the Story of Scotland’s downfall

How to eSquander your Civilization

In the Last 60 years, there has been a profusion of writers lamenting the collapse of Western Civilization. Whether measured by the statistics of increased crime, increased family problems, loss of virtues, political or economic or ecclesiastical instability, most Catholic and Christian thinkers are in agreement. Western Civilization is in decline. A google search for … Continue reading How to eSquander your Civilization