Mundabor becomes the epitomé of Traddie Hypocrisy and Self-righteousness

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In the above article, the anonymous Mundabor rails again about the recent events at Church Militant Inc., a Catholic media apostolate founded by Michael Voris, which in recent years funded the investigations which led to the arrest of numerous pedophiles, and which days ago fired Michael Voris permanently. Church Militant … Continue reading Mundabor becomes the epitomé of Traddie Hypocrisy and Self-righteousness

Barnhardt shows she is 100% Incompetent to talk about the Papacy

Editor’s Note: The infighting in the fake opposition is intense. Here is a case where Ann Barnhardt — arbitrated to be responsible for $100,000 penalty in a case where she was accused of fraud and constructive fraud — faults Michael Matt (whose great, great, great maternal grandfather, who started the publishing business was a Frankist … Continue reading Barnhardt shows she is 100% Incompetent to talk about the Papacy

The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

Traduzione Italiana in fondo Editor’s Note: Tomorrow I will launch the Sutri Initiative. But as a preparation, here is my first video made at Sutri, Italy, recounting the remarkable and historic events which took place here in 1046, and its importance for resolving the crisis in which the Church of Rome finds Herself now. This … Continue reading The Provincial Council of Sutri, Dec. 20-23, 1046 A.D., and It’s importance for the Church of Today (Video)

Vice-Rector of Cathedral of Tarquinia: We must reject the denial of the Incarnation implicit in the Responses

          by Don Francesco D’Erasmo ENGLISH TRANSLATION Doubts and certainty October 3, 2023 “The letter kills, but the Spirit quickens” (2 Cor 3:6) Starting from this truth, exemplified many times by Jesus in exposing the hypocritical Pharisaism of the Sabbath’s literalist discipline, the Holy Church has never denied that the Word … Continue reading Vice-Rector of Cathedral of Tarquinia: We must reject the denial of the Incarnation implicit in the Responses

USA: Mother Wilhemina Lancaster, Benedictine Foundress, found incorrupt

Editor’s Note: Shameful that CNA does not know that if a body is not embalmed, as Sister’s was not, it cannot be unearthed intact after 4 years: that is a miracle! May Sr. Wilhemina pray for us! — Her monastery is famous for chanting in Latin. There is another report by Church Militant, here, which … Continue reading USA: Mother Wilhemina Lancaster, Benedictine Foundress, found incorrupt

How to distinguish between authentic Traditional Catholicism, and the Fake variety

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo French Translation I have been on the internet since 1991, so I have seen a lot of characters, games, tricks and modus operandi. And since all the fraudsters out there are mostly johnny-come-latelies, they lash out at anyone who recognizes them for that they are. But the longest scam I have … Continue reading How to distinguish between authentic Traditional Catholicism, and the Fake variety

The Canonical Tradition requires the renunciation of Munus not Ministerium

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In preparation for the juridically valid election of the Roman Pontiff by apostolic right, I have been reading some scholarly works on the renunciation of offices. And I have found confirmation for everything we Catholics, who recognize that Benedict XVI never abdicated, hold. This is important, because there is advanced by … Continue reading The Canonical Tradition requires the renunciation of Munus not Ministerium

Dopo Ganswein ammette errori nella Declaratio, un Appello per un Concilio Provinciale Romano

di Fra Alexis Bugnolo La prego di condividere ciò con tutti i vescovi sottomenzionati. VERSIONE ITALIANA — ENGLISH VERSION Fra le sorprendenti dichiarazioni fatte dall’Arcivescovo Ganswein al fratello di Padre Gebhard l’altro giorno, durante una lunga, forbita telefonata che è stata registrata, vi è questa: che ci sono ERRORI nel testo latino della Declaratio di … Continue reading Dopo Ganswein ammette errori nella Declaratio, un Appello per un Concilio Provinciale Romano

Br. Bugnolo´s interview with Tradición Viva (English version)

Tradition Lives – Some of us consider that the age of moral relativism was a time of transition for the imposition of the totalitarianism of lies and falsehood, the imposition of gender ideology, abortion, the dissolution of the family, the consideration of the person only? From your basic perspective, regardless of spiritual realities, are they … Continue reading Br. Bugnolo´s interview with Tradición Viva (English version)

Bergoglian Bishop nixes Traditional Benedict Monastery after it bucked order to suppress TLM

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo You don’t hear me chime in or comment on stories like the one above, too often.. But that is not because this kind of news is not important to me. I am a old warrior for the restoration of Traditional Religious Communities, and have the scars of being calumniated on … Continue reading Bergoglian Bishop nixes Traditional Benedict Monastery after it bucked order to suppress TLM

Saint Vincent Ferrer, patron for those seeking the true Pope

REPRINT FROM JAN. 21, 2020 by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The present Crisis in the Church, of having two popes, is not new in the Church. There have been more than a dozen such instances in Church history. While nearly all of them included rivals which were supported by diverse factions of notable size (perhaps that … Continue reading Saint Vincent Ferrer, patron for those seeking the true Pope

How Bergoglio unmasked so many Traddies and Conservatives as Modernists

PART 27 OF THE INVESTIGATION ON POPE AND ANTI-POPE Has the Holy Spirit become a Modernist? Or is Bergoglio Not the Pope? On Article 892 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Andrea Cionci It is quite impressive to see how and in what tones “Pope Francis” is being attacked by some Catholics, whether … Continue reading How Bergoglio unmasked so many Traddies and Conservatives as Modernists

Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The masonic agenda of Viganò is now confirmed without a doubt, as he launches his call for Catholics to separate from the Catholic Hierarchy and form an underground Church: announcing as he does that the entire hierarchy are in league with Globalism. This promotion of dualism is NOT Catholic. The … Continue reading Viganò Calls for Hegelian Dualism in the Church, in full Masonic Tradition

Archbishop Lenga, on whether we should accept Traditionis Custodes?

EXCLUSIVE ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF TRANSCRIPT By FromRome.Info’s Polish Correspondent I am happy brothers and sisters that I can be among you this evening. The questions are broad and deep. It is not possible to answer all in around one hour time but I will try to throw some light. The truth is that Jesus Christ … Continue reading Archbishop Lenga, on whether we should accept Traditionis Custodes?

Archbishop Lenga responds to Bergoglio’s Traditionis Custodes

THIS IS AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE ABOVE VIDEO Translation by FromRome.Info’s Polish Correspondent P- Laudetur Jesus Christus AL- In secula seculorum Amen. P- Viewers and listeners of Archbishop are asking your Excellency to speak out on the Motu Prioprio “Traditionis Custodes” in which pope Francis restricted celebrating Tridentine Mass and has … Continue reading Archbishop Lenga responds to Bergoglio’s Traditionis Custodes

Pope Benedict XVI responds to the Antipope’s Traditionis Custodes

Introduction by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The true Vicar of Jesus Christ, moved by the Holy Ghost, has responded to the attempt by Bergoglio to eliminate the Ancient Roman Mass, in the document, Traditionis Custodes. Pope Benedict XVI’s comments were contained in an interview he granted to the German Publication, Herder Korrespondenz, for their August 2021 … Continue reading Pope Benedict XVI responds to the Antipope’s Traditionis Custodes

Traditionalist Priest from Costa Rica declares for Pope Benedict XVI!

by our Special Correspondent in Latin America Friends, today, another marvelous priest has declared for Benedict XVI. Praised be Jesus Christ!! Fr. Tamayo, an elderly priest from Costa Rica who has been serving as a sort of spiritual guide for the well-known Spanish Catholic Youtube channel “Adoración y Liberación”, had been struggling to publicly admit … Continue reading Traditionalist Priest from Costa Rica declares for Pope Benedict XVI!

Help open a Traditional Mass Apostolate una cum Papa Benedicto XVI at Rome!

VERSIONE ITALIANA (English translation follows) AIUTA AD INIZIARE UN CENTRO PER LA MESSAS TRADIZIONALE A ROMA IN UNIONE CON PAPA BENEDETTO XVI Sono più di 8 anni che a Roma non c’è la celebrazione quotidiana della Messa in comunione con Papa Benedetto XVI, il vero Papa. Centinaia di migliaia di fedeli romani non hanno accesso … Continue reading Help open a Traditional Mass Apostolate una cum Papa Benedicto XVI at Rome!