Does YouTube work for the CIA? You decide…

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

Yesterday, I made a short YouTube Direct Video, something I have not done for many months.  I simply said in Italian, that Italians should not attend the protest today, on Nov. 20, in the Circus Maximus at Rome, because it is right across the street from the residence of the U. S. Ambassador, who, according to my observation, has sufficient antennas outside his house to indicate a massive capacity for the CIA to invade cellphones of those in the vicinity and implant spyware, thus turning the tens of thousands of protesters, unawares, into CIA assets for monitoring the anti-Globalist movement in Italy.

I told Italians not to attend the protest, or at least not bring their cellphones. That is. My entire video was about 15 seconds.

Within hours, YouTube banned me for 1 week. That will prevent me from commenting to my predominately Italian audience about the protest.

Did YouTube ban me at the request of the CIA? You Decide….


US Bishops fail to Defend Jesus Christ from being Crucified again in public

Commentary by Br. Alexis Bugnolo

(Click the image above to read the article)

The USCCB has approved its document on the Most Blessed Sacrament, and while there is much which can be said about this, I wish to focus only the most glaring thing: the lack of any mention about who does not qualify to receive the Sacrament. The document was approved with a vote of 222 to 8.

Have absolutely no doubt that this document is the product of Ecclesiastical Freemasonry, because, if you refuse to legislate laws which will protect Jesus Christ from being publicly crucified by those without Faith or charity, in the state of habitual public mortal sin, then you are telling the world either that Jesus Christ is not really, truly and substantially present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, or, you are indicating that you want Him to be so crucified because you hate Him through and through.

A hierarchy which will not protect Jesus Christ from public sacrilege (1) has lost all moral authority to be obeyed in anything else, (2) is totally unfit for the episcopal dignity, (3) have broken from the Apostolic Faith, and (4) cannot consequently claim with a straight face to be their Successors.

So the next time the Bishop’s annual appeal comes by, I would suggest you send him a letter expressing your dismay at his vote, in lieu of and inside the envelope he sends you for an offering.

Defending Christ in the Eucharist must be the hill on which we decide to take our stand, as it were. And we should regard all those who refuse to do that, as outside the pale of Holy Mother Church, and shun them.

(Note: the USCCB already fell into public heresy when the approved a document declaring capital punishment always a sin and denying that the State had this power. The subsequently pushed the Scamdemic and are now actively promoting the DeathVaxx so as to kill off all Catholics in the country. So it is evident that they are not our Bishops, but Globalist Judas Iscariots)

News and Commentary on the Catholic Church