Did Borman, Himler and Hitler escape to Argentina? And why it matters …

This historical question might seem to have nothing to do with anything, today, but watch this ground breaking analysis of the 80 year investigation and controversy and find out how it has everything to do with why Klaus Schwab is the founder of the World Economic Forum and Donald Trump is the leading presidential candidate … Continue reading Did Borman, Himler and Hitler escape to Argentina? And why it matters …

Pope sells out Faithful for 40 Electric Vehicles from Hitler’s Volkswagen Car company

Editor’s Notes: Hitler promised a car for every family. To fulfill this campaign promise, Volkswagen was founded in 1937 by the German Labour Front. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who purchased the leading role in the Mafia of St. Gallen, back around 2000, when he transferred 70 million euro from the savings of the Archdiocese of Buenas … Continue reading Pope sells out Faithful for 40 Electric Vehicles from Hitler’s Volkswagen Car company

What was the religion of Adolph Hitler? — A historical investigation

Note: That this article which is excellent, was written by a sedevacantist who does not regard the Benedict XVI as ever being the pope. FromRome.Info obviously disagrees with his position on the validity of the popes since Pius XII. In this vein, it would be good for the reader to listen to this amazing program, … Continue reading What was the religion of Adolph Hitler? — A historical investigation

Mafia of St. Gallen Nuncio to Germany praises 90th Anniversary of treaty with Hitler

Editor’s Note: This is a significant note about how everything in the Vatican has been off for 90 years. Pope Pius XII bought the “liberty” of the Church in the Nazi Regime by asking Catholics to join the Nazi party. That treaty has never been repudiated, and, you would think the Allies after WWII would … Continue reading Mafia of St. Gallen Nuncio to Germany praises 90th Anniversary of treaty with Hitler