Trump, Neo-Nazism, the 4th Reich and the role of Trad Inc.

This week, during their weekly Anti-Globalist talk show, AJ and Br. Bugnolo discuss the curious “United Reich” tweet of Donald Trump, the fixation of the “right” with censorship by Biden, and the continual signs of national socialism from Trad Inc.. They discuss in particular the biography of Marian Horvat of Tradition in Action. Watch above … Continue reading Trump, Neo-Nazism, the 4th Reich and the role of Trad Inc.

From Operation Gladio to Trad Inc., and how the CIA may have a leading role

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In my article, Who may have been behind the abdication of Pope Benedict XVI?, I explained what Operation Gladio was and the role played by Gladio organizations in Italy in the political events at the Vatican in recent decades, particularly how they may have opened the Vatican up to infiltration by … Continue reading From Operation Gladio to Trad Inc., and how the CIA may have a leading role

Frank Walker: Trad Inc more ridiculous than Bergoglians Frank Walker: If it paid a half a million dollars, even Skojec would name Benedict is the pope. I think Trad. Inc. is going to scrub the pictures of Lenga.  Editor of  Catholic Family praises 1 Pt 5 for preaching despair about the Papacy. For Trad. Inc. the only sin left is to expose the … Continue reading Frank Walker: Trad Inc more ridiculous than Bergoglians

What spirit is really behind Trad Inc.?

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Bergoglio’s recent heretical document, Querida Amazonia — beloved Amazonia — is an outstanding example of jesuitical deceit: while not saying openly what many expected it to say, it approved of it. But worse of all it insisted that use of idols is not idolatry! And advocates their use in the Liturgy! … Continue reading What spirit is really behind Trad Inc.?

Frank Walker: Trad Inc is now more united in attack on Bergoglio’s critics

Frank Walker exposes the “level of skunkery” in the Catholic media. FromRome.Info has noticed the same palpable unity of Trad Inc. on favoring Bergoglio ever since most of their leaders rushed to the ancestral birth place of the Nazi Party and could not explain why they spent so much effort doing something so insignificant.

Walker quotes of the day: “The Brilliance of this scheming is diabolical”. “Rorate makes it clear who they want to shut up: Don’t give money to those who do not celebrate Bergoglio’s Exhortation!”


Frank Walker: Trad Inc. opposes what alone will work

As always, Frank says it as it is. FromRome.Info gives Mr. Walker praise, not because he thinks that Pope Benedict XVI is still the pope — he candidly admits its possible but is not yet certain — but because he, nevertheless, accepted and advocates the proper canonical solution, which is to call a Synod to judge and resolve the problems in the Church, as the Church and the Saints have always done.

Benedict Carter: I’ve been told that Trad Inc. is controlled by a ruling Council

Br. Br. Alexis Bugnolo The news is explosive. The coalition of monetized Catholic media and news outlets which self declare themselves as Traditional, but fully support the canonical claim of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the pope, has been exposed as being run by a Collectivist institution which controls the narrative each is allowed to publish. … Continue reading Benedict Carter: I’ve been told that Trad Inc. is controlled by a ruling Council

Trad Inc. is hiding something Monstrous

By Br. Alexis Bugnolo The petition to President Trump is something every human being can agree with, whether Catholic or not. All you have to agree with is a basic concept of patient’s rights and care for all the elderly, even if they be Pope Benedict XVI. If you have not yet signed, please do! … Continue reading Trad Inc. is hiding something Monstrous

Incredible! – Traddies now are blaming one another, so as to excuse Bergoglio

Editor’s Note: Save this screenshot for the history books. New Catholic at Rorate Caeli, just said that dumping a pagan idol into the Tiber was a grift stunt. — That it was not. But it should rather have been burnt. — Anyhow, this is jealousy and rage turned up beyond Farenheit 451. It is so … Continue reading Incredible! – Traddies now are blaming one another, so as to excuse Bergoglio


PUBLICADA EN SUTRI EL VIERNES 20 DE OCTUBRE DEL AÑO 2023 A.D. Por el Hermano Franciscano Alexis Bugnolo ENGLISH — FRENCH — ITALIAN Ayer expliqué desde Sutri, Italia, (Aqui) cómo el Primer Concilio Provincial o Sínodo de Sutri puso fin al horrible caos de la Iglesia Romana en 1046, cuando tres diferentes hombres reclamaron el … Continue reading LA INICIATIVA SUTRI PARA DAR FINAL A LAS HEREJÍAS, BLASFEMIAS Y ESCÁNDALOS PERPETRADOS POR EL PAPA FRANCISCO

It’s a Mortal Sin of Apostasy to reject Apostolic Tradition

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française The last 11 years in the Catholic Church have seen so many scandals emanate from Vatican City and from the Catholic Bishops of the world, that Catholics are, after centuries, once again speaking on a daily basis about the sins and crimes of heresy, schism and apostasy. But one … Continue reading It’s a Mortal Sin of Apostasy to reject Apostolic Tradition

Crisis Magazine declares that Vatican II is “Tradition”, and that opponents “just don’t get it!”

Editor’s Note: This article wins the “Gaslighter of the Month” award. It is written by Kennedy Hall, an ex-TV cable repair man, who, to my knowledge has 0 credentials of any kind to speak about Church news. — Over at OMC Radio TV, AJ and I have spoken about our wonderment that this man’s opinions … Continue reading Crisis Magazine declares that Vatican II is “Tradition”, and that opponents “just don’t get it!”

Bishops of Ecclesiastical Province of Rome are silent on ‘Fiducia supplicans’

Report by Br. Alexis Bugnolo Traduction française While ‘Fiducia supplicans’ has ignited a fierce and lively reaction round the world, the 15 Bishops/Abbots of the ecclesiastical province Rome are saying nothing about it on their official websites. While this does not mean that they have NOT spoken personally or official about the matter, it does … Continue reading Bishops of Ecclesiastical Province of Rome are silent on ‘Fiducia supplicans’

Why the Modern Formation of the Clergy needs a radical return to Tradition

by Br. Alexis Bugnolo The Catholic Church had a tradition regarding priestly formation which endured from the time of the Apostles until the Council of Trent. Whereupon, there was instituted the form of formation we know today, of Seminaries in the major dioceses and priest formed in Seminaries. But before the Council of Trent, that … Continue reading Why the Modern Formation of the Clergy needs a radical return to Tradition

USA’s FBI still seeking to characterize Traditional Catholics as domestic terrorist movement

Editor’s Note: This news begs two questions, one facile, and one which gets to the roots of the controlled narrative of the Globalists. The first question is, “Why on earth are traditional Catholics being viewed by anyone as terrorists? — And that is easy, because the memo makes it clear that it was written by … Continue reading USA’s FBI still seeking to characterize Traditional Catholics as domestic terrorist movement